The Wolf King Needs an Heir by Max Rose


Three months later…

Edric paced in one of the drawing rooms on the first floor of the palace. He was tense and waiting. Waiting on the physician to arrive. She wasn’t late, but he was early, so the waiting was just as bad.

He’d never liked doctors much. His sister had been seriously ill when she’d been eight. Leukemia. Terra had almost died, despite the best medical care the royal family could afford. He remembered it vividly. It was scarred into his mind. The constant worry. Seeing his sister so weak, trapped in a bed. The doctors never had good answers. He blamed them for that. Perhaps irrationally. But he’d only been eleven.

Julian reached out and took Edric’s hand as he walked past the wing chairs.

“It will be okay,” Julian said with a wry smile. “Stop pacing. You’re making everyone nervous.”

He squeezed Julian’s hand. “It’s just us, waiting for the royal physician. I dislike waiting. Have I told you that?”

“Only a hundred times. And it’s us…and the servants. And the palace guard. And everyone is sensitive to the king’s mood. So at least try not to scowl so fiercely.”

“Fine. I’ll try to control my scowls.”

In his mind, he had more than enough reason to be on-edge. The royal physician had requested a face-to-face meeting. Today, the doctor was supposed to tell them whether Julian was pregnant. Julian insisted he was. He was certain they’d made a baby while cruising the waters of the French Riviera on a superyacht. They’d certainly spent enough time fucking in the master cabin suite to make it possible. There had even been sex on a private beach. Naughty but careful sex. You really had to beware of sand.

He grinned at the memories. Their honeymoon had been almost a full month long. It had been a wonderful vacation from the constant pressures of the kingdom and the crown. He’d left Megan and the rest of his advisors and directors to handle the day-to-day business, checking in every few days to make certain nothing had broken too badly while he was away.

The honeymoon had been amazing. They had both needed it more than they’d realized at first. Their vows had involved promises of love, but becoming friends, growing close? That needed time. The honeymoon had given them that time.

The two of them had made the most of it. Sailing beautiful waters. Dozing on the deck in the sun like cats in a pool of sunshine…even though he detested cats. A point of contention with Julian, who thought they were adorable, precious little creatures of joy. Speaking of cats, Julian wanted a lap cat since he hadn’t owned a pet in years. Which was absurd. Who’d ever heard of a feline in a building full of wolves? The cat would be a nervous wreck. Edric had told him “we’ll see” and left it at that, hoping Julian would forget.

Why was he thinking about house cats? It went to show how high-strung and on-edge he was feeling right now. He needed an heir to put this prophecy behind the Rylans and the kingdom once and for all. That had been the whole point of all of this. So he was eager to hear that Julian was pregnant.

The two of them had certainly enjoyed “doing the baby-making dance,” as Julian jokingly referred to it sometimes. His little mate had turned out to be insatiable between the sheets, and Edric loved it. It should be no problem getting him with child…and yet, Edric would be nervous until the definitive results of the blood work returned from the lab. If Julian turned out to be as preggers as he claimed to be, Edric would turn to worrying about the pregnancy and Julian giving birth. After that came the worrying about his newborn. And then the first day at school. And learning to drive. And graduation…

When he stopped to think about it, it seemed as if the rest of his life would be spent worrying. Not only about the kingdom and politics and wolf packs, but now over his maybe-soon-to-be family.

He moved behind Julian and put his hands on his mate’s shoulders, gently massaging him. Touching his mate soothed Edric. It was an unexpected benefit of having Julian in his life. One of many benefits he was starting to enjoy.

There were downsides, too, but he would deal with them. No political alliance. Some rumblings of discontent from the pack alpha nobles sworn to the throne. The moon priestesses had been quiet, but there was still no word from Seer Vali Morgan since she’d decided to vanish after all the doom-saying. Supposedly she had retired after dumping this prophecy in his lap. His request that she come to the palace had been ignored so far. He still had questions about everything set in motion. If Julian was pregnant, he wanted to know if he’d averted the collapse of his family’s dynasty.

