Saving Emmy by Rayne Lewis

Chapter 29

Three weeks had passed since “The Barn” as it was now dubbed, and Ember couldn’t be happier. Things with Eli were great, as with all budding relationships, but it seemed different than the others. They’d known each other forever so it felt like they were a seasoned couple. They already knew each other's quirks and habits and it felt...easy. There was no tiptoeing around each other trying not to let too much of themselves show before the relationship settled in. No, they knew the good, the bad and the ugly and nothing ever felt sweeter.

“Did you get that last box of shut off valves put into stock?” Mitch asked Ember while he stocked the pipe fittings.

“Yup. Got the aisle stocked and the reorder scanned for tomorrow.”

He finished putting the last fitting in the bin and turned to his daughter. “Thanks for helping out tonight. Mom needed a break and I knew she wouldn’t ask for one.”

“Sneaky Dad. How many invoices did you take home yesterday just to get her to work from home instead of the office?” Ember shot him a rueful smile.

“No idea what you’re talking about.” Mitch feigned unknowing.

“Right, clue. Weak story.”

“Doesn’t matter if it’s weak. What matters is your mom is home relaxing.” He tousled her red curls.

“Dad!” She ducked her head to the side. “Tousling, really?”

“You're adorable, lil’ girl.”

She patted down her hair. “Like it’s not unmanageable enough.” She huffed indignation but pulled back her smile.

“She is adorable!” Eli walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, placing a kiss on her lips.

“Okay, you two. I’m all for your relationship but none of that mushy stuff. A dad has his limits.”

“Oh, please, you and Mom are the randiest couple I know! You’re not subtle at all.” Ember made a gagging noise.

“Healthy, adult, sexual relationships are what keeps a marriage strong.”

“Don’t want to hear this.”

“We are in the prime of climaxable pleasure, and we—”

“Not listening.” Ember covered her ears and hummed to block out the sound.

Eli laughed as Pops continued talking, holding Ember in her agony with the thought of her parents nude and in the throes of passion.

“...and your mother is the most limber she’s ever been. Early Senior Yoga has taught her positions I never knew were possible.”

“Okay...Okay, Pops. As much as I love you torturing Emmy, it’s torturing me too. I want to be able to look Mom in the eye next time I see her.”

Mitch laughed and stopped the in depth explanation of their frisky sex life.

“God, I think I’m going to be sick.” Ember clutched her stomach.

“Nothing wrong with it. Perfectly natural for two people in love to have a healthy sex life.”

Ember grinned at her father. “Well, in that case, you should see how Eli can bend me over and—”

“Whoa! Whoa!”


Both Mitch and Eli were shouting before she finished any more of her sentence.

She posed a look of confusion. “What? I thought it was perfectly natural and healthy—”

“Em, your father’s store has hatchets, knives, saws, and wood chippers. I am susceptible to all of them. Please, for the love of God, do not continue that sentence.” Eli caught Mitch’s eye and saw all the humor had left his face.

“But, Dad said…” She egged him on.

Mitch’s voice fell flat. “Your dad does not want one more word to cross your lips.”

She held back her laugh.

Mitch turned to Eli. “I’ll pretend I know nothing because I'm sure there’s nothing to know, right?”

“Absolutely nothing, sir.” He tagged the formality to the end of his sentence, letting Mitch know he knew the hierarchy of where he stood in the family.

Mitch nodded and walked up the aisle to the registers.

“Are you insane?” Eli’s eyes couldn’t get any wider. “That’s your father!”

Ember laughed. “If you only knew how much torture he and Mom put Rhys and I through.”

“Yes, but it’s not your balls that are on the chopping block.” Eli wrapped her in his arms. “Please, your father likes me and I’d like to keep it that way and stay in his good graces.”

Ember went up on her tiptoes and gave him a peck on the lips. “I’m very bendy, too, ya know.”

“Good God, woman. You slay me.” Eli planted one more kiss on her lips, this one a little heavy to be given in the middle of the workplace, but he got lost when she returned the kiss. “Gotta get going, Red.”

She put on a pout. “Really?”

“Yup. Gotta go over a few things that just came in. King is set on taking this case and he’s been examining each lead and leaving no stone unturned.”

“Sounds personal.”

“Don’t know, but if it is or isn’t, either way he’s determined to get a mission set.”

Ember memorized his eyes as she did a thousand times, the grey-slate taking on more of a steel-blue today. “Love you.”

“Love you, too, babe.”

She gave him one more chaste kiss on his lips, then he gently placed a kiss on her forehead.

“I love when you do that.”


“Kiss my forehead.”

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah.” She felt his smile against her skin. “A kiss on the lips says, ‘I love you,’ but, a kiss on my forehead says, ‘I like you.’ It’s playful and makes my heart smile.”

He kissed her forehead again.



“Stay safe.”

He pulled back. “Stay safe? Why’d you say that?”

She looked up into his beautiful eyes. “I got a bad feeling. Not just in my stomach but in my bones. It’s chilling me and I can’t shake it.”

“Babe, I’m not leaving on a mission yet, just going to discuss whatever King’s discovered.”

She took in a breath. “I don’t know, I just have this horrible feeling. Something’s— ”

“I’m safe, Emmy. Alert and strapped if anything happens. Which it won’t.” He patted his Glock, concealed and holstered to his side. “I’m good.”

Ember’s gaze scanned the store, worry settling in her eyes.


“Can’t shake it.” She shook her head. “I know this feeling.” She scanned once more before meeting his eyes. “It’s battle-wary.”

She could tell that raised his attention, though he didn’t show it in his demeanor.

“Maybe I’m hyped, I don’t know, but it’s in the air.”

“You want me to stick around? I can call King if it’s that strong.”

“No. That’s absurd.” She tried to steel herself but failed miserably. “King and the guys need you. Just, please, be extra vigilant.”

Eli stared her down. “I will. I promise.” He pulled her to him. “Nothing’s going to happen to me.”

“Something’s going to happen, Eli. I just know it.”

His voice was low. “You carrying?”

“Always.” She patted the HK beneath her shirt.

He kissed her head. “New holster?”

“Uh-huh. Just got it.”

“Good choice.”

He kissed her forehead and she pulled him tighter, whispering a prayer for safety.

* * *

Omar watched as the guy walked from the store to his truck. Not only had the devil woman dropped her guard, but the guy had slipped as well. He had no idea—once he left in his truck, he sealed his fate. Omar’s patience had paid off. Waiting in the shadows, lying low and out of sight, he would finally reap his reward. Retribution was due and Omar would see to it. The tears and screams, the begging and mourning, would flow from her eyes and lips, just as they did his mother’s. Dusk was settling, and Omar watched as the truck pulled out of the lot from behind the hardware store. They guy never saw Omar pull away from the curb and follow him down Main Street. He was headed to the security company. Omar would follow at a distance to make sure and then his plan would be in motion.