Inked Obsession by Carrie Ann Ryan

Chapter 9


“Why am I here again?” I asked, flat on my back as I lifted the bar. Benjamin hovered over me, spotting me as I finished my set. He guided the bar into the brackets and sighed.

“Because we should actually hang out every once in a while in a place that doesn’t have to do with alcohol?” he answered in a question.

“And you missed me,” Archer said as he worked on arm presses. His boyfriend, an older man that I still didn’t really know but liked given what I saw, stood on the other side of him, watching him. I didn’t know if he was spotting him or just enjoying the view.

The two had been together for over a year now, and I was honestly surprised that Marc was here. He rarely hung out with us these days because he was so busy. He worked long hours, and whatever time he had off, he wanted to spend with Archer. I understood that, but it meant that I got to know Colton, Paige’s boyfriend, a little better than Marc.

Of course, as I watched other random gym members giving my little brother looks, as well as some of us, I figured that maybe that made sense. Marc was marking his territory, and I was just along for the ride.

Colton and Lee were at another set of weights, Lee on the bench, Colton spotting him. This was only our third or fourth time coming to the gym as a group, and I liked it. Yes, my brain was in a thousand different places, but I was enjoying myself. It was nice to get out, like Benjamin had said—and actually see each other.

“Sorry I’m late,” Jacob said as he came to our side. He winced as he looked at us. “Or maybe not. I hate lifting.”

“Maybe you should do legs first. Looks like you constantly skip leg days,” Archer said with a wink. Jacob flipped him off casually but made sure nobody actually saw him do so except for us. No need to accidentally flip off one of the bodybuilders in the other corner and get the Montgomerys involved in a fistfight with people who could probably kick our asses.

“Aww, that’s so nice. Thank you, brother mine,” Archer said, fluttering his eyelashes.

“You still got another rep to go,” Marc grumbled, and Archer blushed.

“Sorry, I’m on it.” Archer ducked his head and actually stopped teasing for once. I met Benjamin’s gaze before I sat up and rolled my shoulders back.

Archer liked to tease, it was his thing, but maybe he was growing up. Or Marc was an asshole. I didn’t actually know. I had been so lost in my head recently, I hadn’t spent nearly enough time with Archer and his boyfriend. Maybe that needed to change.

My temples began throbbing, and I knew it had more to do with why I wasn’t sleeping than my brother and his boyfriend—or any of my other family members.

Lee caught my eye this time, and I knew he probably knew what I was thinking about. How was I supposed to tell them? How could I tell them that I’d been keeping secrets? As it was, I was fucking up with Brenna. I might as well continue fucking up with everybody else.

“Okay, your turn,” I said, shaking my head. I looked up at Benjamin, who shrugged and sat down on the bench.

“Just don’t drop the damn thing on me,” he growled.

I winked. “Would I do that to you? Why would I hurt that pretty face?”

“I mean, you do have a spare,” Archer said, and Colton and Lee both snorted as Jacob took up some free weights beside Archer.

“That would be a lot to clean up, though, wouldn’t it?” Marc asked, and I nearly choked out a laugh. Marc was quiet, seemed like a really good guy, but he didn’t usually joke with us. Maybe we were getting better at this whole family thing if he was that comfortable with us these days.

“Anyway, I’m sorry I’m late. We had an appointment that ran over,” Jacob said as he began counting his reps. Benjamin started to lift, and I watched him as I kept my attention halfway on Jacob, as well.

“Appointment?” I asked.

“A routine doctor’s appointment. Annabelle said I could tell you, but I don’t know if a gym is the best place to tell you.”

I quickly latched on to the bar as Benjamin pushed it at me. I settled it into the brackets, and then we all stared at Jacob.

“Is something wrong with my little sister?” I asked, my voice a growl.

Everybody had stopped moving, their weights either hanging loose at their sides or on the floor.

Jacob looked at us and blinked before letting out a breath. “Annabelle’s fine,” he said, an odd smile on his face. “Your fucking genes seem to have pulled through.” He growled.

I looked at Benjamin, and then at Archer before I threw back my head and laughed. “Twins? Are you fucking kidding me? You’re having twins?” I asked, a smile breaking out across my face.