The door to the meeting room opened, interrupting his train of thought. The royal physician bustled in. Dr. Lana Smith had been the royal physician since Edric took the throne and dismissed his father’s physician. The doctor was in her early fifties and had a bedside manner that even Edric couldn’t growl about. Much. At least she didn’t take it personally that he wasn’t the biggest fan of doctor types. It was a good reason to keep her around.

Dr. Smith wore a white doctor’s coat complete with a stethoscope and held a laptop. Overkill, in his opinion, since they were only here to learn about some lab results and not get an examination. But doctors, what could you do? God forbid anyone mistake a doctor for a gardener because they didn’t have a stethoscope.

“Good news,” Dr. Smith announced with a smile. “You’re pregnant!”

Those words had Edric’s heart jumping into his throat even as relief surged through him. Relief and a touch of…awe, maybe. A feeling that everything in his life had changed again and there was no going back. He reached down and took Julian’s hand. Julian clutched his hand tightly, his scent excited, happy, and terrified.

“I knew it,” Julian said softly. He looked up at Edric and smiled. “I told you.”

“You did.”

Dr. Smith put her laptop on a counter and opened it. “We needed to make a hundred percent sure before opening the champagne.” She threw a warning look at Julian. “No drinking for you. Anyway, certainty meant blood work. But now we know for certain. You can send out press releases and set up royal baby showers and so on.”

“We’re a family,” Julian said, still clutching Edric’s hand and looking at him, eyes shining.

It still surprised Edric that when his mate was happy, he was happy too. He hadn’t grown used to that yet. Perhaps he never would. Julian’s clear joy and emotions were touching. They stirred something inside Edric.

Dr. Smith started a lecture about vitamins, diet, and acceptable exercise regimens. Julian focused on her every word as if there would be a quiz at the end. Edric paid about seventy, maybe seventy-five percent attention to what she was saying. He was still distracted by the prophecy, the political ramifications of his expected heir, and his hope that the prophecy had been avoided and everyone he cared about would turn out safe. As usual, he had too much on his mind.

Because now he had an heir, and other kingdoms and powerful nobles would start maneuvering for a possible future betrothal and marriage alliance. Not only that, Edric would need to meet with palace security about protection for their newborn. He wanted the palace even more impregnable. No one would hurt his child. The very thought had his body tense, his teeth gritted, fists clenched, ready to rip and tear anyone who wished to harm those he cared for.

“Any questions?” the doctor asked when she finished.

Julian had plenty of questions for her. Questions on the timeline. What to expect and when. Questions about labor classes and coaches. Water births. Weight gain and exercise. Dr. Smith answered his questions patiently, including a question on whether it was safe for Julian to shift into wolf form when he was pregnant.

“Good question,” the doctor said. “Yes, it is perfectly safe, just as it is for female werewolves. In fact, shifting helps maintain control of your wolf instincts.”

Edric was impressed with the amount of thought Julian had given to the details. Far more than he had, it shamed him to admit. He’d been too focused on the political and prophecy aspects. Maybe it hadn’t sunk in yet that he would soon have a child—a life that depended on him for love and guidance. It was another responsibility in a long list of responsibilities. This was one he suddenly didn’t want to delegate. He’d been flippant about nannies and how kids were a pain in the ass. But now that he had one coming…maybe he had been the ass.

“What about you, Your Majesty?” Dr. Smith asked. “Any questions?”

“It’s safe to still have sex with him, right?”

Julian flushed bright red. Dr. Smith only smirked.

“Yes. Intimacy is perfectly safe. I’ll give you some information on positions you can use when Julian is bigger and farther along. But physical intimacy will help bring you together and reduce stress levels. Intimate bonding is very recommended.”


Julian shot a half-amused, half-exasperated look his way. The pink tint to Julian’s cheeks had faded a little, but not completely. His omega had a complexion so fair that it was very noticeable when he blushed. Making his mate blush amused Edric, although Julian had grown more immune to blushing after being married for a few months. It made Edric worry he was losing his touch.

Dr. Smith closed her laptop and stood. “I know this is a special moment. If you don’t have any other questions, I’ll let you go.” She looked at Julian. “Your Highness, I’d like to see you for a formal checkup at least once a week. But feel free to come into my office or call me any time. I’m here for you.”

“Please, call me Julian.”

She hesitated, clearly thrown off by the request. “As you wish, Julian.”

