The Wolf King Needs an Heir by Max Rose


King Edric was used to pomp and circumstance. Even a royal wedding wasn’t all that impressive to him. He did appreciate that his people had been able to pull all this together in less than a week. When he’d told Megan of his intentions, she’d flat out told him it was impossible. But his people made it possible. He intended to find a way to repay them for their hard work. Hard work with minimal complaints…at least complaints that had reached his ears, which was the only thing that counted.

He could tell his new mate was impressed with the splendor of the ceremony. That made him feel oddly pleased. He’d lived with royal extravagance all his life. He was jaded. But seeing Julian’s reaction to it all, how dazzled he was, made Edric stop and appreciate what he had. At least a little.

They were seated at a table under a huge white pavilion that kept off the afternoon sun. It was September in New York, but the days could still get warm. The royal gardens were filled with tables, guests, servants, and guards. A dance floor had been constructed by one of the fountains. The string ensemble had relocated to the gardens already and was busy playing a waltz.

Julian took another sip of his champagne. The scent of Julian’s emotional state was unsurprisingly complex. Nervous, excited, impressed, tense, eager. Edric had grown used to Julian feeling nervous and out of his element. He had come to feel a kind of compassion for the omega having his entire existence turned on end. He’d done what he could to make Julian feel at ease and grow accustomed to the world he’d soon be a big part of.

It was strange to think that he was now married. On the one hand, Edric really didn’t feel any different. On the other, everything had changed. It might be a cliché, but he was looking forward to his wedding night. Kissing Julian for the first time had been a thrill. Almost as if he were showing off and claiming his prize. After his desire had been building all week, deliberately holding back from even kissing his future mate, he was more than ready to get Julian alone. Edric was going to make certain his mate enjoyed every second tonight. He would drive every memory of any other lover from Julian’s head forever.

He belonged to Edric now.

But he couldn’t blame Julian for his nerves. This whole arrangement had happened at lightning speed. Edric was not a man to mess around or dally and dither. Once he knew what had to be done, nothing would stop him from doing it. He needed to marry this omega to save his family’s dynasty. So he married the omega. Besides, this was how they’d done it in the old days, wasn’t it? Arranged marriages. Meeting your new life partner and kissing them for the first time during the wedding ceremony. He didn’t necessarily approve, but he knew a king had to be practical and put results first.

At least he’d had a week to get to know Julian. Sure, they were barely friends, but they had time to discover more together, to deepen that relationship. Edric’s bitching about Julian—that he was half-human, a commoner, illegitimate—had faded. He was vaguely ashamed of being so quick to say and think those things. Not that he’d been wrong to distrust humans, but the rest had been…too much. Even though Julian had only lived a commoner’s life, he had noble blood in his veins. That made a difference, didn’t it?

The omega might not be as self-assured as Edric would like, but he seemed like a good person all the way through. Maybe a better person than Edric. He was soft-spoken and kind, but he also had a core of values that he stuck to no matter what. He had surprising strength and determination buried inside. He’d shown both when he’d faced off with Edric and turned down Edric’s offer of marriage. Best of all, Julian hadn’t breathed a word about making Edric get down on one knee and practically beg the omega to marry him. Julian didn’t brag. He didn’t gossip. He kept what had happened just between them.

That meant more to Edric than he could say. The palace was full of intrigues and rife with gossip and infighting. There were only a few wolves that Edric truly trusted. He was hoping Julian would be at the front of that list, and so far, so good. He could use someone else to trust in his life. Someone who wasn’t trying to use the throne to his or her own advantage…

He leaned over to talk to Julian, keeping his voice low. “How are you doing?”

“Me? Oh, um, I’m fine. A little overwhelmed.” He gave a short laugh. “Maybe a lot overwhelmed. I can’t believe someone pulled all this together in a week. I wouldn’t have believed it possible.”

“I have all the wealth and power of a kingdom at my command. Now you do as well.”

That was true…to a point. Edric wasn’t about to hand his kingdom over to anyone, even the man he’d married, and especially not someone he’d known for a week. He wasn’t an utter fool. But he wasn’t lying either. Julian would want for nothing.

