Jesse’s Story by Rosa Mink

Chapter 3


My neck tightens the longer I’m away from Maddie.  I need her back in my arms, in my sight.  From the moment she said she wasn’t gay, liked guys, I have been hard as hell.  I don’t know how she didn’t realize it when I was holding her close.

And her hand on me.  Shit, I almost came in my pants.

I’m craving for her to be back in my arms, to hold onto her, take away whatever worries she has.  The look on her face when I was talking to Julie earlier had me almost on my knees in pain. 

It only grew worse when she said she had a code word with her little sister for safety.  My girl shouldn’t need a code word for anything other than wanting my dick.

I grab hold of the back of my head, tightening every muscle in my body to stop from going and grabbing her.  Going caveman on her sexy little ass and tossing her over my shoulder to take home right this instant.

First things first, find her sister.  Then take them both home with me, because the fuck if I’m letting them stay with their drunken father any longer.  Maddie is mine and that makes her sister mine to protect as well.

“Look, if we spot her, we’ll call you.  You’re not hard to miss in this crowd,” Doug states with a chuckle. 

I know he’s not talking about my tight dark blue t-shirt and blue jeans.  No, it’s the fact that I’m six-five and built while around us is mostly a sea of women for the event.

“Thanks,” I tell him, shaking his hand before moving back towards my girl.  My sisters are showing off photos of the family and the smile on her face makes me happy.  I want my girl to enjoy my family.  She’s about to be part of it.  Become my number one.

We move through the space slowly, looking for Kayla and Maddie almost jumps when my phone rings.

“You got her?” I ask rather than saying hello.

“Your ten o’clock,” Sam says, and I move that way, finding him on the edge of the grounds.  “Now turn to nine.  That your girl?”

I draw Maddie’s attention towards the girl looking worried by the refreshment tent and the relief on her face warms my heart.  “That’s our girl.  Thanks man.”

“That’s our job,” Sam says before I hang up, moving through the crowd with the girls following me.  It parts thanks to my size and I see Kayla’s eyes widen when she notices my attention on her.  The hint of fear has me pulling Maddie up just slightly in front of me letting it drop.  She hurries over to us, hugging Maddie tightly.

“Where were you?” Kayla asks, her eyes dropping to the shirt Maddie’s now wearing, then down to her bandaged knees.  “What happened?”

“I had a little accident, tripped over my own feet and got a few scrapes.  I caught my shirt on something, and it ripped.  Jesse happened by, saw it, and got me put back together,” Maddie tells her, her tone light and breezy, hiding the lies.

“Is that true?” Kayla asks looking my way.  “Don’t lie to me about my sister,” she adds, and I look down to Maddie for her to correct her statement.

“Alright,” she said with a sigh, holding onto Kayla before telling her most of it.  “I’m fine, a little banged up, but they didn’t do anything more than manhandle and toss me around, ripped my shirt.”

Kayla gives her a huge hug before tossing herself at me and I stumble a bit in surprise at the action.  “Thank you!  She’s all I have; if something…”

“Nothing is ever going to hurt her again, I promise,” I whisper to her, before setting her back onto her feet.  She’s likely about five inches taller than my girl, I’d guess about five-six, because Maddie is even shorter than Jackie and our mom who are both about five-three.  Maddie doesn’t even reach my shoulders but she’s a perfect fit for me.

“I didn’t realize I’d lost you at first,” Kayla says turning back to Maddie after giving me an odd look at my words.  “Then I started searching for you before I remembered that people said if you’re lost you should stay in one place, but it was getting late and…”

“I know, I was freaked out too,” Maddie tells her.  “I’ll figure out something to get you a new phone because I can’t ever go through this again.  Jesse had his sisters looking and talked to security, had them looking for you so we could find you.”

“I didn’t know there was security here, there usually isn’t at these things,” Kayla states and Julie slips up with a laugh patting my shoulder.

“My little brother is a worrier and while he didn’t say he did it, I know he paid for them to be discreetly around.  I’m Julie and this is my wife Serena,” Julie adds, her voice softening when she says Serena’s name like always.

“Oh my god, you’re…wow, I um…I…”

“I think what she’s trying to say is she’s read about you,” Maddie says pulling back into a shell it feels and I don’t like it.  “I didn’t realize until we’d left the building where we were and then I remembered Kayla mentioning your names and that you were CEO and Executive Designer of Cartwright Construction.  She’s a little in awe.”

