The Vanishing by Karla Nikole


“Lajos is dead.”

Nino balks, blinking with the phone to his ear. “What?”

“Well,” the detective says, “he’s almost dead. But he’s dead to me, so…”

“You can’t just declare that someone is dead when they’re not.”

“Meh. He’s on his way. He’s still refusing to feed with the first-gen blood we’re offering him. We’ve had him locked up in here since June. That’s three months he’s gone without feeding. He’s just lying in the cell bed. He doesn’t bother moving and his pulse is weak. There’s no reason for him to do this. But if he’d rather die than drink blood that’s, quote, ‘beneath him,’ then I say go right on ahead and die. One less racist, classist bastard in the world.”

“Jesus.” Nino frowns, rubbing his fingers into the top of his head.

“Anyway, I wishI was calling to tell you that, but the reason I’m actually calling is because we found your nerd sex book. Lore and Lust.”

A little spark of glee races up Nino’s spine. Haruka will be happy to hear this news. “That’s great! Where was it?”

“We lingered in Socotra for a while after the two of you scampered off—ended up going back to the house and down underneath again. One of the vamps in that purebred army fired at us with their rainbow-colored laser beam. It ended up leaving my deputy with an awful gash in his upper arm. When we were there with the two of you, those lights seemed like kid’s toys—some kind of cute joke. In reality that shit was really dangerous. We were able to calm them down, though. We asked about the book and someone brought it to us. Also convinced ten more vampires to leave that place. All in all it was a successful trip.”

“That was brave of you to go back down there unarmed,” Nino says.

“I’m a brave chick, what can I say? I estimate it’ll take us at least six months to get all the refugees properly documented before they choose their next, more permanent realm. We’re going to have therapists come in and work with them during that time.”

“That sounds smart.” Nino nods. “We’re still planning the rehabilitation program on our end, but we have a list of international realm leaders we’d like to bring into this project.”

“Perfect. I’ll keep you updated on our progress here, and I’ll have the book shipped out soon. How do you feel about having the female couple and young guy discharged early as a test run? If any weird shit goes down, you two could certainly handle it… being freakishly strong and all.”

“Ah… maybe? I’ll have to talk to Haru about it first. Can we get back to you?”

“Of course—let me know. And thanks for all your help. We couldn’t have found them without you.”

As Nino finishes his phone call, he hears voices approaching. Asao and Junichi turn the corner into the narrow hallway just as he’s hanging up the receiver. “You’re back early. How was yakitori?”

“Busy,” Junichi grumbles. “I would rather not go on Friday nights, but the old coot insists. Then he ‘forgets’ his wallet.”

“Two beef tongue skewers for the price ofone on Fridays!” Asao shrugs as if no further explanation is needed. “And I got this next round—we’re not finished. I booked a table for us at my friend’s izakaya downtown, so we won’t even need to wait.”

The two vampires move into the kitchen, but a thought pops into Nino’s mind. “Hey, Jun—did you ever return those books to Doctor Davies? Since you go to the hospital often, I asked Asao to pack them up for you while we were in Yemen.”

Junichi lifts his dark eyebrow, his black irises shining in the evening light. “Not too often… but yes, I’m taking care of it. Slowly.”

Nino breathes a laugh. “What does that mean?”

“It means Casanova is on the prowl,” Asao says, slapping Junichi’s shoulder. The tall vampire winces, but frowns in a kind of smile.

* * *

After seeingAsao and Junichi off, Nino wanders the quiet halls in search of his husband. Not that Haruka is ever difficult to find. The compound is sprawling in its design but somehow intimate, comfortable. A short walk down a hardwood hallway, a right turn and a sliding paper door lead him outside to the veranda near the library.

It’s twilight. The weather is perfect and the elegant garden is drenched in dusky shadows. It’s a calm late-summer evening with crickets chirping in soft, cheerful chorus all around. The quiet breeze is laced with the hint of autumn’s cool approach.

Haruka is stretched out on the veranda in his yukata, a messy pile of books and an empty wine glass near his head as he reads. Essentially, in his element. The soft, rosy coolness of his vampiric nature hovers around him in a haze, comfortably resting outward.

Sitting upright, his smile is peaceful as he meets Nino’s eyes. “Who was on the phone?”

“The detective.” Nino sits down beside him so that his legs hang over the edge of the veranda. “They found your book.”

