The Two Week Stand by Samantha Towle



She didn’t win, and she’s not happy about it. It’s cute how competitive she is.

Seriously, I thought I was competitive, but I’m starting to wonder if she might have the edge on me. Because I can take a loss. I don’t like it. Losing is hard as fuck. Especially when it’s a loss with my team. But I can handle it because I take that loss and use it as my focus to make sure I win the next time.

Dillon, however, really cannot take a loss.

She’s been complaining the whole way back to my villa about it.

Turns out, there was a crab in the shell, and no, it wasn’t dead because she made the host check.

And, no, I’m not kidding.

Then, she said that the crab was faulty somehow.

A faulty crab. I know, right?

It took everything in me not to laugh at that. But I figured if I laughed, there would be zero chance I’d be getting laid tonight. And I really want to get laid tonight because she’s looking hot as fuck in the white dress she’s wearing. It has total virginal vibes going on. It’s begging to be dirtied up.

Also, it was my fault she lost because she picked the number fourteen because of me.

You know, because of the orgasms I’ve given her. Somehow, the making of the number became not as important at that point.

It’s honestly funny though because her complaining isn’t irritating me or bugging me. It’s actually cute as fuck.

I walk up the steps to my villa with Dillon trailing behind me.

“I mean, they all moved, except for mine. That’s fucked up, right?”

“Uh-huh,” I answer as I unlock the door to my villa, planning to shut her up with my tongue in her mouth the moment we’re inside. I push the door open and stand aside to let her in first.

“I bet they put a few lazy bastard crabs in there, you know, so people couldn’t win,” she grumbles as she walks past me into the villa.

I follow her in and shut the door. “But someone did win.”

Why, West? You had her inside and could have shut her up with your tongue and then been inside of her a few minutes later. But no. Instead, you decide to open your mouth and tip her over the edge.

Nice going, jackass.

She stops, turns, and glares at me. Her hands go to her hips. Her eyes are like lasers on mine.

My balls literally shrivel up and start to climb up inside my body.

But weirdly, my dick gets hard.

I guess he likes a pissed off Dillon.

“Yes,” she retorts. “An old couple. Like, the only old couple here. Whose fortieth wedding anniversary it is, might I add. I mean, that’s a total noncoincidence. They might as well have given the prize to the only kid there. Which would have been weird because what would a kid do with a prize like that anyway? Suppose his parents could have used it. But whatever! I mean, really, what the fuck are two old people going to do on a private island anyway? Knit? Play Scrabble?”

Hide from your complaining probably.

Of course, I don’t say that.

“Well, I’m guessing they’ll fuck in between the knitting and Scrabble playing.”

“Ew, dude!” She screws up her nose. “Don’t say that!”

“You do know that old people have sex too, Double D?” I say in a jokey, conspiratorial whisper.

Her eyes narrow. She crosses her arms over her chest, and the action pushes those gorgeous tits up. Of course, my eyes instantly go straight to them, and now, her tits are the only thought in my mind.

“Yes, I know that. I just don’t need to know that right now.”

Well, that makes no sense. But who am I to question her?

Actually, I just don’t want to question anything because my dick is painfully hard, and all I want is her mouth on mine and my dick in her pussy and my hands on those tits of hers.

I slide my arms around her waist and pull her hips to meet mine. Her eyes flare at the contact as she realizes what’s waiting for her once she stops moaning about that fucking crab race and starts moaning my name instead.

“You do remember that you have an island trip in five days and that we’re going on it together, right? And we’re gonna spend the whole time there fucking, and I’m going to spend an inordinate amount of that time finding outrageous ways to make you come.”

Her tense body goes lax. A flush creeps over the swell of her breasts. Her arms unfold, and her dainty hands press against my chest. “Outrageous?” she whispers.

I lean in and press my nose to her temple, inhaling the berry scent of her shampoo and the floral scent of her perfume. I slide it down her cheek and press a soft kiss to the corner of her mouth. “Outrageous.” My hand moves up her waist, and my finger traces a path along the base of her tit. “Scandalous.” I drag my finger up her cleavage. “And dirty as fuck.” I pinch one of her nipples and then swallow her breathy gasp with my mouth.

She opens instantly for me, and I take full advantage and shove my tongue inside.

Fuck.I love the way she tastes and responds to me. It’s addictive as fuck. So is the feel of that tight pussy of hers. I can’t get enough of her at the moment.

But it’ll pass. It always does.

Okay, so I’ve never actually felt this sort of addiction to a woman’s pussy, mouth, body, face, and mind before now. So, basically, all of her.

But it doesn’t mean anything.

It’s just because we’re here on this island, spending a shit-ton of time together, fucking and talking and fucking some more because there’s not a lot else to do.

My hand slides into that thick, dark hair of hers, and I grip a fistful of it and pull her head back, exposing her throat to me. I kiss my way down her neck and chest. I yank down the front of her dress and the cup of her bra and put my mouth around one of those sweet nipples.

“West,” she moans, her hips pressing harder against mine, seeking my cock.