“I still am of them,” Serena says with a laugh.  “Dad offered me a design job after I helped decorate their sister Jackie’s place, but I thought it was just charity because we were dating.  I said no to the job but this one,” she adds nuzzling Julie, “wouldn’t take no for an answer.  She marched me downstairs, gave the portfolio Momma Annie threw together for me to the head of the department.  He looked at it then grabbed a stack of binders and folders dropping them into my arms and pointed me to a desk.  The impressive ones are these two.  Julie is CEO of Projects, and this handsome guy is CEO of Business Operations.”

Maddie’s eyes widen at that news, the brightness in them paling and I grab her hand, not about to let her leave.  I’ve seen people who are intimidated by my last name before, people who are intimidated by my job, and like hell am I going to let my girl be one of them.

“I was shocked when I read that,” Kayla says towards Julie.  “I mean, construction and women aren’t usually thought of going together.”

“They aren’t and especially not someone that’s gay and a woman leading the business,” Julie agrees.  “I know I was lucky.  Daddy never let others run over me, but I worked my ass off to gain the knowledge to run it as well.  So has Jesse.  Just because our last name is Cartwright doesn’t mean we didn’t have to try.”

“That’s what Maddie told me, to just keep trying, get good grades and I’d get into college.  That if I wanted to be a lawyer then I could be.  She’s my best friend, so I definitely was freaking out thinking I’d lost her,” Kayla tells us, stopping when a little squeal sounds from behind Julie and Serena.  I know that squeal and I turn, giving Anya a hug before she pops over to my sisters.

“This is Anya, our older daughter.  She’s fifteen and thinks she’s too cool to hang out with her moms,” Julie says introducing them.

“So not true, I was just happy to see Uncle Jesse.  We wanted to know if we could go down to the food trucks,” Anya adds and Julie nods.  “You have to come try the Cheez-Cheez,” she says, grabbing Kayla’s hand with a laugh.  “It’s the greatest food truck to ever exist, unless you’re allergic to cheese.”

“We’ll take them, and they can hang out with some of the girls from her teen group,” Serena suggests to Maddie.  “Relax, Jesse will take care of you, and we have Kayla.”

“Sounds good, thanks Sis,” I state before Maddie can argue.  Her eyes are a bit wary, and I move us through the space towards the brick gazebo.  I know it’ll be quieter there and it’s close to where the teen group hangs out.  I spot several of them near the lake already and I sit down, pulling Maddie onto the bench with me.

“You don’t have to stay with me,” she offers, and I slip my arm around her, pulling her towards me as I turn.  My back is against the pillar, my legs straddling the bench, while I really want her straddling me.

“Look at me, Maddie.”  My words are soft, but her gaze lifts and I brush the hair from her eyes.  A flicker of heat enters them, and I know I’m not alone in what I’m feeling.  My girl feels it too. 

“I get my last name is a bit much but that’s all it is.  Our parents didn’t let us by with shit.  If even one of us started acting like a smartass they’d knock all of us down, and trust me, when there’s thirteen kids, someone’s going to think themselves all that.  Usually, it was our older sister Jennie, occasionally my older brother Johnnie.  I’m just a guy with a job I love that pays well.”

A little snort comes out of her and it’s cute and funny at the same time.  “Don’t play games with me.  You’re hot as hell and a kickass brother, but you’re also richer than shit.  I’m a girl from the worst part of town with parents that are trash.  You might want to fuck me, but you won’t want to keep me.”

Her words piss me off while also making me harder.  The words ‘fuck me’ from her sweet lips should be wrong but damn it to all, they sound right.  “I want you to look at me, Maddie, and I mean look at me because I’m going to tell you something I’ve only told a couple people in my life.”

Her face turns away for a moment and I want to force her eyes back to mine.  I know that’s a shit move, and I wait, watching her let out a breath before she looks back at me.  “Let me guess, you like taking up with poor white trash because we wouldn’t risk what you could do to us by running our mouths?”

I can’t stop the grumble of curses that leaves my lips and I haul her against me, turning her until her little ass is looking up at me.  I give it a hard smack and her soft cry just makes me harder before I plop her back down, holding onto her head gently.  “You ever say something that untrue about yourself again and I’ll spank your ass red, do you understand me, baby girl?”

Her eyes widen and she swallows hard, her chests rising and falling swiftly but she nods.

“I have had girls and women coming onto me since I was fourteen, Maddie.  I was already six feet or taller by then and had started putting on muscles.  We’d go to events and women would rub up against me, offer themselves to me.  If all I wanted was some cheap fuck, I would have taken one of them up on it in the years since.  But I never have.  Those women leave me cold.”

I give a shake of my head when she starts to open her mouth.  She shuts it after wetting her lips which isn’t doing a thing to help relieve the ache in my cock.  The only thing that’s going to relieve it is having her sweet body wrapped around me.