The Wolf King Needs an Heir by Max Rose


Edric watched the helicopter fly away across the fields and woods, headed south toward Syracuse. Even when it was so far away that it was gone from sight and he could only hear the faint thumping rotors, he still stood there, watching the sky.

You should be with him. He needs you.

Maybe. But then he shouldn’t have tried to steal Edric’s child from him. Julian should count himself lucky that Edric didn’t throw him in chains. It wasn’t simply betrayal; it was treason. Stealing the heir to a kingdom? What forgiveness could there be for that crime?

Finally, he turned away, intending to head back inside. He would have a driver take him in the limo to the hospital. He wanted to minimize the amount of time he needed to be near Julian. Once the child was released from the hospital, he would leave with his son and head to New York City. Meanwhile, Julian would be expelled from the kingdom. His name would be stricken from all the records. Edric would do his best to forget him completely.

Still…Julian’s wave had cut him to the quick. They had been so far from each other, but he could see the omega clearly through the window in the side of the helicopter. That hesitant, hopeful wave had squeezed all the blood from Edric’s heart.

He hadn’t waved back. How could he? It would only give Julian false hope. After Edric had his heir safely back on kingdom territory, he would never see Julian again. It was best to accept that. For both of them.

“What the hell are you doing, big brother?”

Terra’s furious voice actually made him jump a little before he reached the doors. He’d been so lost in his dark thoughts that she had sneaked up on him. Then she’d practically yelled in his ear.

He turned on her, glowering. “This is none of your business.”

His cold tone didn’t make her back off. If anything, her own Rylan glower deepened as she stared back at him. She was only five foot four or so, far shorter than his six foot two, but she seemed to be doing her best to loom.

At any other time, he would’ve been amused.

“You told me to be his friend, and I am. So yeah, Edric, it’s now my business.”

“He contacted lawyers, human lawyers, to help him steal my kid from me. That goes far beyond simple betrayal.”

Her eyes narrowed and she bared her teeth. “Do you actually believe that sweet, quiet man carrying your baby would do something like that?”

“Sweet and quiet? You don’t know him as well as you think. He ruthlessly cornered me when I was desperate to make him my mate and avoid this damned prophecy bullshit.”

“Sure he did. He didn’t know you. He wasn’t part of the kingdom. All you were to him was some superior alpha asshole who expected him to bend over for you. I’m glad he put you in your place.”

“No one puts me in my place.”

“Maybe somebody should!”

He was grinding his teeth with fury. He knew they could be overheard by servants and guards if they stood out here bickering. If she truly needed to discuss this, they should at least show some discretion. “Walk with me. We’re drawing enough attention.”

“Fine. Be embarrassed by the truth.” But she fell into step with him. He walked for the gardens, away from the palace and the helipad, wanting somewhere private.

When they were far enough from the palace, he turned on her. “Listen, you know nothing about any of this. I saw the text messages. One came in while I held the phone in my hand.”

“Didn’t you ever stop to wonder about any of that?”

“What the hell do you mean?”

“How convenient it all was? Like a setup? And not a particularly convincing one, either, you idiot! Did you ever see him have a smartphone? And what evil genius would leave the incriminating cell phone unlocked?”

Edric clenched his teeth and his fists, glaring at her. “It was a disposable phone. Probably given to him by the lawyers. He probably doesn’t know how to use it.”

“Don’t be stupider than usual. Julian had a phone, and he gave it up when palace security demanded it. He gave it up for you. Now, where the hell would he get another one? He never leaves the palace unless he’s with you. You think he has some secret spy ring or something? He was a student, working in fast-food!”

He didn’t answer. That was another thing that had bothered him. But the text messages—

And,” Terra continued, leaning toward him and leveling a finger in accusation, “you’re telling me you didn’t even stop to consider why he would do this? Any half-blind dumbass can see he’s crazy about you.”

“He wanted to hold my child hostage—”

Seriously? That’s his motive? He’s royalty here. Out in the human world, he’s just another sucker trying to make his way through life.” She clenched her jaw, baring her teeth again. “He worked in fast-food, you asshat!”

He was silent. He didn’t have a good answer at the moment, but no king appreciated being called an asshat.

