Rainbow by K.L. Savage

An uneasy feeling trickles down my spine and has me snapping my eyes open in the darkness. The rain is beating against the window with rage, pounding on the glass as if it wants inside. Lightning cracks somewhere in the nearby distance and the winds outside howl louder with every gust that passes.

Hurricane Jeffrey is here.

But that isn’t what wakes me up.

The bathroom light is on. Maybe that’s it? I can’t sleep with the light on. Then, a bolt of lightning shatters the sky, and a loud, piercing, terrifying frequency bursts and shakes the house. It brings a bright light through the window and illuminates the entire room.

And I see someone in the corner.

I gasp and shove Rainbow awake. “Rainbow! Rainbow get up. Someone’s in the room,” I say on a near whine.

Thunder roars again, and in the split second of lightning, the shadow is still in the corner, hulking like a villain preparing to kill.

“Rainbow!” I scream at the same time another bolt bursts from the angry storm whirling outside.

He sits up half asleep, “What? What’s wrong? Baby, what is it?” his voice is sleepy.

“Someone’s in the room with us,” I whisper, my entire body trembling as I stare at the dark corner.

“What?” he hisses, rolls over me, and grabs a bat. “Where?”

I point to the corner with a trembling finger.

Naked, Rainbow flips on the light and swings, slamming the bat against the wall without question.

Hitting nothing.

“I swear someone was there. I saw them. I―”

“Hey, I believe you, okay? Without question.” Rainbow sits on the bed and drags me into his arms. “You never have to worry about that.”

“Maybe it was in my head. Maybe he wasn’t there. I woke up, and I felt like someone was watching me.”

He flips me easily and settles me on his lap, his hands on either side of my face. “If I’ve learned anything about that feeling, it’s that it’s true.”

The door creaks and Mime is standing there rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, but when he sees us naked, he covers them back up with his hands.

Rainbow chuckles before gently kissing my collarbone. I gasp; tingles spread through my entire body and a quiet moan slips from my lips. I had no idea that was a hot spot, but oh my god, I want him to do it again. He squeezes my left ass cheek.

“What’s up, bro?” Rainbow asks.

Mime points to his ear and makes an explosion sound with his lips.

“We’re fine. Sorry. Thought I saw someone in here,” Rainbow says. “Hey, Mime, can you do me a favor? Can you see how Taylor is doing?”

Mime nods and pulls out his phone from his pocket, then walks from the door to leave us in privacy.

“Wait, I thought the door was shut when we went to bed?”

“It was, Sassafras,” Rainbow growls deeply. He stands and stomps toward the door with me clinging to his waist.

I’m a sloth, and he can’t get rid of me.

He closes the door a bit harder than necessary, then locks it for good measure. The lights flicker, and I dig my nails into Rainbow’s shoulders.

“Are you afraid of the dark, Sassafras?”

“No…?” I answer it as a question. “I’m only afraid when I think someone’s in the corners and there’s a raging storm outside, and my boyfriend nearly died; other than that, the dark doesn’t phase me.”

He plops on the bed. “Boyfriend, huh?” His lips tilt in a crooked smile, his straight white teeth glinting in the light.

Shit, did I say boyfriend? “No, I didn’t say that. You’re hearing things.”

“Am I? Shame. I like the sound of it. Just so you know, I don’t share. This isn’t an open relationship. If I’m your boyfriend, that’s it. I won’t fuck around on you.”

“Why do I believe you so easily?” I sigh, hating myself that I fall into his lap so easily.

“Cause you know I mean it. Just like I know that you really saw someone in this room. So I don’t care what I have to do, okay? I’ll keep you safe.”

The lights flicker again, and this time the electricity shuts off. Rainbow raises his eyes to the light. “Ah, there it goes. I’m going to go get us some supplies, okay?”

“You’re going to leave me alone? Don’t leave me alone.” I hold onto him tighter, wrapping my legs around his hips.

“I have to go get some candles and maybe some snacks?”

“What kind of snacks?” I mutter lightly, staring at his chest and tracing the muscle lines.

“I don’t know. I have to see what we have. Fox usually puts the food together.”

“Chocolate?” I ask hopefully.

“Mmm, you want something sweet, Sassafras? I got something for you. It’s cream-filled, though.”

I hold my hand over my mouth as I laugh. “Oh my god, you’re terrible.”

