Kept by Luna Voss

Chapter Fifteen


I can’t hold back my tears when we say goodbye to Jenyta the next week.

“Be safe, okay?” I sniffle, hugging her. “And you’d better stay in touch. I want to hear all about every new planet you visit.”

“Promise,” she confirms. “I don’t know exactly when I’ll have time to write, but I’ll do my best. It all depends on when the program allows me down time. Maybe if it works out, we could even plan a visit.”

“I’d like that,” I sniffle. “I’m really going to miss you.”

She turns to Barion. “Barion, thank you so much for everything. I’d be dead in that garage on Tarsheb 8 if it wasn’t for you.”

He shrugs. “Melyta gets most of the credit.”

She throws her arms around him, and he looks startled. I hold back a laugh. My mate still isn’t used to hugs.

“Really,” says Jenyta. “You’ve done a lot, and it means a lot. Thank you.”

“Of course,” he says gruffly. “You’re important to Melyta. That means you’re important to me.”

She smiles, and for the first time, she looks a little bit tearful. “Take care of Mel, okay? I’m glad you’re with her.”

Jenyta and I share another hug.

“Okay, go be some highfalutin space captain,” I tell her as we break apart. “Leave us simple Dalax City folk behind.”

She laughs. “You can take the girl out of Dalax, but you can’t take Dalax out of the girl. You’ll see. A year from now, I’ll be the same Jenyta, only I’ll be able to fly a spaceship.”

“Bye!” I call out to her, waving as she picks up her bag and walks alone into the building where the cadets are meeting. Next to me, Barion waves, too.

“I hope she’s okay out there,” I say to him as we stand together in the parking lot and watch the door close behind her.

“She’ll be fine,” he assures me, putting an arm around me. “She’s a tough girl.”

We stand there a little while longer, and I almost don’t want to move. As though that would make Jenyta leaving permanent.

“Come on,” says Barion after a little while, squeezing me. “I have a surprise for you.”

* * *


I’m more excited than I’ve been in a while as Jenyta and I step out of our limousine at the Zog Royal Resort. This is the part of the trip I planned myself, and kept a secret from my mate. I’m not really the romantic sort, but I’m trying to be romantic here.

She deserves it. The romance, the luxury, everything. I want her to know how much she means to me. That nothing in my life could ever be more important.

“This place is beautiful,” says Melyta, looking awed. “Are we right on the ocean?”

“Right on it,” I say, pointing into the distance. “You can’t really see it in the dark, but most of this resort follows the beach.”

The Zog Royal Resort isn’t just a nice place to visit, it’s the place to visit. At least, it’s the nicest destination within a couple star systems of here. It’s basically the place anybody with big money in this part of the galaxy goes for a special getaway.

I don’t have big money. For Tarsheb 8, yes, but as far as the galaxy goes, I’m a small player. So yeah, maybe I’m splurging here.

Melyta is worth it. Having this time with her here is worth it. I want to do more than just take her to shopping malls and seedy Vostra hangouts. I want to show her the other side of the life we can live together.

I can tell my mate is confused when we walk into the lobby and an attendant immediately rushes to take her bag from her. I stifle a laugh. I’m pretty sure that for most of her life, she would have related more to the person taking the bag than to her current position.

“I swear to god, everything in that entire lobby was made out of either gold or marble,” she says as we ride the elevator together to the honeymoon suite. “I didn’t realize places like this existed.”

“They do for us,” I reply, pleased by her reaction. “Dalax is a big city, but it doesn’t have anything like this. The Zog Royal is intergalactically known.”

“Have you been here before?”

“No. I’ve never had a reason to.”

“And you do now?”

“You. You are my reason. You’re my mate, and this is our honeymoon.”

Her face breaks into a smile. “I knew it. I knew you had a romantic side.”

“Or maybe I just have a side that can’t get enough of seeing you smile.”

“That’s romantic, Barion,” she says with a laugh. “That counts as romantic. Big ol’ softy.”

