Good Boy by Megan Lowe

Chapter 3

James: Tell me the weirdest place you’ve gotten some.

I chuckle. It’s safe to say in the past week James and I have gotten… closer, more familiar with each other.

Things with Amy are… well, they’re not worse and they’re not better, so I guess that means they’re the same. I know I told Jase I’d try, but I don’t know if I really feel like I can, or even know how to at this point.

But James…. He’s distraction enough.

Connor: It’d be a toss-up between a blowjob in a janitor’s closet in Michigan General, or a hand job in geography class. You?

James: Geography class?

Connor: What can I say? Borders make me horny.

James: I’ll keep that in mind.

Connor: You do that, but you still haven’t answered your half of the question.

James: Either backstage at a press conference or under the stage at a fundraising dinner.

Connor: Exhibitionist?

He sends back winking face emojis.

James: Never knock back an opportunity, right?

Connor: Right

Connor: How old were you when you lost your virginity?

James: Sixteen.

Connor: So not-so-sweet sixteen?

He sends back some eye rolling emojis.

James: You?

Connor: Fifteen. Johnny Black. My mom asked him to check on my brother and me while my dad was in the hospital. God, that guy was built.

James: Lol. Your dad was sick?

Connor: Cancer. He died a couple of years ago. My mom passed just a month ago.

James: Shit. I’m sorry.

Connor: It’s okay. It is what it is, right? Can’t change it, can’t bring them back, so we’ve just gotta keep calm and carry on.

James: What was your dad like?

Connor: He was pretty cool. We used to do all the clichéd stuff; fish, play catch in the backyard, all that stuff.

James: They both died of cancer?

Connor: Yup. So if you’re looking for someone with superior genes, I’m clearly not your guy.

James: Lol. I knew I forgot something in my bio.

Connor: Should we unmatch now? Save us both some heartache?

James: Probably. I mean, we can’t have our kids having subpar genes.

Connor: Oh, we’re having kids now?

I send the message with a heap of laughing faces so he knows I’m not running scared. It’s not like kids are something that could just happen for me anyway, but the idea of being so happy and in love with someone that we want to raise kids together? I can’t deny the fact the idea sounds more than attractive. But like, years from now.

Connor: James? Hello?

The message changes from delivered to seen. So I wait for his reply. And wait. Then wait some more.

I take a deep breath and decide to put him out of his misery.

Connor: In first grade I once shit my pants when I had to give a book report on Ferdinand the Bull.

James: Why on earth would you tell me that?

Connor: So we’ve both said something we never want people to know and can move on.

James: You’re something else, you know that, right?

Connor: I am indeed aware.

James: Lol.

James: Thanks.

Connor: Don’t mention it, and I mean that literally.

James: Mention what?

Connor: You catch on quick. I like that about you.

James: You like me, huh?

Connor: I dunno. Show me more of you than just your hand and I might change my mind.

A minute later a photo comes in of a golden torso, six-pack abs, a hand resting on the waistband of a pair of black basketball shorts, and a noticeable bulge below.

Connor: Wow.

James: You like?

Connor: Yeah. I like it a lot.

James: Your turn.

I take my shirt off and return the favor. I’m not as built as James is, but I can hold my own. Ever since I can remember, I’ve played baseball. First it was Little League, then I started playing in school—until I reached high school. It was always something Dad and I did together. Without him it didn’t feel the same, so I stopped. But I have to admit, I miss it. Or is it being with my dad I miss?

James: Not bad.

The text interrupts my soul searching, thankfully, before I could get too deep and meaningful.

Connor: Yeah?

James: I’d do you.

I chuckle. Romance in the twenty-first century, ladies and gentlemen.

Connor: And just what would you do to me?

James: You’re gonna play it like that?

Connor: Depends. Are you picking up what I’ve laid down?

James: First, I think I’d take those thick lips of yours and devour them. I bet you taste like whiskey and apple pie.

Connor: Whiskey and apple pie?

James: Two of my favorite things.

Connor: Fair enough. Proceed.

James: Thank you. As I was saying, I’d devour your lips. I’d kiss you so hard you’d be on the brink of coming just from that.

I want to tell him I’m on the brink of coming now and he’s not even touching me, but I think I’ve shared enough embarrassing confessions for today. My dick is so hard it’s a wonder it hasn’t punched a hole in my sweats. The boy has skills, I’ll give him that.

