Saving Emmy by Rayne Lewis


First, and foremost, I have to thank Susan Stoker for allowing me to play in the Aces Special Forces Operations Alpha world and giving me the opportunity to hobnob with your amazing characters. Though fiction in the world of literature, these characters have become real and cherished by your readers, and I hope I’ve done them justice. Thank you for your words of advice and encouragement. Writing in your Stoker Universe has been an adventure, and I am forever grateful for the experience.

To Riley Edwards, I thank you (and apologize) for the endless lists of questions I bombarded you with, on an almost daily basis. Words are immeasurable for my gratitude for the insightful advice you always lend. It sounds cliche, but is ever true, I could not have done this without you. You’ve taken an unknown, untried, newbie author under your wing, mentored me, guided me, and supported me before I got through my first manuscript. And, even when I didn’t believe in myself, you gave me the encouragement to succeed and a kick in the pants when needed. I will forever be grateful for your support, and I hope to one day be able to return the favor to a newbie.

To Anna, my “Hand Twin,” thank you for mentoring me. You’ve made this venture worthwhile and navigated me through the dark side of writing that I know nothing about and the things that lie beyond, “what happens after you write a book” journey, the depths of hell I didn’t know existed. Thank you for giving me your time that I know is so precious to an author. Like you said, our likeness is uncanny and I am blessed to call you friend. Your time and advice is a treasure trove, and I am forever thankful. Thank you, Hands.

To my “Smutties,” yes, you know who you are! This dream envisioned, first as a practical joke, blossomed into an unimaginable dream come true for me. I couldn’t have done any of this without your love and never-ending support.

Becky, you are literally my lifeline on speed-dial and video chat, 24/7, to every crazy and unimaginable question I could throw at you: from medical opinions, to coffee bar menus, down to the choice of a character's underwear color. Thank you, a million times over, for not unfriending me...or calling the authorities.

Anne, many times you have talked me off a ledge when I wanted to give up, pack up, and never wanted to write another word in a manuscript. Your push and encouragement kept me afloat in desperate times and for that, I am forever thankful.

Jo, your mad reading skills are a gift to me, and I am honored that you take my written words to heart and grace them with your intellect. You’ve encouraged me from the start to chase the dream, grab it, and never let go. You’re a force to be reckoned with, my Cyclone Jo. So, to each of you, there are no words that can express my gratitude. Words are inadequate. Hellforce would not exist if not for this group of Smuts! I know I’ve driven each one of you bonkers at one time or another, but you kept me grounded, going, moving forward, AND gave a dose of cold hard truth when needed. Though miles of land and even oceans divide us, you’ve woven a dream come true for me. I love you all with the depths of my heart.

To Nicole thank you for believing in me way before I believed in myself. You are a constant cheerleader and a forever optimist. Thank you for allowing me to invade your Messenger with every question that this newbie author could fathom. You are a gem in my host of treasures, and I am unbelievably grateful for your time, understanding, and patience. It takes a village!

Rebecca, I am humbled by your gift of editing and the eye of an eagle. Without you, literally, none of this would be a reality. Thank you for muddling through Slate and Emmy’s manuscript...that most likely had you turning to the bottle. It’s unbelievable how you can take my mass of words and somehow make a coherent masterpiece. You are truly a talent unrivaled. You know my depths of gratitude, and I will never forget the gift you have bestowed upon me. My words are short, but my gratitude is unending.

Lori, again, thank you for gracing the cover with the prime cut of alpha meat! I know they say, Don’t judge a book by its cover, but you make that adage fly out the window! Your artistic eye makes a difficult job look easy, but I know with my vision of romantic eye-candy, most likely had you rolling your eyes and wondering how you got roped into making Slate a reality. Forever, I am humbly grateful.

And, finally, TO THE READERS: Thank you for taking a chance on me, a new author, and this second book in the Hellforce series. Thank you for giving me a few hours of your precious time. You don’t know how much your support means to a newbie, and I’m honored that you chose to join the pages of Hellforce.

Love, peace, and hugs,
