The Wolf King Needs an Heir by Max Rose


Two months later…

Julian stood on the dais in the throne room with Edric by his side. The entire royal court stood facing them, a sea of faces from the bottom of the steps all the way across the throne room to the doors. The upper balconies were filled with nobles as well.

Not only were the northern packs gathered here in New York, but Prince Alexander, heir to the Madran Kingdom, had come on a diplomatic visit. The prince had arrived earlier today. This was the official first greeting.

The prince stood on the crimson carpet with Ambassador Beckett and an entourage of Madran Kingdom wolves behind him. The prince was a handsome man with dark hair, tanned skin, noble features, and a stylized goatee. He wore a designer suit with an iridescent red tie and matching silk pocket square.

Little Connor Rylan wiggled in Edric’s arms and made a sleepy cooing sound. Edric cradled their son, all wrapped tight in blankets, in his arms. He slowly swayed from side to side. The gentle rocking motion was the best at keeping Connor asleep. Honestly, it was a miracle the baby hadn’t woken with all the echoey, ambient noise and chatter in the throne room, as well as the royal herald announcing the prince’s entrance.

Edric had that loving smile on his face as he looked down at the sleeping child in his arms. It was a smile that Julian adored. Edric only showed that exact smile to two people in the world. His son…and Julian.

Julian took a deep breath and stepped forward. He had practiced this, but he still felt a flutter of nerves. He was determined to help Edric rule the kingdom, to protect not only his child but the children of all the wolves in the packs sworn to them. If Edric had to bear this burden, then Julian would do all he could to help the man he loved.

“It is with great pleasure that we greet Prince Alexander Geffen and his honored retinue today,” he said, doing his best to project his voice. The acoustics in the throne room were decent, but his voice had never been the loudest. He’d been working with a singing coach, oddly enough, to help him with his breathing and projection. Edric had teased that he ought to get Terra to teach him a thing or two since his sister had one of the loudest yells in the kingdom.

“Today, more than ever, the world needs peace,” Julian continued. “Our world must have leaders who speak to each other with respect and in the spirit of cooperation, whether that cooperation is between wolf kingdoms, our packs, or with the human countries.”

He took a deep breath, pausing for effect as he looked out over the audience. A year ago, standing in front of all these powerful and wealthy people would’ve terrified him. These days, he took strength from Edric beside him, watching Julian speak in silence but with pride shining in his eyes.

“With that in mind, we extend the hand of welcome and friendship to Prince Alexander and the Kingdom of Madran. In celebration of their visit, I invite you all to join us for a feast in the royal gardens tonight.” He looked straight into the prince’s dark, enigmatic eyes. He kept his shoulders back, chin high. He knew he looked small, especially when standing next to Edric, but he was dressed in a designer Hugo Boss dark blue suit and matching tie and pocket square, with a golden wolf pin on his lapel. He knew that he at least looked like a modern royal. “Be welcome, Prince Alexander. Let this be the beginning of closer ties between our two kingdoms leading to greater peace and prosperity for all.”

The prince stood still for a long moment. Edric watched the prince while still swaying with the baby in his arms. It was odd that a man holding a cute child could also look intense and imposing, but Edric somehow managed. In his arms, little Connor snoozed on, clueless.

The prince swept into a graceful bow. It was odd to think that Samara and Beckett had schemed to get Edric to marry this very man. He might not be a nice guy, but Julian would give him a chance to prove himself. Julian didn’t need to feel possessive of Edric. The king belonged to him, and Julian belonged to Edric, and most times, it felt as if both of them belonged to Connor and only existed to care for him. Their lives certainly revolved around him these days. But he wouldn’t change that for the world.

“Thank you for the gracious welcome,” the prince said. “I have come at the urging of my father, King Harold Geffen, to help strengthen the friendship between our kingdoms. My comrades and I count ourselves blessed to be greeted as friends, and we congratulate you on the birth of your heir.”

The nobles began to clap and cheer. Connor startled awake at the noise, his little blue eyes going wide. Edric lifted him enough to kiss his forehead, still swaying with the baby cradled in his arms.

With the formal greeting finished, the standard court protocol was for everyone to retreat to their chambers to prepare for the feast. As this was their palace, Edric and Julian turned and left the dais, retreating through the guarded dais entrance to the throne room that was concealed in the wings.

