Billionaire Auction by Brynn Paulin

Chapter Fifteen

Sunday had passed in a blur. Going to church, as simple as that might seem, had been amazing with Kendrick at her side, and once it was over, she felt as if she really could make it through the next weeks and she wasn’t alone.

Afterward, he fed her—successfully. She’d had to tease him about that. All weekend, it had seemed as if he’d plan to feed her then something would get in the way or sidetrack them or cut the meal short. They’d actually spent over an hour at the table until “the way you’re fucking sipping that coffee” had made him wild and he’d spread her out right there on the table and fucked her like a madman, in a very unholy way.

Just thinking that had given her the giggles, and when she’d confessed why she couldn’t stop laughing, he’d thrown her over his shoulder and taken her to the bedroom to show her more of his naughty inclinations, though he’d reminded her that whatever they did was okay between the two of them because they loved each other.

And she did love him. She believed that she’d still be with him after this weekend was over. Truly, it was hard for her to fathom, but that didn’t stop her from the merit she put to his words. He seemed completely okay with Jade being part of their life. too. Good thing. It wouldn’t have mattered how much she loved him, if he didn’t want Jade to be part of their future, it would have been a deal breaker. His only caveat was that he wanted children of his own, too.

That had come a few minutes ago. Moriah looked over at him in the fading afternoon light. It was early evening, but this portion of his penthouse faced east and darkened sooner than on the west side. She rolled into him, feeling replete after long hours of making love and discovering all the sensual pleasures between them—well, maybe not all, she acknowledged, but more than she’d imagined. It wasn’t all about fucking. In fact, little of their time in this bed had involved penetration with his cock. Fingers…tongue…there’d been a lot of that.

She rested her head on his shoulder and trailed her fingers along his chest, between his pecs and down to his flat belly then back up. Back and forth, lulling them both.

“You want kids with me?” she asked.

“Oh yeah,” he breathed. The arm around her tightened and he kissed her forehead.

“How many?”

He shrugged. “As many as you want to give me, but I hope at least three or four.”

“That’s a lot.”

“You think so?”

“Well…with Jade, we’ll be wrangling five children.”

“Hmm,” he replied, the sound full of pleasure and zero question.

She poked his ribs. “And you don’t have to have them. I would.”

“I’d be there every second of the way.”

She smiled, completely sure he would be. Over the years, she’d seen how he operated. He invested himself in his pet interests. The way he talked, she thought perhaps she’d joined that group.

“Do you not want any children?” he asked. “I’d never force you…”

“No, I do.”

“Good.” He sighed. “We need to get up soon. Your detective pals are coming over in an hour.”

She groaned at the reminder of the upheaval in her life and all of the allegations against her father, many of which she knew were true because of her personal involvement, if one could call her victimization that. She and Kendrick couldn’t possibly start planning for their future when so much still laid in the balance. Moriah wasn’t sure she’d ever be free of her father’s reach, prison or not. She and Jade might need to go into hiding. Hell, he might get off scot-free then destroy her. A cold rail of fear spiked through her at the idea.

Needing to do something to escape her thoughts, she slipped from the bed and headed toward the bathroom. She heard him sit up behind her, but she shut the door between them, hoping he realized she needed a few minutes alone.

There was a light tap on the door as she gripped the edge of the counter and stared at herself in the mirror. “Kitten, are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m good,” she replied quickly, maybe too quickly because the doorknob turned and he came in.

“Geez, Kendrick. I just needed a second,” she groused. He didn’t say a word, just crossed the space and pulled her into his arms. This hand went to the back of her head and pressed her to his chest.

“It’s going to be all right,” he promised, rocking her slightly. “I know there’s so much going on, so much more heavy shit than I ever imagined, but I will protect you and see you through this.”

“I don’t know if you can.”

“I can. I’ll do everything in my power to ensure your safety.”

“But…what if it’s beyond your power?” she whispered.

“Love, there’s very little outside my power.”

She huffed a watery laugh. “You’re a little full of yourself.”

“No, I’m just fully aware of the sway of cash, lots of cash. I’ve got plenty of options, inside and outside the law, if it comes to that.”

“I don’t want you to do anything that will get you in trouble.”

“Too late for that.”

“What?” she gasped. What had he done?

He pulled back and looked her in the eye. “Going to that auction, buying you from that auction, wasn’t exactly aboveboard.”

“But you saved me,” she protested. Oh God, she didn’t want him to get in trouble for helping her.

“That’s the only saving grace, trust me. I have plenty of people I can pull in to spin that fact into me being a damn superhero.”

“My superhero.”


“Does that mean you’ll wear a cape?” She could imagine the sexy games they could play…

He shook his head. “Too dangerous,” he replied with faux-seriousness, and she marveled at how he could pull her out of despair so easily. He understood her and knew what she needed.

