The Two Week Stand by Samantha Towle



“I’ll go first,” he says.

“Such a gentleman.”

“Double D, I go first because it means a higher chance of me getting you naked faster.”

“But what if I want you naked before me?”

He raises a brow. “You literally just put more clothes on me.”

Ah. Good point.

“But that was for the game. And it’s a robe. Not a bloody snowsuit.”

He chuckles, and I watch as he pours out two shots and hands one to me. “I know the game better than you. It was my idea. Ergo I’m first.”

“Ugh, fine. Whatever.” I lift the shot to my nose and sniff it. “Jesus. This stuff smells potent.”

He lifts his glass up and inhales. “Fuck, you’re right.” He chuckles.

“Good job we’ll only be doing three shots each.”

“Babe, I literally watched you down four shots of Fireball along with two Long Island iced teas and a margarita. And that was after you drank a bottle of champagne, plus whatever else you’d swallowed before you came into the bar. Three shots of this won’t even touch you.”

I smirk proudly at him. I might be a loser in many aspects of my life, but I’ve always been able to hold my liquor. “It was two mini bottles of red and white wine, plus the bottle of beer that was in the minibar, along with the champagne, of course, before I came to the bar.”

“I honestly don’t know if I should be concerned or impressed at your tolerance for alcohol.”

“Definitely impressed.” I grin at him. “Right, come on. Let’s do this. Hit me with your first question.”

“Okay. Never have I ever … been to Hull.”

“Really?” I raise a brow at him.

He grins. “I never said I played fair.”

Narrowing my eyes at him, I put the glass to my lips and tip my head back.

The gin scorches my throat on the way down. “Fuck, that’s strong.” I wince, putting down the glass and blowing out a breath, which feels like it’s actually fire and not air.

“Now, off with the dress.”

Getting up on my knees, I take the hem of my dress, pull it over my head, and set it down on the lounger behind me. Thank the Lord I’m wearing decent underwear. It’s my nicest set. Lacy and black. Which was obviously put on in anticipation of possibly seeing him tonight.

And from the look in his eyes, he definitely likes my lacy black underwear.

Without taking his eyes from me, he picks up the bottle and refills my glass. “Your turn,” he says.

“Hmm.” I tap my fingers on my chin, thinking for a moment. “Okay. I’ve got one.” I’m confident that I’ve got him here because all men do this. “Never have I ever ghosted someone.”

West doesn’t move or attempt to drink.

My confidence deflates like a popped balloon. “You’ve never ghosted anyone?”

“Told you, Double D. I’m a straightforward guy. I don’t wanna fuck someone anymore, I tell them.”


“My turn,” he says. “Never have I ever … sent someone a naked pic.”

“You’ve never sent someone a naked selfie?” I’m honestly shocked.

If I looked like him, I’d be sending them out to whoever wanted one. Maybe even people who didn’t.


“Nope. Can’t have pics of my dick floating around the internet. The NFL wouldn’t like that.”

Is it weird that I didn’t actually register until this point that he’s probably something of a celebrity back home? I mean, the NFL is like our Premier League, and footballers back home are famous. Granted, I don’t know many of them. But if there was one who looked like him, I’d definitely know about him.

Sighing, I toss back the shot and hand him back the glass to refill.

While he’s topping my glass up, I reach back, unhook my bra, and pull it off. Thank God no one can see onto my deck. Unless there’s the actual Aquaman out there and he’s gonna pop up out of the water any moment now. Which, in all fairness, I wouldn’t be opposed to Jason Momoa seeing my bare breasts.

I toss my bra at him. He catches it and hangs it over his shoulder, like a bloody trophy.

Okay. So, I’m two shots in, two items down, and he’s still had no shots and got all of his clothes. I need something good here.

Think, Dillon. Think …

There has to be something I haven’t done that he definitely has.

Ooh. I’ve got it!A guy who is as sexually experienced as he is, is sure to have done this.