“And you love it.” He gives my ass a light tap telling me to slide off. “And what am I going to do about this?” He points to his long, thick cock.

And my mouth waters.

“Bring me back something cream-filled, and I’ll see what I can do.” I wink at him.

He grumbles something under his breath as he tugs his shorts on. He doesn’t bother hiding how hard he is for me. It tents the grey material, and I can see the outline of the thick crown. “Don’t you dare get dressed. I have plans for you.”

There’s a knock on the door and Rainbow lifts his brow and grabs the bat again. He swings it open to see Mime there. He has a bag full of goodies, and he shoves it against Rainbow’s chest, then lifts his phone in the air. Rainbow reads and his shoulders deflate.

“Thanks, Mime. I appreciate it.” He sounds so sad now. The good mood is gone.

Mime grunts and types something else on his phone to show Rainbow.

“Oh, seriously? That fucking sucks.”

“What?” I ask.

“Generators are flooded. We don’t have backup power now.”

Mime waves his hands and leaves.

“He’s going back to bed but brought us snacks. He knows me too well.” Rainbow turns the lock again so it can only be us in here. “Let’s see what we have here.” He pulls out a bag of chips, bottles of water, soda, Lunchables, and Twix bars. “Got your chocolate and… bam!” He pulls out a few candles too. “My brother thinks of everything.”

I immediately reach for the Twix bar as he sets up the candles. “You know, I’m starting to think you planned this. No electricity, your brother coming to gives us supplies… it’s kind of romantic.”

“Oh, of course. I had a talk with Jeffrey today and told him the electricity better cut out or else. He took my threat seriously, and now I get to wine and dine you with the finest meal in candlelight.”

I giggle before taking a bite of the Twix. This time when my eyes roll back, it’s in pleasure. “Oh man, this is what I needed.”

He opens a can of Coke and takes a long chug. “Good.” He slides into bed next to me and snarls before stealing a bite of my candy bar.


“Hey, what?”

“Get your own,” I tease, pulling the bar out of his reach.

He swallows and rolls on top of me, pinning my hands above my head. “Okay,” he whispers, dipping down to press our lips together. “I know something sweet I want.” He dips his tongue into my mouth, and the hint of chocolate lingers from the Twix bar. It’s delicious. He’s delicious. His hand cups my throat while he kisses me, his thumb pressed against the soft spot under my chin.

The candy bar drops from my hand and clatters onto the floor as I wrap my arms around him. His kiss is rough and dominating, and yet his lips are soft all at the same time. The coarse hairs along his cheeks burn against the skin along the top of my mouth and the bottom of my chin.

I like it.

I like the burn.

He rocks his hips against me, and his erection rubs against mine; the additional friction the material of his shorts bring has me hissing. Rainbow groans as he swallows my sounds. Thunder rolls at the same time as his hips; the wind gets lost in the breezy breaths we’re sharing.

“I love how you feel under me,” he mumbles over my lips.

“I love being under you.”

“Good. I plan on you being there more often than not.” He kisses my chin, gently turns my head, and nips down my throat, then flattens his tongue and licks up the throbbing vein pumping wildly for him. Then he closes his mouth and presses a kiss, then another, and blows cold air across the wet trail that he’s left.

He scares me with how good he makes me feel. The sense of security he blankets over my worn and beaten soul feels so good, like a safe haven. I never want to be without it.

“Your skin is silk,” his baritone voice seeps into my blood while he speaks into my flesh.

He’s finding his way to my core.

He’s making himself home in my bones.

Rainbow is taking over me.

He’s making me see every hue and color in the spectrum, but nothing is as bright as the emotion I feel for him.

His fingers dig into me and drag down my sides as he tries to control himself. An impatient sound comes from the back of his throat. He drags his lips down my chest, which is so different from his. I’d be insecure if he wasn’t lavishing me right now.

“So fucking perfect.” He sucks a nipple into his mouth, flicking his tongue over the sensitive bead. He lets go with a pop and cold air has the bud growing tighter.

I whimper.

He drags his lips across my chest and latches onto the other while his fingers pluck and tug on the one he abandoned.

“I’m addicted to you,” he whispers, kissing the elongated red peak.

Rainbow sucks a mouthful of flesh into his mouth around my ribcage, and my mouth falls open on a silent scream. My cock springs to attention, already tingling with the promise of orgasm.

Why the fuck do I have weird hotspots?