“But…” she bit her lip. “I could be the damsel in distress and you could come in in nothing but your big cape—”


“It could be sexy and fun. Oh! I could be the inept villainess and you could swoop in wearing nothing but that cape and put me over your—”

“Do you have some sort of comic book hero fetish we should discuss?”

“I never thought so, but…” She reached between them and stroked his hard, long length. “I’m betting you’re quite the man of steel.”

“The only man of steel you’ll ever know.”

She hoped that was true. Well, she doubted she’d ever want anyone else. Ever.

Moriah smiled up at him. “Thank you.”

His brow furrowed. “For…what?”

“Making me feel better when I get to far into my head. Making me feel safe. Buying me. Bringing me here. Loving me.” She shrugged and looked away.

His fingers lightly grasped her chin, bringing her gaze back to his. “I do love you. And you never need to thank me for those things.” He brushed his lips over hers, and she shivered at the warm prickles of belonging that cascaded over her. Before the kiss could go further, he pulled back. “We really need to get ready, so we’re not naked and smelling like sex when the detectives get here. Not that I mind if you do. I want to warn off any assholes who get too close.”

I mind!” she protested.

“Should I be offended by that?”

She rolled her eyes. “You know how you don’t want anyone hearing me come? Well, I don’t want to share our sex with anyone else, either.”

He chuckled and kissed the center of her forehead before moving away to start the shower.

* * * *

Dressed in a sleeveless, sapphire-blue dress, Moriah sat on the wide couch beside Kendrick and looked back and forth between Jenkins and Jones who sat in armchairs facing them. She fingered the ring he’d slipped onto her left hand before they’d gotten there. It was so beautiful, a large princess-cut pink diamond surrounded by smaller white diamonds. She wished she’d get to keep it, that is was her real engagement ring, but she had no idea where he’d gotten it or why he had it.

“So let me get this straight,” Jenkins said as he consulted his notebook.

Moriah’s cheeks burned. She hated this. She felt so violated just having to talk about it.

“Last Friday, Mr. Bergana purchased you from an auction your father set up for the sole purpose of procuring the money to pay back the money he’d embezzled from Mr. Bergana’s company.”

“Yes, but Kendrick could never let that happen. He had to step in before anything happened to me.”

Both detectives looked slightly skeptical. “Okay,” Jones said. “And you didn’t call the police why?”


The detective cut off Kendrick. “Only Ms. Cabraro.”

“Um…” she cleared her throat. “If I betrayed him, if I didn’t go along with his plan, he threatened to take out his anger at me on my little sister. I didn’t feel like I had a choice. And no offense but we thought the police couldn’t act fast enough, especially with it taking place out of the country. I’m not even sure what country has jurisdiction over that island.”

“We can find out. Do you know the location of the island?”

She shook her head. “My father arranged all the travel.”

“He provided coordinates but no further details on the mansion. My pilot had to file a flight plan. It was to an island off the Brazilian coast,” Kendrick offered.

“I don’t think it was the first time he’s done this,” Moriah blurted out. Those women had been on her mind most of the time today—when Kendrick hadn’t distracted her. She went on to explain her suspicions to them. She gasped as another sickening thought occurred to her. “We’ve had maids just suddenly quit, just never show up again.” She turned to Kendrick. “Oh my God do you think…?”

“I don’t know, love.” He pulled her closer to his side and leaned his head into her.

“Does he keep files at your home? Perhaps files that are always locked?” Jones inquired.

Moriah nodded. “No one’s allowed into his office unless he orders them come see him. He doesn’t even let the staff clean in there.”

“Do you have enough to get a warrant to search?” Kendrick asked.

“It’s thin,” Jenkins admitted.

“Even with my story and whatever else you’ve been investigating?” she asked.

“We do have probable cause, and with Ms. Cabraro’s information, we have a good chance of having the warrant issued. We’ll get the affidavit before the judge this evening. Since we doubt Mr. Cabraro is an overnight flight risk at this point, since he’s expecting you home in the morning, that’s when we’ll be expected to execute the warrant.”

“What about the attempted kidnapping?” she asked. “Am I going to need to look over my shoulder constantly after this?”

“No. The people surrounding your father work for cash—as in, they expect to be paid. From what we’ve been able to learn, the man who broke in was hired off the street. He was wanted for several B&Es but he’s not professional when it comes to kidnapping. As soon as Mr. Cabraro’s accounts are frozen, he won’t have access to hire another to come after you.”

“Baby, as my fiancée then as my wife, you’ll have security on you at all times. I’m too high-profile for you not to.”

“Okay,” she said to the room at large. She wasn’t sure how she felt about having her own detail but the weight on her did inexplicably lighten a little at the thought.

Jenkins slid away his notebook then level an assessing look at her. “This is touchy,” he started. “But is your father armed, does he have a gun in the house?”

“He has a gun, but he doesn’t carry it.”