Edric had to stop himself from rolling his eyes at his mate’s insistence on informality. Julian was terrible at royal protocol. Even though Edric had enlisted the major domo to teach him the ways of royal etiquette, along with all the formal address and rules about where you walked in processions and the dress code for ceremonies and all the rest. His mate could be quite stubborn about not worrying whether someone addressed him with enough respect. It was a quirk…or a flaw…of being raised among humans. Especially U.S. humans, who could be almost irreverently informal. At least in the U.K., the humans had some experience with monarchs.

But he wasn’t about to call his mate out in front of a doctor. He might mention later that Julian should be wary of becoming too friendly with their subjects. Then again… maybe Edric should ignore it. This was a time to celebrate. Why wipe that smile off his mate’s face when he didn’t have to?

Dr. Smith withdrew, but almost immediately, there was a knock on the door.

“Come,” Edric ordered.

The seneschal entered and bowed. “Your Majesty, Ambassador Beckett has requested a meeting if you are available.”

Meetings with foreign dignitaries were usually scheduled days in advance. “Now? For what reason?”

“Matters of state, Your Majesty. The ambassador implied it was important and that you would be very interested.”

He doubted that from long experience. But he would indulge this unexpected meeting. Things were tense enough with Madran. He might as well try to be civil.

“Very well. I’ll meet him in the East Dartmoor Room in a little while.” There would be cameras and listening devices in that room. As always, the kingdom’s intelligence and diplomatic services would review everything later. Ambassador Beckett would know that, but he would be used to it. It was how the game was played.

“As you wish, Your Majesty,” the seneschal said, bowing and withdrawing.

Edric glanced at Julian regretfully.

Julian only smiled. “Go be king for a while.” He put a hand on his belly—still flat, but not for long. “We’ll be around when you get back.”

We. Julian and their child. It was strange, but he liked it. Edric’s life had changed. The kingdom had changed. It hadn’t sunk in fully, and yet, he felt excitement building. Along with all the worries, of course.

He leaned in and kissed Julian, putting a hand protectively on the wolf’s stomach, covering Julian’s hand with his own.

After that, Edric made his way to the East Dartmoor Room, with part of his royal guard falling in behind him. The servants already had a fire roaring in the room’s fireplace. It was decorated like a classic parlor or stateroom, with antique furniture, tall bookshelves, a hearth, and expensive artwork on the walls, all to give off a certain elegant, cozy atmosphere.

He stood by the sideboard, pouring himself a drink as the ambassador was escorted in. He could’ve made the ambassador wait on him as a show of power, but he preferred to be here first, settled in and entrenched. Staking out Edric’s territory and letting Ambassador Beckett know without a word that he was the outsider.

Ambassador Beckett bowed to him. “Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, Your Majesty.”

“You’re welcome. Would you like a drink?”

“If I remember, you have a particularly fine Scotch on your proverbial shelf.”

“A good choice.” He poured and handed the glass to Beckett. “So. What is this about?”

Beckett sipped his Scotch and sighed, gently swirling the liquid as he stared into the glass. “Forgive me for saying so, Your Majesty, but you may have lost a step since marrying the omega. Your advisors should not have let you leave your kingdom for so long when staying here would’ve kept a tighter grip on your rule.”

“When did you turn into one of my advisors?” Edric asked, not bothering to keep the menace from his voice.

Beckett smiled apologetically. “I am a diplomat with the annoying habit of being truthful. But while you were on your month-long honeymoon in wedded bliss, discontent has been…festering. My king is concerned. We only wish the Rylan family the best. There had been an understanding between us since the time of King Aldron.”

His grandfather. Beckett was alluding to the Leone War. The destruction of the Silterus Kingdom and the end of the Silvius line. The events that led to Edric being forced to marry Julian in the first place.

“Nobles are always unhappy for one reason or another,” he said coldly. “Taxes. Pride. Influence. Betrothals. Power. You can run and tell your king that he need not worry.”

Beckett bowed deferentially. “Of course, Your Majesty. Allow me one more moment of your valued time. I’ve heard that you married the omega to stave off a prophecy by the Seer Vali Morgan.”