I feel this sudden, desperate urge to be inside of her. Which isn’t exactly abnormal. I feel like that all the time I’m around her. But this time, the urge is more insistent. It feels primal.

I want to dominate her.

Releasing her tit from my mouth, I spin her. Grabbing her hands, I lift them up and pin them to the wall above her head. I press my hips against her ass and bite her earlobe. “Keep your hands there. Don’t move them unless I tell you to.”

Her breaths are coming in fast. She’s excited, and her excitement is only fueling me on further.

Pulling the hairband off my wrist, I tie my hair into a bun, keeping it out of the way. I kick off my flip-flops and lower to my knees. I shove her dress up over her ass. She’s wearing a pretty pink thong. So pretty, and I’m gonna dirty it all up.

Grabbing the scrap of fabric, I yank it aside and shove two fingers inside her.

She whimpers, and the sound goes straight to my dick.

“You’re soaked, Dillon. Do you like my fingers inside of you?”


I start moving my fingers in and out, fingering her pussy, loosening her up, getting her ready to take me inside her. I’m not planning on spending a lot of time on foreplay. Tonight, I just want to fuck.

Pulling my fingers out of her, I spread her ass cheeks with my hands and run my tongue from that puckered little hole that I’m dying to get inside of to the hole my fingers were just inside. I slip my tongue up there and move my mouth and face, knowing that my stubble will rub over her clit.

“West … shit, that feels …” Her hips start to move against my face, grinding down.

I fucking love that about her. Even when I’m dominating her, she still can’t help but move that hot little pussy of hers against my mouth. She’s unabashed, and she doesn’t give a single fuck when she’s seeking her own pleasure.

But she’s not coming yet. Not until I’m inside her anyway.

Standing up, I enjoy the sound of her cry of displeasure at losing my mouth against her. She looks back at me over her shoulder, resting her chin on it. But she doesn’t make a move to turn around or take her hands off the wall.

Good girl.

Holding Dillon’s stare, I unbuckle the belt on the cargo shorts I’m wearing and unfasten the button and zipper. I shove my shorts and boxers down just far enough to free my cock.

Getting my wallet from the pocket of my shorts, I get out a condom. I toss my wallet to the floor. Rip open the foil packet and roll the condom on.

I step up close to her, my cock pressing against her lower back. My hands slide around her chest and cup her tits. I start to roll her nipples between my fingers and pinch them just how she likes.

“You want me.”

Her head falls back against my chest. “I thought that was obvious,” she pants.

“It wasn’t a question.”

“Cocky twat.”

“You like my cockiness.”

Her head tilts, and those blue eyes meet with mine. “No. I like your cock.”

Fuck. I like you.

“Spread your legs.”

She does as I asked, widening her stance. Bending at the knees—because she’s small as fuck and heels aren’t conducive to walking around on the island and in the sand so she’s always in flip-flops—I lower myself to her height. I take my cock in my hand and rub him over her pussy.

I slide my hands up her arms, and covering her hands with mine, I link our fingers.

Then, I thrust up inside her. I don’t even give her a chance to adjust to my size. I just start fucking her.

I seem to lose my mind in this moment. I lose it in her body. The feel of the tight walls of her pussy squeezing my dick. Her breathy moans. The smell of sex around us.

I’m reduced to nothing but the need to make her come and for me to come.

I’m pounding into her, fucking her into the wall, like the world is about to end.

I bite her neck. Her shoulder. Suck on that spot behind her ear that makes her hips buck against my dick.

Pleasure shoots down my spine, like I’ve just been hit with a taser.

Fuck, I’m gonna come.

“Tell me you’re close,” I pant. “Because I’m gonna fucking come.”

“Almost … there … just keep doing that …”

The first minuscule tightening of her pussy around my dick, and I start coming. My dick jerks, and hot spurts of cum start to fill up the rubber. And my coming seems to only intensify her orgasm further, and her muscles almost vise-grip my cock, making me come even harder.

Jesus fucking Christ.

I’m almost sure that I black out at one point. Because the next thing I know, I come to with my forehead pressed against the back of her head, my mouth breathing in her hair.

“Fuck,” I croak.

“Right?” she whispers.

“That was intense.”

“So intense. I’ve never …” She trails off.


“Sex has just never been like that for me. That vigorous.”

I tilt my head back from hers. “Dillon, we’ve been fucking five days. If you think that was the first time we’ve had vigorous sex, then I’m clearly doing something wrong.”

“No.” She laughs softly. “That’s not what I meant at all.” She turns her head, and soft blue eyes look at me in the dim light of the hallway. “You’re doing everything right. Better than right. I just meant … I don’t know what I meant.”

She takes her gaze away from me, but I catch her chin, bringing her eyes back to mine. “Yeah, you do. Say what you mean.”

She blinks. “I’ve never had sex before where I felt so lost in it. I mean, I get lost in sex with you—of course I do. But that was … something else. Like we were the only two people who existed in that moment. Does that make sense?”

Touching my thumb to her lip, I nod. “Yeah, it does.”

I know exactly what she means. Because I felt it too.