“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that. Maybe it’s just as well.”

It was easy to dismiss an omega because they were small and weren’t dominant. Julian was humble and down to earth, but he had a gentle wisdom to him. Perhaps because his experiences had been so different, living out in the human world with no pack. It must have been lonely. Luckily, Edric had rescued him from that life. But his new mate was a good person. Simple. Kind. But with a good heart and a good head. Edric knew Julian had no living family. That was too bad. He would’ve enjoyed meeting Julian’s mother, who might have been human but had done a decent job raising him.

“It’s weird,” Julian said suddenly. “I don’t know anyone here. I mean, aside from the servants I’ve met. And some of your advisors. Terra, of course. Oh, and Frank and Damon.”

Edric couldn’t help a smile. Frank and Damon were royal bodyguards he’d assigned to keep his mate safe. He hadn’t expected Julian to make friends with them. Julian had chattered on about how cool he thought they were when the two of them had been on one of their evening garden walks. It was something Edric found both amusing and endearing. He had to admit that he was looking forward to getting to know his mate, learning all those likes and quirks and idiosyncrasies that made a person unique.

Getting to know him? That wouldn’t be enough. He wanted Julian to love him.

“You don’t need to know these nobles,” he assured Julian. “Most of the time, I wish I didn’t.” He pointed out a few of the more powerful alpha wolf nobles. “And on our left is the ambassador from the Kingdom of Madran. They aren’t pleased that I married you.”

Julian looked alarmed. “You mean I’m already making enemies?”

“Don’t worry. It’s only royal politics. I’ll keep you out of it as much as possible.” He nodded at the big table on their right. The table sat beneath a huge canopy decorated with strings of lights and Japanese paper lanterns. “Over there is Priestess Shia Samara. I’m sure you recognize her.”

“The priestess who married us. She seemed nice.”

Edric chose not to reply to that, remembering how vehemently Samara had been against Edric marrying an omega after he informed her of the betrothal. Her opposition had quieted a little when he’d told her about Seer Vali Morgan. Priestesses believed in prophecy, and she knew the Ceradine Prophecy well enough. But Samara had suggested Edric simply knock Julian up, pay him off, and put the omega and any illegitimate offspring behind him and marry a princess. Certainly not marry a commoner, for the sake of the Goddess. While the wedding had been in the rush stages of planning, Edric had gone as far as to give Samara the chance to let another moon priestess perform the ceremony. She’d refused. She’d even seemed insulted that he would offer. He didn’t have time to worry over her feelings. He had enough on his plate. At least she hadn’t let her disapproval show during the vows.

Speaking of princesses, Edric caught sight of his sister moving through the garden toward them. She wore a one-shoulder formal gown with pearls and diamond chips set across the bodice. The gown was green and deep blue, floor-length and sweeping, and seemed to flow around her like seaweed in an ocean tide. On her dark blonde, shoulder-length hair rested a diamond tiara that glittered in the sunlight. Her retinue of companions and guards followed behind her. Her smile was brighter than the sunlight glinting off her tiara as she headed for them.

“Your sister is one of the nicest people I’ve met here,” Julian said suddenly. His smile was warm. “She really helped me get through last week. She made me feel like family.”

Hell, Edric’s heart straight-up melted right then. He was very protective of his sister. It pleased him deeply that Julian had hit it off with her so well. He was grateful to her. She’d mentioned that Julian needed a friend…and then she’d become that friend, being there for him when Edric was busy with diplomats, treaties, and matters of the high court.

His sister gave them an elaborate curtsey and beamed.

“Congratulations to the happy couple!” she said. “You both looked so handsome up there.”

Julian grinned and reached up to pretend-straighten his bow tie. Edric watched him, feeling an ache in his chest…and his groin. Julian was quite attractive and even more so when he was smiling. His smile lit up his face, his pretty green eyes, and made him practically glow with happiness. Edric liked it. He was going to have to do more to keep a smile on Julian’s face. Not even for purely selfish reasons, either. Well, for some selfish reasons. Like the erection currently tenting his trousers. Luckily, the table hid it.

