Rainbow by K.L. Savage

It’s been a week since the fire. I haven’t been able to not watch Ryan sleep for a full seven days. Anytime he moves, anytime he gasps or moans in pain, I’m there anytime he kicks the covers off. I’m ready to give him whatever he needs.

I came so damn close to losing him.

I’m scared.

Every fucking day, I’m scared.

How can I sleep or focus when the love of my life nearly died? I wake up in the middle of the night in hot sweats. I have the same nightmare.

I don’t get to him in time. He’s in the chair, burning, screaming, and like my parents, a tree falls through the roof of the cabin and crushes him silent.

I reach out to touch him every time I wake up to make sure he’s still there. I check his pulse too.

I can’t be without him. I’ve become obsessed with his heartbeat. It’s comforting when I feel his pulse against my fingers. It takes away the anxiety building in my chest. Feeling his heart rate calms my own.

Like right now, I watch the rise and fall of his chest as I place my fingers onto his wrist. I don’t need to know his heart rate. Right now, I’m just enjoying the feel of it as I watch him sleep. His brown hair needs a cut. It’s become a bit shaggy and unkempt, unlike him, but I like that I get to see him like this. I doubt he ever lets people see him any way other than perfect.

The bruises on his face are still an ugly blue and black. He has nasty round purplish spots against his sides where the bastard kicked him, and his arm has a pretty nasty wound from the bullet. I lean down and kiss the abuse. I wish it was enough to make it better.

He’s taking pain medication, and he’s out like a light. I kiss him again, roll out of bed, throw on a pair of shorts, and head to the kitchen.

Bambi is there, giggling at something Hound said.

I snort when I see Butcher making out with Renee in the corner. Apparently, getting shot three times by the same crazy bitch isn’t enough.

Vic, Cosmo’s usual piece of ass isn’t around today since Cosmo hasn’t been around. Instead, he’s been in his room. Flatline is starting to get worried.

Mime is at the coffee pot, and when he sees me, he pulls me into a hug. He’s done that every morning since we came back from the fire. He even gives Ryan a hug.

And I eat it up. I don’t half-ass the hug, ever; I squeeze him tight. “I love you, brother,” I say to him.

He pulls away and points to his eyes, his heart, and then aims his finger at me. His way of saying he loves me.

Mime pours me a cup of coffee, then begins to pour one for Ryan, but I stop him with my hand. “He’s still passed out. He doesn’t need any. Thank you, though.” I add cream and sugar to my coffee and take a sip. I wake up a little more as the warm liquid settles in my stomach.

Caffeine: sex in liquid form.

“How’s Ryan doing?” Jokester asks with his hand on Bambi’s thigh.

“Sleeping. He’s been doing that a lot. Seems taking a shower takes it out of him.”

“Makes sense,” Prez nods. “He went through so much. I wouldn’t be surprised if he slept for another week.” He sighs over his breakfast and pushes his eggs around. “I still can’t believe Sherlock was behind it all. It’s fucking sick that he and Trenton were lovers. Small fucking world.” Prez pushes his plate away. “I should have known. It’s up to me to protect everyone in the club, and I allowed that asshole in here. Look what he did.” His fist slams onto the table, and the fork shakes against the plate making that awful scraping noise. “Fucking allowed that freak into our house and what he did to everyone. Fox, Puzzle, Cosmo.” He rubs his hands over his mouth and exhales. “This is all my fault. I’m to blame.”

“Prez—” I slide the chair out from under the table and sit down across from him “—You couldn’t have known. Sherlock has been in the club for ages. When you took over as Prez, you didn’t have to keep previous members, and you did. You were loyal, and he was hiding his true self the entire time. I hate what happened, but with him gone, the club is better. We will heal. We always do.”

“It’s not us I’m worried about,” Prez states. Bambi slides her fingers through his hair to calm him, and it works. He leans into her touch and sighs. “Feels good, Bambi.”

“Cosmo will be fine in time. All in time.” I have to believe our fun-loving Cosmo will return to us.

“I hope you’re right.”

“I’m always right.” I stand and stretch, bending my back until that ache in the left corner of my back eases. “I’m going to go check on Ryan. I’ll be back.” I’m about to turn right toward the bedroom when there’s a knock on the door.


No one knocks on our door.