“Okay.” I clear my dry throat, which I’m pretty sure no longer has any flesh left covering it because the alcohol has burned it all off. “Never have I ever had a threesome.”

He grins. “Well played.” He puts the shot glass to his lips and tosses back the gin. “Fuck!” he growls. “That’s some strong-ass gin!”

“Told ya,” I say as he puts his glass down. “Clothes now. I’ll refill for you.”

He removes the bloody slippers he’s not wearing and not the robe or trunks. Of course, this is my fault for putting more clothes on him.

And it’s also his turn now. I just know I’m gonna lose my panties.

“Okay. Never have I ever faked it.”

Oh! I’m safe!I’ve never faked an orgasm before.

I grin and shake my head.

His brow lifts. “You’ve never faked an orgasm before?”

“Nope.” I give a winning smile.

“Not even with the ex who … needed a map just to find your vagina and a satnav to your clit?”

I wince. “When did I … oh, for fuck’s sake. Was there anything I didn’t say or tell you that night?”

A playful expression slides onto his face. “Maybe. But not much. You did tell me alot of stuff that night.”

I stare down at the small glass of gin in my hand. “Might not be a good idea for me to keep drinking these. I might just get wasted again and tell you all the things I didn’t get around to telling you the other night.”

“Sounds like a fun time to me.” His tone is dry, so I can’t tell if he’s being for real or sarcastic. But I’ll go with the latter because I can’t imagine listening to drunk me drone on about boring shit is much fun.

“So, okay, it’s my turn. I need to think about this because you’re still fully clothed and I’m not so … oh, got one!”

Every guy has said this without a doubt. West might be a good guy, but he was also a teenager once, and teenage boys will do anything to get laid.

Biting back a grin, I say, “Never have I ever told someone I loved them just to get laid.”

His gorgeous gray eyes narrow on me, and I know I’ve got him.

Shaking his head, he tosses back the drink and thrusts the empty shot glass out at me.

Laughing, I take the glass and refill it from the bottle while he takes off that robe.

“In my defense,” he says, taking the now-full shot glass that I’m holding out to him, “it was one time, and I was sixteen. She was the hottest girl in school, and getting my dick wet was the only thing I thought about back then.”

“Isn’t getting your dick wet the only thing you think about now?” I tease.

He gives me a serious look. “No. I also think a lot about getting your pussy wet.”

Oh. My.

My mouth dries again, and I’m almost tempted to throw this shot back to moisten it.

“Okay.” Another clearing of my throat. “It’s your turn.”

I’ve just got to get through this round and catch him on my next turn, and I’ll win. And I love to win.

I’m a little competitive, if you haven’t guessed.

West stares at me and says, “Never have I ever watched Keeping Up with the Kardashians.”

I smile winningly. “Never watched it.”

He frowns. “I thought every woman on the planet had watched at least one episode of that crap.”

“Not this girl.” I grin.

He totally thought he was gonna win with that basic one. That’s what he gets for underestimating me.

“Oh no. You lost that turn, and now, it’s my turn to ask a question. What could I ask? Hmm … let me just think.” I tap my finger on my chin.

West stares back at me, amused. “Don’t drag it out, Double D.”

I’m not even gonna bite at the nickname because I’m too busy trying to think of a good one to get those shorts off of him and crown me the winner.

Think, Dillon. Go for something to do with sex because I can’t imagine there isn’t anything he hasn’t done or tried, whereas I’ve experienced only the basics.

“Oh, I’ve got one. Never have I ever eaten food off someone’s naked body.”

He frowns, nostrils flaring, and I know I’ve won.

I have to stop myself from jumping up and doing the Carlton dance.

West throws back the shot, dropping the empty glass on the lounger. Then, he stands and drops his shorts.

Oh, hello there, lover.

His dick is fully hard. My mouth waters at the sight.

But still, I won, and I have to gloat a little.

Okay. A lot.

“Oh dear. You’re naked. Guessing that means I won.”