Once they were safely in the corridor, Julian let out a long sigh. He was grateful the greeting was over and he hadn’t embarrassed himself.

“You did perfectly,” Edric said. “I’m proud of you.”

Julian grinned at the praise. Edric could always make him feel like a king with a few words and one of those smiles. He owned Julian’s heart completely.

Things weren’t perfect in the kingdom, but they were better. Julian was becoming accepted…or at least tolerated by the nobles. Shia Samara had been exiled from the kingdom completely and was stripped of her position as priestess. Edric had wanted to throw her in chains, but Julian had asked his mate to show mercy and only exile her. Julian wanted to move on and not have her shadow over them any longer. Besides, Samara had lost everything, position, prestige, and she had no money, no home. That punishment was harsh enough.

Connor gave a little cry, pulling Julian’s attention back to him, as a baby was so effective at doing. It was his warning-hungry cry. Letting them know that if he wasn’t fed soon, he would be displeased. Loudly displeased.

“Let me see the little prince,” Julian said.

Edric gently handed off their child, careful to support his head. Connor snorted and blinked, not sure he liked being handed off from his big dad…unless feeding was involved.

Julian began to rock him as they walked down the hallway, heading back to their chambers. Those chambers would provide some peace and quiet away from the demands of court and the eyes of all those nobles—for a little while, anyway. He needed a break, even if he spent it feeding Connor.

“You two are so beautiful,” Edric said, looking at him with an intensity that stole his breath. “Sometimes I worry this is a dream and that I can’t be this happy.”

He reached out and gently stroked Julian’s cheek, then did the same to Connor before booping him on his cute button nose. Connor blinked, and his eyes went wide. He didn’t seem sure whether to be happy about nose booping or not. The jury was still out.

“It’s no dream,” Julian replied. “So you don’t need to worry about waking up.”

Edric slipped his arms around Julian, holding him. Connor was cradled between them, goggling up at them and sucking on his thumb.

“I love you, Julian. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. You made me want to be a father, just to be worthy of you…” He smiled down at his newborn son. “And him.”

Julian closed his eyes, happiness welling inside him. “I love you too, Edric.” He laughed lightly, shaking his head a little. “Look at us. We did everything backward and it still worked out.”

“You mean getting married before we fell in love? Yeah. I guess we do things our own way.” He leaned in and kissed Julian, careful of Connor, of course. The little wolf prince didn’t mind being hugged and coddled, but he didn’t appreciate being squished.

Julian opened his eyes after the kiss to find Edric looking at him intently. He knew exactly what was on his husband’s mind, his mate’s desire clear, and Julian started to grin.

“We should get a cat,” Edric said suddenly.


Edric shrugged. “How bad can it be? Besides, Connor will need a pet. We’ll get a puppy too. That way, we have someone to chase the cat. It will be nonstop family entertainment.”

Julian laughed. He’d been thinking hot sex after feeding Connor and putting him down for a nap. Edric was thinking about felines. “You have no idea what you’re in for, Your Majesty, but I love you for it anyway.”

“We both know I don’t waste time thinking things over.” Edric stole another kiss.

Connor loosed another hungry cry and wiggled. No doubt he was starting to suspect his parents had momentarily forgotten that he needed to be the center of the universe. Babies. They were lucky they were so adorable.

Edric smiled down at Connor. “Don’t worry, little wolf prince. You’ll get your meal first. That’s also a royal promise.”

Julian laughed. “Look at him. Spoiled already.”

“He’s spoiled to have two fathers who love him.”

“Yep. He doesn’t know how lucky he is,” Julian said. “But I know how lucky I am. And it’s thanks to you. So, Your Majesty, let’s go feed him and get ready for this feast. Connor will give us the perfect excuse to leave early.”

“Leave early?” Edric raised an eyebrow, his lips turning up in a wry grin. “Whatever for?”

“Because I want to get you alone. They say it’s good to be king. I expect you to prove that to me tonight. Once the kiddo’s asleep, of course. I trust you’re up for it?”

Edric laughed and kissed him yet again. “Challenge accepted, my little mate. I’ll give you a night you’re never going to forget.”