But Terra wasn’t done with him. She started pacing back and forth in front of him. She was also gesturing wildly, showing how upset she was. “You’ve been married nine months. Sure, you were strangers at first. You sure as hell aren’t now! You know him.”

“Why would Samara come to me with this? She said a servant found Julian’s phone and alerted her—”

She whirled on him again, looking like she wanted to strangle him. “I already told you! Why would he leave his phone unlocked and those messages undeleted? What kind of nefarious criminal does that? So are you saying your mate is an idiot? Even you wouldn’t be so stupid, and right now, I believe you might be far ahead in the race to be the dumbest, most rocks-for-brains wolf I’ve ever known.”

“You’re my sister, so you’re the only one I’d let get away with talking to me like that. But don’t push me.”

“Ha! I notice you don’t bother to answer the question.”

“I won’t dignify those questions with a response. No one gives the king the third degree.”

“No one but his sister who cares about him and wants him to be happy and sees her brother making the biggest mistake in the universe.”

“I notice you don’t have an answer on why Samara would frame Julian. She married us. We’ve known her all our lives.”

Terra looked as if she might be ready to tear her hair out. Then she stopped and took a deep breath, rubbing her temples.

“You know why,” she said tiredly. No more yelling. She simply sounded…defeated.

“Do I? Tell me your reasons.”

“It’s simple. Samara cares about politics. She’s part of the whole palace intrigue scene that neither of us enjoy. You told me she wasn’t thrilled that Julian was half-human. That he was an omega because of his human blood. That he’s a bastard, which I have a hard time believing matters in this enlightened day and age. Do even the humans care about that anymore, or is it just us?” She slowly shook her head. “Doesn’t matter. You ever think that she has political motivations to drive you apart? To make you seize your baby and drive Julian off forever? She can marry you to some nobles or some other princess or prince or whatever. Must I do all the thinking here?”

He fought against his rising annoyance at having his little sister read him the riot act. It didn’t help that he struggled to throw back good answers.

He had immediately turned on Julian, hadn’t he? Even though Julian told him the cell phone belonged to Samara. The cell phone right out in the open. Unlocked. With damning messages. And a damning text message coming in right when Samara knew he was with Julian…

Samara, Priestess of the Moon, up to her neck in this mud fight.

Had he fucked this up so badly? Had he actually turned on Julian like a rabid dog when his lover had done nothing wrong? Nothing other than having the wrong kind of blood in his veins. For being different. For being an outsider, and kind, and trusting…

His sister sensed that she’d hit him where it hurt. She pounced, smelling blood.

“This is all about you. Don’t deny it,” she snarled. “You’re so damned obsessed with trust and loyalty and terrified of being betrayed that someone waved a doggie bone in your face and you immediately bit it.”

His anger flared. Dog insults were like groin kicks for wolves. But what if she was right? Now that his anger was off Julian and flaring at her, he was starting to see things more clearly. Or at least raise some questions about what had happened. If it had been bait, then he had taken it almost eagerly, hadn’t he?

Had he been the one to betray his mate? Did Edric betray Julian by not believing the word of a man he claimed he loved?

He didn’t know. But his anger froze inside him, replaced by deepening disquiet. That feeling was cold and silent.

“Nothing to say for yourself?” Terra demanded. “Fine. You know what you need to do to make this right. You can borrow some kneepads from one of the gardeners for when you get down and grovel for forgiveness.”

“You go too far.”

“I haven’t even begun to go far enough!” Her eyes flashed dangerously. He’d never seen her so furious. He was…impressed. “Now get your furry butt to the hospital and be there for your mate. Your baby is on the way. I’ll be busy kicking Samara’s ass until she admits what she’s up to.”

“Terra… I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Don’t get your fur all ruffled. I won’t really hurt her. But she hurt two people I love, manipulating my dumb big brother and messing with my friend. No one gets away with that.”

He closed his eyes, his brain racing. “I’ll come along. I want to confront her too.”

She wheeled on him again. “Do you really need to? Do you think that’s a good use of your time when the man you love needs you and he’s alone and he’s giving birth to your kid? Because it isn’t. So, let the princess handle the priestess. Get in the limo and get to the hospital.”

Terra didn’t wait for his answer. She turned and stormed off toward the palace, moving like a wolf on the hunt.