West sits back down, and I’m having a hard time not staring at his cock, which is currently kissing those abs of his that I like so much.

“Nope. You have to be naked too.”

I lift a questioning brow. “Now, that just sounds like you’re making the rules as you go.”

He gives me a look of innocence. “As if I would.”

“Fine. You take your turn. I’m happy to get naked now that I’ve officially won. Not that I think you’ll get me on this round.”

West looks at me and says, “Never have I ever slept with a coworker.”

Fuck. Fuckity fuck.

Okay, maybe I shouldn’t have been so confident. But he does know that the prick was my coworker and technically my boss.

“Hey! That’s not fair,” I grumble. “You already knew that I had.”

“Did I?” He feigns innocence. “Can’t say that I recall knowing that.”

“Yeah, right. You remember everything else I told you, except for that.”

He lifts those broad shoulders. “Weird, right?”

Fighting a smile, I decide to do this a little differently, inspired by my winning question. Putting my shot down, I stand up and hook my fingers into the waistband of my panties, and very slowly, I drag them down my legs, bending at the waist, until they reach my ankles.

West watches the show with laser focus.

I step out of my panties and then sit back down, closer to him this time. I pick up the shot glass, but before drinking it, I lean in and press my lips to his, giving him a swift, hard kiss.

Then, I put my lips to his ear and whisper, “Never have I ever sucked gin off a cock.”

Then, I pour the gin over his dick and quickly dip my head. I take him in my mouth and start to suck the liquor off his cock.

“Fuck,” he groans, his strong fingers threading into my hair, gripping the strands tight.

I like the feel of him pulling my hair. It’s turning me on. I can feel myself getting slicker between my thighs.

It’s true. I’ve never sucked any liquid of any variety off a cock before. But this seemed like a good idea. And he seems to like it. And the gin actually tastes better, coming off him.

I’m surprised by how confident and daring I am with him. I don’t know where it’s coming from. Actually, I do. It’s because his confidence is infectious. He makes me feel like I can say or do anything, and he won’t judge me. He might tease me a little. But he wouldn’t think any less of me. That I’m sure of.

I can be more myself around him than I’ve ever been around anyone my whole life. Maybe it’s because I know this thing with him is only temporary. But whatever it is, I like it.

For the first time in my life, I actually like the person I am right now. The one who’s been trapped inside, desperate to get out.

More confident. Happy. Sexy. Maybe even a little bit naughty.

I suck his dick harder, bringing out my A game. If his whispered words of praise and labored breaths are anything to go by, I’m doing it just how he likes it.

“Jesus. Fuck. Dillon. You’re too fucking good at this. Babe, I’m gonna come. You need to move if …”

I look up at him, letting his dick slide out of my mouth. “Never have I ever swallowed before,” I whisper. Holding his stare, I take him back in my mouth.

It’s true. I’ve never swallowed before. But for some reason, with him, I want to. I want to taste him. I want to know what it’s like to have West come in my mouth.

His hand cups my cheek. “You’re fucking amazing. Have I told you that?”

I shake my head.

“Well, I should have, and I will do so every day from now on. But right now, suck me like the bad girl that I know you are.”

I love it when he talks dirty. Also, he thinks I’m amazing. So, there is that.

I start working him over with my mouth again. Hollowing out my cheeks, I suck him harder, which he seems to really like.

“Fuck yeah, that’s it. Suck me dry, babe. Fuck … harder … shit … Jesus … I’m fucking … coming!”

He grunts. I feel his thighs tense under my hands. Then, his cock starts to jerk in my mouth.

I feel the first hot spurt hit my tongue as he starts to come in my mouth. And come. And come some more.

My eyes water, and I have to breathe through my nose, but I take all he has. I swallow everything down.

When he’s done, I release his dick from my mouth and sit back on my heels, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

West just stares at me, chest heaving up and down.

Then, the next thing I know, he’s on me, pushing me down onto my back and kissing me hard, leaving me totally breathless.

His lips leave mine and brush over my ear. “My turn.”