Precome leaks from me, and Rainbow expertly moves across the hard flesh to give adoration to my whole body.

He growls as he dips his tongue into my belly button and plays with the piercing I have there. It isn’t something I show off, but it looks like he’s just now noticing it. By the look on his face, I can’t tell if he’s mad or excited.

“How am I just now seeing this?” He tugs on the top metal bead as he clutches it between his teeth.

“You aren’t paying enough attention to me,” I say as a joke. I really don’t care.

“Unacceptable,” he says. “This is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. I’m going to buy you a ton of these.” He gives my navel a goodbye kiss and drops lower until my cock is in his face.

“Oh god—” my breath comes out ragged and needy “—You don’t have to.” My mouth goes dry when I see his mouth so close to my cock.

“I want to. I should warn you; I’ve never done this before. I’ll probably be terrible at it.” He tries to laugh, but his Adam’s apple bobs, and I can tell he’s nervous. He doesn’t know where to start.

I sit up and grab his face, kissing him so hard I taste blood in my mouth. I break away. “Anything you do will be perfect, but if you want advice, just think about what you like. Everyone is different.” I migrate to the side of his face and suck his earlobe between my lips. “I like a little teeth.”

His hand pushes against the middle of my chest and slams me against the bed. “Is that right? Do you like it a little rough, Sassafras?”

“I don’t know. It’s something we can explore together,” I tell him honestly. I only know I like teeth and the bit of pain they can bring, but my ex never tried it other than that one time.

“I like that. I’ll try anything with you.”

“Would you bottom?” I ask right as he wraps a hand around my cock and squeezes. “Yes, oh fuck,” I moan. He strokes me once, and I nearly come undone. I love how his powerful, calloused hand holds me. He’s gentle yet firm when I need him to be.

“You bet this fat ass I’ll be bottoming.” He grips the sides of my cheeks and squeezes hard, shaking the globes until I’m distracted and almost laughing.

Until he swallows my cock whole.

“Rainbow!” I cry out and run my fingers through his hair while he tests me out.

He can fit the entirety of my cock into his mouth. The very tip hits the back of his throat. God, it’s so warm. He gags and pulls back, then scrapes his teeth along the shaft. Rainbow brings his golden-brown eyes up to me for approval and direction.

“So good, babe. So good. That’s… ow—” but then I groan, and he pops off.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know how much teeth you wanted—”

I grip the back of his head and shove him down there again. “You took me by surprise, but I liked it. Do it again.”

He beams up at me with pride and enthusiasm, then takes my cock into his mouth with newfound energy. He bites down harder than before, and the sharp prick of pain passes after a moment, allowing pleasure to engulf me. “Oh, yes, just like that.” I tug the strands of his hair as he bobs his head.

He squeezes my sack in one hand in the next second and rolls me around in his palm. I fist the sheets and moan, crying out as my orgasm inches closer. I arch my back and thrust my hips, which makes him gag and choke again.

Jesus. He’s out to kill me.

His hand leaves my sack, and his finger drags down my taint to my hole.

I moan and try to push my ass down onto his finger. It’s been so long since I’ve had sex, and I ache to be filled by Rainbow.

He rubs his fingers around the puckered star but doesn’t press inside. Instead, he speeds up his pace while sucking me. The slurping sounds have me losing my mind while he hollows his cheeks. His tongue flicks out along the head, dipping into my slit sending fire to heat my skin. My sack pulls tight against my body, and I thrash my head from side to side.

“Nathan,” his name slips from me on accident. “Nathan, get off. I’m going to come. I’m… I can’t hold back. Oh god, so good. Babe,” I tap his shoulder, but he redoubles his efforts. “I can’t… Nathan!” I groan and shout all at once while I empty into his mouth. Thick streams of come shoot across his tongue, and my eyes roll to the back of my head—in a really great fucking way.

He slips my cock out of his mouth and inserts his finger. I’m trying to catch my breath as I watch him drench his finger in my come before probing my hole again.

He swallows at last, and my cock hardens again from the filthy move. “How’d I do?” he asks for a critique while pushing one digit inside me.

“A gold star,” I slur, still high from my orgasm.

I think he sucked my ability to think right out of me.

He slides his finger in and out, curling it at the last minute but still not hitting that spot I need.

“In the drawer, there is a bottle of lube. Snag it, baby.”

“I like the burn,” I argue, not wanting to move.

