Forceful Biker Daddy by Scott Wylder



Annie fell asleep on my chest. I stroked her hair and smiled as I looked at her. My little kitten. I couldn’t believe she agreed to be my Little. Why she would want a brute like me I didn’t know, but I would take care of her as long as she would let me.

I pulled the blanket over us. Both of us needed to clean up, but that could wait. She was exhausted and I wasn’t exactly brimming with energy either. However, after coming inside her, I was feeling more relaxed than I had in a long time.

I dozed for a little bit until my phone started ringing. I looked at the ID. Hawk. He was one of the club presidents, but I didn’t work directly under him so I hadn’t talked with him much. I answered it quickly. “Hey,” I said. “Is everything okay? Is Mac okay?”“Yeah, he’s fine. Got a bullet to the shoulder, but he’ll be fine. He’s getting patched up with Doc right now.”I breathed a sigh of relief. “What happened?” I asked.

“Mac took Axle to an old bus station where they were going to transport a shipment of their drugs while Dante and I watched from a distance. Everyone but Axle knew it was probably going to be a trap. Sure enough, it was. Snake and his men came out and surrounded Mac and Axle. Snake shot Mac in the shoulder before taunting Axle. Then Axle shot him. In the head. Killed him point-blank.”

Shock ran through me. We had been trying to get Snake for years. I didn’t think he would be taken down by one of his own. “Oh fuck.”

“Yeah. I wish I had shot Snake myself, but I have to admit, it was fun to watch.”

“Guess this means we can trust Axle, right?” I smiled. This was good news. Annie and her brother would both be under our protection now.

“Well, he sure as shit isn’t working for the Demons anymore. He’s officially a Hell’s Renegade member.”

“Does this mean Annie and I can come back? Will she be safe?”“Yeah, come back but steer clear of Demon territory. Things are going to be a mess and they might be shooting any and all bikers in revenge, regardless if you’re wearing our colors or not. Axle said Snake’s got a brother who will probably take control, Cobra.”I snorted. “Seriously? Cobra? Where do they find these names?”“Hey, the Demons were never known for their creativity.”

“Fair point. Hey, is Axle available? Annie wants to talk to him.”

“Sure, if I can pull him away from his new lady. He fell in love with the girl he saved.”

I looked at Annie and smiled. I knew the feeling.

Gently I woke up Annie. She stirred. A cute little pout formed on her lips. “Five more minutes.”

“Your brother wants to talk to you, kitten. He’s safe.”Her eyes flickered open and suddenly comprehension dawned on her. “Axle?”

I nodded and handed her the phone. “Hello? Axle? Are you there?” She suddenly grinned and tears shined in her eyes. “Are you okay? What happened?”I slowly got up and stretched before padding into the bathroom to clean up and let her catch up with her brother. I was still really sore from the fight, but I was feeling good besides that. I was with my kitten and that made all the difference.

I started the shower and groaned with relief as the hot water hit my aching muscles and bruises. As I started soaping up, I heard the bathroom door open. I tensed for a second before Annie slipped into the shower, naked. I relaxed as soon as I saw her. “How’s your brother?” I asked.

“He’s good. Exhausted but relieved.” She smiled. “It was really nice hearing his voice and knowing he was safe.”

“I bet.” I pulled her close grabbed the soap. Gently, I started to run the bar of soap over her body, careful to keep her bandaged arm from getting wet. The soap started to run down her body in little white rivulets, which was a mesmerizing sight. I still couldn’t believe this sweet little kitten wanted me.

The happiness and desire on her face were unmistakable. She closed her eyes with a smile as I ran my hands over her body, enjoying my touch. I leaned down and kissed her. “We get to go home, kitten,” I told her. “You can stay with me if you want. How does that sound?”“Wonderful,” she murmured.

I smiled. “Good.” I kissed the top of her head and held her close. “Thank you.”“Thank you, Daddy. For everything.”