Connor: Sounds good.

James: Just good?

Connor: I’ve got a feeling you know how good your skills are. You don’t need me inflating your ego.

James: Is my ego the only thing getting bigger?

The message is accompanied by the smirking emoji. I chuckle and take a pic of my dick trying to escape my sweats.

Connor: Big enough for you?

He sends back the drooling emoji.

Connor: I want you to suck me so deep I hit the back of your throat.

James: Baby, I’d suck you so good you’ll be lucky if you’re able to function afterwards.

Connor: Promises, promises.

He sends me the lip licking emoji.

Connor: Am I the only one affected here?

In response, I get a shot of a very impressive boner, the tip poking out of those basketball shorts I was admiring before.

Connor: Glad to see I’m not alone.

James: Definitely not alone, but horny as fuck.

Connor: If I were there, I’d run my hand down your shaft, squeezing it, teasing you.

James: Mmm.

Connor: Are you doing it?

James: Yeah.

Connor: Good.

James: You?

Connor: Absolutely.

James: Good. Proceed.

I chuckle.

Connor: Now that you’re good and primed, I’d use that drop of precum to help me run up and down, up and down. I’d roll your balls in my palms.

James: Would you suck them?

Connor: Do you want me to?

James: God, yes.

Connor: Then I’d suck them, before licking you all the way to your crown. I bet you taste salty, with just a hint of sweetness.

James: Keep going.

Connor: I’d suck you as deep as you’re now sucking me, both of us racing to get each other off first.

James: Jesus, I’m close.

I switch my phone to record and film the last few strokes it takes before I’m coming all over my hand and stomach. I send it to him.

James: Shit, that’s hot.

A second later, I get a photo of the mess he made all over himself.

Faintly I hear Amy call me for dinner, but I ignore her for the time being.

James: Looks like you made a mess of yourself.

Connor: Totally your fault

I clean myself up.

James: I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not.

Connor: Lol. Neither am I.

Connor,” Amy yells, throwing my door open.

“Jesus fuck!” I cry, trying to cover myself up. “A little privacy?”

“I’ve been calling you for like, five minutes.”

“And I’ve been busy.”

“What? Watching porn? Is that really a good use of your time?”

“It’s better than whatever you needed me for.”

“Argh!” she yells. “Why do you do this, Connor? I’m doing my best to be civil to you, but why do you have to make everything so hard?”

“Because all of this, us trying to be a happy family, forgetting about the absolute shitshow of the past four years? Doesn’t make it go away.”

“I was nineteen.”

“I was fourteen, barely a fucking teenager. I didn’t get to run away. I didn’t get to pretend everything was fine. I was there, every. Single. Day. I was there when Dad took his last breath. I watched Mom fall apart and then get sick herself. I saw her last breath too. I was the one who was there for Jase, raising him, taking care of him when our parents couldn’t. I didn’t get to pick and choose what I dealt with. I dealt with it all.”

She throws her hands up. “When are we going to get past this? Every time we argue, it’s the same thing over and over again. When are you going to forgive me?”

“When are you going to apologize?” I counter.

“I couldn’t be there, Con,” she says, tears in her eyes.

“And I can’t be here.” I get up and throw my shirt back on and slide into a pair of beat-up Vans, stuffing my phone and wallet in my pockets.

“Where are you going?” she asks as I brush past her.

“Anywhere but here.”

I blow out of the apartment and rush down the stairs into the warm Chicago night. I walk with no destination in mind, just walk. My feet take me to the L, and when a train comes, I get on. Getting off once I reach downtown, I walk to the river, taking a seat on a bench.

My phone chirps in my pocket, and I realize James and what we just did is now nothing but a distant memory.

James: That was one hell of a get-to-know you.

James: I don’t think I’ve come that hard in like, forever.

James: Is it clichéd if I ask if it was as good for you as it was for me?

James: Connor?

James: Hello?

James: So it wasn’t as good for you as it was for me?

Connor: Sorry, shit hit the fan at home. I had to get out of there.

Connor: But yes, it definitely was as good for me as it was for you.

James: Everything ok?

Connor: Not even close.

Not long after I press send, my phone rings, James’s number flashing up on the screen.