“Thanks, Terra,” Julian said. “I’m just glad it’s over. I was sure I was going to pass out and fall off the stage.”

“Don’t worry,” she quipped. “Edric would’ve caught you. He’s good for something…sometimes.” She glanced at him and put her hands on her hips. “I expect you to take good care of him, brother.”

“Don’t worry your little tiara-wearing head, sis. I know how to make a mate happy.” He was boasting, but then again, he was entitled. The longer he was around Julian, the more he wanted Julian around.

“I trust you, Edric,” she said loftily, as if he should be honored.

It amused him when she played princess. She didn’t have a big head—not like he did. She was better than him in many ways. That wasn’t something he’d ever admit aloud. But Terra had been able to look beyond Julian’s heritage to see the real omega, to become his friend. She’d set an example for Edric. Her simple acceptance of Julian had even shamed Edric into dropping his complaints about the omega being lowborn and half-human and all the ugly things he’d said. If these two kept forcing Edric to be a better person, then he was lucky to have Julian and lucky to have Terra in his life no matter how much he might growl about it.

“I need wine,” his sister suddenly announced. She turned to her entourage. “Let’s find our places, everyone, so we can eat. These royal weddings are supposed to have good catering. I intend to discover if it’s true. Otherwise, I will never feel safe getting married.”

She waggled her eyebrows at Julian, stuck out her tongue at Edric, and sauntered off. Edric chuckled and shook his head. His sister…was a pain in his ass.

He nudged Julian. “I gave you the chance to marry her.”

Julian looked utterly nonplussed. “I…But… I told you—”

“Relax. I’m teasing. You belong to me, and nobody’s as selfish as a king.”

“Is that right?” Julian’s smile gained a touch of sass. “Maybe I should’ve married her after all.”

“Good luck with that. She’s twenty-three years old and acts like she’s twelve whenever she feels like it.”

“Well, I like her. Maybe because she isn’t so serious.”

“That’s fair. She’s always been a free spirit. With my father dead and me the king, it falls upon me to find her a suitable marriage.” He sighed. “I don’t have the heart to force her into an arranged marriage.”

“You had one. I remember. I was there.”

He smirked. “Touché. But I got lucky, didn’t I?” He liked how Julian flushed at the compliment. “I’m not sure there’s a wolf alive that could deal with my sister.”

Julian was looking at him closely. “You two are very close.”

“Yes.” He’d always been able to count on her. Trust her. He trusted so few people, but she’d always been there for him.

“I’m jealous. I don’t have any siblings.”

Julian’s voice sounded wistful…and a bit sad. Edric’s heart went out to his mate simply because he could tell Julian was feeling the loss on a day like this. Feeling alone. Some people did fine as an only child. Other people had terrible relationships with their siblings and probably would’ve preferred being an only child.

He decided to take Julian’s mind off it and leaned in to steal a kiss from his omega. It was a sweet kiss, promising more passion later. The kiss even earned a few cheers and glass-chiming from the guests. Julian blushed prettily. Edric wondered if the omega would blush when he stripped him naked and finally got to claim that lean, tight little body for his own.

His desire stayed a distraction as nobles, priestesses, and diplomats stopped by their table to congratulate them and chat. Edric did most of the talking. These people were primarily interested in appeasing him, after all. But Julian held his own, being gracious even though a few nobles clearly weren’t impressed by him. Edric made a note of who they were. He wasn’t vindictive by nature, but examples might need to be made. His mate would get the respect due to one who had married a king. Or else. A few sharp words of veiled warning and a cold look or two had the nobles in question quickly bowing their heads in submission and forcing them to give Julian more respect.

Still, Edric knew this was only the beginning. The political maneuvering and court intrigues had only just begun. He had dragged Julian into this, so he needed to protect his mate. His honor and his family’s honor were on the line.

Besides, Julian deserved better. His mate didn’t have a political bone in his body. He wasn’t chasing power either, which was unheard of at court. Megan needed to bribe him just to meet Edric…and ultimately turn him down. At least until Edric had gotten down on his knees. He still looked back on that memory with a mix of chagrin and grudging respect for Julian.

