Jesse’s Story by Rosa Mink

Chapter 6


My balls are screaming at me that I’m idiot as I soap my girl.  I was so close to going off when she took her mouth off me, I almost begged her to keep going.  Nothing’s ever felt that good, not even her hot pussy rubbing against me.  Feeling her pussy kissing my cock…yeah, I was a fucking idiot to not at least jerk myself off until I got her good and ready for me.

Kayla told me last night that Maddie always came up with little games for them, stories of make believe when their parents were fighting.  From the look in my girl’s eyes, she didn’t stop when Kayla outgrew the need for them. 

No, she’s kept them going to protect herself, her peace of mind.  I will do anything to make her happy, make any of them that I can come true, so popping her cherry with my virgin dick in the shower rather than the bed isn’t an issue.

I wash her hair, then lather it with the conditioner my sister dropped off for her, just taking in every little thing that makes her grin, or sigh, or squirm.  She’s ticklish along the side of her breasts.  Her nipples are sensitive, budding tightly with just a little touch.  Her thighs being kissed pulls a sigh from her, opens her legs further for me, and I start over this time to make her come.

Her hands hold me on her breasts when I start to pull off and I can’t help but grin at the look on her face.  It’s the hottest mix of need and frustrations and I flick her nipple with my tongue, pulling a shiver from her.

“I’m not going to break so stop treating me like I’m glass.  Grab me, hold me, fuck me, but don’t baby me.”  Her tone says she’s not playing, and I stop holding back.  My kisses to her breasts deepen, sucking her skin deep into my mouth, tonguing, and biting on her nipples until she’s screaming out long chants of ‘daddy’ over and over.

I trail bites down her body until I get to her pussy, getting my first taste of her, and I see stars.  I squeeze my dick hard but it’s no use.  I come coating her legs and feet with my seed as she comes in my mouth.

Her sweetness intensifies and I keep going, eating her until her knees weaken.  Her voice is hoarse from calling out my name.  Who I am to her as she comes.

“Daddy, oh god, I need you now.  Please…”

“Be sure, baby girl.  There’s no going back once I pop that pussy with my cock,” I warn.  The flush that starts in her cheeks goes all the way down, making her nipples even rosier and I need another taste of them.

“Do it!” she screams when I bite down on her soft flesh.

“Clean yourself up for daddy then,” I tell her, moving back to the bench, stroking my cock.  Her eyes widen but she starts to drag the washcloth back over her body when I just sit there, stroking myself in return.

“Turn to face the other wall,” I instruct after half a minute.  Her moan fills the space and I smile as I stand, waiting until she’s bent slightly to clean her legs before I move forward, grabbing her hips tight.  I jerk her ass back against my cock and she lets out a huge moan.


“Hands on the wall, daddy’s done waiting to get baby girl’s pussy.  It belongs to me.”  I push her legs apart more and she has to reach out grabbing hold of the wall to steady herself.  My knees bend, and I slide my tip into her, the tightness threatening me with just the inch I sink.  “Fuck baby girl, let me in.  You know this pussy is mine.  You’re mine.”

“Yes daddy, yes,” she cries, pushing back on me.  I hold her tight, turning us so she can grab the bar, then pull her down onto my cock.  Her orgasm ripples along my cock and jets of cum flow into her. 

I don’t deflate a bit.  My cock actually grows harder, bigger, filling my girl fuller every time she stretches around me.

“That’s my good girl.  Look at you, taking all of daddy’s cock your first time.”  Christ, I knew she’d take me, but not this easily.  My cock is not little, not by any means. 

Hell, my brothers always smacked me on the back when someone asked if they wanted a footlong anything, saying I didn’t need it because I already had one.  It’s true though and all of it is buried inside my baby girl right now.  My cum already filling her and it makes me want to put more inside her, a lot more.

“So big, so full,” she cries, holding tighter onto the bar with each thrust I give her.  My fingers tease her clit, up to her breasts then back, building her back to the edge.

I send her over as I bite down on her shoulder, telling her, “Come on daddy’s cock for me, baby girl.”

Her knees buckle completely as she screams my name, and I lower us to the floor.  Her legs straddle mine as I kneel, holding her up as I bounce her on my cock still.  She grinds down with every thrust up I give her.  Her head lays back on my chest, her hands sliding down to my thighs, letting me take whatever I want from her.

It rips open my heart and I lift her up off me, hushing her gently when she starts to protest and turn her to face me.  Her back hits the shower wall and I fill her as I stand, holding her gaze through every hard thrust she takes.

“I’m going to come, daddy.  Please, please, come with me.  Let me give that to you,” she pleads as I hold onto her head, keeping it from banging into the wall.  Nothing is going to hurt her.  I might make her ache, give her pain but it’ll always be the good kind.

“You’re going to take every drop like a good girl?” I tease, pulling her down as I thrust up, grinding her clit on the base of my cock.

“Yes, oh god yes, daddy.  Give it to me.  Give it all to me.”

“I will, because I love you, baby girl.  I love you,” I shout as her pussy clamps down hard around me.  My orgasm barrels up my cock, tingling all the way up from my balls, unleashing everything inside me into her.

