The Virgin Next Door by Stasia Black



“Calla!”Liam shouted, running to the lake’s edge after the ambulance.

Mack followed right on his heels, his heartbeat a pounding drum in his ears. Liam jumped in the water, swimming to where the ambulance was nose down and slowly sinking.

But then Mack caught sight of movement on the road.

It was Bone, crawling and then stumbling to his feet.

Motherfucker must have bailed right before sending the rig over into the lake. Mack yanked the gun out of the back of his pants and walked toward Bone.

“Mack, help! I can’t get the doors open!”

Mack looked back at Liam, in the water and yanking at the back door of the ambulance. It wasn’t giving even though Liam looked like he was yanking with all his might.

Then he looked back at Bone, who was obviously winded but was still grinning at Mack. “Yes Mackenzie, go try to rescue your girlfriend. If it’s not too late, that is.”

“You son of a—”

“Mack!” Liam screamed.

“What a dilemma,” Bone mocked, putting his fist under his chin. “Do you deal with me and let your girlfriend die? Or let me go so you can go try to save her?” He laughed. “This is why you were always so fun to play with. You cared so damn much.” He threw his hands up in the air. “What’s it gonna be, baby boy? Me or her?”

“Who says I have to choose?” Mack said coldly.

He whipped his gun around, aimed, and shot Bone’s dick off.

Then he turned and ran for Liam and Calla.