It was alarming that Beckett knew so much about the inner workings of the palace and kingdom. Edric kept a neutral face as he sipped his drink. “I married for love.”

“Please, Your Majesty.” Beckett chuckled. “From everything I’ve heard, you knew the omega for less than a month—if that. May I speak frankly?”

He waved a hand in annoyance. “You haven’t stopped yet.”

“If my sources are correct, the omega is Silvius blood. Noble blood, even if he was raised as a commoner and shares more in common with his human side.”

“What’s your point?”

“I understand you must use the omega to give you a child. A child that will fulfill the conditions of this…Ceradine Prophecy. But I come to you with an interesting offer from His Majesty Harold Geffen, King of Madran.”

“Go on.”

“Have the child with your omega. That child can still be your heir and save the Rylan dynasty from the seer’s prophecy, placating the religious among us. Once the child is born, take it into royal custody and have your marriage annulled. Set Julian Wilson aside and wed Prince Alexander. You will have your heir…and a political marriage that will unite our kingdoms in peace and prosperity. United, we would be the biggest force in the country. Enough to rival even the Kingdom of Quebec.”

“That is your alpha king’s offer? A marriage alliance?”

“You’ve already shown you’re comfortable marrying for reasons other than love. The moon priestesses will annul the marriage and release you from your vows in favor of this one…with a few significant donations to the faith, of course. You will have an heir and a true, noble werewolf mate of your station. Male, as you prefer. This will also diminish the human taint in the royal family.”

Edric carefully set the glass down on the sideboard before he crushed it to shards in his fist. His voice was like ice. “My heir will have some of that human taint.”

“I mean no offense, Your Majesty. But your heir will only have a quarter human blood. Not enough to make another omega. Or to invalidate his or her rule. If other heirs are needed, we can find a female surrogate—”

“Get out.”

“Your Majesty—”

Get out!” he roared. His fists clenched, teeth bared. His wolf was enraged beyond words. Edric was an instant from shifting and tearing out the ambassador’s throat. It might cause a war, and that was the only reason he held back. But if the ambassador wasn’t gone in the next few seconds, Edric would throw him out on his ass.

Perhaps through a fourth-floor window.

The ambassador bowed deeply, his scent wary, even afraid. The door opened as the guards looked inside, reacting to Edric’s roar.

“If I misspoke, then I apologize, Your Majesty,” Beckett said as he quickly backed toward the exit. “I’ve said what I was instructed to say. I will be ready and available if you change your mind. If not, then you still have the best wishes of Madran for you and your mate.”

Edric said nothing, silently seething as the ambassador scurried from the room. With a wave, he sent the guards back to their posts. He picked up his drink again and downed it in one gulp.

Damn it.

Perhaps the ambassador had been right about one thing. He shouldn’t have taken such a long vacation. Especially not one out of the country. It was overindulgent. He couldn’t afford to be away from the seat of his power for so long. He should’ve taken the vacation there at the country palace where he could still keep an eye on the nobles and the packs. Each year, the court moved from New York City to the Summer Palace far north of Syracuse, near several state forests and north of Oneida Lake. The move usually happened in spring, even though it was called the Summer Palace. It allowed the wolves to run free of the city and the humans. He should have gone to the Summer Palace, but he’d wanted to impress Julian. Now he might pay for his folly.

Beckett’s offer was outrageous. Edric refused to set Julian aside and have the marriage annulled. It would crush Julian. Devastate him. Not only that, but it would be beyond humiliating to endure for both of them. It would look as if Edric had made a mistake choosing the omega. Everyone would question his ability to rule. Choosing Julian had been a careful calculation done for the good of the kingdom and his family line.

He’d made his choice. He would not go back on it now. He wouldn’t hurt Julian. Julian was someone Edric could love. Not only that, but his heart felt as if he could trust the omega. Trust him with everything. Julian would not use Edric’s weaknesses or mistakes against him. He cared nothing for wolf politics. Julian was raised a commoner…but he was a good man. A kind man. Better than Edric in some ways…

A knock sounded at the door, distracting him from the turmoil of his thoughts. For a moment, his heart lifted, thinking it might be Julian. But he was fooling himself. His sharp hearing hadn’t heard the sound of Julian’s footsteps—which he could easily recognize—and he caught no hint of his mate’s scent.

