Kept by Luna Voss

Chapter Seven


I stick my head into the living room to say hi to Jenyta before I go upstairs to deal with my mate.

“Hey, Jenyta, I’m back. Everything okay?”

She nods, looking comfortable on the couch. “Yup! Thanks. I feel pretty much better.”

“I’m glad to hear that. Melyta and I are going to be upstairs, uh, finishing our packing. Is there anything I can get you while I’m here?”

She grins in a way that tells me she might have some idea what’s really going on. “Nope! Have fun… packing, you two.”

I take a moment in the kitchen to pour myself a glass of water and drink it before heading up to the bedroom. It’s been a little while since I’ve had to discipline Melyta. She’s been very submissive ever since I claimed her as my mate, really just on her best behavior. I suppose I can’t exactly be surprised it didn’t last. Traditionally, Voorians see it as healthy for a relationship if the female tests the male’s authority from time to time.

Besides, I’ve been meaning to get more strict with her. Really, it’s for the best. In the Vostra, we believe in keeping our women well-disciplined and thoroughly spanked.

Melyta is sitting on the bed when I enter, the sweet scent of her arousal filling the room. I noticed it when I first came into the house, but it’s even stronger now. It obviously turns her on when I dominate her. But right now, I need to be firm.

“Had a little outburst out there, didn’t we?” I say, closing the door behind me.

She gulps, not answering me. I sit down on the bed and pat my lap.

“Okay, Melyta. Over my knee.”

She glares at me, but does as I command. I help position her over my lap, trying not to get too excited at the sight of her round, enticing butt in the little shorts she’s wearing.

“Do you know why I’m disciplining you right now?” I ask, stroking her bottom lightly with my fingers.

She shifts in my lap. “Yes.”


She shifts again. “Because I forgot to pack my suitcase.”

“No, that’s not why. I give you a chance to go pack after I came home. Why do I have you over my knee?”

Melyta kicks her legs in frustration. “Why don’t you just tell me, jerk?”

Okay, we can play that game. I pin her wrists firmly behind her back and give her a number of hard spanks, causing her to squeal and curl her legs up to defend herself.

“Legs down,”I order sternly.

She doesn’t comply, so I wrap one of my legs over hers, holding her in place. She grunts, squirming, but there’s nowhere for her to move.

“You need to be more obedient,” I growl. “This attitude isn’t going to get you anywhere.”

I give her another round of sharp spanks over her shorts, not stopping until I hear her yelp.

“Let’s try that again, vulta. What did you do to earn yourself a trip over my knee?”

She gives a big exhale. “I guess I might have talked back to you a little bit.”

I smile. “That’s right. And is that an acceptable way for you to speak to me?”

“… No,” she admits, kicking her feet.

“No, it isn’t,” I confirm. “It’s disrespectful, and I won’t tolerate it. Do you understand that?”

She sighs.

“Melyta,” I prompt her, putting an edge into my voice.

“I understand,” she snaps.


“Try that again in a different tone.”

Her whole body tenses in my lap for a moment, as though she’s trying to control herself. Good. I like that. That’s what I want to see from her.

“I understand,” she says again, this time in a much gentler voice.

“That’s better. You understand what?”

She groans in frustration, earning herself another spank.

“You understand what, Melyta?”

“That you don’t like it when I talk back to you.”

“It’s not just that I don’t like it. I won’t tolerate it. What do you think is going to happen the next time you talk back to me?”

“Probably this,” she sighs, wiggling her butt.

“That’s right. I’m going to put you over my knee and spank you until you’ve learned your lesson, then fuck your little punishment hole until you submit to me completely.”

She squirms, and I can’t help but notice her beacon glowing gold. “You’re going to fuck my punishment hole?” She lingers on the last two words, as though she enjoys saying them.

“Yes, I am,” I inform her, tracing my finger over the crease in her shorts and stopping where I know her tight, puckered little hole to be. “That’s what happens when I need to put you in your place. You get your punishment hole fucked like a naughty little girl. Isn’t that right?”

She trembles slightly. “Yes, Vostra.”

I hook my fingers under the waistband of her shorts and start to pull them down. Instinctively, she reaches back to stop me, but then catches herself and returns her hands to her sides. I smile. She’s learning. She really is a good vulta, in so many ways. The fact that I’m having to punish her this way doesn’t make me love her one iota less. These moments are all a part of finding our rhythm together, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. There’s such an intimacy to this connection we have, the kind I could never have with anyone else.

“I’m going to warm up by spanking you over your panties,” I tell Melyta, “and then I’m going to take your panties down and your punishment will begin. Do you have anything you want to say before we start?”

