Forceful Biker Daddy by Scott Wylder



I didn't want to admit it, but I was a little shaken up by what happened at the diner. Not because I got a little busted up. I was used to brawls and bruises, but they had been so close to getting Annie. It took a lot of effort and luck to keep them at bay long enough for both of us to escape.

I had been surprised to see her waiting by the bike. I was positive she would try to run out of there, but I was a little happy she waited for me anyway. I didn't want her running away only to get hurt or killed by the Demons.

After refueling my bike, we went inside the rest area. It was one of the bigger stops, with a food court, convenience store, and even a little gift shop selling souvenirs. I ordered a couple of burgers for both of us as soon as we were inside. We didn't get a chance to eat at the restaurant and Annie needed food. She was still recovering from the wound and the mad dash this morning definitely didn't help anything.

As soon as we got our food, I took her to a table in the corner where I could watch the entrance just in case the Demons found us here. We were a ways outside of Demon territory now, but better safe than sorry.

She dug into her burger with vigor. "I'm not sure I've ever tasted anything so good."

I chuckled. It was just a bit of junk food, but it was nice to make her so happy. "Once we have a safe place to stop for the night, I'll get you some real food, don't worry."

"Where are we stopping for the night?" She asked. "And will I be able to talk to Axle?"

"Yes, I promise. I'm going to take you over into the next state. They probably won't follow us there, and it'll give us a chance to recover while everything calms down."

She bit her lip. "What if they don't calm down? The Demons are probably really mad at my brother."

If her brother had flipped on them, then that was an understatement, but I wasn't going to tell her that. "In general, the Demons are vicious but stupid. They have short attention spans. Sooner or later, they'll forget about you and your brother as long as you two don't make waves."

I just hoped I was right. I've never heard of a Demon flipping over to our side before. Who knows what they would do to keep more members from defecting? I wouldn't tell her that. She was already scared.

After we ate, we got back on the bike. I was tired and sore from the fight, but I wanted to get us across state lines before stopping for the night.

It was only a couple of hours before we left the state. As soon as we were over the border, I stopped at the nearest motel and booked us a room. Annie was dead on her feet as we entered our room for the night, but she turned to me and said. "Take off your shirt."

I smirked at her. "You sure you want to do this with me?"

She flushed slightly. She was so adorable when she was flustered. "I just want to look over your injuries. We might be able to do something with the first aid kit."

I didn't want her to see them. She was already apologizing for getting me into this mess. How would she react if she saw how badly I was bruised in the fight?

"It's just a few bumps, kitten. Nothing an aspirin can't fix."

"Please." She looked up at me with pleading eyes. "I want to help. There are some cold packs in the bag. I can put it on the worst of the bruising."

Some ice would help. I had some pretty bad bruising on my ribs. I was pretty sure they weren't cracked, but they were tender to the touch. Reluctantly, I took off my jacket and then my t-shirt. I looked down at myself. Sure enough, my entire torso was covered in dark patches of bruises. It was a gruesome sight for sure.

Annie paled at the sight of them but nodded and grabbed the first aid kit from the bag. "Lie down on the bed, please."

I complied. I held my arms above my head. "The worst one is on my rib cage."

She sat on the bed next to me. She took a cold pack out of the first aid kit and snapped it to activate the cold before putting it on my skin. It was an immediate shock to the system and I hissed.

"Why didn't you say anything?" She whispered. "I must have hurt you so badly when I hugged you."

I smiled. It had hurt, but it was worth it to feel her arms around me. Giving her comfort when she needed it was enough to dull the pain. "Trust me, kitten. Your touch could never hurt me."

She made a face at me but didn't call me out on my bullshit. Instead, she just continued the press the cold pack into my side until the bruise became numb. She kept her eyes on my side, her lips trembling. I could tell she was fighting back tears. I reached out to cup her face. "Look at me, kitten."

She looked at me. Her eyes were brimming. "I'm okay," I said. "I promise."

She shook her head. "You're not okay. You're hurt because of me, and now we're on the run and in a completely different state--" her voice broke and she took a shuddering breath.

"Come here," I whispered. I gently pulled her to me. She gingerly leaned into me, careful to touch my bruises as little as possible. "It's going to be all right," I said. "I'll protect you. You're safe."

"What about you?" She asked.

I smiled. It was crazy she was so worried about my safety when just this morning she made it clear she didn't trust me that much, but it was sweet. "I can handle the Demons just fine. This isn't the first time I've gone up against them."


I nodded. "The Hell's Renegades go up against the Demons pretty regularly. Now and then they try to invade our territory with their drug mills and brothels, but we fight them off every time. They're mean but they're nothing we can't handle."

She looked down. "My brother never mentioned you guys. Maybe the two of you have even shot at one another."

"I saw your brother briefly at Mac's bar before we left. He didn't look familiar and trust me, I remember people who shoot at me."

She nodded. "That's good at least. That would be awkward."

I smiled. "I don't hold Axle's past against him, you know."

"Really? He's a Demon. Your sworn enemy."

I brushed a piece of her hair out of the way. "He joined them to protect you, and that's something I understand."