The parade of courtiers and nobles grew tiresome. Luckily, they were saved by the caterers serving dinner. Edric and Julian were served first, of course. The prime rib was juicy and tender, served with stuffed mushrooms, green beans, roasted potatoes, and expensive champagne. The palace’s head gourmet chef was overseeing the wedding catering, and Edric’s faith in the woman was well-founded.

Julian made pleased noises as he dug in to his plate of food.

“Good?” Edric asked, pleased himself that Julian seemed to approve.

“Divine. I don’t even want to know how much this cost.”

He shrugged. “Not caring is part of being an aristocrat.”

Julian looked dubious, but Edric knew he’d learn. Their wildly different backgrounds sometimes made it seem as if they were from completely different countries. But he was happy that Julian liked the food.

It was strange to be worried about someone else, their needs, their likes and dislikes. He was used to being the focus of all the attention, having everyone waiting on him and his pleasure. So it was different, but he found himself enjoying it. Perhaps it had been wise to rush the marriage. It forced him to change when his life had been in the same royal rut. Or more likely, he was completely overthinking it.

After the meal, Edric began to feel restless. He wanted to get his butt off the chair and stretch his legs. More than that, he wanted to touch the man that he’d just married. He wanted to hold him close and breathe in his scent, feel his warmth.

Dancing would be perfect for exactly that.

He leaned in close to Julian’s ear. “Dance with me.”

The omega’s peaches-and-cream skin flushed. It was as if he had a big red button to make him blush, and Edric took delight in pushing it.

“I’m not…” Julian said. “I can’t waltz. Or do any formal dances. I can wiggle. That’s it.”

Edric had a dance instructor growing up. It was expected that the nobility would know how to dance. Formal balls and charities all had dancing as a matter of course.

“Don’t worry,” he said. “I’ll hire you the best dancing instructor on the continent after this.” It might be something they could do together. Couple bonding or whatever. It even sounded fun. “But for tonight, we can simply hold each other and sway. No one will judge us or I’ll have them executed.”

Julian’s eyes went wide. “Executed?”

“That was a joke, little wolf. I would only have them exiled.”

“Exiled? For judging my dancing?”

“Fine. How about I growl at them menacingly?”

“I guess that’s all right.” A smile spread on Julian’s lips. “But don’t we have to wait until they announce we get the first dance?”

“What point is there to being king if you can’t do what you want?”

“Is that a trick question?”

Edric laughed and stood. He held out his hand to Julian. “Come on, my new mate. I want to hold you and sway to the music.”

Julian’s cheeks grew a deeper pink. For some reason, that turned Edric on.

He led Julian to the dance floor. They were watched, of course. The king couldn’t do anything without being watched. He ignored the attention. He was used to it. After guiding Julian to the center of the floor, he glanced at the string ensemble, and they shifted into another piece. A waltz, but he ignored the waltz timing and simply slipped his arms around Julian.

They swayed together to the music like teenagers at some school dance. Although Edric made sure to keep his lower half-pressed up against Julian. He wanted to let his mate feel his erection as they moved. He wanted Julian to feel desired and know exactly what Edric wanted.

Wanted later. After the rest of this nonsense was over and they were alone.

Julian’s eyes widened a little when he felt Edric’s stiff cock. His cheeks still had that pretty blush. But then he smiled. It was even a secret, almost naughty smile. He laid his head against Edric’s chest and closed his eyes.

Edric lost track of the people who were watching them. For the moment, all that mattered was the two of them. Julian safely in his arms. No awkwardness. No gap of station between them. Only their bodies pressed close, their scents intermingled, and the feeling of Julian’s heartbeat making him extremely protective of his new mate.

The audience clapped when the dance ended. He ignored them, only smiling down at Julian as they headed back to their seats at the main table. Other couples began to dance. He held the back of Julian’s chair as his mate sat down before taking his own seat again.