He picks up the bottle of gin and pours it all over my breasts. The feel of the cool liquid hitting my heated skin is exhilarating. “Never have I ever licked gin off a woman’s tits before.”

His tongue laps the liquid sitting in the valley of my breasts before moving over and licking and sucking every drop off my boobs.

He pours some onto my stomach. “Never have I ever drank gin from a girl’s belly button before.” He leans his head down and sucks the liquid off my stomach.

He moves down my body and parts my legs with his hand. Dark, heated eyes meet with mine. The look in them has my lower stomach coiling tight with excitement.

“Never have I ever fucked a woman with a bottle of gin before.”

Holy fuck. Does he mean …

Jesus. He does.

He waits there, watching me, waiting for me to let him know if I’m okay with this happening or not. My body starts to tremble at the thrill, at the thought of what he wants to do to me. What I’m considering letting him do to me.

I feel crazy and so unlike myself in this moment. And I’m starting to think that’s maybe a good thing.

I can’t believe I’m actually considering it. Maybe the gin has loosened my inhibitions. Maybe it’s being with him, such a sexually confident guy. A guy who I don’t know well and will also never see or hear from again in a few weeks.

Holy shit.I’m actually going to say yes.

I’m going to let him do this. Fuck me with that bottle.

I bite my lip and give a small nod of my head. His jaw tightens.

He slides his hand up my inner thigh, opening me up to him. I feel the first touch of the bottle pressing at my entrance, and I suck in a breath.

Why am I so turned on right now?I’m starting to wonder if I’ve actually lost my mind.

Before I can think any further, he pushes the small neck of the bottle a little farther inside of me.

I hear a hot gasp and realize it came from me.

West’s eyes are focused on where the bottle is right now. His teeth digging in his lower lip. His still-damp hair hanging around his face.

He looks so fucking hot.

He slowly starts to fuck me with the bottle. Intense eyes lift to mine. “You are so fucking hot,” he growls.

Tension is building inside of me. My clit throbbing. I feel like I’m about to burst; I’m so turned on. “West, please,” I moan, needing him to touch me there. Make me come.

Sensing what I need, he slides the bottle out of me and then tips the gin on over my pussy. His head dips down between my legs, and he starts to lap at my clit.

And I start to come in naught-point-three seconds after the first touch of his tongue on me.

“West!” I cry. My back arches as I come hard against his mouth. The most explosive orgasm I’ve had with him so far.

I fall back against the lounger, panting. West kisses his way up my body. Lips grazing over my sensitive nipple, making my body twitch.

He presses his mouth to mine, slipping his tongue inside, kissing me. “So fucking hot,” he murmurs again.

“I can’t believe I just let you do that to me,” I whisper, reality washing over me.

I just got fucked by a gin bottle labeled Death’s Door. I’m not sure if that’s a bad omen or not. But considering I just came like a motherfucker, I’m gonna say, not. And I know I should probably feel shame or embarrassment, but I just don’t.

West ducks his head, looking into my eyes. “It was seriously fucking hot, babe. Easily the hottest sexual experience I’ve ever had.”

That lights me up inside because I figure West has had a lot of awesome sexual experiences in his life.

“Mine too,” I whisper.

His eyes smile at me, and his lips kiss me again. “Come on. Let’s shower this gin off us.” He pushes up to stand and holds his hand out to me to help me up, which I happily accept.

He reaches down and grabs his swim trunks.

“You need those in the shower?” I question him as we start to walk through my villa, in the direction of the bathroom.

“No. I need the condoms that are in the pocket because I plan on fucking you in the shower.”

Okay then.

As he tugs me along to the bathroom, I’m reminded of the day I arrived. How was that only a few days ago? I said to myself that this villa was a romance-free zone, and yet here I am with West.

But then, this thing I have going on with him definitely isn’t romance. It’s fucking. Raw, animalistic, I’ve never experienced anything like this in my life fucking.

And it’s bloody awesome.