Kept by Luna Voss

Chapter Nine


As amazing as it is to be in space for the first time, by the second day, the excitement of it has worn off somewhat. The streaking stars outside the windows that were so amazing to me yesterday have already become routine. How long can you look at the same glowing lines? This ship isn’t very big, and it’s not like there’s a ton to do. I can’t wait until we come out of hyperspace at Gerbbbexai IX tonight. Or you know, whatever night is when you’re in space.

The good thing, however, is the company. Jenyta is more or less back to herself again, and having this new experience with her is wonderful, even if the circumstances are unfortunate. It’s also the first time that she, Barion, and I have spent more than a couple hours hanging out as a group. The two of them get on famously, as though they’ve known each other a lot longer than they actually have. Although I remember my friend having misgivings when I first start living in Barion’s house, it seems like somewhere along the road of rescuing and protecting her from his own Vostra family, he managed to gain her respect.

Too much respect, perhaps. Jenyta seems to have embraced Barion’s role as my disciplinarian with a playful amusement, teasing me and encouraging me to get myself in trouble. She’s clearly confident that Barion won’t take it upon himself to correct her behavior, and unfortunately for me, she’s right: I know that Barion, out of respect for me, would never dream of spanking my best friend. And I love him for it, but goddammit.

“Babe, can I see you in our cabin for a moment?” Barion calls from the back of the ship as Jenyta and I sit by the window reading.

Immediately, I close my book and start to get up. Jenyta raises her eyebrows. “Wow. Somebody’s dick-whipped. Not even gonna finish your paragraph?”

I roll my eyes. “Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want. I’ll be right back.”

She gives me a mischevious look. “Hey, I’m just saying. Imperial soldiers don’t follow orders that fast.”

I stick out my tongue at her. “If you ever get mated to a vostrat, I’m going to take a very particular pleasure in reminding you of this conversation.”

Jenyta returns my stuck-out tongue as I cross the ship to join my mate in our cabin. She can tease all she wants, but I’m not ashamed of the way I submit to Barion. Even if my cheeks do feel slightly warm.

“Yes?” I say, reaching him. He’s sitting on the bed, and for a moment, my heart sinks. Am I in trouble?

“Shut the door,” Barion growls.

Shit. I do so, my heart starting to be a little faster.

And then my eyes land on his face, and I realize that I’ve misinterpreted things. What I see there isn’t anger, or sternness, or anything like that.

Barion is hungry for me. I know him well enough to read that. What he wants right now is something only his mate can provide.

“Lose the pants,” he whispers.

“Who, me?” I tease, pretending to look around the room.

He steps forward and walks slowly toward me, smirking at my reaction. “You’re cute. Lose the pants.”

I’m in a playful mood, so I can’t resist riling him up. “Oh, so you were talking to me?”

Barion just shakes his head with a laugh, picks me up, and tosses me on the bed. I squeal in delight, and before I know it, he’s dragging me to the edge of the mattress by my ankles and pulling my pants down my legs.

“Someone’s in a mood,” I giggle as my underwear comes off, too. I try to keep my legs apart, not making it easy for him, but he separates them with maddening ease.

“Mine,” he grunts, beginning to kiss his way up my inner thighs. “I’m in the mood for what’s mine.”

I sigh, grabbing a pillow for my head as his lips travel higher. “And what’s yours?”

His eyes focus between my legs, and I blush despite the obvious satisfaction on his face.

“This perfect little cunt,” he growls. “And your tight little punishment hole. And the rest of you, too, vulta.”

He grins and makes eye contact as he says the last word, as though he’s reminding me of who I am to him. Then his lips brush over my clit, and I let out a moan.

“It’s been too long since I’ve tasted your little cunt, vulta,” he whispers. “And too long since I’ve felt it twitching against my lips and tongue. Right now, I’m going to fucking feast.”

I whimper as his lips brush over my clit again. Barion begins to kiss my other thigh, trailing all the way back down to my knee. Involuntarily, my hips give a little squirm of frustration. He makes eye contact, smirking, and then returns to kissing my inner thigh.

Even though I know better than to beg him to touch my clit, the urge is strong. Maybe he’d take pity on me. Actually, no, he definitely wouldn’t. Barion loves teasing me. I’m pretty sure he’d just drag it out even longer. The fucker.