“Would you be willing to wear a wire to go in and speak to him tomorrow? To discuss what he did to you? And the disappearance of the other women you’ve thought of? Or even to ask about their names?”

“No,” Kendrick answered for her.

She looked over at him in surprise and shook her head. “I have to.”

“No, you don’t,” he exclaimed in disbelief. “No way.”

“You’ll be there? You’d keep me safe?” she asked the two detectives.

“Of course. Out of sight, but there.”

She nodded. “I’ll do it.”

Kendrick shot to his feet, shoving his hands into his hair as he paced away. Moriah got the feeling they were going to have a fight once the officers departed, and not like the mild disagreements they’d had so far. Tension and anger vibrated off him to a degree she’d never seen. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her, but it frightened her nonetheless.

“Mr. Bergana—”

“This is bullshit!” he exploded. “You’re asking my fiancée, the woman I love, to go into that monster’s home and put herself in danger.”

“I owe it to all those women I hated when I should have been helping them,” she pleaded.

“You were a child!

“And now I’m not and I can make my own decisions. Maybe, I can help them.”

From the faces around her, she knew that was slim.

“Or give closure,” she whispered. “And keep it from happening again,” she added in a much stronger voice.

“Don’t try to make me agree to this.”

“You don’t have to. It’s my decision.”

When Kendrick turned to fully face her at her, the tension in his jaw had turned his skin white over the bones. A muscled ticked frantically in his cheek. His chest rose and fell harshly as he panted, and if she didn’t know better, she’d have believed he was about to hulk out.

Moriah crossed to him and placed her hand on his arm. “Please try to understand.”

“That you want to do something absolutely foolish that will put you in danger? No. No, I won’t try to understand that.”


He walked away from her and left her alone with the officers. She looked over at them helplessly, embarrassed by the scene. They were looking around the living room, out the window, at the ceiling, clearly trying to not be there even though they were in the space with Moriah and Kendrick. She jumped when she heard a door slam. Kendrick’s office, she supposed.

“I’m sorry,” she ventured.

“It’s all right, ma’am. I have to say, I understand his position. If it was my wife, I’d feel the same way. If you don’t want to do this…” Jones said.

“I don’t want to. I need to.”

“All right.”

“And Jade?”

“Mr. Bergana has been in touch with someone, because the paperwork already came through, stating she is to go with you.”

“Senator McKenzie,” she offered, not that it mattered who had pushed this through. Kendrick had done this for her, too. She just wished he could understand her need to do what she could. It was a relief to know Jade would be safe in her care after tomorrow, however.

She glanced toward the hallway, concerned about Kendrick.

“Look…” Jones ventured. “With your information, along with Mr. Bergana’s corroborating story, we already have enough to arrest Mr. Cabraro. Once he’s arrested, we can conduct our search. You don’t need to go in with the wire. We’re already working with the FBI and Department of Homeland Security on this. They’re going to want to speak with you and obtain any information you have, as well as anything else Mr. Bergana can offer, such as the names of those involved.”

“I don’t know them.”

“I do,” Kendrick said, reentering the living room. He handed over a folder to Detective Jenkins who was closest to him. “This is all the information I have on the auction, including the coordinates, who did the medical evaluations and those people I recognized in attendance.”

“Holy shit,” Jenkins muttered under his breath as he flipped through the file. Moriah’s cheeks flamed at what she knew he was seeing in there. Personal things she wished no one else would ever see. No one but Kendrick ever needed to know this that stuff and even then, some of it she’d rather have kept to herself.

“I’ve included contact information for my pilot. I’ve spoken with him and given him permission to talk with you. He’ll tell you whatever you need to know about the trip.” He turned to Moriah. “I don’t want you putting yourself in danger.”

“Mr. Bergana, I must ask you, had you ever attended something like this before that night?”

“God, no,” he spat in disgust. “I was only there for Moriah. Do I need to contact my attorney?”

“Frankly, for a man in your position, I’m surprised you haven’t already, but no. You aren’t under investigation.”

“If you don’t mind, I’ll bring the head of my legal team into the know. I haven’t done anything wrong, except for attending the auction to save Moriah, but I’d rather he be prepared if the tide turns.”

Jones nodded. “His name, please.”

Kendrick provided the name.

“I should be there for Jade,” she said, looking over at Kendrick and wondering if she was going to piss him off again but knowing her sister would need her.

“But out of the way,” he said.

“Okay,” she replied in relief.

They wrapped up with the detectives, and after they’d seen the men out, Kendrick pulled her into his arms. “I can’t let anything happen to you,” he whispered into her hair. “I know it might seem fast, but losing you… I wouldn’t recover.”

She pressed into his chest. “I can’t lose you either,” she whispered. She looked up at him. “Kendrick?”

“Yes, kitten?”

“Take me to bed.”

With a single, solemn nod, he lifted her into his arm and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He was her safety. And she was his.