If something ever happens to me, at least I know the kingdom will be in good hands.

His little sister would make a strong leader. Then again, he shouldn’t be surprised. She had Rylan blood in her veins.

Edric stood there, now alone with his doubts. Alone with his growing fears that he had turned on Julian right when the man he loved needed him the most.

The more he thought about it, the more certain he became that there were serious issues with the priestess’s story. Had Julian ever smelled of deception when Edric confronted him? No. Only concern. But Edric had been the one acting differently because his head was already filled with Samara’s lies.

Terra was right. The whole setup was far too convenient. So why on Earth had he believed it? He hadn’t even given Julian the benefit of the doubt. How was that fair to a man he claimed to love? To the man that he’d married?

His sister’s words had made him so furious because they had hit home the hardest. Edric claimed to value trust and loyalty, but did he show it when the chips were down? No. He certainly hadn’t shown trust to Julian.

What a hypocrite. He was utterly disgusted with himself.

Not only that, but hadn’t the seer warned him? Hadn’t the old woman warned him about taking Julian’s love for granted? Hadn’t she said something about trust? It was something like that. He hadn’t been paying close attention because he’d been so annoyed with her at the time. He regretted that bitterly now, after proving himself a fool over and over again.

He only felt more devastated when he remembered the wave goodbye from Julian as he left on the helicopter. The hesitant, hopeful wave. And what had Edric done? He hadn’t even had the good graces to wave back.

Edric had lost Julian, someone he’d come to love, a man who felt like a part of him. His friend. Someone who didn’t ask for anything from him…only his time. His mate, his lover, giving him something incredibly precious: a child. And he remembered the pain in Julian’s eyes when Edric had turned his fury on him, as if Edric had stabbed him.

Stabbed him right in the heart.

It suddenly seemed so clear to him. If he loved, he must trust. Julian made him want to be a father and a good one. He was a better man because of his mate. That simple truth shook him to the core.

His mate would be alone in a hospital without him. Scared. In pain. With a broken heart. A broken heart that Edric had so callously inflicted upon him at the worst possible time.

He needed to get to the damn hospital right now. He could be at the hospital in an hour at most if he took the limo instead of waiting for the helicopter to fly back here after dropping off Julian. Less if his chauffeur pushed the speed limit. Everything he knew about childbirth claimed that labor could take hours from beginning to end. But what if omegas were different? He didn’t remember hearing that from Dr. Smith, but some women had quick labor, didn’t they?

Edric started back toward the palace, almost running. He could fix this. It wasn’t too late. He felt like damn Ebenezer Scrooge after the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. At least that ass-kicking his sister had given him helped get his head straight. Most of getting his head straight had been listening to his heart, to stop fearing betrayal and learn to trust.

Now he needed to get to Julian and make things right. Pour out his heart. Beg for forgiveness. Tell Julian how much he loved him, how much he needed him, and how much he wanted to be a family together.

It was a big list, but he’d been the one to ruin things between them. It was on him to make things right again.

Servants and guards stayed out of his way as he took the terrace stairs two at a time. Megan was waiting for him just inside the back doors. She was poised, focused, and ready for his commands. He needed to give her another raise.

“Call the chauffeur,” he ordered. “Have the limo brought around to the front. I need to get to the hospital now. Julian needs me.”

Megan didn’t smile often, but now her smile was wide and bright. “At once, Your Majesty.”

He rushed to the front of the palace and stood waiting on the marble steps. The limo glided along the driveway and came to a smooth stop. The driver climbed out and hustled to open the door for Edric as he bore down on it like a torpedo. He swung inside. The driver shut the door and hurried back to the driver's seat.

Inside, he buckled up and pushed the intercom to talk to the driver. “Aaron. Get me to the hospital. And don’t spare the speed. My kid is on the way, and I intend to be there no matter what.”

* * *


Julian didn’t know which was worse. Labor that went on forever, or labor that rushed like a bull, barely giving him time to catch his breath between contractions. Logically, unending labor was worse…but right now, he was right in the middle of Lamaze-breathing through a contraction. Dr. Smith was with him, aided by the nurses, but he still felt alone. He desperately wished Edric were here. The loss of his friend and lover was devastating, especially now.

