Laird of Longing by Tammy Andresen


Sophie stoodoutside the church waiting to enter.

Inside, her closest family had gathered, along with all of Ewan’s cousins and their husbands.

Even the Duke of Devonhall’s brother, the Earl of Baxter, was in attendance.

She’d no idea how a duke’s brother might be an earl, but it was a story she couldn’t wait to hear.

But not today. Today was for her and Ewan. Their second wedding. She’d call this their real wedding but the first had been just as meaningful. It had changed her life. She’d found love, happiness, and a beautiful future.

Though she was glad they were marrying again. This time, they’d stand in front of all their family and a few friends to declare their match in front of all of England.

She’d left London ruined and she returned…the luckiest woman on the island.

That thought made her laugh and her father gave her a peculiar look as he held out his elbow. They’d barely spoken since her return, but at least publicly, he’d supported her.

She could be angry, but that sort of bitterness ruined and destroyed. Hadn’t Ewan’s past taught her that?

So instead, she threaded her hand through his arm. “Thank you.”

He grimaced then. “Sophie.”

Her breath caught as she looked at him. Would he berate her for running away? Chastise her for nearly ruining their family? “Yes?”

“I,” he took a breath. “I’m sorry.”

That took her by surprise and blinked several times as she tried to formulate a response. “You are?”

He nodded. “After you left, your mother…” He stopped, looking down at his shoes. “She pointed out my mistakes.”

That made Sophie warm. Her mother had stood up for her and her father had listened. “I understand. I always have. But I hope you understand what I did too.”

He shook his head. “It was so dangerous.”

She heard the worry in his voice, and that made her glad she’d approached this conversation with understanding. “I know. But fortunately for me, fate intervened. And here we are.”

“He loves you, doesn’t he?” her father asked.

“He does,” she smiled. “And he’s waiting.”

With a nod, they started into the church. The organ began to play. Her gaze cast about the room. Her mother was at the front, of course.

Isabella and Devonhall next to her. Devonhall’s brother and wife behind them.

Eliza and Menace sat just on the other side, her other two sisters, Abigail and Emily, along with their husbands. And in the back, a man whom Sophie didn’t recognize. But as several of the women glanced at him, Sophie knew he was somehow connected to the Carrington sisters.

She forgot all of them as she looked at Ewan standing at the front of the church. Handsome and larger than life, he stole her breath as she floated toward him.

And when he took her hand, the rest of the world melted away.

The ceremony washed over her, the candles and incense adding a romantic glow that filled her heart even as they both repeated their vows.

And when his lips met hers, Sophie knew she was home. In his arms was exactly where she belonged.

The entire assembly made their way to Ewan’s townhome where a wedding breakfast was being served. Her parents had offered but Ewan had insisted on hosting. Much of the guest list was his, he’d maintained. He hardly knew what to do with all this new family, why should her family be saddled with them?

Sophie had laughed at the time he’d said it, but as they assembled in the salon, she began to understand.

The Carrington sisters had gathered in a cluster, their whispers evident as they stared at the only guest that Sophie didn’t know. The older gentleman.

She cleared her throat as she approached them and Abigail immediately drew into their cluster. Eliza threaded an arm through hers as they bent their heads tight together.

Clarissa, Baxter’s wife, had joined them too and she winked at Sophie. “You’re just in time.”

“For what?” Sophie asked.

Isabella leaned close, her finger discreetly pointing to the corner and the lone man. “That is our father.”

“Oh,” Sophie’s eyes widened in surprise. No wonder they were having a summit in the corner.

Ewan had invited his uncle, the Carrington sisters’ father.

“We’re attempting to decide what to do,” Abigail said with a roll of her eyes. “We’re split as to whether we ignore him, hit him, or invite him to join us.”

“Who is in favor of what?” another woman asked. Tall, with ebony hair, she was so beautiful that Sophie nearly gasped in surprise. “And apologies. I am the Viscount of Easterly’s wife, Gabriella. We’ve only just arrived, our journey was delayed.”