I reach into the cabinet against the wall and grab a gun, then tuck it in the back of my sweatpants. The window in the living room is fixed, and all the glass is cleaned up. The tarp is finally removed, and we no longer have to hear the material crinkle as we watch TV.

I pass Fox, who’s passed out on the couch, arm in a sling. Hound is next to him. I don’t miss when Hound covers Fox up with a blanket. They’re best friends, but every now and then when they aren’t paying attention, I steal a moment of them acting like more.

But I don’t think they know.

When I get to the front door, I look out the peephole and tuck the gun in the waistband of my sweatpants. Mr. McDonald’s son, Dex, is on the other side. I unlock the door and step outside into the early morning.

“Dex, this is a surprise,” I greet him. “Everything okay?”

A grunt from behind me has me turning around and seeing Mime standing there with his arms crossed, staring Dex down protectively.

He lifts his hands in surrender. “I come in peace, big guy. I swear,” Dex says to Mime.

Mime’s eyes soften around the edge a bit, but he doesn’t say anything—not a surprise—and walks by Dex. He heads down the steps and keeps his head down on his way to the barn.


Unlike Mime to just leave.

“Not much of a talker, huh?” Dex watches Mime vanish behind the red barn doors.

“Don’t make fun of him or I’ll shoot you where you stand, Dex.”

“Not making fun, sorry. I didn’t know his not talking was a thing. I apologize,” he says, glancing at the barn again. “I wanted to talk to you.” He sits down on the swing in the corner of the porch and rocks it back and forth. “I’m hoping you can tell me about my Pa since you were the last one with him. We buried him after the hurricane passed, but it happened so fast. I feel like it didn’t happen.”

Like a heavy weight, guilt wraps around my gut and tugs. Hard. Dex and I sit down in the rocking chairs across from the swing, and I pull out my phone. “The last few weeks have been a blur for all of us. We’ve had so much going on.”

“Yeah,” he nods. “It’s been tough.”

“I know, and I’m sorry for your loss. Your Pa was a good man. But I actually do have something for you. I’m so sorry I didn’t give you this sooner. First, I didn’t have your number, and then my…” boyfriend doesn’t seem like the right word “…my fiancé had an incident. I have a message from him the day he died. I was going to come over to your house later today, but your ears must have been burning because here you are.” I hand him the phone and stand, pressing my palms against my thighs. “Just press play. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Dex needs privacy for what he’s about to hear.

I pick up my coffee mug and get as far away as I can from him while still maintaining a relative closeness, so it doesn’t look like I left him alone. I’m on the other edge of the porch just sipping my coffee, staring at the tree that caused so many issues that night of the hurricane. I hear the tinkering of metal coming from the barn, and I figure Mime is giving his try at the Ford.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watch Dex play the message his father left for him on his dying breath. I can’t hear it, but I don’t need to. I can remember every second of him clinging on to life, bleeding from his throat, and using every ounce of strength he had left to leave a message for his son. To tell him he was accepted and loved, no matter that he was gay.

Nothing can be hidden from a father.

No matter how hard Dex tried, Mr. McDonald still knew.

And loved Dex anyway.

That’s a damn good dad.

Dex inhales a sharp breath and begins to sob. They are gut-wrenching sounds, the kind that tugs on your soul and burns your eyes as you witness someone else’s pain. It’s almost as if I can feel the agony myself.

He places the phone next to him on the left and takes a minute to compose himself. Dex wipes his cheeks off and stares out to the front yard. I know what he sees, and I know it always takes my breath away.

Rows of badass motorcycles perfectly arranged in a line, the sun reflecting off the chrome. It’s hard to not be blown away by it.

“Was he in pain?” Dex asks, still staring out to the front yard as he swings.

I shake my head. “No.” I push off the porch rail and begin to walk toward him. “He wasn’t in any pain. My fiancé, Ryan, gave him some morphine too. He passed without feeling a thing.”

“Thank you.” The words come out congested, and he clears his throat. “I’m glad you’re okay. It could have been worse, right? Both of you could have died.”

“Your father saved my life, Dex. I had been drifting down the river. I thought I would die, but I fought my way out and somehow walked through the woods to the road. He stopped for me. If he wouldn’t have stopped…”

“That ain’t my Pa, Rainbow. He wouldn’t have ever passed anyone by that needed a hand. I’m glad he stopped. Your family here would have missed you, and there’s no need for two families to mourn.” Dex stands and holds out his hand. “Thank you,” he says. “I needed answers.”

