Laird of Longing by Tammy Andresen

Chapter Thirteen

Sophie woke late,and Ewan had already left the room.

Her stomach dropped. She’d hoped that their talk last night would move them forward somehow, but apparently it had not. Then she noticed a note on the pillow next to hers.

Her heart sped up as she unfolded the paper and read the bold scroll.

I’ll see you at dinner.


She laughed to herself.It was the least romantic note that might have ever been written and yet it filled her with a light hope that left her breathless.

They were going to have a meal together. Talk.

It was exactly what she’d hoped for.

Sophie rose from the bed, then dressed and styled her hair. Afterward, she climbed up onto the deck to find the other two couples travelling with them already there watching the ship tack into the mouth of the Thames.

Her stomach dropped again. Perhaps he didn’t wish to discuss his feelings at all but just their return to London.

Disappointment coursed through her, but she tamped it back down. She’d promised herself she’d be patient. It had been less than a day. It wasn’t time for despair yet. Ewan needed unconditional love and that was what she would give him.

Nor would she fret over their return to London. She took a deep breath. She was Lairdess McLaren now, and at her husband’s side, she had nothing to fear.

She approached the others. “Good morning.”

“Good morning,” Devonhall answered, giving her an easy smile.

“It’s a beautiful day,” Isabella said as she threaded her arm through Sophie’s.

Sophie nodded, smiling, as she pushed down her apprehension. “It’s lovely. And warmer now that we’re not out to sea.”

Eliza looked to the shore. “Makes you hopeful doesn’t it? The warming of spring?”

Sophie nodded. She needed that hope now. “How soon before we reach the city?”

“We’ll be in London by noon,” Menace answered. She nodded as she watched the land slip by. In this moment, she far preferred the cool crisp air of the open ocean with her husband’s arm wrapped about her waist.

Because, try as she might not to worry, the closer they drew to London, the more her belly churned. She’d like to have Ewan’s arm about her now.

Her feelings of apprehension only grew stronger two hours later as they docked. Menace had escorted her to the cabin that she and Ewan shared and then he and Eliza sat with her while the rest of the ship buzzed with activity, loading and unloading crates. It was part of the plan, of course. She wasn’t to be seen in case the meeting with her father didn’t go well.

“Sorry, you’re stuck down here,” Menace said with a wince.

She smiled. “I don’t mind in the least. I’m glad to be safe and out of sight but I am sorry you’ve been saddled with guard duty. You should be out there enjoying the sun. Both of you.”

Eliza waved her hand. “Sun is bad for my skin.” Then she leaned forward. “Let’s play a game, shall we? It will pass the time.”

Sophie nodded as she looked out the porthole onto the bustle of the docks. What was Ewan doing? What did he plan to do to find Hughes? She’d have to wait until tonight to get answers.

* * *

Ewan steppedoff the dock in the afternoon sun, scanning the crowds of the docklands.

In a sea of humanity, it was difficult to pick any one person out. Not that he needed to, but he’d been unsettled all day.

Sophie was safely tucked into his cabin with Menace as her guard but knowing Hughes was here in London…

He shook his head. They had a plan. A good one.

But still, he didn’t want to be away from his wife. He wanted to hold her. Hell, he wished to share his love and commitment with her. Which made a ghost of a grin touch his lips. He’d changed so much since he’d met Sophie. Now he just needed to take care of Hughes and they could begin the rest of their lives.

Devonhall had issued an invitation to Hughes, for tonight, to attend a high stakes game at the gaming hell Devonhall owned. They’d allow the man to win and then see where he took his newfound wealth.

It was a good plan. Menace would stay with Sophie to protect her while Devonhall would lay the bait and Ewan…he’d spring the trap.

But he hated leaving his wife.

The afternoon crawled by, even with all the work he needed to do, and he made his way down to the cabin well before the dinner hour.

Stepping into the room, he nodded to Menace and his wife first. “Thank ye fer spending the afternoon with Sophie.”

Menace nodded as he rose. “We’ll be back in an hour?”

Ewan gave a tight nod as he turned to his wife. She rose too and the moment the door closed behind their guests, she launched herself into his arms.

He caught her up easily and held her against his chest, kissing her lips. “Sophie,” he said between kisses. He wanted to stay with her. He wished to tell her how he felt. “Are ye all right?”

“I’m fine,” she said as she buried her head into his shoulder. “I missed you today.”

“I missed ye too.”

She raised her head and looked into his eyes. “You did?”

“I did.” He took a deep breath. “I’ve worried my entire life about ending up as my parents did. Bitter and angry. But,” he leaned down and kissed her, “I’m not afraid anymore.”

“You’re not?” Her eyes widened and her lips parted in surprise.

He shook his head. “No. I’m not. My parents are in me, I can’t do anything about that but…” he stared at his lovely wife. “But ye, my love, are nothing like either of them. Yer kindness and tender heart will see us through.”

Her breath caught and he hugged her a bit closer. “Sophie,” he said.


“I love ye too, lass.”

Their hour was supposed to be about telling her his feelings, eating a meal, and sharing their plan. But as her lips met his over and over, he knew he’d forgo the rest to make passionate love to his wife.

They held each other desperately, tenderly until it was time for him to leave again. “Menace will stay here with ye. I’m going to investigate Hughes tonight.”

“How?” she asked as she rose to dress.

“He’s been invited to an elite game at Devonhall’s club. If he’s truly in need of money, he won’t resist the temptation to win. Of course, I’ll be one of his opponents. We’re actually going to allow him to win and then see who he pays off with the earnings.” There were a few risks. Hughes might realize he was being allowed to win. He might not use his earnings to pay his debts. But Ewan had spent enough time with criminals to understand it would likely work. “I’ll see Hughes in jail if nothing else.”

She nodded as she kissed his lips. “I love you, Ewan. Thank you.”

It took more effort than he ever imagined possible, but he left her side and headed out onto the deck where Devonhall already waited for him.

The two men made their way down the plank where they hailed a hack and set off for the Den of Sins.

It would be a while before Hughes arrived, but they needed to make their trap perfect.

But when midnight came and went, Hughes hadn’t arrived. The group of players, all in on the ruse, sat half-heartedly playing a hand, waiting for the real event to begin. Ewan grew more concerned with each passing hour, his stomach twisting into knots even as his muscles tightened. Had the plan gone wrong with the very first step?

And when one in the morning arrived, Ewan stood, looking at Devonhall. “Send word if he comes. I’m heading back to the docks.”

Devonhall stood too. “Are you certain? It’s not unusual for men to arrive after a ball or a party. He might yet come.”

Ewan shifted. “Perhaps I’ll return but I want to check on my…” He didn’t finish, knowing that the man would likely scoff.

But instead, Devonhall smiled. “I understand completely. I’ll send word if he arrives. Go see how Sophie fares.”

With a nod, Ewan slipped out the back of the club and started for the docks again. His apprehension didn’t lessen, however.

He needed to hold Sophie in his arms again and know that she was safe.