“Two heartbeats. And not just one of the heartbeats being hers. What the hell am I going to do with two kids?” Jacob asked, his voice going a little high-pitched.

Archer let out a whoop and then threw himself at Jacob. “Aww, you knocked up my sister with twins. It was meant to be. She is a twin, after all.”

He kissed Jacob’s cheek with a loud, smacking kiss.

Marc let out a sigh before pulling his boyfriend off Jacob. “Okay, let the man breathe. Let’s not make out with him in public.”

“So I should do it in private?” he asked, and Marc narrowed his eyes before rolling them.

Archer blushed and then shrugged. “Sorry, I’m just excited. Two babies. Two new souls out in the world that you’ll have to mold into decent human beings, take care of, watch, and make sure they are fed and cared for and loved and know how to do Common Core math and all of that. And, oh my God, I think I’m having a panic attack,” Archer said, clutching at his chest.

Lee just snorted, giving Jacob a fist bump.

Colton winced. “Twins. That’s a lot,” he said. “I mean, I’m really excited for you,” Paige’s boyfriend added. “Kids sound like a big deal. I should probably just shut up if I’m sitting here with my girlfriend’s brothers and friends, as I’m kind of freaking myself out over the fact that you’re having twins.”

“No, I’m freaking out with you,” Jacob said. “Welcome to my freak-out party. Annabelle is all about lists, and I’m pretty sure she and Paige have a planner set for each baby at this point. Each baby. I didn’t know that existed in plural until just now.”

I went up to him and hugged him hard, slapping him on the back. “I’m damn proud of you. Well, that’s a really weird thing to say about my brother-in-law. So, how about…don’t worry about anything. Your babies will have tons of aunts and uncles. They’ll never want for anything.”

Jacob swallowed hard. “I’m just really glad that my mom knows. She was the first person we told,” he said, his throat working as he swallowed hard. “Enough of that, because if I keep going, I’m going to cry like a baby. And, apparently, we already have enough babies. And we’re at a gym. We’re supposed to be all manly and growly and full of sweat.”

“That’s a lovely image,” Lee said, shaking his head. “And I’m so sorry that my sweet Annabelle didn’t wait for me like I asked. I understand. If she must go to someone, I suppose it’s okay that it’s you.”

“You really do like walking on that tightrope, don’t you?” Benjamin asked softly before hugging Jacob hard. “You’re going to be a good father. Annabelle’s going to be a great mother. And we are all going to figure out how to be aunts and uncles together. Thankfully, we have two of them, that way, we can share the attention equally rather than putting it all on one sad and unsuspecting child. There are a lot of us Montgomerys. We could scare the poor thing,” Benjamin teased.

“I’m glad that I could give you a two-for-one deal.” Jacob shook his head as he studied the room. “I’m really not into this.”

I laughed. “You mean working out or having a baby? Because I’m pretty sure you are kind of on the path for one of those things already.”

Jacob’s cheeks reddened. “I meant working out. I drove all the way here, but I’m afraid if I sit here, I’ll end up dropping a weight on my foot or falling off the treadmill while doing cardio or something.”

“You should be doing leg day,” Archer added again as Marc squeezed him to his side.

“Behave,” Marc chided, and Archer rolled his eyes.

“How about we go get a beer?” Benjamin asked, grinning.

Jacob nodded, swallowing hard. “Yeah. A beer. Annabelle’s off with the girls—I’m sure all of them, and her mother. I think they’ve tried to get my mom to come out with them, but she had a tough day today,” he said quickly, gliding over the words. I knew he didn’t want any of us asking why—and we wouldn’t.

We all knew Jacob’s mother, adored her, and knew that her prognosis was getting worse. We weren’t going to talk about it. Today would be a good day. A good day because my little sister was having twins. Jesus Christ, it felt like just yesterday that I was watching my mom put pigtails in her hair.

I shook my head. “Let’s get that beer.”

“Riggs’?” Jacob asked.

I nodded. “Where else?”

“Too bad Clay’s not going,” Lee said.

Colton snorted. “Did Riggs and Clay ever date?” he asked.

I held up my hands. “Since he works for me, I’m not going to ask. Clay doesn’t mind the flirting, and I’m pretty sure he flirts back. I’m going to stop talking about it.”

