The Wolf King Needs an Heir by Max Rose


Less than one week until the due date…

Edric could feel the tension and stress crackling in the air. He had trouble focusing these days. Julian’s official due date was in four days. Four days and Edric’s entire existence would change forever.


No, that wasn’t quite precise. One of the things he’d been told over and over again by the doctor was that the due date wasn’t set in stone. It wasn’t a scheduled event. A child could come very early…or late. It was out of everyone’s hands…unless they did a C-section.

Each day that passed had Edric’s worries and expectations and restlessness growing. He did his best to hide his feelings from Julian. His mate had enough to deal with as it was. Tiredness. Swollen ankles and aching feet. Back pain. Constant trips to the bathroom to pee. Edric usually sent the servants away and tended to Julian on his own, rubbing his feet or massaging his back—he couldn’t do anything about the peeing. He was there with Julian whenever the duties of the throne and kingdom didn’t demand his attention.

Like now. Julian was in the royal apartments, but Edric was in one of the opulent staterooms. Megan Colson, his chief advisor, was with him. The talk was not a pleasant one.

“How deep does this unrest go?” Edric asked, half sitting on an antique desk near the wall.

“A few packs are worse than others. The Blue Mountain Pack doesn’t care much about kingdom politics or who you married. Most others fall somewhere in between, not sure what the future will bring with an omega remaining in the royal family’s bloodline.”

“They know the reasons, don’t they?”

“All the lords and ladies know of the Ceradine Prophecy. Our information campaign was largely successful in that.”

“But there’s still unrest?”

“There is prejudice, just as we knew there would be. But the Excelsior Pack and the Ottawa packs have been vocal in their disapproval, both because they had highborn daughters they hoped you would wed.”

He gave a snort of contempt. “They would condemn their daughters to a loveless marriage? I’ve never hidden the fact that I’m gay.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Is that a rhetorical question, Your Majesty? Of course they would. They would do anything to increase their own power, wealth, and prestige. They are nobles.”

Cutting words. She delivered them so matter-of-factly that they hit even harder. Megan had worked her way up through the ranks on drive and talent alone. Yet, it was rare for her to criticize the pack nobles so directly.

“Fine. Some highborn wolves are upset. This is nothing new. They are always whining about one thing or another.”

“With the court in recess out here at the Summer Palace, those ‘whines’ threaten to undermine the throne, erode your support, and increase unrest between packs.”

“Once my heir is born, we’ll head straight back to the palace in New York. I’ll throw the crown back on and let everyone cower before my glory.”

That had Megan’s lips turning up in a wry smile. “Of course, Your Majesty. And what about Madran? Ambassador Beckett pulled me aside again last week.”

“What did that snake in the grass want now?”

“Officially, they take no stand on who your mate is. Unofficially, Beckett hints at…” She hesitated, which was unlike her. But he knew exactly what she hesitated over.

“You don’t have to say it. I can guess. He had the gall to broach the subject with me. The answer is and will always be no.”

Megan nodded. He caught the scent of her emotions. She usually had her emotions locked down tight. Now he caught her approval even though her expression remained stoic.

He didn’t need her approval. He was the damn king. But part of him was glad to have it anyway.

“I know you’re distracted with the baby due any day now,” Megan said. “But there’s one last thing. We had an unexpected arrival at the palace an hour ago.”

“Don’t keep me in suspense.” He expected she was referring to some noble and their retinue come to plead some case or another. Taxes perhaps. Or territories. Or a dispute with another pack. “Unless it isn’t worth my attention. Which is even better.”

“Princess Terra arrived with her retinue.”

He grinned. “Terra? Wonderful.”

Terra had visited several times already, but she’d been in New York for the past few months. He knew Julian missed her. They’d really bonded. That made Edric happy. Julian would appreciate another friendly face. Sure, the servants absolutely doted on him, along with many of the royal guards, honestly. Only the nobles seemed to have problems with Edric’s mate these days. Although, hadn’t Edric been just as bad in the beginning?

Maybe there was hope for change with the highborn wolves too. For Edric, things had started to change that first night when Julian not only stood up to him but refused the offer of a king. Edric had been impressed, despite himself. And look at him now. In love and with a baby on the way.

Megan continued, distracting him from his musings. He had trouble focusing these days. Had he mentioned that?

“Terra’s being set up in her quarters now and her security detail folded into day-to-day operations. But Priestess Shia Samara came with her. The priestess has asked to see you about something extremely important.”

He remembered the last time she’d come to him with that claim. Things hadn’t gone well. “Any idea what it is?”

Megan hesitated again. “No, Your Majesty. But she continues to make it clear, behind the scenes, that you deserve a ‘more suitable’ mate. She whispers in the ear of any who will listen that King Julian is a bastard born of a human. That he isn’t worthy of the name Silvius or Rylan. That kind of thing.”

He bit back a growl. That was a situation he needed to lock down once and for all. He had shown Samara plenty of tolerance because she’d been a part of his life since his childhood. But he was not going to be leaving Julian after their child was born, no matter what the political cost. The fact that she wouldn’t let this go was infuriating. It was also beyond frustrating to have to deal with kingdom politics so close to the birth of his son. Speaking of his son, his thoughts jumped to Seer Vali Morgan.

“I’ll deal with Samara. Tomorrow. Any word on where Seer Morgan ran off to this time?”