The contractions finally faded. Or released him. That was more accurate. He was still short of breath and felt like he’d just escaped being squeezed to death by a boa constrictor. He looked at Dr. Smith. “How much longer? I should be almost done, right?”

She patted his hand. “Not yet. But hang in there. You’re doing great.”

He groaned. It wasn’t the answer he wanted. He appreciated any pep talk, but right now, his world seemed to have shrunk down to nothing more than contractions and the blissful, ever-shorter span of no-contractions when his body didn’t feel like it was trapped in a vise.

He was sweaty. Every muscle in his back felt as if it had been stretched as thin as spaghetti and then kicked by a horse. This was pretty miserable, he wasn’t going to lie. If Edric wanted more babies after this, he’d better pray that Julian developed amnesia about childbirth…

Then it hit him like a slap across the face. Edric was done with him. Edric hated him. After this, Julian would be alone. He wouldn’t even have this child in his life.

Tears threatened again. His throat felt as if icy hands had clamped around his neck and were squeezing tighter and tighter.

He managed to get himself under control before he completely lost it. If he started bawling, no one would blame him. Probably. Having a child wasn’t exactly a stroll in the park on a sunny day with an ice cream cone. But…he was exhausted. Even exhausted with crying. It all felt like too much trouble.

“Are you okay?” Dr. Smith asked, brushing his sweaty hair back from his forehead.

“I’m fantastic,” he said through gritted teeth. Another contraction was coming on strong.

It was a terrible situation to be in. He wanted the labor over with, but he was terrified of what would happen afterward. Was time the only way to heal a broken heart? He’d heard that somewhere. That meant a lot of lonely nights, crying alone. He didn’t want to think about it. Luckily, he didn’t have to. Another contraction was coming on with freight-train speed.

He lost track of time as he concentrated on breathing through it. After it finally released him from its grip, he sagged back into the bed. His eyes were just drooping closed when he was vaguely aware of someone entering the room.

“What are you doing here?” Dr. Smith demanded.

The sharpness of her tone made him open his eyes. He was staring at an old woman. He blinked at her. Yes, it was an old woman in a teal smock…or were they robes? What was the difference? The length of the hem? Why was he thinking about this now? The old woman was carrying a cane, and he recognized her. It was the Seer Vali Morgan.

It looked like they’d let anyone in here. It wasn’t as if he was having a baby and could use a little privacy while the contractions killed him.

Vali Morgan smiled at him like a pleased grandmother. “It’s a pleasure seeing you again, young king.”

He stared at her, exhausted. “I’d shake your hand, but I’m a little busy. And tired.”

“Oh, I know. I know. You omegas are the only ones who have any idea of the trials females face. It makes you quite unique.” She chuckled quietly. “Oh, and your human side makes you interesting, too. Much more valuable than your noble blood. Yes.”

He stared at her. He really was too exhausted and distracted to feel surprise at this woman sneaking in here…or at anything she chose to say. Although he did want her to know that her prophecy was full of crap.

“Edric told me all about your prophecy.” He managed a weak shake of his head. “We didn’t save anyone from anything.”

“So sure of that, are you? Nothing has been saved?”

Her Yoda reply caught him off guard. He’d thought she would give him excuses. She’d left him at a momentary loss for words.

Dr. Smith was staring at the seer with a mix of impatience, exasperation, and wary respect. “You really shouldn’t be in here now. We’re in the middle of childbirth. This could wait until literally any other available time.”

“Oh, I know you mean well, doctor,” the seer replied cheerfully. “But this young man needed a pep talk to give him strength in his hour of need.”

“Not much of a pep talk so far.” He could feel another contraction creeping up on him again. He could feel it building like a wave in the distance. It would be crashing into shore before he knew it. It didn’t give him any more patience for nonsense.

The old woman laughed. “You remind me of my son. But don’t let despair get to you, child. Your love is on his way here to be with you and your son and make things right again. He may not appreciate me spilling the beans, but it is not the first time a king has been displeased with me.” She grinned. “Now you must decide to have faith in him or not.” She leaned in and whispered loudly. “I didn’t want you to have to make an on-the-spot decision and mess it up like Edric messed his up.”

This odd old lady had somehow made her way into the birthing center of the hospital, into his room, and was giving him relationship advice while he was in labor. It was surreal. And she was saying Edric was coming to make things right again? It was beyond cruel to get his hopes up.