“My pussy is up here, ding dong,” I can’t resist saying as he starts kissing down my thigh again. He just laughs and continues what he’s doing, starting to brush my opening with his fingers, spreading my wetness around.

Finally, he makes his way higher. My whole body tenses in anticipation as I feel his warm breath on my sensitive, aching clit. His eyes flash, and he gives me a little lick, the way you would an ice cream cone. I moan. He does it again, and my pussy twitches.

“How lucky am I that I get to taste this whenever I want?” Barion whispers, and it’s almost like he’s talking to himself. He starts to tease a finger inside me, just the first digit.

He licks me again. Another moan.

Then, slowly, he moves his face down onto me, and I gasp as his mouth closes around my clit.

“Oh, fuck,” I moan, pleasure exploding through me. He pushes his finger inside me, and then another, and I shudder as the sensation of fullness mixes with his mouth on my clit.

Barion swirls his tongue around my clit, sucking it gently in and out of his mouth, his fingers inside me curling upward. It feels so good I can’t keep still, and I squirm around on the bed, unable to stop myself. He grips my thighs with firm hands, holding them apart, keeping my pussy exactly where he wants it.

“Look at your little cunt twitching,” he whispers, taking his mouth off me for a moment and examining his handiwork with hungry, heavy-lidded eyes. I whimper, my clit rippling with need as I feel his breath on its wet surface. It tingles with intensity, making me desperate for him to close his mouth around it once again.

Keeping eye contact with me, Barion gives me a long, slow lick. All the way from the bottom to the top, his tongue dipping into my sensitive folds. I watch him, transfixed, glued in place by an aching necessity. He looks like he’s savoring the best meal of his life, as though he could never get enough of my taste and my smell. And although my mate has gone down on me before, many times, this is different. He’s relishing it, on a sensory level, in a way that makes me feel so utterly sexy and wanted and accepted. I don’t have to worry about whether he’s enjoying himself, or be self-conscious about my private bits. Barion’s body language is making it very, very clear that there’s nowhere in the galaxy he would rather be than between my legs.

I throw my head back, pleasure exploding through my lower body as Barion puts his mouth over my clit again. He grins, holding my hips in place as he slowly sucks my little bean into his mouth and starts to trace circles around it with his tongue.

“Barion, please, don’t stop,” I moan, my hands gripping the sheets next to me tightly.

He lets out a rumble of satisfaction that I feel more than hear, not bothering to pause or respond. His fingers slide inside me once again, curling upward to hit that special spot as he continues sucking on my clit.

“Oh my god, I’m going to come,” I whimper, the pleasure building, becoming almost unbearable. “Barion, you’re going to make me come.”

“Ask, vulta,” he whispers, glancing up to make eye contact. “Don’t forget who owns your orgasms.”

I let out a little grunt of frustration, throatier than I had intended. I just want to come, dammit. Barion gives me a smirk, then continues what he was doing with his mouth. I feel my climax getting closer, and my toes start to curl.

“Please,” I whimper. “Please, Barion, I want to come.”

“Good girl,” he breathes, a husky satisfaction in his voice. “I love it when you beg. You can come for me now, vulta.”

I cry out as my orgasm hits me, as though my body was waiting on his words. He grips my thighs as he keeps licking and sucking me, my chest heaving, thighs flexing, hands wringing the sheets. If he wasn’t holding me in place, I think I might actually thrash myself off the bed. Instead, I’m forced to keep my pussy right where he can reach it, the feeling of his lips and tongue growing so intense it’s almost too much.

And then it’s like I break through some sort of wall, and I practically black out as the pleasure overwhelms me. For a couple of seconds, nothing exists except for the incredible, addicting, perfect sensation of Barion eating my pussy. I hear myself moaning loudly before the sound cuts off and I writhe around, screaming silently. This is everything. This is all I want.

When I come to, Barion is finishing me off with slow, sensuous licks with a flat tongue. He’s watching my face, and I see him smile as my tummy gives an involuntary ripple.

“You’re so fucking sexy,” he whispers, his licks turning into soft, lingering kisses. I sigh, melting into the bed as he keeps kissing my pussy and inner thighs. Finally, I gesture for him to join me on the bed, and he clambers up to where I’m lying. I curl up in his lap, panting, feeling very feminine as he holds me and I recover from one of the most intense orgasms I’ve ever had.

“At least I didn’t accidentally knock something off the wall with my power when I came,” I giggle weakly.