“You don’t have to spank me with my panties down,” she grumbles. “It’s mean.”

I laugh. “Mean? You haven’t seen mean. Wait until you’re really in trouble.”

A shiver runs through her body. “I don’t want to be in trouble.”

“Well, you should have thought of that before you misbehaved. Hands either behind your back or at your sides. I’m going to start now.”

“Can I hold your hand?”

Aw. What did I do to deserve her? “Yes, you can hold my hand,” I say, trying to continue sounding stern. “But you keep your other hand away from your butt.”

She takes a hold of my hand, and I start warming her up over her panties.

“Ow!” she whines. “Ow, Vostra, that hurts!”

I don’t stop. “And we’re just getting started. Stay still!”

I have to pin her hands behind her back as she predictably tries to cover her butt. She keeps whining, and I start spanking her a little harder.

“Bad girl,” I scold her. “This is not how you behave when I’m disciplining you!”

I hold her in place with one arm and peel her panties down to her knees. She fights me the whole way, and I see that her pussy is wet and swollen.

Her grunts of protest turn into yelps as I start spanking her bare ass. She quivers and moans, and I cover her rear with slaps until the whole thing is bright red. Finally, her reactions grow less playful, and I can tell that I’m starting to get through.

“Why are you over my knee?” I growl, continuing to punish her.

“Because I talked back to you!” she squeals.

“And is talking back to me a good idea?”

“No! No, sorry, Vostra!”

“What happens when you treat me with disrespect?”

“You fuck my little punishment hole!”

I stop, chuckling, and pull her head up by her hair so that I can see her. “You get a spanking, is the answer I was looking for.”

She blushes about as red as I’ve ever seen her, and doesn’t meet my eye.

“I’m going to give you a couple minutes in the corner to think about this. Then we’re going to finish your spanking, and then yes, I’m going to pin you down on the bed and fuck your little punishment hole and remind you exactly who you belong to. Up, vulta.”

I spank her lightly and she scrambles off of my lap and into the corner, her demeanor submissive.

“Good girl. Hands at your sides. And you can step out of your underwear and leave them on the floor.”

Melyta obeys me, treating me to the sight of her very-red ass quivering as she stands with her nose in the corner of the room. She stands with very good posture, as though she knows I’m watching her, her hips bent at a slight angle that makes her ass look delicious.

“If you were always this obedient, your spankings would be a lot shorter,” I quip.

“I know, Vostra,” she sighs.

After a couple of minutes, I pull her back onto my lap and start spanking her again. She accepts it much more gracefully this time, making a clear effort to rein herself in.

“Unless you want to keep getting punished while your friend is here, you’re going to want to lose that attitude you had earlier,” I growl, punctuating my words with spanks. “The rules aren’t any different just because she’s staying with us.”

“What about when we’re traveling?” she yelps.

“It’s the same,” I tell her sternly. “If you cross the line, I’m going to have to discipline you. I think you’ve already learned that being in public doesn’t get you a pass.”

She whimpers as the spanking continues, and I decide that she’s had enough. I give her another couple of firm spanks, then stroke her reddened bottom as her breathing calms.

“Do you think you’ve learned your lesson, Melyta?”

She nods, wiggling her butt. Then she moans softly as I run my finger between her legs to check her wetness.

“It seems like your pussy is ready for me,” I whisper, “but it’s not your pussy I’m going to use right now, is it?”

Melyta shakes her head. “No,” she whimpers.

I grab a handful of hair at the back of her head and pull it, eliciting a gasp. “Where am I about to put my cock, vulta?”

“In my punishment hole,” she whispers, quivering. “Because I misbehaved.”

“That’s right, vulta. Why don’t you take off the rest of your clothes for me.”

She pulls off her shirt and her bra, then stands before me meekly, covering her nudity with her hands.

“Put your hands down, vulta,” I purr. “Let me see all of you.”

Slowly, she does as I command, and I allow my eyes to linger on the soft, wet place between her legs. She’s obviously very turned on, despite her embarrassment. I can see it. I can smell it.

Some kind of animal urge comes over me as I gaze at her naked, vulnerable form. I don’t have words for this, just action. Just a need that needs to be filled, a cock that needs to slide itself into this beautiful thing in front of it and claim it as its own. I step forward, putting my hands on her, exploring her soft, supple curves.

A growl escapes me as my lips trail over her neck. The spot where I marked her is still raw, bearing the evidence of my fangs. I love seeing that. A permanent reminder of my possession.