I grip his palm in return. “I’m sorry I didn’t give them sooner.”

“I sent the message to my phone. I hope you don’t mind. Anyway, I need to get back. It’s been hard on the farm without Pa there.”

“Do you need help? We’d gladly come by if y’all need an extra set of hands. There’s plenty of us,” I offer.

His cheeks pink. “Actually, it would help. We lost the barn in the storm and a few horses. We have to rebuild. Horses are expensive, you know. Farming ain’t easy as is, so we’re behind. I couldn’t pay you except in beer and food.”

I can tell that’s hard for him to say, but I pat my stomach and lick my lips at the offer that sounds too good to refuse. “Hey, that’s all we need. We will gladly work. It’s our neighborly obligation, right?”

“Alright,” he nods, and his shoulders deflate. “If you know anyone looking to get rid of an old truck, can you let me know? The only one we had was Pa’s.”

Jesus that has to be a pain the ass when you have a farm. Maybe there are a few things the boys and I can do to make sure the McDonalds are cared for.

“I’ll be on the lookout, Dex. I’ll let you know. Text me when you need us over there.”

“Thanks, Rainbow. I appreciate it.” He climbs down the steps and begins to walk down the driveway to get to the farm.

I give him a final wave before heading back inside, and what I see has me lifting my phone and snapping a picture.

Fox and Hound are cuddling. They don’t even know it because they’re asleep. Fox has his head in Hound’s lap, and Hound’s arm is wrapped around Fox.

Not wanting to wake them, I hurry around the sofas and check on Ryan. I was gone longer than I meant to be. What if he isn’t breathing? What if he’s in pain?

I swing the bedroom door open, and it squeaks loudly. I really need to try and fix it.

What I see has my tongue sticking to the roof of my mouth.

Ryan is lying face down on the bed, ass up, light blue lace panties on, and he’s stroking his cock up and down. I swallow and get my head out of my ass to shut the door, locking it for good measure.

“You look fucking gorgeous,” I groan, rubbing my hand over the delicate material hugging his ass. My cock tents my shorts, wanting nothing more than to sink into his tight ass. “We can’t. You’re healing.”

“We can. You haven’t touched me in a week. I miss you. I need you,” he whimpers, swaying his ass back and forth. “Please.”

It’s hard to say no when he’s begging so beautifully.

What’s a man to do when the most beautiful man he’s ever seen begs for his cock?

I strip off my shorts and stroke myself, flicking my finger over the slit as precome dribbles out. Then, sliding my hands up his thighs, I hook my fingers in the waistband of the lace and gently tug them down. Jesus Christ, I’ve never seen an ass look so good.

Lace is my kryptonite.

And when it’s on Ryan?

I’m practically a dead man.

I pull the panties down just enough so I can spread his cheeks to see his pretty pink hole. He’s fluttering for me, begging to be filled and stretched. I growl low in my throat and can’t help myself from grabbing a taste. I lean forward and flick my tongue along the puckered star, lavishing it. He tastes like soap. His skin is still warm from the shower he must have taken when I was outside with Dex.

He moans and presses his face against the mattress as I lick him, spearing him with my tongue. I lift a finger and slide it inside. His ass sucks me in; he’s warm and snug, squeezing my finger tight. I continue to lick him while circling my finger inside.

“God, Rainbow,” he moans, rutting his hips back on my face for more.

I pull my finger from him and spread his ass, diving in more so I can feast properly. He whines and shakes, crying out while I drive him to the edge. I reach and slap his hand away from his throbbing cock, then nibble at the puckered star in warning.

My cock. My rules. He comes when I want him to.

“Rainbow, please, I can’t. I need you so bad. I can’t wait anymore. Please.” If I’m not mistaken, I hear emotion clogging his throat as if he’s on the verge of tears.

It’s unlike him.

I pull away and kiss each cheek. “Whatever you want, Sassafras,” I say, reaching for the drawer to get the lube.

“Don’t stretch me; I want to feel the burn.”

“I refuse to hurt you.”

“You won’t. I need you inside me. You don’t know how much.”

I situate his panties back on him, then slide the left side to the right so I can sink inside him while the sexy underwear is still on. “I do know how much.” I press my cock against the unforgiving muscle and moan as the head slides in. “I need you as much as you need me, always.”