As suspected, Haruka’s wine-colored eyes widen with joy. “This is wonderful news.”

“I think so. She said she’ll have it shipped to us soon. She also wants us to think about having our refugees come sooner than the others as a kind of trial run?”

“We can discuss it tomorrow.” He waves his hand, dismissive. “However, I do look forward to having the book in my possession once more…” Haruka’s irises flicker down to Nino’s robe. “Is this new?”

“Yes,” Nino confirms. “Jun made it for me while we were gone.” The material of the summer robe is a rich burgundy color with a traditional Japanese wave pattern stitched in navy blue. The color of the fabric reminds Nino of Haruka’s eyes.

“Mi piace. Ti voglio bene.” Smiling, Haruka kisses him, lingering against his mouth in an expectant gesture.

I like it. I love you. Nino grins against the kiss, pressing into him before lifting his head again. “What are you reading?”

Haruka glances at his open book. “Cien Sonetos de Amor.”

“Sonnets?” Nino rubs his hand down his face, a weak attempt to stifle his amusement. “You’re in a mood. Now who’s the romantic?”

“Is this a bad thing?” Haruka lifts himself with his palms flat against the veranda before sliding off the edge. With his feet on the ground, he moves to stand in between Nino’s thighs.

“No…” Nino says, aroused by his mate’s rosy scent and nearness. Haruka unties Nino’s belt, the action making his stomach clench. He takes a deep breath to calm himself. “I’m glad that you’re so happy lately.”

“Lately?” Haruka pouts, separating the material of the robe and exposing Nino’s naked body to the comfortable nighttime air. He leans into Nino’s face, his deep voice seductive and low. “Am I not typically happy?”

“You are…” Nino swallows as Haruka slides his palms along his thighs to spread them wider. “But not professing your love for me in Italian and reading Chilean love sonnets happy. We’ve for sure reached a new level of contentment.”

Haruka laughs from his throat, low and bubbly the way Nino loves, as he lifts his chin and presses their mouths together. Nino laces his fingers into Haruka’s short hair, tilting his head and intensifying the affection.

He indulges in his mate. To Nino, Haruka is the most delicious and satisfying thing he has ever consumed. From the first moment they locked eyes in his bar, everything about this vampire has always called to him. Now, the feeling is rooted, essential in the same way a plant needs sunlight to grow, or how fire needs oxygen to thrive.

Nino inhales when Haruka breaks the kiss and moves down his body. His mate’s actions are slow, kissing Nino’s jawline, then down his Adam’s apple to the top of his chest and collarbone. Haruka squats down. Nino’s stomach tightens when he kisses him there and flickers his tongue inside his belly button. He moves even lower, gripping his hardness and playfully licking the tip before sliding the length of Nino into his mouth.

Haruka moans in satisfaction as he takes him in deeper—the sound and subtle vibration of it combined with the wetness of his tongue makes Nino’s entire body tremble with heat and ecstasy. He lays his head back, clenching his eyes shut to the night sky.

The moment Haruka grips and squeezes the heavy skin underneath his shaft, the climax takes firm hold of Nino’s body. It rushes all throughout him like hot lava: tingling down his legs, up his spine and to his brain. He calls out Haruka’s name, gasping as he spills over from release.

When Haruka lifts his head and opens his eyes, they’re glowing in deep sunset. His gaze focused, he wraps his arms around Nino’s hips, shifts forward and tilts his head to bite into his abdomen. Nino watches, his fingers gripping the back of Haruka’s head as he feeds to satisfy his needs. The swell of his mate’s emotions pulses within him—gratitude and pure delight. The vulnerability of it makes Nino’s heart race and his breath catch.

Haruka’s milky almond skin is flushed when he stands. He looks radiant in the shadowy twilight: contented and healthy. Finally at peace.

Nino slides off the veranda, but grabs his mate’s hand as he moves to lie against the soft grass of the garden below them. Haruka blinks in confusion at first, then allows Nino to drag him down to the ground. Nino relaxes on his back, staring up at the darkened sky as Haruka settles down next to him. His mate lies on his side, resting on an elbow and looking at Nino with affection in his vintage-wine eyes.

“So happy…” Nino whispers, watching him. The sheer peacefulness radiating from him is incredible—a drastic (and welcomed) shift from his disposition a couple months ago. “Haru, if you wanted kids, why didn’t you just tell me?”