I just grin. If I’m a softy, it’s because she makes me that way. So much of who I am now, I owe to her. I have no idea what I thought mattered about my life before she came into it.

Our elevator reaches the top, and so does the staff elevator next to us. I personally think it’s kind of weird to have two elevators, but I suppose that’s what you get at a place like this. In fairness, I have to imagine it can get awkward for an employee to be riding a small elevator with a honeymooning couple.

I tip the attendant handsomely and take our bags from him. Melyta examines the room, wide-eyed, as we enter.

“Damn, this place is so fancy it makes our last hotel room look like a dump,” she remarks, shaking her head. “Can we really afford this?”

I shrug. “We can afford it for a week. Money comes easy in the Vostra, and until I met you, I guess I never really had a lot to spend it on.”

“What, you weren’t out splashing it around on million-credit bottles of Carshellian whiskey?” she laughs.

“I may have had a bottle or two,” I admit, chuckling. “But you worked on the Voorian restaurant scene in Dalax for years before you met me. It’s not like you ever saw me in one of your restaurants.”

“How do you know? Maybe I served you a bunch of times, and we just don’t have any idea. I served a lot of Vostra guys.”

“If I had ever been with you in a room before, I would have known it,” I tell her seriously, my voice lowering instinctively to convey how serious I am. “The moment you walked into that conference center… I almost fucking lost it. Just catching a whiff of your scent. You drive me fucking crazy, Melyta. Everything about you drives me crazy. I’ve never known obsession like this. I just need you. All the time. Every time I’m near you, and even when I’m not. I need to own you and dominate you and feel you submit to me. Maybe it’s fucked up. The humans would probably think that. But whatever type of fucked up crazy I am, I’m yours. And you’re everything I need.”

I fall silent, waiting for her reaction. That was more than I had intended to say when I started talking. I feel vulnerable now, like I’ve just spilled my heart out to the one person who has any power to wound me emotionally.

But Melyta doesn’t seem to think my words are disturbing, or fucked up, or crazy. She looks at me with affection in her eyes, affection I’m still trying to convince myself I deserve. She cups my face in her hands, and when she leans forward to kiss me, it’s gentle. Tender.

“I love you, Vostra,” she whispers, her eyes shining. “You can have me. You can have all of me. I feel so lucky that I belong to you.”

* * *


He’s just so much man,I think as I watch Barion doing chin-ups at the resort gym with a pair of heavy weighted plates belted around his waist. My eyes linger on his biceps, which bulge appealingly every time he pulls himself to the bar.

“Are you here to work out, or just watch me?” he grins, panting as he drops down and unstraps his weighted belt.

“Watch you, mostly,” I admit, thoroughly enjoying the way his thin white tank top is sticking to his muscular chest. “Sure beats the hell out of lifting weights.”

Barion shakes his head, still slightly out of breath. “You’re cute, you know that?”

He belts himself up for another set of heavy chin-ups, and I sit back to watch his muscles ripple, impressed. Not just by the weight he’s lifting, but by his discipline. I’ve always known that Barion worked out. But the fact that he’s gone to the gym twice now while on vacation really shows his dedication to fitness.

My mate is a picture of discipline. He knows what he wants, he works for it, and he gets it.

The same way he got me, in a roundabout way.

“You think you could do a chin up with me on your back?” I call out.

He motions for me to come over. “One way to find out!”

I can’t wipe the smile off my face as I run over to him. Despite his rigid discipline and typically very serious demeanor, he is starting to loosen up, and I’ve been noticing it. Coming here for this little honeymoon has been great for us. Little by little, piece by piece, I’m seeing new sides of Barion. And hopefully he’s getting a broader idea of who I am, too. The last three days at the resort have been very romantic. Lots of smiling, laughing, and long walks on the beach. I’ve fallen asleep with his knot inside me every night since we arrived.

Barion manages to do three chin-ups with me clinging to his back.

“Okay, now,” he chuckles, dropping to the ground and shaking me off. “Ride’s over.”

