Saving Emmy by Rayne Lewis

Chapter 28

He waited, and he watched. Omar Bazwar was a patient man. A quality that served him well as he planned his next move. She was always with someone. She was smart enough to switch up her routine. She was a creature of habit, small mundane tasks, but her training had taught her the value of being unpredictable, changing her driving routes to work, never eating at the same restaurants, things of that nature. But, she’d slipped up.

She left the hardware store with her father through the back entrance when she closed the store with him, although that wasn’t a set schedule. She always left the security business in the evening, at the same time, always with the guy at her side. The father and boyfriend were going to make things more difficult.

His younger brother, Husani, thought he got rid of the guy at the gun range, but he shot the wrong man. It was a stupid misjudgment on his part. Mistaking Gabriel Dorian for the devil woman’s boyfriend was a crucial mistake. They looked similar, extremely close in makeup: same build; same height; same hair and beard. If he’d had his binoculars and hadn't followed them on foot, Husani probably would’ve made the discernment. But, what was one more American casualty? If anything it was a blessing. One less infidel.

Now, Omar would have to finish his brother’s retribution. Retribution for the death of their eldest brother, Khalid.

Khalid found the devil woman in Mosul. Or, she found him.

But, it was Husani who portrayed himself as an Iraqi/US counterpart in Mosul and found her again. It was his lucky break, getting the intel that she was a sniper, that led him to find her in the States. Now, she would pay, and there would be no mistakes. Omar would take two of hers for one of his. The two that were her world.

Husani was in a jail cell, awaiting murder charges for the botched murder at the gun range. Khalid lay in the ground as his mother wailed. All at the devil woman’s hands. Omar vowed she wouldn’t walk away. Soon her mother would wail as well.

* * *

After the cookout, Maven offered to drive Cypher home so Eli and Ember could have the evening to themselves. Even though it was Saturday, Eli had to report to the office earlier in the morning. King had called the guys in. Ember knew he couldn’t discuss his work, but she knew it was most likely something to do with a mission they’d be leaving on soon, or at least prep work for an upcoming mission. Being former military, she knew what dedication it took to plan an op. Missions didn’t care if it was the guys’ day off; any new info had to be discussed and gone over. Mary told her King had been taking more government jobs, something that he didn’t care to do, but it meant a bigger payday for Hellforce and the guys, and they could do more pro bono cases for private families, something King put high on his priority list.


Now that Cy and Maven had left, she and Eli needed to talk and for some reason she felt awkward. He sat next to her on the couch, her head resting on his chest, his arm around her shoulders playing with a wayward strand of her hair, absently curling it around his finger.

“I’m sorry,” he started, “I didn't say it last night or this morning, but I want you to know how sorry I am. I’m sorry I wasn’t prepared and even more sorry I didn't pull out in time.” He spoke to the top of her head without breaking their hold.

Stupidly, she felt better not looking at him directly. Like somehow the pretend veil of anonymity would give her courage to speak without staring at his beautiful slate eyes. She felt the uptick in his heart rate.

“I know you are.” And, it was true. She knew he was sorry for trusting the condom and also, he felt absolutely terrible for getting caught up in the moment when he came, not pulling out in time.

He let the moment settle before speaking again. “That condom was well over two years old. I should’ve never used it. Arctic gave it to me when a girl was hitting on me at the bar.” He felt her tense. “It was a joke. Obviously I didn’t use it, but I put it in my wallet and kept it there, I don’t know...I guess as a sort of ruse for the guys.”

“A ruse?”

“Yeah, none of the guys, except Cy, knows I’m...well...was a virgin. It’s stupid but I kept it hidden, knowing if the guys would have known, my nick would have been changed to Priest, or Saint or even go as far as nicking me Virgin.” He chuckled. “Wouldn't have wanted that call sign to go out over the comms before getting ready to breach.” They both laughed.