I nibble her earlobe as I unbutton my shirt, then pull it off. Her hands immediately move to my back, grasping at the thick muscles. She feels so small in my arms, so nubile, so feminine. So different from my own hard, angular body.

Practically snarling with desire, I walk her back to the bed and push her down on her back. Normally, it would be my instinct to bend her over for an act like this, but this time I want us facing each other. I want to be able to look her in the eyes, to put my hand on her throat, to see the submission on her face when I tell her that she’s mine.

“Spread your little ass for me,” I order, my fingers closing around her neck as I stand over her. “Reach down with your hands and spread yourself. Yes, just like that. Good girl.”

I can see the vulnerability on her face, but also the trust. She knows I care more about her than anything in the world, even in moments like this.

Keeping eye contact with her, I apply a dribble of lube to her little hole, and then to my cock. She inhales, watching me, her breathing heavy.

“I own you,” I remind her, gripping her throat as I slowly push my cock into her ass. “All of you. Including your wet little pussy and your tight little punishment hole. It’s all mine. And from now on, I’m going to be using your punishment hole whenever I need to put you in your place.”

She shudders, her eyes rolling back momentarily as I push myself in deeper.

“Look at me, vulta,” I growl. “Look at your Vostra when he’s talking to you.”

She does as I command, the overwhelm evident on her face. I pull back and thrust into her again, savoring the intensity of her reaction.

“I can feel your tight little hole yielding to me,” I whisper. “Getting used to having my cock inside it. Is your little punishment hole getting used to me, vulta? Are you getting used to being punished by your Vostra?”

She nods, eyes wide, starting to moan with every thrust. I reach down to her pussy and slip two of my fingers inside it, curling them upward against her front wall as I continue to fuck her ass. Melyta’s eyes get even wider, her moans growing frenzied, uncontrolled.

“Who owns you?” I snarl. “Who?”

“You,” she whimpers. “You do, Vostra.”

I tighten my grip on her neck. “Are you going to remember that? Or am I going to have to remind you with my cock again?”

“Oh, fuck,”she gasps, her voice throaty, and it really sounds like she’s on the edge. “Barion, can I come? Oh god, you’re going to make me come.”

“No,” I smirk, slowing down my hips to make long, agonizing thrusts. “I’m going to let you come, but not yet. Not until I say. This is a lesson for you in submission, vulta.” I emphasize the last word, reminding her of the submissive role it entails. I decide when she gets to orgasm. She’ll wait as long as I make her.

Melyta gets this cute, defiant look on her face as she turns away from me, clearly making an effort to hold her orgasm back. I move my hands to her hips and start to really thrust myself inside her, moving her whole body on the bed.

“Please,” she whimpers, still not looking at me. “Barion, please, I need it.”

“Keep begging,” I smirk. “And try looking me in the eye.”

Even though it’s difficult for her, she forces her eyes to meet mine, and I see not just vulnerability, but desperation. She’s completely at my mercy now, and she knows it. Knows it, accepts it, and is willing to beg if that’s what it takes.

Good. It’s important that I’m able to see my vulta in a state like this. She should be comfortable showing me this side of herself.

“Vostra, please,” she begs, the desperation really starting to prove itself in her voice. “I don’t know how much longer I’m going to be able to hold it. I need to come. Please, please let me. Please…”

I take pity on her. “You can come, Melyta. Come while I fuck your little punishment hole with my big cock.”

Her eyes roll back, and a long, loud moan comes out of her mouth. I keep thrusting, allowing myself to let go of any inhibitions I have left. With a growl, I climb on top of her on the bed, pressing my bare upper body down onto hers and fucking her as hard as I can. She whimpers and wraps herself around me, squirming, flexing and releasing as she comes. I can feel her ass squeezing down on my cock, her heart racing, breath coming in loud, desperate gasps.

And then the incredible feeling of her warm, tight body makes me come, too, and I snarl in her ear, gripping her tightly as I start empty myself. I feel my cock twitching, pumping load after load of hot cum deep inside her. She shudders, clamping down on my cock, the inside of her now wet and sticky with my seed.

I put my hand back on her neck and growl at her, extending my fangs as I continue to pin her to the bed. “Who do you belong to? Say it.”

“You, Vostra,” she replies immediately, eyes wide.

“What’s going to happen to you if you disobey me while we’re on Gerbbbexai IX?”

“You’re going to spank my ass and then fuck my punishment hole.”

“That’s right,” I growl. Then I press my lips against hers in a smothering, dominating kiss, and pull out. “You can come out when you’re ready,” I tell her, buckling my pants. “I’m going to get some food.”

With that, I exit the room, leaving her flushed and breathless with my cum dripping out of her ass.