“Aw, does it have to be?” I pretend to pout before flashing a smile.

“Sorry. You want more rides, we can go back to Rangasta World.”

“I seem to recall you giving me a ride last night,” I whisper mischievously, stepping in and allowing my hand to brush against his cock, so exposed through his thin little workout shorts.

“Now, now, behave,” he chides me, taking both of my wrists and pinning them to my sides. He glances at the people working out around us, then leans in and whispers in my ear: “I would hate to have to spank your little bottom while we’re on our honeymoon.”

I stare back at him, instantly turned on, and he flashes his fangs for a moment before releasing my wrists. Fuck. My body always has such an intense physical reaction to that. I squirm in place, wishing we were somewhere a little more private.

“Do you have to do that when we’re in public?” I whisper. “You know what it does to me.”

“You started it,” he whispers back. “Play dangerous games, win dangerous prizes.”

I try to put on a sultry voice. “Maybe I want to win a dangerous prize.”

Barion glances around again. There are people all around us working out, but the gym isn’t too crowded, and it’s not like anyone is paying a bit of attention to us. My heart starts to beat faster.

“I am a dangerous prize,” Barion whispers in my ear, flashing his fangs again. Then he takes me by the upper arm and leads me forcefully toward the unisex changing room just outside the gym area.

* * *


I’m buzzing with excitement, my cock most of the way hard in my pants as I lead Melyta into the changing room. It’s ridiculous what this woman does to me. She gets such a clear thrill out of turning me on in public. And usually, she gets her way.

But as much as I’d like to relieve my aching cock inside her soft cunt here and now, I can’t resist to this opportunity to dominate her a little. Not even to prove a point. Because I enjoy it. Because it fucking completes me to see her desperate, to see that pleading look in her eyes that only I can satisfy.

“I win,” she moans as I pin her against the wall and start groping her breasts.

I just smile, fangs extended, dragging them lightly over the skin of her neck.

Melyta whimpers as my hand slips down the front of her exercise shorts and I start to put pressure on her clit.

“Someone’s excited,” I tease her.

“Your fault,” she shoots back, hand fumbling for my cock.

My fingers find her opening, already wet for me. I push two of them inside her as I press her roughly against the wall, watching the expression on her face. She gasps, and for a moment, her eyes roll back.

Then I start to curl my fingers, palm pressed firmly over her clit, and she moans out loud.

I play with Melyta’s pussy until she’s putty in my hands, moaning into my shoulder, wetness dripping down her thighs. Her body feels very warm as she shudders against me.

“Vostra, can I come?” she whimpers. “Please, I’m close.”

With that, I take my hand out from between her legs, pull her shorts neatly back up, and give her a chaste little kiss on the lips. “No, you can’t. I’m going to go finish my workout now. When I’m done, you want to hit the beach?”

She glares at me. “You’re fucking kidding, right?”

I grin. “Nope. Remember, vulta. Dangerous games.”

Melyta is cute as hell when she’s horny and wants to come. It’s this adorable combination of grumpy and submissive, where she’s annoyed at me for not giving her permission, but also wants to be obedient so I’ll give her what she wants. It’s fun watching her try to thread that needle.

“You look fucking sexy,” I tell her as she emerges from our bedroom wearing her brand-new bikini so we can go to the beach.

“Why don’t you do something about it?” she purrs, pressing her almost-naked body against me.

“Oh, I will,” I tell her, flashing my fangs and enjoying the way she tries not to show her reaction. “But right now we’re going to the beach.”

“Hmmph,”she pouts, but picks up her towel and follows me out of the honeymoon suite.

It’s the first time we’ve gone swimming. Even though the water is basically the main attraction here, I’ve been a bit wary to take my shirt off in a place like this because of the prominent Vostra tattoo on my chest. No one usually bats an eye at it in Dalax City, but there aren’t as many Voorians in Zog, and even fewer at the resort. I don’t want to attract the wrong kind of attention.