“Daddy!  Oh god, daddy, daddy,” she whispers, holding tightly to me, until she stops shaking.  The tears start, and I hold her against my heart, telling her I love her again and again.

She doesn’t have to say it back.  I felt it in her kiss, know it by the way I’m holding her, the way she’s letting me hold her, have her.  The words will come when she’s ready.  I’m simply glad to just have her as mine, to know that my baby girl is in my arms.

My lips cover hers as I set her down, stopping the words on the tip of her tongue.  She doesn’t have to apologize for not saying it or force it.  “I know, baby girl.  I can wait.  Daddy is never going to stop loving you for making him wait.  For you, I can be patient.”

“Thank you, Jesse,” she says, kissing me after I’ve cleaned her up.  I carry her out to the bedroom once she’s finished, putting her down on the bed to get her clothes.  We’ll go shopping later, for her and Kayla.  Right now, I need her dressed, so I don’t try to take her again.

She doesn’t argue about letting me dress her but her lip juts out in a pout when I slip into my boxers.  “Do you want me walking around naked in front of our little sister?”

“God no, no one gets to see you like this except me,” she huffs, a little growl to her voice that’s hot as hell.

“All yours baby girl,” I agree before I finish dressing.  She’s in my arms in a flash and I kiss her as I carry her downstairs to make us breakfast.

“Okay, do not need to see that first thing in the morning,” Kayla says, pulling us apart.  Maddie looks fucking perfect sitting on my kitchen island, her legs bare under the shorts I grabbed for her.  I’d almost grabbed a skirt for her but figured that would be too tempting.

“I can make breakfast,” Maddie says as I get the eggs and bacon out of the fridge.  I’m not a gourmet chef, but Mom made sure each of us knew at least enough to survive.

“You can cook whenever you want.  Tell me what you need, and I’ll get it picked up.  Today however, I’m cooking for my girls,” I tell her, giving her a kiss before I move to grab the pans.  “So, how do you want your eggs?  I can do most anything except for omelets.  I can never get those to stay together or burn the eggs.”

“Maddie can,” Kayla states moving over to hug her.  “She cooks at the diner where we work.  It serves breakfast all day.”

“Yeah?  You like cooking baby girl?  Or do you just like it better than waitressing?” I ask, enjoying the flush that hits Maddie’s cheeks at the name.  I’m not containing it to the bedroom though.  She’s my baby girl and everyone else can deal with it.

“I didn’t even know how to cook until I got a job at a fast-food place.  That wasn’t much cooking, but it got me interested.  So, when I got fired from there, I picked up a job at the diner.  I was waiting tables at first and they’ll give you a cheap meal, so I usually ate there a lot.  One of the cooks took pity on me and taught me the basics.  I couldn’t even make a grilled cheese before then without burning it.”

“Oh gosh, don’t talk about grilled cheese.  I ate three of them yesterday while you slept at the park,” Kayla teases her sister, making her flush deepen.  “I like him too and not just because he let us move in or bought me a new phone.  He calms you.  Never seen you so quiet as I did last night.  You always toss and turn but you were out of it.”

“Wait, bought you a new phone?” Maddie says and I move over, grabbing hers off the wireless charger.  “Holy crap Jesse, no, I can’t…”

“Yours was about to fall apart.  The back was duck taped in place.  Your sister told me what happened to it.  I’m not letting you back into that house without me there, Maddie.  If he was pissed enough to crack the back of your phone slamming it onto the table because you wanted to reduce your hours at work to focus on your finals, there’s no telling what he’ll do knowing you’re leaving and you won’t be giving him another cent,” I warn, nearly dropping her when she pushes herself up off the counter at me.  If I hadn’t just taken her cherry, I would have her up in my bed already with the kiss she gives me.

“Seriously, can you keep that contained to the bedroom or some shit while I’m around?” Kayla says with a groan.

“He’s way too hot for that,” Maddie states, and I set her back onto the counter, stepping away to get back to breakfast.  “We both like scrambled best.  After that is over easy.”

“Scrambled it is then.  With or without cheese?”

“With,” they say together, laughing while Kayla shows Maddie how the phone works.

I start the bacon first, cooking up enough for all of us, before turning to the eggs.  No need to tell my girls that I can track their locations through their phones.  That was a must for me after yesterday.  I have everyone’s location shared with me and I won’t do anything less than that with my baby girl, let alone our little sister.

My phone pings with an incoming message and I hold in a groan seeing it’s from Mom.

You better bring her out to meet us soon or I’m coming to find her myself!

‘Give me today with my girls to get them settled in.  We’ll stop by for lunch Sunday,’ I reply, and her instant response said she was just waiting to call if I tried to argue.

“What are you smiling about?” Kayla asks as I put the phone back down to finish the eggs.

“My mom, we’re to be at Sunday lunch or she’ll track us down,” I tell them, dropping kisses onto both their heads to calm them when they look worried.  “I’m sure Julie and Serena will be there with Anya and Serenity.  Mom is going to love you.  Hell, she’ll probably try to steal you from me like she did with Serena when she and Julie got together.”

“Promise?” Maddie says holding my gaze.

“I promise baby girl, she’ll fucking love you just as I do,” I assure her, before carrying her to the table to feed her.  She’ll eat every bite, even if I have to feed her it myself.