Hard Times by C. Hallman


Ihonestly wasn’t sure if I was going to wake up at all today. I definitely didn’t expect to wake with my legs spread and a fiery mouth covering my pussy.

Looking down my body, I see Ryker’s disheveled black hair between my thighs. My legs hooked over his broad shoulders and his large hands palming my ass.

“Ryker,” I moan his name while reaching for him. I run my fingers through his thick hair while his tongue teases my clit.

Shameless, I grind against his face, urging him for more. He chuckles against my skin, the vibration only adding to my pleasure.

He sucks and massages my clit, then runs his tongue down and dips it into my opening a few times, fucking me with his tongue. When he returns his attention to my clit, I come apart. He drags his teeth across my sensitive flesh. I shudder as tiny aftershocks run through my system.

“I told you I would make it up to you,” he says cheekily while crawling up my body.

For a moment, it seems he wants to kiss me. His eyes bleed into mine as he hovers inches from my face, but then he flops to the side to lie beside me.

We stare at the ceiling, not talking for a while.

“I wasn’t sure if I would wake up,” I admit, when I can’t take the silence any longer.

“You thought I would kill you in your sleep?”

“Kind of.”

“Where is the fun in that?” His words are like a bucket of ice water being poured over my head. My blood runs cold. Every time I get comfortable with him, he does or says something to remind me of who he really is. He is a killer, worse… he enjoys killing.

He sits up and looks down at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Tell me Annie, would you prefer to know, or would you rather not see it coming?”

The way he leisurely talks about my death–like it doesn’t matter to him at all–has my stomach in knots. The file was right. He is a psychopath, and I need to keep that in mind.

“I don’t care as long it’s quick and pain free.”

“Alright, Sugar. Quick and pain free it is… with your bracelet staying around your delicate wrist.” He leans in and kisses the tip of my nose, a contradiction to his words, to everything he is.

“Why are you doing this? Why didn’t you already kill me?” Sex can’t be the only reason. I heard their friend. He could have gotten them willing girls and with them looking the way they do, I don’t doubt that one bit.

“You don’t deserve to die, but we can’t let you walk either,” is all he says, which is not giving me anything new.

I want to press the matter, but the door opening interrupts us.

Hunter walks in carrying another tray of food in his hand. “Good morning, Sunshine.”

I sit up and scoot back, using the headboard as my backrest.

I take the tray from him and place it on my lap. “Thank you.”

Ryker dresses and slips out of the room while Hunter sits down next to me.

As I eat, I remember what his file said. Intelligent and can be reasoned with. This might be a longshot, but I have nothing to lose.

“You don’t have to kill me,” I say between bites. “There are ways to make sure people stay quiet.”

“Is that so?” he asks, almost amused.

“For example, you could make me accomplice in one of your crimes, and keep evidence against me.” I take another bit of the omelet, swallowing my nerves with the egg.

“Would you kill an innocent person to safe your own life?”

Innocent? No. I would rather die than kill an innocent.

“I would kill someone,” I say honestly. In my mind, I have done it a hundred times. I wouldn’t make it quick either. I would make him suffer, the same way he made my mom suffer.

We don’t talk after that. If he really wants to let me live, he’ll consider it, but judging by his demeanor, he’s not too worried about it.

I finish the food and wash it down with the coffee he brought me. Hunter stands and pulls a pair of handcuffs from his pocket.

“We’re gonna be busy for a few hours,” he explains, “Do you need to use the bathroom?”

“Yes.” I nod and hand the tray to him.

When I get up and head to the bathroom, I almost expect him to follow me. Thankfully, he gives me that bit of dignity. I don’t close the door all the way, just enough for privacy as I do my business. After I wash my hands and face, I return to the bed and lie down in the same spot from earlier. Hunter pulls my arms above me and cuffs each wrist to the headboard.

“We’ll be back around lunchtime.” He looks at me a few seconds, almost as if he wants to say more, or expects me to say something. When I don’t, he turns around and leaves the room, locking it behind him.

For a long time, I lie staring at the ceiling. I try to keep my mind clear of unwanted thoughts, but all too soon those catch up to me.

Sometimes reality is your worst enemy. At least it has been for me. My reality now is that my life will end soon. I’m sad, but the truth is I’m not terrified of dying like I should be. The prospect of leaving this earth is… okay.

Especially after Ryker promised to make it quick and pain free.

Maybe if I had someone waiting for me at home–someone who depends on me–I would be distraught at the thought of not returning to my place. But there is no family, no real friend, not even a pet. No one is going to miss me or even notice that I’m gone, and that reality is probably gloomier than my impending death.

The only thing I fear is the unknown. What happens after I die? Is there really an afterlife? Is there such a thing as heaven and hell, and where will I go?

My thoughts are reeling with the possibility of an afterlife when I doze off, dreaming about a place where I get to see my mom again.

Too soon, the click of the door unlocking startles me awake.

Ryker and Hunter enter, neither of them carrying food.

“Hey, Sunshine.” Hunter unlocks the cuffs, letting my arms fall. I move my shoulders and wrists to get the blood flowing.

“Are you ready to eat lunch?” Ryker asks.

“Um, yeah.” I glance at their empty hands.

“Come on. We’ll eat in the dining room,” Ryker says while digging in his dresser.

Black sweatpants and a pair of socks land in front of me. I tug them on and stand. The pants swallow me, and I have to roll the waistband a few times, but it’s better than naked, I guess.

“Ready?” Hunter asks.

I nod. Ready as I’ll ever be.