Kept by Luna Voss

Chapter Sixteen


“I feel like I’m on top of the world,” I say to Barion as we sit together on the balcony of our suite. We’re both sipping absurdly expensive drinks, having recently finished one of the best meals of my life, the crumbs of which sit on a plate between us.

“I do, too,” replies my mate, his face bearing the most contented smile I’ve ever seen.

Below us sprawls the ocean, a view I never had access to in Dalax City. It’s stunning, even at night. This kind of natural beauty is new to me.

I lean my head on Barion’s shoulder. I’m tired from the day, but not quite ready to go to sleep yet. Although I was frustrated with him earlier, I feel closer to my mate now possibly than I ever have before. There’s a comfort between us that’s been building for a while, and now I’m just basking in it. We’re in love. We both understand what our roles are. Barion knows me better than any other person in the galaxy, and I’ve never trusted anyone the way I trust him.

It just feels right. Natural. For some reason, being here with him, it’s like something clicked. We’re still finding our rhythm, but at this point, I wonder if we’ve almost found it.

“I feel like… I feel like I’ve never been closer to you,” Barion whispers as he watches the ocean. “Melyta, I just… I don’t even have words for it. You complete me. I never want to be apart from you.”

I kiss his shoulder. “I feel the same way, Vostra. I’m so lucky to have you.”

He puts his arm around me and we stay there together for a long time as the waves lap the shore.