The Madran Kingdom ambassador appeared before them. Ambassador Beckett lifted his glass of champagne and dipped his head in respect. The ambassador was a tall, broad man with a full silver beard and thick, shoulder-length hair. He had close-set eyes, slightly doughy features, and wore a white tuxedo with a dark red bow tie, a red pocket square, and leaned on a black cane with a ruby on top. Ostentatious. Edric had to admire the brash style, although he did not trust Beckett. Or the Madran Kingdom, for that matter. Two generations had passed since the Leone War, but wolf packs had long memories.

“The wolves of Madran give you our congratulations and best wishes,” Ambassador Beckett announced. “To you, Your Majesty, and to your new mate.”

“Thank you,” Edric said evenly. Civil but firm was the only way to deal with Madran.

The ambassador smiled at Julian. “A pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty. I’ve heard much about you. Let me be the first to offer you the friendship of the Madran Kingdom. I extend an invitation for you and King Edric to be our honored guests and grace our kingdom with a visit.”

“Thank you,” Julian replied, seeming a bit overwhelmed. Perhaps it was being called Your Majesty. “I’d love to travel.”

“Excellent.” Ambassador Beckett looked at Edric again. “Love sometimes strikes like lightning from the sky, does it not? I understand the desire to marry quickly. Life waits for no wolf.”

“Quite so,” Edric said, knowing that Beckett wasn’t giving any kind of compliment. This was forked-tongue diplomatic speak. It made him feel strangely grateful to Julian that Edric didn’t need to hear this kind of nonsense from his mate. Julian spoke his mind. He could trust that.

“It is regrettable that I couldn’t have tempted you into visiting Indianapolis prior to this momentous day. It’s unfortunate that I could not at least introduce you to Prince Alexander Geffen. If we had known you were looking for a…mate, such a meeting might have helped improve ties between our great kingdoms.”

“Could Prince Alexander give me an heir?” he asked bluntly, although both of them knew the answer.

“Regrettably not, Your Majesty. He is pure noble-born wolf blood.”

“Ah.” He put his hand on Julian’s. “My mate is an omega and can give me an heir.” And your prince can’t, you snide son of a bitch. He let that fact linger in the air between them, along with a hint of warning and a touch of menace. “I made the best choice for Ry Novia and for myself.”

Ambassador Beckett bowed. “Of course, Your Majesty. I understand completely. I won’t take up any more of your time on this historic day.”

Beckett withdrew, moving with a floaty grace as he walked away.

Edric glanced at Julian with concern. “Are you well?”

“You mean after he insulted me while smiling like a friend? I’m fine. I’m sure it won’t be the last time it happens.” He grinned at Edric. “Thank you for putting him in his place. I liked that.”

“My pleasure.” He was about to say something else but held back as Priestess Samara approached them. He had noted her here and there chatting with the nobles and other priestesses, but she hadn’t come to speak to them since they’d left the stage after the marriage vows. She stopped before them both, pressed her palms together, and bowed.

“May the blessing of moonlight always illuminate your way in darkness,” she said.

It was the formal greeting the moon priestesses used. He’d always thought it sounded senselessly grandiose but kept his opinion to himself. Mostly. The religion had been with the wolf packs for thousands of years. Only females were allowed into its ranks. When Edric and his sister were children, Priestess Shia Samara had been the tutor in the old ways of the Goddess. Out of respect for that, Edric allowed Samara more leeway to speak freely. It was also why he’d allowed her to perform the marriage rights, even though she’d made it clear she believed marrying an omega was a mistake.

“Thank you, Priestess Samara,” he said diplomatically. “And thank you for performing a wonderful ceremony.”

“I serve the Goddess.” That was the standard kind of thing priestesses were fond of saying while sounding pious. He was glad he wasn’t pious. He didn’t have the patience. Or the humility. In fact…he would make a terrible worshiper in almost every way possible. “And the Goddess wants our packs to be strong.”

He nodded noncommittally. He wanted his family’s dynasty to be strong. That was the only way the packs who paid him allegiance could remain strong. She knew that was why he’d rushed this marriage. She knew the causes behind the curtains and the things that had made him act. He hoped she’d come to accept them because he wouldn’t turn back now.

Samara peered at Julian with dark eyes sporting amber circles around the irises. “We have not had much time to speak, my child. To my regret.”

