The Revenge You Seek by Tracy Lorraine



Ididn't mean to fall into creepy stalker territory. I was legitimately in the library when she walked in all wide-eyed and excited as she took in all the books.

I stepped into the shadows so she wouldn't notice me as she passed and began walking up and down each of the aisles of books.

The temptation to follow her was strong but I told myself as I stood in the middle of the quad last night that I wasn't going to search her out, instead just make the most of our classes together for now.

I've got plenty of time to up the ante over the coming weeks and months. I want her looking over her shoulder, waiting for me to strike then when she realizes that maybe I'm not, that's exactly when I'm going to make my move. When she least expects it and has lowered her guard.

Then… then she's mine.

My intention was to leave but I walked in here for a reason, so I stepped out of the shadows and discovered where I actually needed to be.

That's how I find myself hiding behind a row of books on the third floor watching her work.

I know I shouldn't but there's something fascinating about the way her fingers fly over the keyboard of her laptop.

She's got her long hair piled up on top of her head with not one, but two pens shoved through it, and the level of concentration on her face is mesmerizing.

I stand there for way too long just watching her work.

Images of the things I want to do to her flicker through my mind like a movie as my need for revenge surges around me.

I want her alone where we’ll have no witnesses.

I want her all to myself.

My fists curl as I picture walking up to her and demanding she leaves with me. She would, I know she would because she hates causing a scene.

She’d rather deal with me in private than have everyone else privy to what goes down between us.

Silly girl.

I’d have thought that she’d have learned before now that being alone with me is the most dangerous place to be.

I’ve almost convinced myself to walk away when someone else approaches her.

It's clear she knows who he is. The way her face lights up as she notices him makes my chest constrict and my fists tighten.

Again, I try to make myself leave and damn, am I glad I don't. I’m close enough that I can hear every single word they say to each other and the second they start talking about a group chat, I move closer still.

I fumble to get my cell from my pocket when he asks her for her number and I just get mine unlocked quick enough to type it in.

I smile to myself as I stare down at it.

She has no idea what she's just done.

Beginning to creep myself out with the level of stalking I've lowered myself to this afternoon, I slip from the aisle of books and set about finding what I came for before leaving the library and heading to the cafeteria for some lunch before my next class and then our practice session.

* * *

Letty is like a deer caught in headlights during class on Thursday morning. Knowing she was going to be there, I made sure that I was early and I sunk into the shadows at the back of the auditorium long before she arrived so I could watch her.

When she finally arrives, she has protection in the form of my two idiot teammates flanking her sides—the same assholes who tried to stand up for her on Tuesday.

It's weird because, at practice, they barely pay me any attention, preferring to do their own things and keep their heads down. But put them anywhere near Letty and it seems their inner cavemen come out and they do all they can to protect their girl from the big bad wolf.

I have no idea how she knows them. My unwanted feud with seemingly the entire team at Luca's request means that I don't have anyone to subtly ask all these questions to.

I want to know who they are, why they feel the need to look after her, and most importantly if they're going to be a problem for me.

One of them wraps his arm around her shoulder as he leads her to some empty seats about halfway back.

If she's trying to be discreet as she looks around for me, then she's failing miserably because I can almost feel her nerves from here as her eyes flit around trying to find me.

I sink down in my chair as she continues to search, and I know the very second her eyes lock on me. The crack of electricity between us is almost enough to alight the room. I feel it right down to my soul.

A smile curls at my lips. I try to make it a soft one but my need to hurt her means it turns into a snarl all too quickly.

Her bodyguards soon notice who is holding her attention as she fights to rip her eyes from mine, and they manage to move her so they can get ready for class to start.

Satisfaction fills me once again as she sits ramrod straight in her chair throughout the entire lecture as if she can physically feel my stare burning into the back of her head.

She never once turns around. I bet it's fucking killing her.

"Hey, aren't you Kane Legend?" a sickly sweet voice says from behind me as I'm leaving the auditorium not long after Professor Richman has left our class.

I didn't hang around and wait for her and her goons to leave. I didn't want her to think that what she did had any impact on me. I never planned on getting accosted as I left but it's kind of perfect.