“H-Hey,” I stammer.

“Hey, yourself,” he replies, his voice rich and smooth.

“W-What’s up?” I clear my throat in an attempt to get a grip on myself.

“Just wanted to hear your voice.”

And statements like that aren’t helping. “You did?” I’ve lost the stammer, but I’m afraid if my voice goes any higher, only dogs will hear me.

“You sounded like you were having a pretty shit time.”

I chuckle. “Yeah, you could say that.”

“Want to talk about it?”

“At this point, I’ve talked it over to death. Thanks for the offer though.”

“If you did want to talk, or not, I’m here.”


There’s a few moments of silence before I break it.

“So is there gonna be more chances for us to… not talk?” I ask.

“Is that your roundabout way of asking if there’ll be more of us simultaneously masturbating?”

“That or, you know, more.”

“More?” I can hear the smirk in his voice. The jerk is teasing me, and I don’t altogether hate it. I don’t know what that says about me, that I like his teasing, but right now, I don’t care, I just want him to keep talking to me.

“Yeah, like in person.”

“I dunno. School is about to start, and things are gonna be hectic for me.”

“Oh, okay. No problem.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to, I just…. My life is complicated as fuck right now, and I’m not sure I can take anything else on.”

“It’s totally fine, we’ll just keep this casual, text or call when we can.” I know his profile said nothing serious, but I can’t help but thinking about the possibility of something more with him. He’s a great listener, and he gets me. What’s not to like about that?


I nod even though he can’t see me. “Yeah. I mean, shit, it’s my senior year and I’m about to start at a brand-new school. I’m sure my hands are going to be plenty full.”

“I do like talking to you. A lot,” he says.

“A lot, huh?”

He chuckles, and I realize I’m fishing for compliments.

“Yeah, a lot.”



“Eh, you’ll grow to love it.”

“I don’t doubt it.”

“So, what’s got your life so hectic?” I ask.

He blows out a breath. “A whole lot of shit.”

“You can tell me if you want. I mean, it’s only fair after I unloaded on you about my family.”

“Man, this is some involved shit.” He chuckles.

“I’m game.”

“All right, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“Dude, I’m not some little bitch; hit me with the heavy stuff.”

“So, my mom’s in the public eye, like majorly in the public eye. It feels like she has been since I was born. Because of that, she has certain… expectations.”


“My dad, on the other hand, is less involved. I don’t know if it’s lack of ambition on his part or if he’s just happy for her to have the spotlight. Either way, he lets her do her own thing, which basically means she controls everything and no one is allowed to disagree with her.”

“And you disagree,” I guess.

He gives a wry chuckle. “Yeah, just a bit.”

“She gives you a hard time?”

“A hard time I could handle. She’s a tyrant.”

“Does she know about your, um, sexual orientation?”

“Nah, or if she does, she ignores it and is hoping I grow out of it. Any vagina she deems ‘worthy,’ she pushes at me. Every chance she gets.”



“But you obviously don’t care about that, about them.”

“Oh, I don’t care about them, but that doesn’t mean I don’t ‘do my duty’ and make it seem like I do.”


“It’s the life I lead.”

“It, um, sounds kind of horrific.”

“I know it sounds bad, but what else can I do? If I want to keep them off my back, then I have to play the role.”

“When you put it that way…,” I say. In truth, I have no idea what I would do in the same position. My parents were great when I came out to them, and, well, I don’t really give a fuck what Amy thinks.

“So you’ve never had a relationship you’ve wanted?”

“Not really. I mean, there was one guy but we… it… My life isn’t easy.”

“I’m so sorry, James.”

“It is what it is, right?”

“What happened with you and him?”

“An ending Shakespeare would be proud of.”


“Life with me is fun.”

“That’s certainly been my experience.”

He snorts. “Yeah, on the other end of the phone.”

“Does that diminish it?”

“It’s certainly not the full experience.”

“Maybe I’m just getting the good bits at the moment. I’m more than okay with that.”

“Some would say there are no good bits with me.”

“And I’m here to tell them otherwise.”

“You sweet-talker you.”

“Is this where I say ‘aww, shucks’?” I ask.

He chuckles again. “Yeah, something like that.”

“It’s only for one more year, though. I mean, you’re a senior, so you’ll be going to college next year, won’t you?”