“Oh. Um. Things have happened very fast, haven’t they? I mean…we were married in a week.”

“True. Highly unorthodox,” Samara said, smiling mysteriously. “But quite necessary, I’m told.”

Edric frowned. Time to fire a warning shot across the bow. “I don’t second guess my choices, Samara. I don’t have the patience. When something needs to be done, I do it.”

“Yes. You have always prided yourself on not being a politician, Your Majesty.”

He lifted one eyebrow. “Probably because I’m not a politician. I’m a king.”

The moon priestess bowed. “Point taken, Your Majesty.”

She glanced at Julian again. He wasn’t sure he appreciated this questioning right now at the wedding. In fact, it was close to pissing him off. He didn’t see the point in any more dissent. It was too late to go back now. He was married. Next on the list was putting a baby in Julian. That was blunt, but Edric had work to do, and he didn’t see any Moon Goddess helping him out, did he?

“Tell me, my child,” she said, smiling at Julian…although her eyes did not match the smile. “Does your wolf serve the Goddess?”

Edric held his tongue, though his first inclination was to answer for his mate. Out of a desire to protect him, stand up for him, not because he didn’t believe Julian should have a voice.

But it didn’t seem like Julian was intimidated by talking with her. He was showing the resolve, determination, and strength he’d shown the first time they’d met. Edric had been right. There was more to this wolf than met the eye. He was clearly an omega, which usually meant submissive…so was that his human side coming through?

He didn’t know. But he found himself fascinated nonetheless.

“I don’t know anything about the Goddess,” Julian said, carefully polite but not deferential. “Neither does my wolf. But I’m not really religious…and I don’t believe in prophecy either. Sorry if that disappoints anyone. I’m just a normal person.”

The priestess was still smiling, but she also was shaking her head slightly. “A normal person? I see. And yet, you are the alpha king’s chosen mate. Clearly, the prophecy has blessed you beyond your understanding. I believe the Moon Goddess must have quite the sense of humor.”

“More sense of humor than I do,” Edric said.

He increasingly wondered why the priestess was saying these things here and now. She didn’t approve of Julian being half-human—being a male omega. Fine. He understood. Edric had felt the same way. At first. But now they all needed to move forward as a united kingdom. What was she after?

Samara bowed deeply. “I meant no disrespect, Your Majesties. I was honored to stand and hear your vows of love to each other. May you live in peace and happiness for all your days.”

Edric nodded, letting the matter drop and dismissing her. He hoped she wouldn’t turn into a problem. His sister liked Samara.

He leaned over to talk in Julian’s ear so only his mate could hear him. “I’ve noticed something. We can avoid talking to everyone if we take to the dance floor again. Otherwise, everyone wants to come and bother us.”

Julian gave him a coy look. “So, are you asking me to dance again? I didn’t step on your feet enough the first time?”

Edric took his hand and formally kissed the back of it. “You can step on my feet to your heart’s desire if it means I get to hold you again. May I have this dance?”

That made Julian laugh lightly, his eyes lighting up with pleasure. “Of course.”

They stood together and once more headed for the area of the garden with its temporary dance floor. The couples dancing there moved aside for them. He nodded his thanks and led Julian to the center of the dance floor. He liked the center.

They danced, song after song. The same as earlier. It was simpler like this. Just holding someone and being held. Not worrying about problems. Not focused on the future, only focused on right here and right now. He’d forgotten how much he enjoyed it.

It was easy to lose track of time like this. Out here, he was surrounded by people, yet it was as if they were in a bubble. Everyone could see them, but no one could reach them.

Julian nuzzled against him, pressing close. Touching the other wolf—his mate, the man that he’d just married—had his cock stiffening again and the ache of lust tightening in his groin. He felt a surprising mix of tenderness and desire for the man he was holding. He didn’t waste a lot of time mulling it over either. The power of those feelings was unexpected…but nice.

Quite nice.

Twilight had fallen. The garden was lit by the strings of small lights and decorative Japanese lanterns. Others danced beside them on the dance floor, but they kept a respectful distance. He was vaguely aware of his guards, in uniform and the plain-clothed ones, around the dance floor, protecting them both. They didn’t matter. The rest of the guests didn’t matter either. He found himself perfectly happy to simply be here, slow dancing with Julian in his arms.