But I’m starting to feel comfortable here, and I can’t imagine anyone would actually give us trouble, considering what it costs to book a room at the Zog Royal. Besides, it’s not like vostrata never take vacations.

So when Melyta and I put our towels down on the beach, I do take my shirt off, and it feels weirdly good to be doing so. Fuck anyone who has a problem with who I am. And fuck them doubly if they have a problem with my mate.

I can’t take my eyes off Melyta in her bikini. I guess that’s the downside of keeping her in suspense like this: it’s torture for me as well. I want to pin her down underneath me and make that soft, smooth body mine.

But I, unlike my mate, have learned a measure of discipline. You don’t survive in the Vostra long without it, unless you happen to be the boss’s kid.

Melyta needs to learn discipline.

“Let’s go back to our room,” she whines, and I can see through her bikini top that her nipples are hard.

I shake my head. “We just got here. Don’t you want to swim?”

She blushes. “You know what I want.”

I scratch my chin, pretending to think about it. “Nah. I think we’ll enjoy the ocean for a while.”


I smirk. “We both know you live for this.”

“For what? You torturing me?”

“Me being in charge. Deciding when you’re allowed to come, and when you’re not. You need it as much as I do.”

She gets this cute, shocked look on her face, then blushes and casts her eyes downward. “I know, Vostra,” she says, and now her voice sounds more serious than playful. “You know that I... you know when I argue, or talk back, or whatever, you know I’m not really trying to disrespect you, right? I just... sometimes I need to feel your strength. To know that you’ll be there to put me in my place.”

Aw. I’m really glad that she told me that. It helps me understand her. And how she experiences our bond.

I lean in for a kiss, touched by Melyta’s openness. “Thanks for telling me, vulta. I will always be there. And I hope you know that I don’t love you or respect you any less just because I need to discipline you. I could never love you any less. You’re my Fated Mate.”

Our lips meet and she extends the kiss as long as she can, pressing herself against me. Then I pick her up, and she squeals as I throw her over my shoulder and start to run into the ocean.

* * *


Somehow, the fun I’m having with Barion at the beach is heightened by my frustrated arousal. It’s like everything is tingly and hyper-intense, adding a very sensuous tinge to whatever we’re doing. I know Barion feels it, too. He may talk a big game about being disciplined, but he can’t hide that thick cock flopping around in his swim shorts. I feel it every time we wrestle in the water. We get occasional dirty looks from other beachgoers, but whether it’s due to our behavior or Barion’s Vostra tattoo, I have no idea.

And I’m not really thinking about it, either. I’m in love, and I don’t care who knows it. I’m proud to be Barion’s woman. Proud to wear his mark. Proud to be here with the best-looking man on the entire beach.

It doesn’t even bother me when I notice that the two human men sunbathing on matching towels nearby keep stealing glances at us. Barion doesn’t seem worried about it, so why should I?

We stay out on the beach until nightfall, sitting on our towels and watching the purple sunset. I’m still horny, but at this point resigned to the fact that Barion is going to keep me in suspense until he’s ready to play with me. I do my best to just sit with the feeling, reminding myself that ultimately, I crave it when he controls me like this.

The shift that’s come over me since I met him is almost enough to be alarming. I’ve always prided myself on being an independent person, someone who could fend for herself and didn’t need anyone’s help. For a while, I even considered taking suppressants. I thought it would be my path to a new life, to move to a citizen planet and take a job that pays citizen planet money, a job I would only be allowed to take if I suppressed my natural reproductive cycle.

I could never consider that now. Not in a million years. It doesn’t matter that once, I felt trapped by my regular heats, by the way they disrupted my life, by how vulnerable they made me to the Voorian men around me.

Now, all that matters is the bond I have with my Fated Mate. The man who owns me, who consumes me, who sends me into heat, who chooses when I’m allowed to orgasm and when I get a spanking over his knee. It’s not because I rely on him. I’ve had every opportunity to leave him and start a new life. Hell, not too long ago he was yelling at me to get out of his car and escape Tarsheb 8 forever.