I’m just not really sure what it means.

If it means anything at all.

A yawn escapes her.

I chuckle. “Tired?”

“Yeah. You wore me out.”

I slide my dick out of her and take her by the hand, bringing her into the bathroom with me. I undress her and then myself. I tie her hair up into a bun, so it doesn’t get wet because I know she doesn’t like to sleep with wet hair. I turn the shower on and lead her into the running water. We both brush our teeth in the shower to save time. Then, we’re out of the shower and drying off. Mainly me drying myself and her because she’s tired and I can’t seem to stop touching her.

I lead her out of the bathroom, turning the lights off as I go. I pull back the cover, climb into bed, shift over, and tug her down in bed beside me.

She snuggles into my body, tangling her legs with mine.

Honestly, it’s kind of nice. I’ve never done any of this with anyone before.

I guess I get to play house with Dillon, knowing that there’s an expiration date on it when we leave the island. No worry or risk of her getting attached to me, which could happen if I did this kind of thing with anyone back home.



“Do you have a side of the bed?” she asks on another yawn.

“No.” Then, I yawn because that shit’s contagious.

“No?” Her voice perks up a little. “How can you not have a side?”

“Because I live alone.”

“So? People who live alone still have a side of the bed. I lived alone and had a side of the bed. How can you not have a side of the bed?” She suddenly sounds a fuck of a lot more alert than she did a few moments ago.

And there I was, thinking we were going straight to sleep.

“I don’t know. I usually just sleep in the middle of my bed.”

“But …” She sounds really confused by this, and it’s pretty fucking cute, to be honest. “Which nightstand do you put your stuff on?”

“What stuff?”

She lifts her head and stares at me in the dark. “I dunno. Your lamp. Phone. Drink. General shit.”

“General shit.” I chuckle. “Well, I have a lamp on both nightstands. And the rest, well, I guess it just goes on whichever nightstand I happen to drop it on that night.”

“I can’t even. You’re really freaking me out.”

“I’m getting that.”

“I just … it’s not normal.”

I laugh again because she’s funny as fuck. “It’s perfectly normal. I’m a big guy. I take up a lot of space. So, I just sleep in the middle.”

“What size bed do you have?”

“A really big one.”

“Bigger than this?”


“But you fit on one side of this bed, and it’s a king.”

“My ass is hanging off the edge of the bed.”


“No. But it’s close to it.”

“Do you need me to move over?”

“No, you’re good.”

She goes silent, but I can hear her mind ticking over.

“This really bothers you, doesn’t it?” I laugh softly.

“I can’t help it!” Her hands go up in the air. “I’ve just never met anyone who doesn’t have a side of the bed.”

“Well, you have now.”

Silence again.

“So, I’m guessing you have a side of the bed?” I say to her because this conversation is amusing the shit out of me.

“Duh. Of course.”

“Which side?”


“Dillon … which side?”

She lets out a soft sigh. “The right.”

“Where I’m lying.”


“You want to sleep on this side?”

“Yes, please.”

I chuckle as she scrambles up to climb over my body, but I catch her as she’s moving over me, holding her there. One hand on her back, the other tangled in her hair. “Why didn’t you tell me this the other nights we slept together?”

“Because the first night we shared a bed, I slept on top of you.”

“Good times.”

“And the second night, we passed out at the bottom of the bed, and sides of the bed don’t count there.”

“Why not?”

“They just don’t. And the other nights, you slept on the left. So, all was good.”

“Seems legit.”

“It’s totally legit.”

“Well, considering it’s my bed you’re in tonight, I think there should be some form of incentive for me giving up my side of the bed.”

She arches her brow. “Oh, so now, you have a side of the bed? And FYI, it’s not your bed; it’s the resort’s bed.”

“I’m paying to rent it.”

“Don’t you think that’s weird when you really think about it? Paying a shitload of money to rent a bed that hundreds, possibly thousands, of different people have slept in? Done God knows what in? Christ, just think of all the sex that’s been had on this bed.”

I love the way she gets sidetracked so easily. “Let’s just think about the sex we’re gonna have on this bed—right now.”

“We’re having sex? But we only just did it a few minutes ago.”

“Dillon”—I tug her head down and bite on her plump lower lip with my teeth—“we’re always having sex.” I lick the spot that I just bit. “And it was fifteen minutes ago, not a few minutes. And I was ready to go to sleep, but I’m not now because you got my dick all hard again when you climbed up on here and rubbed your sweet ass all over him.”

“I did?”

I grab her hand and shove it down between us, putting it on my cock.

“Oh.” She lets out a breathy sigh as her fingers curl around my fully hard shaft. “I guess I did. My bad.”

“We can totally do bad. Hot, hard, and dirty all over this bed. Unless you’re still tired, that is?” I know full well she’s not tired anymore from the way her hand is now slowly jacking me off.

“I’m not tired anymore.”

“That’s what I thought.” Then, I roll her over and spend the next hour fucking us both into exhaustion.

And finally, we pass out, our bodies tangled up together, lying right in the middle of the bed.