Everybody laughed, and we headed to get ready. Our workout had been cut short, but for the best reasons. We’d head to Riggs’, get a drink, and then I’d go home—and not sleep. My chest ached, and I rubbed it as I headed to my car. Had I worked out too hard? I didn’t think so. I didn’t know, but everything was tight, and I felt like I had pins and needles across my skin.

I was probably just losing my mind.

I drove towards Riggs’, the drive not too far, thankfully, and pulled in beside Benjamin. I was the last to arrive. I wasn’t sure how, but somehow, we were all getting out around the same time.

“You doing okay?” Benjamin asked.

I nodded. “Yes, why?”

“No reason, just asking,” Benjamin said, frowning.

I rubbed at my chest again, and his gaze went to the movement.

Lee came up to us, frowning. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Nothing. What’s wrong with you?”

Lee narrowed his eyes. “Nothing’s wrong with me. You keep rubbing your chest.”

“Are we going in?” Archer asked, rocking back on his feet. He leaned in to Marc as Colton and Jacob came up to us, as well.

“I’m fine, guys. Come on, let’s go in.”

The sound of a shot rang out, sharp. It echoed through my body, pulsated within my chest and through my brain. I ducked, dropping to my knees, and all I could do was hear my blood rushing through my veins, my heart beating too fast. Metal coated my tongue, and I tried to breathe, clutching at my chest. Suddenly, there were hands on me, pulling at me, and I couldn’t breathe. They wouldn’t stop. They were coming at me.


I punched at them, trying to get away. My chest hurt like something was sitting on it. There was a fucking elephant on my chest, and I couldn’t breathe. I gulped for air, trying to do anything, something.

I looked up to see Benjamin’s wide eyes. Lee cursed and cradled my head. The others looked at me, either kneeling around me or standing, shouting.

What the fuck was going on? Why couldn’t I breathe? Was someone shooting? The guys needed to get down.

I pulled at Benjamin. “Stop. The bullets. Get down. Don’t let them get you.” I was gasping out the words now, and they didn’t make any sense. Lee kept cursing.

“What’s going on?” Archer asked, shaking as he held my hand.

My pulse raced, and I looked around at them, then swallowed hard. “Fuck,” I muttered.

“Your fucking brother was involved in a shooting a couple of months ago. We lost Brian, a guy we knew from college. He died, and Beckett was there. And he wouldn’t let me tell you. Now, he’s having a fucking panic attack because a car backfired.” I looked at Lee, my eyes wide as I tried to figure out what the hell was going on. “Don’t get mad at me. You should have told them. Shouldn’t have made me keep the secret. Fuck you, Beckett. Dear God, your pupils are pinpricks, and you’re hurting. It’s clear. What the fuck, man?”

He started to pace, running his hands through his hair as Archer looked down at me, still squeezing my hand. “You were shot?”

I pushed at them, trying to sit up. “You’re going to stay the fuck down. You’re going to lay here and tell me what happened,” Benjamin growled.

I shoved at him again, then Colton, of all people, was there, pushing my hair back from my face. “Breathe.”

“I’m in Riggs’ parking lot. Anyone can come around and see us.”

Colton shook his head. “They’re not going to. Just catch your breath.”

“You had a panic attack?” Archer asked. “What happened?”

I met Lee’s gaze and saw sadness. Because I had fucked up. “I was at the shooting at Rocky’s.”

“You were there?” Benjamin whispered. “And you didn’t tell us?”

Cold seeped through me, even as my cheeks warmed. “I didn’t know how. It was stupid. I know I should have. That’s how I got hurt. And Lee was the last person I called. I didn’t have an emergency contact in my phone like I should have. So, they called Lee, and he came and picked me up from the hospital.”

“How did you get hurt?” Archer asked, his voice low.

“A shelf fell on me of all things. I pushed some lady out of the way. I don’t remember much else. I think I blocked it out. I remember the blood. They shot Brian. I didn’t really know how to tell you guys that I was there. I’m fine. I just fucked up.”

They looked at me then, and I knew I had fucked up. I didn’t know words would help. I just looked at them, and they shook their heads. I let out a breath, knowing I needed to do something, say something. Only there wasn’t anything to say.