No, I stay with Barion now for the same reason I stayed with him then, for the same reason I did what I had to do to get off that spaceship and return to him.

I stay because I love him. Because while I could technically live without his firm, caring dominance, that wouldn’t really be living. I learned that the year we spent apart. I need Barion’s ownership. Not need the way you need air or food, but need the way you need friends. Community. Love. That kind of need. The way life needs to mean something, to be worth something.

Barion is worth everything to me. He completes me in a way no one else ever could.

Even when he tortures me.

“So I’m just curious,” I ask him, leaning against his shoulder, “can you smell that I’m turned on right now?”

“Not really,” he admits. “Usually it’s super obvious, but I think being at the beach is throwing it off. Everything just smells like ocean.”

He pulls me into his lap, and my heart starts to beat a little faster as he starts exploring my body with his hands. I sigh, leaning back and trying not to seem too eager.

“I love your body, vulta, you know that?” he whispers, cupping my breasts. “There’s not one little inch of you I would change.”

I inhale as his fingers slide lower, stroking my inner thighs.

“Please,” I whimper, unable to stop myself. My clit has been aching for attention all day, and it’s painful to have him so close, and yet so far.

My whimper grows into a wail as he delivers three short little spanks right to my pussy over my bikini bottom.

“Now, now, vulta, you’ve been doing such a good job of not begging me today. You can wait just a little longer, can’t you?”

I can’t help but let out a groan of frustration. I love this man, but fuck. “I thought you liked it when I begged.”

“I do,” he whispers, running his fingertips lightly over my pussy mound. “But not after I’ve made a firm decision. When I make a decision, that needs to be final.”

“And what is your decision?” I moan, trying to buck my hips against his fingers. I don’t even care that I can see the silhouettes of other people milling around on the dark beach.

“That I wanted to leave you wet and desperate all day today,” he says with a smirk.

“Asshole,” I let out, before covering my mouth. I didn’t intend to say that. I’m just frustrated that he still isn’t putting his fingers where I want them.

“I can tell you didn’t mean to say that, or you’d be getting a spanking right now on the beach,” Barion growls. His hand closes around my neck. “I’m not going to have to put you over my knee in a place like this, am I?

“No, Vostra,” I reply immediately. “I was just frustrated.”

He gives my pussy a little spank, still holding my throat. “You’re allowed to be frustrated. You’re not allowed to disrespect me.”

I’m so turned on at this point that I just melt and submit to him entirely. “I understand, Vostra. I’ll be good from now on, I promise.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” he whispers, and his fingers slip inside my bikini bottom.

I can’t hold back my throaty moan of relief as his fingers slide over my clit and start to work it in little circles. Dimly, I’m aware of another couple splashing around in the water 50 feet in front of us, but they don’t even really exist to me. It’s dark, my Vostra is fingering me, and I know I’m safe while I’m with him. I know I’m safe while I’m in his lap, while I can feel the gentle pressure of his hand on my neck.

“I love this,” I sigh, arching my back as the pleasure builds. “Barion, this is perfect.”

“It is,” he whispers in my ear, his words sending shivers through me. “You’re going to come for me now, vulta. You’re going to come right now on the beach while I hold you in my lap with my hand on your neck.”

I gasp, his words creating their own reality as I feel my climax mounting. “Please… Please, Barion…”

My world shakes as I tumble into climax, jerking my hips violently against his hand. A loud moan escapes my lips, completely unintentional, and Barion puts his hand over my mouth, forcing me to be silent as he makes me come with his fingers.

“Such a good girl,” I hear his satisfied voice in my ear. “Such a good, obedient little vulta, coming on command for me. Wasn’t this worth it? Wasn’t this worth me keeping you in suspense?”

All I can do is moan into Barion’s hand, overpowered by my climax. It’s worth it. It’s all worth it. I’m an owned woman, completely and utterly. And I don’t ever want him to let me go.