“I won’t hurt you, Sassafras. Get the lube, or I will not take this ass the way we both want.”

I groan from the horrible threat and sling the drawer open. The candles flicker and sway, the shadows dancing along the walls, but I’m too blinded by lust to appreciate it. He curls his finger and presses inside me, finally hitting my prostate. My back bows off the bed and I cry out.

“There it is. I knew about the prostate; I just had to find it.”

I try to laugh, but it comes out weak and breathless.

“Tell me.” He continues to rut his thick finger against the sensitive bundle of nerves making my cock leak. “How many fingers? How long do I prepare you for?” He sounds ashamed that he doesn’t know, but to me, I love it.

I love his honesty and his curiosity. I love how open he is to being with a man and wanting to learn.

“With the size of your cock, you’re going to have to give me three or four, scissor them, and stretch me out. Don’t take it easy on me. I like the burn.”

He takes the bottle of lube from me and pours a generous amount on his fingers and slicks my hole. I hiss, “Cold.”

“Sorry, baby. I’ll warm you up in a minute.” He kicks off his shorts, and that beautiful, gigantic cock slaps against his stomach. The tip glistens with precome and my mouth waters for a taste. I know now isn’t the time, but I want it to be. Is it possible to do everything I want? I want to be consumed by him in every way.

I want my mouth to hurt from my lips being stretched wide while I suck his cock.

I want my ass to ache from the hard pounding he’ll give me, so tomorrow when I sit down, I can still feel him there.

I want my sack to be sore from coming so hard, and so many times, when my cock is hard, the last thing I want to do is come.

Destroyed and deranged.

That’s how I want to feel when he’s done with me.

He grabs onto my knees and spreads my legs wider, then slips another finger next to the first. He licks his lips while his eyes stay locked onto where we’re connected. “Jesus, I can’t wait to feel you. You’re so fucking tight. You’re going to squeeze my cock so good, aren’t you?”

I nod—I think I nod. I don’t know. I can’t focus. He strokes my prostate again, and I reach for my cock to relieve some of the pain. I’m so hard it hurts. I need something. Anything. Rainbow slaps my hand away, and the skin stings from the quick smack.

“My cock. My rules. You don’t touch yourself unless I say so. Until then, you’ll come without stroking your pretty cock. You like rules, don’t you, Sassafras? So, you don’t mind following them.”

“Rainbow,” I whine while thrusting down onto his fingers. “Please.”

“You’re hungry for me, aren’t you?” He adds another finger, and my mouth falls open on a silent scream from the stretch. “You take my fingers so good, baby.” He curls over me and thrusts in and out of me at a fast rate.

My hands slap onto his back, and I dig my fingers into his shoulders. He’s pegging my prostate with his quick strokes. My cock twitches and jerks all on its own, practically screaming for release. I’m so close. He punishes my lips with a brutal kiss—all tongue and teeth. There’s no finesse or rhythm. It’s just him pouring how much he wants me down my throat, and I do the same in return.

I bite his bottom lip and suck it into my mouth, earning a growl from Rainbow. I let it go with a hard pop, and he grabs a fistful of hair and yanks my head to the side, sucking my skin until I know there will be a mark.

That’s exactly what he wants. He wants others to see that I’m taken.

“I’m clean,” he informs me, lathering his cock with lube. “I got tested a month ago. So please, tell me you are. I don’t want anything between us. When I feel you, I want to feel every part of you.”

“I haven’t had sex in a year, and I’m clean too.”

He grabs his shaft and guides it to my hole. “I’ve never fucked without a condom.”

“Me either,” I try to say, but it comes out as a choked whisper while the blunt tip of his cock presses against me.

I take a deep breath while he pushes in, popping past the ring of muscle. I try to relax and bear down instead of tightening my muscles. I squeeze my eyes shut, and he buries his face into my shoulder, groaning as he sinks into my depths inch by inch.

“You feel so goddamn good.” The words are hot and tingle the side of my neck as he speaks.

When he’s fully seated, his heavy sack presses against my ass. I can feel him trembling against me. The lightning flashes outside, the thunder cracks, the rain beats against the house sporadically from the wind—just like my damn heart right now.

I relax and wrap my legs around his hips, sliding my feet down his calves until we’re a tangled mess.