It was the seneschal again.

“Come,” he said, more curtly than he intended.

“Your Majesty,” the wolf said apologetically. “Priestess Samara is requesting a meeting. She says it is urgent.”

Goddess above, what now? He was in no mood to deal with the moon priestesses and religious dogma. “Give her my regrets.”

“As you command, Your Majesty,” the seneschal said, bowing and starting to pull the door closed.

“Wait,” Edric ordered. “I changed my mind. Send her to me.”

If Beckett was right and Edric’s hold on the alpha throne had weakened because of Julian and then being away on a long honeymoon, Edric needed to rectify that immediately. He couldn’t do that if he didn’t face the problem directly. He’d known Samara his entire life. He might not be in the mood for diplomacy or even courtesy, but he couldn’t ignore trouble. He was king.

Shortly, Priestess Samara swept into the room in a swirl of voluminous blue robes with silver embroidery. “Thank you for seeing me, Your Majesty.”

He nodded, moving back to the sideboard for another Scotch. “Care for a drink?” he asked, even though he knew that priestesses abstained from alcohol and sex and everything else that was fun in the world. At least they didn’t have problems with homosexuality. They didn’t particularly like omegas because they were half-human, although Edric hadn’t exactly distinguished himself in that regard, had he? He’d never admitted it to Julian, but some of the things he’d thought about the omega in the early days hadn’t exactly done him proud. If he could go back in time, he would’ve punched himself in the face for thinking that way about his mate.

“No, thank you,” Samara said primly. “I prefer my thoughts unclouded.”

He tried not to roll his eyes and succeeded. Barely. “What is it you wished to speak about?”

“I am told your omega is with child.”

Word traveled like wildfire at the palace. Edric supposed he should be happy he’d found out first instead of overhearing some chambermaid gossiping about Julian’s confidential medical results.

“Julian is with child. Dr. Smith verified it with the blood work.”

He expected her to congratulate him. She didn’t.

Instead, Priestess Samara moved to an overstuffed wing chair and sat, crossing her legs and meticulously arranging her robes. “Do you love your mate?”

“A bold question. What business is it of yours?”

“Love wasn’t what the seer foresaw you needing. What she foresaw was the need for an heir.”

“The seer is no longer at the palace,” he snapped. He might’ve thrown Samara out like the ambassador if they hadn’t had a long history together. “I have an heir. The proverbial bun is in the oven. Love has nothing to do with anything I needed to accomplish. I’ve done everything the seer demanded. I solved the problem.”

“I’m glad to hear you say love has nothing to do with this.” Her face was as impassive as a marble sculpture.


“You may need to set aside the marriage once the child is born. The child can remain your heir, raised in the light of the Moon Goddess. But the omega may need to go.”

Goddess be damned, this bullshit from her too? “You’ve never approved of this marriage. Have you been speaking with Ambassador Beckett? Is that what this is about?”

“I spoke with him a few days ago. The ambassador mentioned King Harold Geffen was not happy about the marriage.”

“I’m pleased I didn’t invite King Harold to the wedding, then. Remind me to have him taken off the royal Christmas card list.”

“Very funny, Your Majesty. But Beckett explicitly mentioned that the hope of deepening the ties between our two kingdoms has been lost.”

It was no surprise. “Madran is part of the reason I was forced to marry. Or did you forget about the Leone War? The last I heard, the priestesses did believe in prophecy. Or has that changed?”

“It has not changed. But the Kingdom of Madran walks in the light of the moon now. The Leone War was two generations ago. Your grandfather’s time. History.”

“Your point?”

“The future. We must always change to face it. It would be good for you to have a believer for a mate.”

He narrowed his eyes, not bothering to keep the warning edge from his voice. “I have a mate. I don’t need a believer.”

She didn’t like that. It was plain on her noble face. “Your sister is more pious.”

He knew his sister wasn’t nearly as pious as the priestess wanted to believe. Terra simply had a talent for being a chameleon. It was how she’d adjusted to life in the palace and all the intrigue and false friends around them. He wasn’t about to betray her secret to this woman. Terra trusted him. He trusted her. It was clear he shouldn’t trust Samara.