“College is a whole other thing. I want to get the fuck away from here, but my mom….”

“Let me guess. She wants you to go to her alma mater and I’m gonna go with prelaw.”

“Got it in one.”

“And you?”

“I want to sit on a beach somewhere, running a bar nearby with a hot man to suck my dick anytime I want.”

“Sounds like a dream.”

“And that’s all it’ll be.”

“You never told me which school you go to. It’s not Windswept by any chance?” Yes, I know he told me not ten minutes ago there’s no room in his life for me, but a boy can hope, can’t he?

“Afraid you’re not that lucky, champ. It’s Victorious for me.”

He names one of Chicago’s other elite high schools.

“Oh. Oh well.”

“Nervous about starting?”

“Nah.” I try to brush it off. “School is school, right? It’s the same everywhere.”

“Keep telling yourself that. This is Chicago.”


“You’re in the big city now. Things here aren’t the same as bumfuck Wisconsin—”

“Michigan,” I correct.

“Whatever. You’re in the big leagues now.”

“Seriously? How different can it be?”

“Look, obviously I don’t know what your old school was like and I care even less about it, but Windswept….” He blows out a breath. “Cavanaugh McLaughlin rules Windswept. You know the type. Good-looking, cocky, brash, ego the size of Texas. Anything he wants, he gets. No one questions him. No one challenges him. And let’s not forget about his faithful band of minions. Naturally, they all worship the ground he walks on. If he decides he doesn’t like you, he will eat you alive.”

I scoff. “Please, this guy’s what? Eighteen? How much can he get away with?”

“You’d be surprised. His parents have got the faculty on lockdown, so they let him get away with everything.”

“Then I guess I’ll just have to stay on his good side then.” Trouble is the last thing I want. This year, all I want is to put my head down, do my work, and get out of there. Get out of here.

“I’d advise it. The last guy who didn’t…. It didn’t end well for him.”

“Is this what you were telling me about a while ago? Didn’t he die or something?”

“Rumor has it that Cav did it.”

“And how much stock do we put in this rumor?” I ask.

“As much as you want, I suppose. One thing that is true is that Cav was there when he died.”

“There’s a big difference between being in the vicinity when someone died and being responsible for it.” Having been the subject of many a high school rumor, I’ve learned you have to take them with more than a grain of salt. When someone says he was “there” it could mean anything from he was in the room, to he was somewhere in the vicinity, or not even there at all. Besides, I like to give the benefit of the doubt; it’s what I’d want someone to do for me.

“Look at you, sucking up to Cav and you haven’t even met him yet. You’ll fit in just fine.”

I roll my eyes even though he can’t see them. “I just don’t put stock in bullshit rumors probably started by some pseudo straight guy who wants Cav’s dick in his ass.”

James laughs. “What the fuck are you on about?”

I lean back against the hard bench. “It’s my experience that rumors such as that are started, 99 percent of the time, by someone who’s got a hard-on for the subject.”

“And just how many rumors are these results based on?”

“A lot.”

“Oh, that many, huh?”

“Yeah, that many.”

We both laugh.

“I’m just saying that until I hear for myself what happened, I’m going to reserve judgment. There’s two sides to every story, and holy fuck.”

“What? What’s wrong?” he asks.

“I just realized exactly how big of a jackass I’ve been to my sister.”

He laughs. “Is that all?”

“Seriously, I’ve been horrible.”

“Does she deserve it?”

“Maybe, but also maybe not.”

“Ah, come on, you know she does. You wouldn’t have thought it in the first place if you didn’t.”

“Maybe I was angry and taking it out on her.”

“Or maybe she actually deserved it.”

I blow out a breath and run my hand through my hair. “And I suppose Cavanaugh McLaughlin deserves everything he gets too?”

“Yeah, he does. Connor…,” he starts.

“Yeah?” I ask when he doesn’t continue.

“Just be careful around him. Staying away would be even better. He’s…. He’s not a nice guy.”

“Are you trying to look out for me, James? If I were a different type of guy, I might mistake that for caring.”

He chuckles. “Ask anyone who knows me and they’ll tell you that’s the least likely thing coming from me.”

“Hmm, I don’t know. I think under that brash exterior is someone I’d very much like to get to know, if you’d let me.”