He meant to tell her that and more, but the contraction came charging in, and he needed to focus on his breathing. Talking took too much concentration and air. Air he needed more than ever.

Dr. Smith was pointing toward the door. “Don’t make me call security, seer. I don’t want to have to explain to the king why you’re in the psych ward.”

“I will go,” Seer Vali said, not seeming offended in the least. “Give my regards to the king. Tell him I’m glad he’s pulled his head out of his noble ass. Quote me on that, if you like. I know you have a contraction coming on, so I won’t linger. Watching someone in labor only reminds me what it was like to be in your shoes. A long time ago. Anyhow, I should go.”

With that, the old woman turned and waddled for the door.

Dr. Smith wiped his brow again and gave him a chip of ice after his contraction finally eased. “Do you want me to double security so no one else can surprise us?”

“No,” he said. “It doesn’t matter now.”

The seer’s words made him feel better but also worse. He would never believe in prophecy, but wouldn’t it be wonderful if what she’d said was true? If Edric really was on his way here to make things right between them again…

But he didn’t have the luxury of wishing on that for long. Once again, his world shrank down into contractions and the brief, heavenly rest between contractions. He felt like a tube of toothpaste being relentlessly squeezed from the middle. It was impossible to keep track of time. This felt like the longest day of his life.

He thought he’d grown delirious when the birthing room door opened again. One of the palace security guards wearing a suit stepped inside, looked around, and left again.

“What is this, Grand Central Station?” Dr. Smith was glaring at the door. “Is someone out there selling tickets? Who is letting all these people into my delivery room?”

A mere second later, King Edric Rylan stepped inside the room and shut the door behind him. Edric still wore the same dark and dapper suit that Julian had last seen him in. He stood with such an air of command and poise. Being a leader wasn’t simply a title for Edric. It was in his bones, in every move he made.

The sight of him shattered Julian’s concentration completely. His heart skipped more than a few beats. The seer had told him that Edric was coming. But Julian hadn’t believed it was true because everything else about prophecy and seers seemed to be bullshit.

But here he was. Just like she’d said.

So why was he here? Why hadn’t he swooped in after Julian gave birth? Why not simply take their child when Julian could do nothing to stop him?

The two of them locked eyes. Edric’s face was very still, his eyes unreadable. Julian could hear his own ragged breath. It was so loud in his ears. Edric didn’t say anything, and his face revealed nothing. The silence between them was unbearable.

But Edric looked away first, turning to glance at Dr. Smith. “Is he about to deliver the baby?”

“No, Your Majesty,” the doctor replied, dipping her head respectfully. “But it won’t be long.”

“I’m glad you’re here, Dr. Smith,” Edric said solemnly. “But I’d like a personal favor. Please wait in the hall.”

The doctor hesitated. She glanced at Julian. He took a deep breath and nodded for her and the nurses to go.

“If the baby comes,” Dr. Smith said wryly, “by all means, let me know.”

A flash of amusement crossed Edric’s face at her parting quip, but when he looked back to Julian, his expression was serious again, even grim.

“Julian,” he said, moving to Julian’s side.

Julian meant to say something. He didn’t know what. But the contraction clamped down tight on him, stealing his breath. His groan threw him off his breathing rhythm.

Edric took Julian’s hand in both of his and squeezed it. His hands were warm and strong; his touch was reassuring, steadying.

“You can do this, my mate,” Edric said. “Keep your eyes on mine. Breathe with me.”

To Julian’s surprise, Edric joined him in the Lamaze breathing technique. Julian looked into Edric’s eyes and simply focused on breathing through the contraction until it finally loosened its steel grip on him.

Afterward, Julian sank back, weary. Edric still gripped his hand, but he reached out and took a sliver of ice and put it to Julian’s lips. Julian took it gratefully, although his mind was still reeling. He felt dazed, almost drunk with exhaustion. Still, he hadn’t expected this from the man who had accused him of betrayal. Was Edric toying with him? Was Julian delirious?

“I came here as fast as I could,” Edric said. “I finally remembered something. Something simple, but it changes everything. For me, at least. I can only hope it does the same for you.”

He had no idea where Edric was going with this. “What is it?”