News of my arrival hasn't spread all that far yet, seeing as Luca fucking Dunn is doing his damnedest to get rid of me. He's somehow managed to put a halt to most of the gossip, which, I must be honest, is kind of impressive.

Maybe he does have more power around here than I gave him credit for.

"Yeah, who's asking?" I spin on my heels and lock eyes with a pretty blonde girl with the bluest eyes I think I've ever seen.

"Hey." Her smile widens to show off perfectly straight white teeth. "I'm Clara." She takes a step forward, right as movement over her shoulder catches my eye. "Would you like to go and grab a coffee sometime?"

Ripping my eyes away from where Letty and her goons are, I look down at Clara.

My skin prickles with awareness as she gets closer. I don't need to look up again to know she's shooting me a death stare.

"Careful, girl. That one bites." The desire to throw my head back and laugh at Letty's little warning almost gets the better of me.

The fact she cares enough to even try to warn this girl tells me everything I need to know.

"It's okay, hon. I can handle rough. Right, Brax?" She lifts her chin in the direction of one of Letty's followers and his chest expands.

"Hell yeah she can," he brags, much to the other guy's irritation if his dramatic eye roll is anything to go by.

"Let's go," he barks. "I need food." Gently pushing Letty forward, although it seems that she doesn't need too much encouragement before she races down the corridor calling, "Don't say I didn't warn you," over her shoulder.

I smirk. It amuses me that she cares enough to get involved.

"So, coffee?”


“Sure.” Her eyes light up as she tugs her purse up higher on her shoulder.

I, on the other hand, don’t feel even a flicker of excitement. That is until we get to the end of the hallway to find Letty and the guys disappearing behind the closing elevator door.

Racing forward, I shove my foot into the gap and watch in delight as horror floods Letty’s face.

“Stalker territory, Legend,” one of the guys mutters as I step inside the small space with them.

In an ideal world, I’d stand right beside Letty, even behind her, so she couldn't see what I'm doing. But with her personal protection both taking a step closer to her, I know I've got no choice. I'll have to settle for my presence pissing her off.

The second Clara steps in beside me, I reach an arm out and wrap it around her waist, pulling her into me.

"Anyone ever told you that you've got the most mesmerizing eyes?"

"Yes, but I prefer hearing it from you."

Someone makes a gagging sound behind me but I ignore them, sliding my hand from the small of her back to her ass.

"I think we're going to enjoy spending time together, Princess."

Letty’s gasp of shock sounds out loud and clear around the enclosed space.

I know how much she hates the nickname I gave her when we were just kids, but it seems as much as she might dislike it, she doesn't want anyone else to have it either.

"I sure hope so," Clara breathes, running her palm up my chest.

Her touch is… nice. But it doesn't stir a fire within me like I know someone else does.

We might have only been together once, but fuck it if didn't make all the other girls of my past pale in comparison.

The second the elevator pings to say we've hit the ground floor she storms out of the enclosed space, her shoulder slamming into me as she passes sending a bolt of electricity straight to my dick.

If she felt it then she doesn't show it because she doesn't so much as look back as she exits the building as if she's being chased.

"What's her problem?" Clara purrs, wrapping her hand around the back of my neck and staring into my eyes.

"Probably jealous that she's not as pretty as you."

"You're an asshole," one of Letty's protectors barks as they follow her out.

"I know. It's fun."

He flips me off over his shoulder as Clara threads her fingers through mine and pulls me from the elevator.

The second we step outside and I realize that Letty is nowhere to be seen, I pull my cell from my pocket and stare at it as if I'm reading something.

"I'm sorry, baby, I'm going to have to call a rain check. One of my boys needs me."

"I can come with," she offers, stepping forward and pressing her breasts against my chest as if it's enough to change my mind.

No fucking chance, love.

"Sorry, maybe another time."

She sticks her filler-filled lip out in a pout but all I do is spin away from her and walk away, not giving two fucks about dropping her like a stone.

She's a jersey chaser. I'm sure there's plenty of other team members she can run off and dig her claws into.

I get myself some lunch and manage to get some work done on an assignment I've been working on before making my way to my afternoon class early, just like this morning.

I have no idea if I'll have the pleasure of making her squirm uncomfortably in this class as well seeing as I missed our first lecture on Monday but I can only hope.