“We’re on a spaceship, there’s nothing to knock off the wall,” he laughs. “Fuck, I love watching you come.”

“I love watching you watch me come.”

“I love watching you watch me watch you… you’re fucking hot, is my point.”

I smile, nuzzling up against him. “Jenyta thinks I’m whipped for putting my book down the moment you called. Little does she know the kind of rewards I get.”

Barion flashes his fangs, eyes gleaming. “Part of my responsibility as your mate is to make you come hard and often.”

“As long as you give me permission,” I pout playfully. “You’ve been making me ask a lot lately.”

He raises his eyebrows. “Yeah. About that.”

My heart starts to beat a little faster. “… What about it?”

His eyes flash with some kind of inner excitement. “From now on, you’re always expected to ask. That’s going to be a new rule, at least until I say otherwise.”

“What?”I retort indignantly. “What the hell happened to making me come ‘hard and often?’”

“Oh, you will, vulta,” he purrs, slipping a hand between my legs and lightly stroking my clit with his fingertip. “I’m going to spend this trip making you come so many times that all you remember how to do is squirm and whimper my name.”

I stare back at him, and I don’t really have an answer for that. He said it so matter-of-factly.

I’m also distracted by what he’s doing with his finger.

“If you like making me come, why do I have to ask?” I manage to get out, my brain incredibly fuzzy between the haze of my last orgasm and the tingling, barely-there stimulation he’s providing now.

“Because I like it,” he growls. His free hand slides up my torso, cupping my breasts, and eventually lands on my neck. “Because you’re my vulta, and your orgasms belong to me, and I like taking advantage of that fact. I’m fucking addicted to you, Melyta. To your submission. I fucking live for that desperate look in your eyes when you badly need to come, but you’re waiting because I’m in charge.”

I shudder as his finger between my legs grows more insistent, circling my clit through its little hood. I’m so primed from last time that I can tell I’ll be able to climax again easily.

If Barion lets me.

“Do I have permission to come, Vostra?” I whimper, figuring I may as well start asking early. I have a feeling he’s not going to say yes the first time.

“Not yet,” he smiles. “Lets get you a little closer. I want to keep you on the edge for a while.”

A few minutes later, he has his wish.

“Please,” I beg, ready to climax at any moment. “Barion, I’m really on edge now.”

“Vostra,”he corrects me gently.

“Vostra,”I struggle to amend myself. “Please, I’m ready.”

“Not yet,” he smirks. “I’m not even sure you really want it.”

“I do want it!” I practically yell, glaring at him. “You’re teasing me!”

He continues fingering me, making it even harder to keep myself composed. “Correct. Don’t come without permission or I’m going to spank you and make you count the swats.”

I keep my mouth shut, pouting, my frustration only equaled by how ridiculously turned on I am at the way he’s treating me. I wouldn’t trade this gleefully authoritative side of him for anything.

But right now, I need to orgasm like I need air.

“Please, Vostra,” I whimper, clenching and unclenching my muscles to release some of the tension. “Please… please let me…”

He looks down at me, and I can tell by his eyes he’s going to take pity.

“Come for me, vulta,” Barion growls, and he says it like an order. “You can let go and come for me now.”

Immediately, shockingly, my pussy begins to twitch. I let out a wail as I start to orgasm in his lap, his fingers working me at just the perfect pace. A second later, and I’m moaning so loudly that he puts a hand over my mouth to quiet me. I twitch and jerk around in his lap, inhibitions forgotten, vocalizing soundlessly into his hand.

“Such a good girl,” he whispers in my ear as my climax slowly ebbs, my lower body still convulsing. “I love how responsive your body is to me. It’s so, so obvious that you’re my Fated Mate.”

I barely have the strength to reply, but still find myself glowing at his words. No matter how long I’ve known that I’m his Fated Mate, I never get tired of hearing him say it. I’m filled with warm, fuzzy happiness as I burrow my head into his armpit and squeeze him tightly. My Fated Mate. My love. The man whose side I’ll never leave.

“I love you, Vostra,” I whisper, kissing his chest. “I’m glad you’re my Fated Mate.”

“I love you too,” he whispers back, stroking my hair affectionately. “More than you could ever know.”

We both startle as the ship’s intercom buzzes with the pilot’s voice: “Alright, folks, we’re about five minutes from pulling out of hyperspace at Gerbbbexai IX.”