“I think I’m ready to leave whenever you are,” Julian said, not lifting his head from Edric’s shoulder as they sway-danced together. He could scent the omega’s mix of tiredness, tension, and arousal.

Edric grinned. “Tired of being in the spotlight?”

“Yeah. I think I am. Besides, I’ve had enough champagne for the night.” He lifted his head and looked up at Edric. “I’m not drunk. I sweated out all the champagne I drank.”

“No one would blame you if you were tipsy. I know today was very stressful. You did yourself proud.”

“Do you really mean it?”

He stopped and stroked a finger along the omega’s jawline, tilting up his chin playfully. “I don’t make a habit of saying things I don’t mean.”

“That’s good. I promise I won’t ask you things like that anymore.”

“Ask. You are my mate. Ask anything you want. Julian, this is new for both of us. We didn’t have time for a long betrothal.”

We didn’t have time to fall in love. He didn’t say that because it was painfully obvious, although that fact still stood between them, like a chain-link fence. They could see each other through it, even touch, but it still separated them. He didn’t know if they could find love together or if they would always be nothing more than two strangers linked together by an arranged marriage and a prophecy that might be nonsense.

“Are you…happy, Edric?”

The question touched him. It hit him harder than it should have. Perhaps because no one but his sister had ever asked anything like it. A king’s happiness didn’t matter. He was there to lead. As the leader, he had all the power…and all the responsibility.

But he didn’t know how to answer Julian’s question. He wasn’t ready to drop his internal fortifications and walls and start blurting out real feelings. Even to his new mate. They would need to build that trust together.

Then again, he wasn’t going to make Julian feel terrible by saying no, I’m not happy. He had responsibilities to his mate as well. Besides, it wasn’t true. He wasn’t unhappy. But this rushed wedding and marrying an omega hadn’t been what he’d imagined would happen in his life.

“I’m happy,” he said, looking into his mate’s eyes. When he said it, he knew it wasn’t a lie. “What about you, little wolf?”

Those words made Julian smile and close his eyes. His scent was pleased. And relieved. “I feel so many things right now. I don’t know if I’m happy or not. I feel like a tornado of emotions.”

Edric planted a gentle kiss on the top of his head. “I’m glad you’re honest.”

“That’s a big part of being mates, isn’t it?” Julian said. “At least, it seems like it should be to me.”

“You’re right.” He tilted Julian’s chin and claimed those lips with another kiss. This one was hotter and far more passionate than the ones they’d shared earlier. His ego was thrilled when his mate gave a deep moan. That sound of pleasure seemed to race through his veins, shooting straight to his groin, turning him on even more.

“Let’s make our exit then,” Edric urged. “I think we’ve endured this ceremony enough for one lifetime.”

He felt Julian’s heart begin beating faster. He caught his mate’s emotions revealed in Julian’s eyes, his scent. Tension again but also growing arousal beneath the nerves. There was still unease there. Worries. Edric wanted to ease those worries if he could. They could no longer be strangers.

“Let me make this wonderful for you, Julian,” he said softly, again stroking a finger along Julian’s cheek, reveling in the softness of his pale skin.

“I don’t need you to treat me like a virgin,” Julian replied, looking into his eyes. “I’m not one, remember?”

He smirked. “I didn’t mean to imply that you don’t know what you are doing. But I don’t want you to feel that tonight is a terrifying obligation, either. We don’t have to do this tonight if you can’t. I know it’s very soon.”

“No. We do. I want to.”

That was exactly what Edric wanted to hear. And yet he still hesitated, wanting to be completely sure.

“You don’t need to do this for me.”

Julian stared him straight in the eyes. And then surprised the hell out of him by leaning in, wrapping his arms around the back of Edric’s neck, and planting a kiss on his mouth.

“I’m doing this for us,” Julian said, drawing back from this kiss and looking at him with a mix of shyness and need that had Edric’s blood heating with desire.

That was all Edric needed to hear.