He pulls his cock out of me until only the tip is left, lodged just inside the tight muscular ring. We moan in unison, and he thrusts forward, slamming his broad crown against my prostate again. My cock jumps and precome drips from the slit. The added weight and friction his stomach gives against me fill up my cock to the tip of overflowing. I’m about ready to burst.

A quick touch.

That’s all it would take.

But he said not to.

I have to follow the rules.

He bites into my shoulder and snarls, flipping me into another position effortlessly. My torso is pressed against the headboard, and my hands grip the edge to hold on tight. His teeth sink into my left cheek, followed by his tongue licking it better.

“Fucking love this ass,” he growls, lust caught in his throat. He grabs onto my hip, presses a hand on the middle of my back to keep me locked in place, and rams himself inside me again. “Fuck!” He doesn’t give it to me easy. Instead, he fucks me fast and hard. The sound of skin colliding fills the room.

He tugs me to his chest. My back presses against his front, and he wraps his arms around me. There’s no space left between us. I moan and tilt my head back, and we kiss. It’s sloppy and wet, but I’m too strung out on how good he’s making me feel to care.

His hand finds my throat again, and he rips his lips from mine to whisper in my ear. “You’re mine,” he breathes harshly, panting as he finds a way to speed up his pace and fuck me harder. “You’re fucking mine, Ryan. This fucking ass is mine. Say it.”

My dick bobs from the momentum, hitting against my stomach while he owns me.

I can’t speak. My tongue is tied and my eyes water from how good he feels, how good I feel, and I’m about to explode. Sweat breaks out over my skin, my heart tries to leap out of my chest, and when I don’t answer him, Rainbow throws me against the bed.

His cock slips out of my used hole, leaving me empty and needy.

“Did you not hear me?” He lifts me up by the thick of my hair and the sting of pain sparking along my scalp yanks a moan from me. He turns me around so I’m facing him, lays me down, and in one firm stroke, he fills me again. Rainbow lifts me as he sits on his legs and kneels on the bed. I’m in his lap, and every time he flexes his hips, burying himself as far as he can, I thrust down.

I want everything—every damn inch.

I take his face in my hands, loving the sweat dripping down the sides of his face. “I’m yours, Nathan.” I lift myself from his cock and slide back down. “I’m yours.”

“Always meant to be mine.” His palms are spread wide on each cheek, grabbing his handful while we ride one another. “I’m yours, too. Never doubt it.”

“Nathan,” I cry out desperately. “I’m so close.”

“Me too. Fuck, me too.”

I close my eyes, my hips stuttering as I try to wait for him. I can’t hold back. Oh, god.

I rake my nails down his back, marking him in the same way he’s marked me.

“Open your eyes. Look at me. I want you to see what you do to me,” he says as he tightens his grip on my ass, pushing me against his cock, which makes me fuck him harder. “God, you take me so good, baby.” His brows knit together, and his lips form an O shape. He licks his lips, the shine barely noticeable in the dim candlelight. “Ryan, oh fuck. Now, baby. Now!”

“Nathan!” I scream, dragging my nails down his chest, and let go, at last. “Yes, oh god, so good.” My come paints his stomach and chest. A jet of it even hits his neck. I slowly move against him, so he teases the hot button inside me, and another burst of cream spurts from me, adding to the mess on his belly.

“Sassafras,” he whispers in a vulnerable voice. We lock eyes and emotion overwhelms those gorgeous eyes as he fills me. Warmth bathes and soothes me. He flexes his hips five times, planting himself as deep as he can. His cheeks turn a pretty shade of pink while he comes and I bend down, pressing a kiss to the heated skin.

The room is humid and sticky. It reeks of sex, sweat, and come.

He skims his way up my body, cups the back of my head, and kisses me. It’s languid and tired, yet still special. I try to catch my breath, but he steals it from me. I don’t mind.

We sag against one another, and he falls to the bed, bringing me down with him.

I’m a goner.

I broke all my rules, and now I am following his without question.

I have to hope he doesn’t break me because I won’t be able to recover from him. My stupid heart is running ahead of me, and my mind can’t keep up.

I’m going to go falling in love with him.

My heart is excited, but my mind? I’m terrified.

He turns us to our sides, and I go to roll away, but he stops me. “Not yet.” He presses a kiss against the back of my neck. “Not ready to not be inside you.”

A man doesn’t stand a chance when a man like Rainbow is holding him.

I’m going to have to rewrite my rules—but then again, why bother?

Rainbow would find a way to break them anyway.