The Virgin Next Door by Stasia Black



“What the fuck does that mean?”Liam spun on him, shoving his shoulders. “Who’s Bone?”

Mack grabbed his head with his hands. “Shit. I don’t know.” His eyes came back to Liam and whatever it was, it wasn’t good.

“Well tell me what you do fucking know,” Liam shouted at him.

Mack took one more look at the two men on the ground, each with a pool of blood underneath them from their slashed necks. Jaysus. Liam turned away before he got sick just like the lad.

“First, we get out of here,” Mack said, voice tight. “Call the police,” Mack said to the white-faced teenager. “Tell them Calla Carter’s been kidnapped by Daniel Jones in these EMT’s ambulance.”

Then he grabbed Liam’s upper arm and started dragging him toward the parking lot.

“Let me go.” Liam jerked his arm out of Mack’s grasp. “You don’t get to order me around. You’re the one who’s dragged Calla into whatever the fuck this is.”

Mack flinched at that. Not that it gave Liam much gratification. For once, he didn’t care about getting in hits with Mack. But he probably did need the big bastard’s help getting Calla back. It looked like he had the same thought as Liam as they both were jogging in the direction of the trucks they’d driven in.

“So tell me what I need to know about whoever took Calla,” Liam said as he reached his truck. They worked quickly to unhitch the trailer from the back. Then Liam went and yanked open the driver’s side door.

Mack tried to pull him out of the way. “I’m driving.”

“Fuck you are,” Liam said. “She’s me truck. And—” he shoved Mack back with a hand on his chest— “I drive because I know where the fuck she is.”

Mack blinked at that. “How—”

“You’re wasting me time,” Liam said. “Are you going to get in or we gonna waste more time in this pissing contest?”

“Fine,” Mack said. “But let me get something from my truck.” He backed up and ran toward the other truck.

Liam huffed out a frustrated breath and pulled his phone out of his pocket. Mack was back in a couple minutes, up in the cab and slamming the passenger door behind him.

Mack looked at him incredulously. “You really think it’s time to be checking your goddamned messages?”

Liam didn’t even bother with a comeback. “I’m tracking Calla. I got worried because she takes those trips up to Casper each week and is always driving home in the dark. So that necklace I gave her last night? It has a GPS tracker in it.”

Mack just stared at him for a second. “I could fucking kiss you right now.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Liam held out the phone so Mack could see. “Looks like they’re taking her on back roads. Avoiding the highway.”

Mack nodded, taking the phone. “You drive. I’ll tell you what we’re walking into.”

That was when Liam saw what Mack had in his other hand. A gun. A fucking gun.