“I love you, Julian. That’s it. I love you, and I still love you.”

“But…I didn’t want to steal our baby—”

Edric leaned forward and kissed the back of his hand. “Shush. I know. Julian, I know.”

Julian closed his eyes. His relief was overwhelming. It felt so good to be believed. If he hadn’t been all squeezed out like a sponge stepped on by a rhino, he would’ve burst into tears.

Edric reached up to stroke a finger along the curve of Julian’s cheek. His eyes were full of simple love, his words tender, but his expression was still solemn. “We married as strangers, but you kept your end of the bargain. You were my mate. My friend. My lover. You were always there for me. I love you. I always will.”

Julian’s heart felt like it was floating with joy. He opened his mouth to say that he loved Edric back…but then the words simply didn’t come. Because he remembered the fury in Edric’s eyes when he accused Julian of betraying him. He remembered Edric standing there, not returning his wave. He remembered crying himself sick, believing he had lost not only Edric but his baby. And it was too easy to remember Edric telling him he would be divorcing Julian and taking their child forever. That Julian would not even be able to see his son…

So he didn’t say anything. Because he couldn’t. It wasn’t simply that he was afraid to speak, but he had nothing to say. Love meant trust. Their “love” had only been tested—really tested—once. Edric had chosen to believe that Julian wanted to steal away with their child. Edric’s lack of trust was what had betrayed their love, not Julian.

He wanted to say those things, but he couldn’t say them either. He was desperately torn between wanting to have things back the way they were and making sure Edric never hurt him that way again.

Edric was still looking into his eyes. His expression was intense. In his eyes, regret and pain replaced the tenderness. His scent was a mix of desperation and…was that fear? Was this king afraid of what Julian, nothing but a bastard omega, would say to him?

If Julian had been a different person, he might’ve been pleased by this sudden power. He might feel vindicated. Important. Something.

But he wasn’t that kind of person. The whole thing still made him sick to his stomach. Both that it had happened in the first place…and that things had fallen apart so quickly, with such ferocity. How long would it be until that happened again?

“You aren’t saying anything,” Edric murmured, his worry deepening.

“What do you want me to say? You’ve told me that you loved me. Then you accuse me of betraying you. Of trying to steal our child. How could you ever believe that of me?” Tears blurred his eyes, burned his throat. “I can’t even say how much that hurt me, Edric. You broke my heart. If you loved me, you would have believed me.”

A deep, tense quiet fell between them. He pulled his hand away, tears burning their way down his cheek. Another contraction was coming fast. He’d lost track of the time between contractions. His concentration had been tenuous at best before now. Edric had shattered it completely.

“I hurt you,” Edric said. “I know it. I can…see it. I was wrong. How can I make it right?”

“How do you make it right? You…you believed I would take the son I carry away from his father. How do you take that back?”

Edric bowed his head. His regret was etched into his face. He was silent for a long time. But Julian lost track of him as another contraction seized him. It was hard to feel heartbroken when you were in the grip of a powerful contraction. He ended up sobbing and doing a terrible job of breathing through it. Afterward, he was a wreck. Did they sedate you for a C-section? Maybe that would be easier.

Julian realized that all through the contraction, Edric had been holding his hand again. Part of his mind had been aware of it, taking comfort from it, but most of him had been locked in tunnel vision, trying to survive the contraction. Still…it touched him. This time, Edric hadn’t let go.

“You asked me how I take that back,” Edric said. “I can’t. I wish I could. I’d give anything to go back in time and do things differently. I let my own fears blind me. I was a coward, and it hurt you.”

Julian blinked and slowly shook his head. He didn’t know what Edric meant by calling himself a coward. It wasn’t the insult Julian would’ve chosen. “What’s cowardly about it?”

“Loyalty, trust, they mean a lot to me. Maybe too much. And our child means everything to me. But so do you. I was caught between my fears and the two things that have become my life. You and our child. I was a fool. I was vulnerable to someone whispering in my ear that I couldn’t trust you. I was too ready to believe it because part of me is a coward and afraid that the love we have is too good. That our chance at a happy family was too good to be true. That you were too good to be true.”

Julian closed his eyes, touched deep in his heart by Edric’s words, but still feeling wounded. Could words even heal these wounds?

