Billionaire Auction by Brynn Paulin

Chapter Sixteen

Kendrick laid her on the bed then stepped back to take off his clothes. Moriah scrambled up and dropped to her knees before him. He groaned when she reached for his pants. She took that as encouragement and quickly popped open the button and pulled down the zip. Unable to help herself, she nuzzled his cock where it bulged behind his black boxer-briefs. Her mouth watered as she remembered the first night when she’d taken him in her mouth. And yesterday in the garden. Considering she’d never given head before, she was quickly coming to love his reaction to her mouth on him.

Wanting more of the same, she pulled down his underwear and shoved them down his legs with his pants. Kendrick stood absolutely still, not even kicking off his shoes or the clothes along his legs. Just waiting.

She looked up at him and found his gaze burning down at her, his eyes dark with lust. “Put your mouth on me,” he commanded. “Do it now.”

She swallowed, the order causing her pussy to clench with need.

“Mouth only,” he snapped out when she reached for him. Her eyes widened while other parts of her went hot and wet. She swallowed then parted her lips and leaned into him. Moriah hummed as his glans slide against her tongue and she tasted his creamy pre-cum. Her fingers clenched at her sides, as she reminded herself not to take him in hand.

After barely a moment, Kendrick pulled free. The tip of his length dragged wetly across her chin. “Who do you belong to?” he demanded.


“Then why did you insist on defying me? And in front of other people?”


“There is no excuse, Moriah. You’re mine to protect. You’re mine, period. You promised to obey me.”

“But…that was…”

“Before you knew this was real? Forever? Before you realized you’re completely mine? Did you think the rules changed?”

“No, but we weren’t in the bedroom. That was real life, not our sex life.”

“Fine,” he ground out. “Then we need a renegotiation.”

“Now?” She didn’t like the sound of that. Not right now when she was on her knees and so needy for him.

“You will obey me in the bedroom—in any sexual situation—just as we previously agreed.”

“All right,” she conceded, nodding to underline her agreement.

“And in any situation that might put you in danger.”

That seemed really vague. Her face scrunched as she squinted at him. “Define what you mean by that.”

“Something that could injure you enough to see a doctor or that might endanger your life.”


He raised an eyebrow at her. “You don’t drive. In the future, your security detail will or I will drive you wherever you want to go.”

“And if I want to drive? I know how, by the way. I have a license.” This was ridiculous. They were debating driving with her on her knees, his naked cock less than a foot from her mouth. She moved to get up.

“Stay there,” he commanded.

She sighed and rolled her eyes.

“This isn’t about driving, and you know it,” he went on. “But since it seems to be an issue for you—” It wasn’t really her problem. All indications pointed to it being his hang-up. “—can we compromise on the driving being outside the city?”

She shrugged. “Okay.”

“And the rest?”

“Yes, I agree to obey you in the bedroom.”


“And I won’t rush into danger. And I’ll let you protect me. And I’ll listen to your concerns. And I’ll take my punishment when I think you’re full of shit and exercise my freewill anyway.”

“Moriah…” he warned.

“Mostly the first part, okay? I promise I’ll listen to you. I love you, and I don’t want you worrying about me all the time. And if I accidentally endanger myself, you can spank me…or whatever.”


“But you have to remember I have a mind of my own, and despite indications otherwise, I really have been taking care of myself for a really long time.”

“I know.” He smiled sadly and let out a long breath. “But you don’t have to anymore. And just in case you don’t know, I happen to be rather enamored with that naughty, willful, inventive mind of yours.”

She grinned, having managed to negotiate that minefield. It warmed her to hear him praise her, and she hoped they were on the same page, and not just in the same book. While some feminists might protest she’d given too much away, she wouldn’t complain at all about the power equation between her and Kendrick. She had a guy who wanted nothing more than to keep her safe. He wasn’t taking away her rights; he was just asking her to listen to him and let him protect her. She wasn’t big on danger anyway. Risks made her queasy.

“I love you, too,” he added.

“I know. Can I…” She smirked, rethinking her wording then pulled a solemn, puppy-dog-eyed look, batting her eyelashes slightly. “Would it please sir for me to suck his cock now?”

“You are such a brat.”

She stayed silent. For him, she was kind of bratty.

“Yes, get to it,” he replied.

