Hard Times by C. Hallman


“Let’s get you in the shower, while I find you something to eat,” Hunter tells me while pulling me up from the bed.

My knees are weak, mostly from the orgasm that wrecked my body moments ago, but also because I have eaten nothing all day.

“I’ll take her,” Ryker says.

Hunter lets go of me and walks out of the room without looking back. Worry worms its way into my stomach. Now that the sex haze has lifted, I see the harsh reality of this situation again.

I’m their prisoner, and right now I’m in Ryker’s hands–a man who is unpredictable and cruel.

“Don’t look so scared, Sugar. It’s just a shower.”

We step into the attached bathroom and I take in the small space. Just like the bedroom, there are no windows, and the walls and floor are concrete. The space holds nothing but a sink and a shower.

He turns on the spray and motions for me to step in. As I do, I brace for cold water, but am more than pleasantly surprised when warmth hits my skin.

Without pulling the shower curtain closed, Ryker steps away and leans against the wall while I wash my body and hair. I might feel embarrassed or self-conscious if he wasn’t also completely naked.

His eyes never leave me and when I glance between his legs, I find him hard again. Pretending like I haven’t noticed his cock pointing up to his navel, I finish rinsing my hair and turn off the water.

Ryker removes a blue towel from the cabinet under the sink and holds it open. I step into it and he dries me off, starting with my face and hair, then moving down until he finishes with my feet.

He straightens and throws the wet towel into the shower. My nerves finally get the better of me and I fiddle with my bracelet. His always watchful eyes notice, of course, and he takes hold of my arm to inspect the bracelets.

“Please, don’t take it off,” I blurt out.

“Wasn’t planning on it.”

“I mean when you kill me. It’s not worth anything. Don’t take it from me.” The thought of someone taking it from me is suffocating. This is all I have left of my mom; I need to hold on to it even after I’m dead.

Ryker doesn’t correct me or tell me he won’t kill me. At least he is honest.

Annie, sweet as sugar and brave as a lioness.” He lifts my hand to his face and places a feather-light kiss on the inside of my wrist. “I’ll make sure no one takes your bracelets.”

I give him a tiny nod, not willing to say the words thank you out loud. He is planning on killing me after all, the least he can do is honor my wish.

Back in the bedroom, he hands me a large black t-shirt before pulling some shorts on himself. I put it on, letting the soft fabric cover my body.

Hunter walks in fully dressed, carrying a tray full of food in his hand. My stomach growls on cue.

I sit on the bed, and Hunter places the tray on my lap. I’m starving and the sandwich in front of my face looks delicious. I don’t even care what’s on it. Without waiting for permission, I simply start eating.

When I’m halfway finished with the sandwich, I peek up to find Hunter whispering something into Ryker’s ear. He nods, then both of their eyes fall onto me.

I almost choke on the half-chewed food in my mouth. I know my end is near, and I know I’m going to die soon, but somehow I keep forgetting it. They treat me with such normality that I keep suppressing the real reason I’m here.

“I’m heading to my room. You stay the night with Ryker,” Hunter announces, his expression blank.

Is he leaving me here for Ryker to finish me off? Is he sorry? Does he care?

I swallow what’s in my mouth, the food landing in my stomach like rocks, and suddenly I’m not hungry anymore. I keep my gaze on Hunter, telling him without words that I want to come with him, asking him not to leave me with his friend.

Not giving into my silent plea, Hunter leaves the room without another word, and that hurts. Disappointment wraps its way around me like a vine.

What was I expecting? A heartfelt goodbye? An apology?

The door closes, and the lock clicks. The sound seems louder than before, or maybe I’m simply more aware now.

“Are you done?” Ryker asks, pointing at the tray.

“Yes,” I nod.

“Drink a little more.” He picks up the orange juice and holds it to my lips. I take a few sips before I taste the bitterness it leaves behind on my tongue. I try to pull away, but Ryker grabs the back of my head. “Just a little more, Sugar.”

A single tear escapes from the corner of my eye, as I finish the last bit of the juice helplessly. I didn’t think they would kill me with poison. At least that’s not his normal MO. Maybe he is just drugging me so I’ll be quiet while he tortures me.

“Don’t cry.” He wipes the tear away and takes the tray from my lap. “It’s just something to help you sleep.”

Either the drug works fast or it’s his promising words that make me suddenly sleepy. My eyelids turn extremely heavy and the urge to lie down and cuddle up in this bed overcomes me.

Ryker helps me into bed before he gets comfortable next to me. He turns me over so we’re both lying on our sides facing each other. With his face only inches from mine, I get a real chance to study him.

He is strikingly handsome, a perfect disguise for the evil man hiding beneath. He is a predator in every way, luring in his victims, making them feel safe, before striking… going in for the kill.

“I want to be inside you so bad,” he admits. “I want to shove my cock between these plump lips.” He runs his thumb over my bottom lip, reminding me how he did the same earlier when he smeared his cum onto them.

“Okay,” I whisper, shocking myself. Why did I say that? Maybe it’s the drug coursing through my veins talking. Either way, I regret saying it as soon as I see Ryker’s eyes light up, like I just gave him the key to the kingdom. I guess in a way I did.

“You think you can handle that? Me shoving my cock down your throat?”

“I-I don’t know,” I say honestly.

Swallowing down my fear, I concentrate on the warmth in my core. I’m scared, but also turned on by his crude words. I like it rough, but something tells me Ryker is going to go further than what I’m used to.

“I guess we’ll find out.” He smirks before sitting up and scooting back against the headboard. With a tug of my upper arms, he positions me so I’m on all fours in front of him with my head above his crotch.

He frees his cock. It’s so hard and swollen it looks painful. A hue of purple tints the mushroom head.

“This is going to be fast and rough,” Ryker warns, “but I’ll take care of you after.”

I’m not sure what taking care of me means, but I don’t get to dwell on that thought, since he grabs my head with both hands and pulls me forward. I open my mouth and he fills it with his dick.

He shoves himself deep, forcing my head down until my chin is touching his balls and his cock is bumping against the back of my throat. I gag, my back arching as I heave. He pulls out and I suck in a ragged breath before he thrusts back inside just as deep.

Continuing the movement, he becomes more frantic and forceful with each thrust. If it wasn’t for the drug making me loopy, I’m sure I would panic right now, but I’m in some sort of daze.

The gagging becomes less as I get used to the intrusion. I let him use my mouth, let him guide me, even though I’m still choking. My vision has gone so blurry, I can’t make out his features.

When he comes, his cock is so far buried into my throat I don’t even taste his cum. He stills with a grunt, his fingers digging into my scalp as he holds me in place.

When he releases me, I suck in much needed oxygen. I’m still gasping for air when Ryker grabs me and pulls me into his lap like I’m a rag doll. My head lulls to the side, and his large hand cradles it against his chest.

He wipes at my tear-stained cheeks and kisses my forehead. “Fuck, Annie. I’m sorry… but I fucking needed this.” His words surprise me because a man like him doesn’t apologize for anything.

“You want me to make you come, Sugar?”

I shake my head, despite my pussy throbbing, begging for a release. “So… sleepy…” I murmur into his chest.

“Sleep now. I’ll make this up to you in the morning.”

And with that I fall asleep, wondering if I may have dreamed the last part.