“I feel betrayed by you,” Julian said quietly. Edric flinched at those words, pain in his eyes. But he still held Julian’s hand. He nodded slightly, urging Julian to go on. To share how he felt, no matter what. “You say you love me, but you don’t trust me.”

“I’m so very sorry. I should’ve trusted you. I promise that I will trust you. From now on. No matter what. I can change, Julian. Will you forgive me and give me a chance? A chance to redeem myself? I want to prove myself worthy of your love again.”

Was he willing to forgive Edric? He’d been badly hurt. He’d had his heart broken and his life upended. He had come here today believing he was going to give birth to a child that would be taken from him. Could words make up for that?

“How can I trust that you won’t try and take my son from me the next time you think I’ve betrayed you in some way?” Julian asked, staring into Edric’s eyes. “The next time someone spreads lies about me? Because it will happen. I might be naïve when it comes to palace intrigues, but I’m smart enough to know it never stops.”

Edric closed his eyes, slowly rubbing his forehead with his free hand. “I know I fucked everything up. It’s hard for a king to admit it. It’s hard for an alpha wolf to admit it. And it’s hard for a man to admit that he screwed everything up so completely. I’m all three of those things at once. But I’m here right now telling you that I know I failed you. I was the one who betrayed our love, betrayed you. If you can’t forgive me, I understand. I’m not sure I could forgive you if our positions had been reversed. I’m begging for another chance, Julian, but I promise that if you want out, I won’t take our son from you. It was wrong of me to threaten you with that, and I’m sorry.”

The ball was in Julian’s court. He had all the power now. This king was begging him for forgiveness. No, that wasn’t the right way to think about it. Edric, the man he’d fallen in love with, wanted forgiveness.

Edric’s scent grew panicked the longer Julian took to answer. His eyes grew desperate. “Please, Julian. Don’t give up on our family just because your mate is a damned fool too scared to trust. You’ve made me a better person in a thousand ways. I need you. Don’t leave me.”

“I need you too,” Julian said. He wasn’t going to lie. He still loved this man. He could think of no better father for their son. He loved Edric with all his heart. “But you’re wrong.”

“It wouldn’t be the first time recently. But you could be more specific.”

“You’re not a coward. You came here and poured your heart out to me. That’s not something a coward does.”

“It’s what a man who realizes he’s made the biggest mistake of his life does.” Edric smiled at him tenderly, the panic in his eyes slowly replaced by tentative hope. “But thank you. I don’t deserve you, my little mate. But I’m praying I can still call you mine.”

“You can. You always can, Edric. I forgive you. I believe in second chances. And I love you. It’s as simple as that.”

Because it was as simple as that. He loved this man. That was why the last few days had been so utterly miserable and heart-wrenching. But Edric was here, now, holding his hand. That meant everything.

The relief in Edric’s eyes was only eclipsed by the joy. He leaned in and claimed Julian’s lips with a kiss that was almost frantic. Julian kissed him back, but his kiss was a little less fervent. Not that he loved Edric any less, just that he was kind of exhausted right now, mentally and physically, and he hadn’t even delivered this baby yet.

Edric drew back from the kiss. He leaned his forehead against Julian’s, his eyes closed. “Thank you. Thank you for giving me another chance. I don’t deserve you. But I’m going to do my best to deserve you anyway.”

“Stay with me now. Another contraction’s coming fast. I could use the moral support.”

Edric flashed a lopsided grin. He looked more like a troublemaker than a king. “As if I would ever leave you now. No, I’m here, Julian. Like I promised. For better or worse.”

“Good.” He settled back against the bed as the contraction loomed. “That’s a load off my busy mind.”

Edric chuckled and tenderly brushed Julian’s sweaty hair out of his face. “I will never fail you again. I will never leave you. You belong to me, and I belong to you, and both of us belong to this new life we created together.” He leaned in and placed another loving kiss on Julian’s lips. “Now, let’s have this baby. I’m ready to welcome our child into the world.”

Technically, now came the hard part. But with Edric at his side, Julian knew that, whatever might come, he had the strength and the heart to face it. They were a family again. Nothing would ever take that from him. That was the promise he made to his son, who would be entering the world shortly.

They would always be a family. That gave Julian all the hope he would ever need.