“The only reason I haven’t asked you to leave is because you have been with my sister and me for our entire lives. But even that has limits.”

“I have been in your lives since you were children, trying to teach you the ways of the Goddess. It was a task your father gave me. One that has not been easy.”

He ignored that. He did not care how easy or hard it had been. “You want me to leave Julian once my child is born. Just like Beckett and Madran. That seems like a particularly low thing to do.” His lip curled. “Maybe even a sin.”

“It is no sin before the Goddess. The omega is not one of us.”

“His name is Julian. Julian Rylan. He is my mate.”

She sighed. “You said you do not love him. The nobles have no love for him either. He is not one of them.”

“I never said I didn’t love him,” he snarled. “And he has noble blood. The blood of House Silvius.”

“He is an omega.” Her eyes flashed. Her expression grew cold, even cruel. “Illegitimate. Common-born. He has human blood. You said so yourself that was no mark in his favor.”

“I was an ass. It’s not the first time I’ve proven it. It won’t be the last.”

He said it off the cuff, angry with her for bringing up his own words to use against him. As soon as the words left his mouth, he realized how true they were and how ashamed he should be. He’d been as close-minded and blinded by prejudice as the worst humans.

“No, your instincts were right.” She sighed again, sounding like a disappointed mother with a problem child. One who wasn’t very bright. “But I understand. You are still in the honeymoon period. You feel responsible for the omega. You are an alpha wolf, after all. It is in your genes.”

“I am responsible for Julian. He’s my mate. And we’ve been married for over three months now. So the honeymoon has been over for a while. That’s not changing the way I feel.”

“I never suspected you were a romantic.”

“I’m not. I’m practical. That’s why I married Julian in the first place. That’s why I will not cast him aside after he gives me the child I want. Honor isn’t just a concept. A king’s word must mean something. My promise must mean something.”

She didn’t like the sound of that. He could see it in her eyes. After a tense moment, she stood.

“Thank you for seeing me, Your Majesty. Congratulations on your child. May he grow up your son in every way that matters.”

What the hell was that supposed to mean? And what if his child was a daughter? He bit back a hostile growl and let her leave without saying another word. The tension in the air was volatile enough to ignite with any spark.

Suddenly feeling weary, he left the chambers and headed back for his suite of rooms, eating up the distance in the corridors with long, purposeful strides. He was moving so fast that his guards needed to hurry to keep up with him. The door guards scrambled to swing open the doors to his living quarters for him in time so that he didn’t crash right through them. Maybe leaving a king-shaped outline like in some silly cartoon.

Julian was sitting on a wing chair, reading and sipping black tea from the scent. He was so surprised when Edric stormed in that he fumbled the book and nearly spilled the tea. Julian wore an extra-large hoodie with the hood up, sweat pants, and had his feet bare.

Edric stopped in front of Julian and smirked. “You look comfortable. Am I interrupting?”

“No, no!” Julian quickly set aside the tea and the book. “I didn’t expect you back until tonight and you burst in like the palace was on fire.”

The fire wasn’t literal, but Edric supposed he was dealing with one anyway. He intended to keep that from Julian. Instead, he glanced at the cover of the book Julian seemed to be trying to hide behind the tea cup.

“What are you reading?”

“Oh, this? Uh. It’s nothing…”

He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, expecting an answer. Julian was free to read whatever he wished, but now Edric was curious. Especially since Julian’s cheeks flushed and his scent was…aroused.

Without a word, Julian lifted up the book. It was some kind of Japanese book with artwork of two hauntingly beautiful men on the cover.

“Comic books?”

Manga,” Julian corrected, sounding half outraged. “Yaoi. They fall in love.”

“Do they fuck each other’s brains out?”

Julian’s eyes widened. “It’s a romance.”

“Do they?”

“Well, sometimes. But there’s a really good story.”

Edric grinned. He loved the blush on Julian’s cheeks, as if he were embarrassed to be caught reading some kind of soap opera love story featuring only men. He made a note to himself to make sure that his mate had access to these manga books if they made him happy. Maybe he’d even read one to see what the big deal was. He was always up for some beautiful men fucking each other.

