Saving Emmy by Rayne Lewis


“One more time, baby.”

The crack of his palm lashing her rounded ass made her release squirt onto his balls. She was ready to collapse, but he’d pinned her thighs with the bar, so her surrender was not her own. She saw nothing but blackness. No light peered through the covering hastily tied over her eyes, causing all of her other senses to heighten. He lifted her sagging head, fisting her hair in his grasp, looping the tangles around his hand, and pulled her hair back like reigns. She cried out. She arched her back, trying to relieve the tension on her neck, but it was drawn back as far as he could pull it, all the while he pounded relentlessly into her from behind, giving her no reprieve from the last orgasm, causing her to call him filthy names. Each word spurred him on, sending each jetted thrust against her spine and causing her to bark out a yelp in rhythm with his thrusts. She was going to lose consciousness, her labored breathing made her mouth run dry and she was having trouble swallowing.

“You’re a dirty girl, who deserves dirty girl things.”

She felt the heat of his breath against her ear, and she shivered when he licked the side of her face.

Lord, Jesus, help me!Her prayer was ripped from her soul, as he lashed another four cracks, in succession, over her tender ass, and this time she knew welting bruises would remain.

“Who’s riding this?” His voice bellowed in her ears.

She wasn’t sure how long she could endure this punishment.

“Who?” He demanded her answer.

She held her breath, and the burn in her lungs pushed her further.

“Say it! It’s not going to end until you say it.”

Oh, God!Her impending orgasm was rippling to a climax. She couldn’t hold it, but she didn’t want to let it loose and give him one more ounce of satisfaction. She panted and silently swore. Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Say it, Maven!”