Happily, she leaned forward and wrapped her lips around him again, focusing on the crown of his long length. Kendrick groaned as she pressed the tip of her tongue against it, seeking more of his pre-cum.

“Are you sure this is new to you?” he asked as she took more of him into her mouth. “Your skills are good for a recently former virgin. You better not have been practicing on—”

She pulled back quickly, shaking her head. “Only you!” she promised.

“Good,” he growled, his hand burying in her hair and pulling her back to the task. “Only ever me.”

Moriah liked the sound of that, and her body reacted to his possessive words, clenching and moistening for his eventual penetration. She moaned around his length then sucked hard while pulling back.

“Oh fuck,” he grunted. His fingers tightened in her hair and she let up a little, but only so she could take him to her throat. She gagged a little, her eyes watering.

“You’re doing so good, feels so good,” he muttered. “Such a good kitten.”

His words encouraged her, and she kept going, getting more and more turned on as he got closer to release, his sounds growing guttural, his breathing choppy.

“Fuck, Moriah. Fuck. Fuck. Your little mouth… Fuck baby.”

She would have smiled at his unspoken praise, but it only made her more intent on making him come.

“Oh…fuck. No!” he suddenly exclaimed, wrenching free. A moment later, Kendrick had her bent over the bed, her skirt up and her panties ripped off. He kicked her stance wider. Then his cock surged into her and he fucked her hard. Moriah clawed at the blankets, screaming into them as he drove in and out in a fury. So perfect. So wild.

“Kendrick,” she yelled. “God, yes. Harder,” she encouraged though she didn’t know if that was possible. He seemed possessed, his fingers digging into her hips, holding her still for his deep thrusts.

“Mine,” he grated out. “Mine. No one hurts you. No one touches you. No one takes you from me.”

His tension and anger had only been temporarily hidden. Obviously, the idea of her going into danger made him snap, and now, all she could do was hold on for the storm.

“No…I promise,” she cried. What she was promising? Could she really say she’d always be safe? Not to put herself in danger on purpose. In the storm that was Kendrick right this moment, he was the most dangerous thing to her wellbeing, yet she knew he’d never hurt her.

Closing her eyes and grappling for a hold on the bed, she let her body take over and fully unite with him, two pieces of a whole slamming together as a perfect fit. The exquisite friction along her walls, of his base slamming against her clit with each deep drive, of his body over hers, owning, claiming… It all drove her to a place of sensation without thought or problems or the future. They were just now. In this moment. One.

“Kendrick!” she yelled as her pussy clamped around him and her vision grayed. Then she couldn’t breathe, her muscles locking into a frozen arch beneath him.

“Oh fuck, yeah. You’re so wet and tight around me.” He gasped out harsh, uneven breaths as he kept thrusting. “You’re like a fucking vise, taking everything. You want everything from me, don’t you? You want it?”

“I want it,” she cried. “Please.” Moriah needed him to fill her, craved his warmth exploding into her, marking her as his again.

“Nothing is like being inside you. Can’t…ever…be without…it,” he managed and then with one final hard drive, his guttural yell joined her as he came, his climax tumbling her off into another blast of indescribable bliss.

She was a limp, innervated mess when she became somewhat aware of their surroundings again. A haze of utter wellbeing blanketed her, so warm and mussy, like she floated on a wave of nothingness, without a worry in the world. Kendrick had pushed aside her hair and was kissing her neck. When he trailed down her spine, she realized he’d unzipped her dress

“I love you,” she mumbled, smiling into the blankets, her eyes closed.

He chuckled and pressed a firm kiss between her shoulder blades. “Are you going to sleep on me?”

“Mm-hmm. Maybe. Don’t wanna… When I wake up it will be Monday.”

He rolled her over then waited to speak until she opened her eyes to look up at him. He smiled tenderly at her. “And that’s okay, because Monday is the start of our life together without your father and his threats hanging over our heads, without the worry of him trying to rip us apart, without you having to worry about what he might do to your sister. Tomorrow will be a good day, kitten. And tomorrow, like today and every day afterward, you will be mine. And I will love you and cherish you and make sure you have anything you ever desire.”

“I just want you with me and for Jade to be safe. I don’t need anything else.”

“Done. Now…” He nuzzled against her throat. “Are you awake again? I have this desperate need to make love to you all night.”

She hummed, closing her eyes and stretching like a cat beneath him—or like a kitten, as he called her. “I think I like that plan.”