Someone Exactly Like Me by Debbie Cromack


the Author

Once you get to know me, you’ll start to see bits and pieces of me in each of my books. From life experiences to heroine characteristics and quirks. This is my way of giving a tiny bit of myself to you.

I believe we all feel a little damaged or broken at times.

And while we may FEEL this way for days, weeks, months, or even years, it doesn’t mean we ARE damaged or broken in our soul. I believe that our ability to feel broken is what binds us together. It connects us. It helps us feel compassion for each other.

It’s important to share. Share our stories. Share our battles. Share our fears. Share our scars.

When we share, we allow others to see us for who we are, real and raw. When we share, we become vulnerable. And through that vulnerability we connect.

In vulnerability there is strength. In vulnerability there is healing. When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and share ourselves with others, they feel empowered to share and be vulnerable as well. This is how we come together. This is how we unite.

We are human beings. I believe we are nothing without each other. We need each other. I know I wouldn’t be where I am today without the support, guidance, and love of the people I surround myself with.

I write realistic characters who find each other at a time when they’re feeling a little broken. Through the process of helping the other person grow, heal, or become a better version themselves, they, in turn, move beyond hurt, beyond pain, beyond feeling damaged and broken and step into a better version of themselves.

My heroes tend to be virile and masculine with hidden romantic sides and huge hearts. My heroines are often awkward, feisty, and struggle with their self-worth. Through the journey of their love stories, which are never smooth, they bring out the best in each other while stepping into the person they’re meant to be.

The personal side of me…

I live in an old farmhouse and I have a dwarf bunny named Nutmeg, two Nigerian dwarf goats named Patches and Tiny, and lots of chickens. I love hot cocoa with marshmallows and usually only watch the Hallmark channel.