“No, Your Majesty. Do you wish me to send agents to track her?”

“Not necessary.” They hadn’t been successful last time. The old lady could be surprisingly hard to find when she wanted. “She’s probably off on some half-baked vision quest and sitting on a cactus somewhere.”

So much for getting a boost of feel-good, future-telling optimism right before the big day. The seer had departed after talking with Julian, vanishing without so much as a “by your leave.” But it wasn’t the first time. She came and went as she pleased. He might not believe in prophecy. He might still be cynical over how prophets used a mix of feeding on your fears and telling you what you wanted to hear. But he wouldn’t have minded hearing the old woman announce that the birth of his child was going to be fine and that his son and Julian would be safe and healthy.

Speaking of which… He glanced at the grandfather clock in the room. Julian would be having a checkup with Dr. Smith in fifteen or so minutes. These days, Julian met with Smith daily, and Edric made sure he was there. For moral support mostly, but also so he remained ready for what they would face in the birthing room. He wanted to be there for Julian, no matter what.

“If that’s everything, Megan, you can go. Julian is meeting with Dr. Smith in a few minutes. I don’t want to be late.”

“Certainly, Your Majesty. If you wish, I’ll invite your sister to dine with you both tonight. She mentioned she was eager to see Julian.”

He smirked. His sister was looking forward to seeing Julian over him, was she? Why wasn’t he surprised? “Just keep Samara away from me for now. I’m not in the mood.”

Megan bowed. Edric left the room, striding down the hall, headed for the royal bed chambers with his guard detail hustling along behind him. Another nice thing about being king? Having doctors come to you. Dr. Smith had an office and exam room on the first floor of the palace—a smaller one than in New York—but she always came to see Julian in their chambers, bringing a computer laptop and a classic black doctor’s bag.

He entered the royal chambers to find Julian sitting in his favorite chair. Dr. Smith was typing on her laptop that rested on one of the tables. They both looked up as he hurried in. Julian’s face broke out in a sunny smile. God, that smile made Edric feel like a hero in a movie. He loved seeing it. He loved the way it lit up Julian’s delicate features and made those beautiful green eyes shine.

“What did I miss?” Edric asked. “Is my son arriving today?”

“Not so far,” Dr. Smith said. “No sign of contractions that aren’t just Braxton Hicks contractions. Your mate is healthy and in good mental shape, though. So those are positives.”

Julian snorted. “Your mate is ready to have this baby. More than ready. I’m tired of being as big as an SUV.” He met Edric’s eyes. “I can’t wait to meet him. I want to start being a family.”

“I know,” Edric said with a small smile. “Soon. I promise.”

“Don’t get too free with those promises, Your Majesty,” the doctor warned. “We’re on the baby’s timetable now.”

Dr. Smith chatted a bit longer. Edric knew this was part of her bedside manner, putting them at ease. He certainly felt on-edge. Like he wanted to fight, but there was no enemy to challenge. He was eager for the big day to arrive, and yet he worried about it coming too soon. What if he wasn’t prepared?

Dr. Smith left after reassuring them again, all smiles and confidence.

Edric went to Julian. He walked behind his mate and leaned down to kiss him on the top of the head. “You look radiant.”

It was true. Julian’s skin seemed to glow. There was something about his eyes, too. A happiness…mixed with tiredness. It wasn’t all fun and games, after all.

“I don’t want to be radiant,” Julian groused. “I want to have this kid and be done with being pregnant.”


Julian raised an eyebrow. “Soon? You heard the doctor. It’s not something we can schedule.” He looked back and reached up. Edric took his hand in both of his and gave him a reassuring squeeze. Julian closed his eyes. “I’m nervous.”

“So am I.”

Julian’s eyes opened wide again. “I didn’t think you got nervous. Ever.”

“I don’t. With most things, anyway. But when it comes to you and our child and things I can’t control, I worry. But I promise you, I will be right there with you the entire time.”

Julian seemed to take comfort from his words. Good. He wanted to be honest with his mate, but he also wanted to reassure him. Those two things didn’t always align perfectly.

He decided to change the subject and get Julian’s mind on something else. “I have some good news.”

“Great. I can use it.”

“I just found out that Terra arrived. Why my sister feels the need to show up now, completely unannounced, I have no idea. But she’s here.”

“Terra’s here?” Julian’s eyes lit up. He started to lever himself out of his seat. Edric moved in and helped support him until he was steady on his feet. “Thanks. It’s hard to get used to how unforgiving gravity is when I’m like this.”

Edric chuckled. “Far be it from me to contradict the pregnant person in the room, but you still weigh less than I do. For the purposes of gravity, I mean.”

Julian squinted at him menacingly. “Don’t mess with a pregnant man. Didn’t your mother teach you anything?”

“Actually, I don’t think she did. I had tutors. And a nanny. I don’t remember learning much about pregnant anything and certainly not about that condition and males.”

“You aren’t the Renaissance man I was promised. I should’ve read the fine print before marrying you.”

Edric grinned and tickled Julian’s side, the exact spot where Julian was the most ticklish. Julian giggled and squirmed.

“Don’t tickle me! I’ll pee myself!”

“Fine, fine.” Edric pulled him close and kissed him to make up for the tickle attack. The whole thing was silly, but it was good silly.

“Mmm. That’s better,” Julian said. “Let’s go find Terra. I’m eager to tell her everything.”