I dribble some more lube between us, so there’s no painful friction. I pull him up until his back is to my front and I wrap an arm around him, my palm flat against his chest. His hands grip onto my forearm, and he turns his head in time for me to see his mouth fall open as I slowly sink inside him.

Damn, there isn’t anything in this world I’d rather witness. I love how he responds to me.

“So full,” he whimpers, his nails biting into my skin. “So big, Rainbow.”

My eyes roll and close at his words, already bringing my orgasm to a threatening level. I stop moving to gather control of myself, taking deep breaths in and out to calm down. I press my forehead against the back of his neck and groan when I’m to the hilt. My sack is pressed against his ass, my cock warm in his depths, and I hold him close.

“You were made for me,” I tell him, in case he didn’t know.

I begin at a slow pace, the strokes long and languid as if we have all the time in the world. We do. Being this close to him, feeling him, and loving him has ended the world I’ve known and created a better one for me.

He thrusts his hips down, meeting the nine inches stretching him. Ryan moans, tilting his head back onto my shoulder and gripping the back of my neck with his hand. The position has him arching his back more, his ass pressing harder against me. I run my left hand up his body and tweak his nipples, pinching and pulling them until the sounds leaving his mouth are pornographic and for my ears only.

I look down, loving how the blue lace adds friction to my shaft while I bury myself inside him. “So fucking beautiful how you take me,” I grunt, snapping my hips quicker until the steady sound of our skin slapping fills the room.

“Rainbow!” My name is echoed back to me in a desperate plea to come.

“Only I fuck you. Only I feel this ass. Only I make you feel this good. Me. No one else.”

He shakes his head. “No one. No one else ever. Fuck, oh god! Yes!” he shouts as I hit that spot inside him that causes fireworks.

I glance over his shoulder to see his cock bobbing free from the constraint of the lace. Poor thing looks angry. It’s weeping with precome spilling from his slit every time I slam against his prostate. “So fucking good. Goddamn it.” I push him forward; his hands press against the headboard while I grab a firm hold of his hips and fuck him.


Without holding back.

He’s screaming now. His words are a blabbering mess that I can’t understand. My cock disappears quickly, in and out, and he shatters. I wrap my hand around his cock and jerk him, wanting to prolong his orgasm as much as I can. His come is warm as it drips onto my hand and a rumble of delight leaves me. I flip him around, not giving a fuck about the mess on his stomach and the headboard, and lie down against the bed so he can ride me.

“I’m nowhere near done with you.” I stroke his sensitive, semi-hard cock. It doesn’t take much for him to be at full mast again.

He bucks against me, riding me hard. His hands grip my pecs, and with the same ferocity, I hold onto the thick globes of the ass that I’m claiming.

“Fuck yes, baby. Ride that cock. It’s yours. Use me. Make yourself come again,” I order him, thrusting my hips up to meet him.

“Harder. More,” he demands, his belly ring gleaming in the light.

I push him against me, helping him gain more momentum. I toss my head back and bite the inside of my cheek. He feels too good. My orgasm is approaching fast. “God, you know how to ride a cock. Fuck, I’m close.”

“Me too. I’m going to come again.” His mouth falls open on a silent scream, and he throws his head back as his hips stutter. His inner muscles clench around me, massaging the hard muscle penetrating him. His cock flexes as he spurts a few small streams of come onto my belly. It’s nowhere near as much as the first time, but the fact that I made him come twice strokes my ego the right way.

I rear back and begin pounding harder than I ever have before, drilling into him like a jackhammer. “R-r-rain-bow,” he gasps, his voice broken up by my relentless rhythm.

He squeezes his ass one last time, and that finally pushes me over the edge.

“Ryan,” I groan, unable to hold back as he milks me. I empty myself inside him, pouring every ounce of come I have into him.

He collapses on top of me in a heap. The move sends another spasm rocking through me since it changed the position of my cock in his ass.

I wrap my arms around him and kiss the top of his head, holding him close as we try to catch our breath.

“I don’t think you understand how much I need you,” he says after a few minutes of silence. Ryan turns his head, and his chin digs into my chest as he stares at me.

“As much as I need you,” I state. “You’re everything I didn’t know I was missing and everything I never want to miss.”

After all the pain in my life, I finally understand my name.

He’s the color I’ve been missing, the spectrum of beauty that I’ve needed in my life.

Ryan is the rainbow I see after a lifetime of storms.