“Yeah, that would be brutal.” Ember knew monikers could be given to humiliate a fellow soldier. A soldier didn’t choose their nick, it was earned, a play on their name or it was a joke all the others could relish at the person’s expense. So, she knew why he didn’t dare let the guys know he’d never taken a woman.

“In my wildest dreams, I never expected anything to happen. If anything, I thought you’d shoot me down and I’d lose you forever.”

That had her sitting up. “Why would you lose me? That doesn’t make any sense.”

Eli's expression softened and he gave her a half-hearted smile. “Em, I’ve been in the friend zone for as long as I’ve known you. Every time I thought I could step out of the zone, I was sent back before I could blink. So, I thought when I told you how I felt you’d banish me back there. I couldn’t stand not to have you so it was all or nothing when I laid myself out there.”

Ember took in the thought. Eli would have left if she hadn’t reciprocated his feelings. The thought pained her. The thought of Eli not in her life was unimaginable. “Well, we don’t have to worry about that anymore.”

He kissed the top of her head and she melted into him. A few minutes passed. “We have another matter to discuss.” His voice was low, something Ember knew meant he was deep in thought.

Her reply was quiet, “I know.”

“You have choices.”

“Don’t you mean we have choices.”

A moment passed when he answered. “I would say yes, but society would tend to differ.”

“We aren’t society, Eli.” Her voice was soft but not a whisper. “It’s not just my say.”

Eli kissed her head again and rested his lips in place. Just as he was going to speak, her phone rang. She let it go.

“You going to get that?”

She glanced at the screen lying beside her. “It’s my dad.” She hesitated. “Don’t know if I want to take that.” The memory of her dad’s presence at the barn that morning was too fresh in her mind.

Eli knew what she was thinking and consoled her. “He’s your father. He loves you. He’s not going to lecture you and he’s not going to think any less of you. You’re a grown woman. If he can deal with the knowledge of Rhys’ sexcapades, he can surely deal with us.”


“Do you know your sister?” The dripping sarcasm only punctuated the fact they all knew. Rhys was cute and sexy as sin. Her liking of—or some would say addiction to—sex was known by all.

“True,” she paused. “But, I’m his baby girl.”

“Call the man back. He’s calling for a reason. If he was angry with you and wanted to yell, you know he wouldn't do it over the phone.”

Eli was right, so she reached for the phone that had since gone silent.

“Gonna use the bathroom.” Eli got up and headed down the hallway as she called her dad back.

* * *

Eli zipped his fly and turned to the sink to wash his hands. He reached for the towel and noticed a box on the countertop. Curious, he picked it up.

“Plan B?” He read the box, “Emergency Contraceptive. One tablet. One step.”

Whoa. His eyes rounded. Had Ember taken the pill? He saw that the box was unopened but still, the thought made his stomach flip. She’d made the decision by buying the pill, a decision that made him sad. He didn’t know anything about cycles and woman things, but he had heard Mary talking about “fertile days,” and how she must have conceived during that time, so for all he knew Ember could be carrying the beginning of life.

A baby. Their baby. He looked at the box again, wondering if she was going to tell him she’d bought it. He’d assume she’d tell him. Again, a feeling of sadness came over him and his stomach filled with lead. Damn. He inhaled deeply, trying to quell his stomach. He tried to reconcile that she would be the one going through body changes and God, the same hormonal imbalance Mary was going through, and that was a lot to consider if she didn’t take the pill and became pregnant. Everything physically rode on the woman. But he was he hoping he could be by her side if she became pregnant. He wanted children. Lots of children.

Get a grip and deal.He had to be okay with whatever she chose. Could I be? It was just the way things were. Father or not, no say. He told himself he’d be okay. He lied. Because, no matter how small the lie was to swallow, there was no way it was going down. He knew, in this day and age, it was supposed to be a woman’s choice, but it felt wrong. He was sad for something he didn’t even know if he had. He’d have to somehow come to grips with it. He felt nauseated. He shook his head because he could never come to grips with it. He sent up a prayer, put the box back on the counter, and left the bathroom.

