Someone Exactly Like Me by Debbie Cromack


My readerswho choose to be in my world, thank you for your excited and loving messages you send me. You make my heart smile. Thank you for the beautiful graphics and edits you create and share with your friends and audience, encouraging them to read my books. I appreciate you so much!

The writing community and my author friends,“I appreciate you” doesn’t convey my deep gratitude. I’ve been in this community a short time and wouldn’t even be able to list all the names of the incredible people who support me and share my posts EVERY day. So many of you have become friends of my heart and I’m incredibly grateful that God has merged our life-paths. I love this community!

My wonderful beta readers, Courteney Tunstead, Lea Batt, Melissa Johnson, Colby Bettley, and Savannah Carlisle. I’m massively grateful for your honest feedback and your generosity of time. I appreciate you so much!! Thank you for making this story better than I could’ve done on my own!

My ARC and Street teams, bloggers, and bookstagrammers, THANK YOU so much for your devotion and dedication to help spread the word for me and all the authors you help and support. I could never reach new people without all of your time and effort. You are the heartbeat of this community.

I’d like to thank some incredible women who I’ve never met, but who love and support me pretty much every single day: Christy Erasmus, Julie Soper, Annie Bugeja, Lea Batt, Courteney Tunstead, Nikki Summers, and C. D’Angelo. Thank you for the laughter you share, thank you for drying my tears, thank you for your support and guidance when I’m ready to pull my hair out, thank you for your love. You’re a warm blanket around my heart.

And YOU, my new reader. I’m so happy you took a chance on getting my book. I hope you love it!!! Without you, I wouldn’t be able to do this fabulous work I love. Thank you!