“If you’re not too busy reading, I’m feeling restless,” Edric said. “I need to work off some steam. How about the two of us. In the garden. A little run as wolves. Interested?”

They had run together as wolves in France for the first time, at night, in the woodlands and hills north of Le Lavandou. That incredible experience had drawn them together with nearly the same power as when they’d first made love. Since then, they hadn’t had many chances to simply shift to wolf form and leave the cares of kingdom rule, politics, and intrigue behind. He could count the times on one hand. And two of those had been confined to the royal gardens. The gardens had to be enough for today as well, but he was already thinking of the Summer Palace and running with Julian there.

Julian grinned and stood. “Is it a holiday or something? You can spare the time?”

It singed him a little that his mate would say something like that, even offhand. The responsibilities of the throne—of ruling and keeping the peace for a kingdom built of hundreds of diverse packs—were many. Still, it wasn’t fair for Julian to feel neglected.

“I’m the king. If I can’t ditch class once in a while, what’s the point of being all-powerful? Besides, I need the air and to stretch my muscles.” He nodded at the manga. “And afterward, we can shower together and fuck each other’s brains out. Maybe in that order. Maybe not.”

Julian’s giggle and his eager smile lifted Edric’s heart and melted him a little. Had he ever been considering leaving this man? Abandoning him because he was bastard-born with human blood in his veins? Edric had to hold back a surge of disgust for the man he had been not long ago. Hopefully, he had pulled his head out of his ass. Only time would tell.

They shifted in the privacy of one of the terraces, stripping out of their clothes, the slanting sunlight on their naked skin. The air was winter-cold, but there were powerful outdoor heaters here. On top of that, they wouldn’t be fur-less for long.

Edric’s ego was certainly thrilled when Julian looked admiringly at his nude body. His mate didn’t blush over nudity as he had when they’d first been married but freely enjoyed what was his right. Good. Seemed they both had changed for the better.

He decided they needed more of this together. These bonding moments where they could indulge their wolf natures. It was something he did not get enough of, confined to the palace luxury here in the big city. The Summer Palace would give them a chance to get away from the intensity of the political intrigue, priestesses and their religion, or the seers and their “prophecies.” Sure, it might be dead winter right now and highly unusual to shift the court to the Summer Palace, but hell, he was the alpha king. If he wanted it done, it would be done.

The more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea. It would give Julian somewhere safe and stress-free—as stress-free as the mate to the king’s existence could be—to carry their child. Edric would still be able to rule, but things would be far slower-paced…like a working vacation.

His child was worth it. Julian was worth it.

While Edric had been turning all this over in his mind, Julian walked past him, bare feet in the grass, and shifted into his wolf. The change was near-instantaneous, the shift from human to wolf taking place in a blur of light and the wolf magic that bound their kind to both man and wolf and the heart of the world.

Julian’s wolf had fur of reddish-brown. He was lean. Far smaller than Edric. But he was quick and nimble and playful. He bounded around in the garden grass in front of Edric, his amber eyes flashing with playfulness.

Edric couldn’t help but smile. That was one of the surprising things coming out of this mating, this marriage. Julian made him smile. The omega was better at it than even Edric’s sister. He felt at ease with his mate. That was not a thing he’d expected when he’d arranged the marriage. He hadn’t expected to feel comfortable, and he hadn’t expected the easy smiles.

His mate was waiting on him in the winter-barren gardens. Edric reached deep inside himself to where his wolf waited, ever eager to be let free. He embraced it, welcomed it to the fore, and felt the power and awe as the change took him. It was something as sudden and powerful as an orgasm. The change never failed to leave him amazed that he had this magic, this incredible power within.

Edric’s wolf was gray and black, big and heavily muscled. An alpha wolf in form and function. He stalked down the terrace and further into the royal gardens with Julian padding along at his side. He nudged Julian’s red wolf with his head. Julian licked at Edric’s muzzle with a pink tongue before bounding away, dancing around, his scent happy and eager. With a playful yip, Julian turned and sprinted deeper into the gardens.

Edric gave him a head start…and then set off after his mate. This. This was what he needed. No political bullshit. No worries about dynasties or ominous prophecies or past wars.

Only two wolves, together, leaving their worries behind.