He walked back into the living room where she was scrolling through her phone.

“Called Pops back?”

“Yeah.” Before he could ask what he wanted she continued, “He wanted to invite us to Sunday dinner tomorrow.”

Eli felt his stomach flip again, this time for a whole different reason. “He’s going to kill me, isn’t he? Wants to give me a last supper before he acid-washes my body and no one ever finds my remains.”

“What happened to we’re adults and he won’t think less of us? Didn’t you just tell me that before I called him back?”

Eli digressed, “Lies. All lies. Complete and utter bullshit!”

Ember laughed at his over-exaggeration. “Actually,” she continued, “he said he and Mom want to”

That thought of ‘us’ made his stomach flip again, but this time with joy, not dread.





“You happy with us, as an ‘us’?'' Eli asked.

“Think I answered that question last night.” Her mouth turned up into a grin.

Eli leaned over her, caging her with his arms on the back of the couch, “Sure did, babe.” He gave her a chaste kiss that threatened to become more if he didn’t pull back, which he did. Thinking of their pending discussion, he sat down next to her. Again, dread crept into his bones causing his stomach to unsettle.

“So, you’re taking that pill?” His question was light and he tried to keep his voice from quaking. He wanted to be strong for her and stand strong for her decision.

“What pill?”

The the box….on the the bathroom.” He was trying to keep his thoughts in order, but they were coming out in short segments. “That Plan B pill?” He wasn’t sure why it came out as a question, but he pushed forward. “You’re taking it?”

* * *


Ember had asked Maven to put it in the vanity drawer but she must've put it on the counter instead. She mentally slapped herself.

She met his questioning stare. A visceral reaction made her swallow. Was she going to take the pill? Did she want to take the pill? Does he want me to take the pill? The question ran through her head. She knew her answers but she needed to know his.

“Do you want me to take it?” A surge of anxiety rolled her stomach.

Eli sat splayed, forearms resting on his thighs, wringing his hands.

“Eli?” Her voice came when his didn’t. “I need to know.” And, she did. Her worry may be for nothing, but then again, it was coming up to the twenty-four hour mark since they had sex; unprotected sex. He was taking the blame and it was weighing heavy on his shoulders. She knew he was punishing himself, but she had been the one to beg him to continue after the condom broke.

She begged him. He obliged. Both caught in the moment of bad decisions. Both held the blame. Would he ask her to take the pill? Could she take it?

“Babe.” His voice was quiet.

Ember felt the anxiety rise within her and she blurted out, “No. I’m sorry, Eli.” Calming herself, she continued, “I can't take it.” She shook her head and added, “I won’t take it.” Her face was caught in anguish. “I’m sorry, but I just can’t.” Her feelings welled to the surface and she vomited the words, “I won’t ask you to do anything if you don’t want...if I’m pregnant. I'm not trapping you...I’d never do that to you but then, I don’t even know if this is even, I just...I just...can’t...I’m sor—”

Eli let out an exhale, relief sounding through the action. The breath he’d held released in a gush, “Thank God.” The words were quiet, but Ember raised her head.

“You're okay with that?” She was surprised so she clarified, “Okay if I don’t want to take it?” Her voice went from questioning to very small. “You’re not going to be angry, are you?”

Eli stood and knelt before her, looking up into her eyes.

“Angry? Babe, I don’t want you to take it. I really, really, desperately don’t want you to take it.” He parted her knees and knelt between them and his hands wrapped around hers. On his knees before her, it was as if he was praying the words. “Em, if this...our first,” his words were jumbled but she understood every sentiment, “if we created a life…” He lost his words again, then continued. “I love you, Emmy, and if...a baby is the result of our first time together...” His voice cracked.

She slid from the cushion onto her knees and wrapped herself around him, telling him with her body and soul that she too wanted to accept any result of them coming together. With eyes welling, she whispered, “I love you, Eli.”

Happiness, relief and anticipation. Three in one.

He wrapped himself around her and they both cried with relief.