She gave a curtsy. “A pleasure.” Then she turned to Isabella. “And Gabriella is correct. We must know. Who is in favor of what?”

Eliza raised her brows. “I’d like to land a solid punch square between the eyes.”

The women all giggled at that.

Emily shook her head. “He’s still our father and he was attempting to protect us in his way.”

But Isabella stood taller. The women quieted as she looked across the room. “He left us when we needed him most.”

Sophie reached for her friend’s hand. “I understand.”

Isabella’s gaze met Sophie’s, the duchess’s eyes widening. “I know you do.”

“Today I told my father that I forgave him because…” She drew in a breath. “Because Ewan was nearly torn apart with anger and selfishness. I’ll not raise my children with bitterness in my heart.”

The other women looked back at her until Eliza let out a long sigh. “Fine. Invite him over here. I can’t promise I’ll be as kind as Sophie, but I’ll not hit him. That’s all I can say and mean.”

Sophie grinned as she broke from the group and started for their guest. Today was a day of new beginnings…

* * *

Ewan stoodwith the men and watched his wife cross the room to speak with his uncle. Lucas Carrington had made mistakes. There was no denying that, but as he watched his wife work to heal the wounds between the man and his daughters, Ewan’s heart swelled with love and pride.

Of course, Sophie was working to heal wounds. His wife had the most generous heart of anyone he’d ever met.

And he was the luckiest man in England or Scotland to have her as his bride. How had he ever resisted? Thank the lord he’d come to his senses.

“I’ll be damned,” Menace muttered as the ladies quietly greeted their father. “I did not see that coming.”

“Bold move, inviting him,” Infamy said.

Ewan shrugged. “He’s my uncle and the owner of the business that makes us all rich.”

The men silently accepted his reasons as they watched their wives greet their father.

When no voices were raised, they returned to the topic they’d been discussing, the Den of Sins.

“Any ideas?” Devonhall asked.

Ewan was not part of the club and had no opinion on the matter. Devonhall, however, had requested he attend the meeting. In the duke’s words, Ewan could be the impartial voice of reason as they attempted to decide what to do with the club.

As they were married and starting families and they’d added Carrington Shipping to the list of assets that required managing, an illegal gaming hell no longer seemed prudent.

But the question was…what did they do with the club?

They couldn’t very well advertise the business in one of the London papers. They could just shut it down, of course. But it was one of the most popular of its kind. It was an asset, just the same.

But it required the right kind of hands to manage it discreetly.

“Anyone have a lord in mind to take over?” Devonhall tried again when no one answered.

Baxter drew in a breath. “I do have someone in mind.”

All eyes turned to him. “Really?” Vanity asked. “Who?”

Baxter drew in a breath. “Before I tell you—”

“Oh no,” Devonhall cut his brother off. “What are you planning?”

Baxter held up his hands. “Not planning.”

“Is it one of those earls from your club?”

“Not an earl,” Baxter swallowed. “Not a lord at all.”

“Who?” Vanity asked. “Is it another club owner? Someone who wants to have multiple gaming hells?”

“No,” Baxter winced. “Not another club owner at all. In fact, it’s not even a man.”

Ewan’s mouth dropped open. He’d been asked to be an objective judge. “That’s a terrible idea.”

Baxter raised his brows. “Thanks for withholding your judgment.”

“I’m with Ewan,” Devonhall growled out. “What women could possibly take over the club?”

Baxter stood straighter. “Our sister.”

Devonhall choked. “We don’t have a sister.”

“About that…” Baxter started.

Ewan looked over at his bride, who was facilitating her own awkward conversation. Family was never easy and he was so glad he had her here to help. Because this was going to take a while…

Didyou thing Lords of Scandal was coming to an end? Find out about the sister of Devonhall and Baxter in 2022 with the first book in the next round of Lords of Scandal, The Queen of Hearts.

Also in thislatest round of the Lords of Scandal series:

Earl of Gold

Earl of Baxter

Duke of Decadence

Marquess of Menace

Duke of Dishonor

Baron of Blasphemy

Viscount of Vanity

Earl of Infamy