The Vanishing by Karla Nikole


“Everything was very… bright. There was so much color?”

Mai tilts her head, her dark eyes perplexed, as if she isn’t certain that she’s expressing herself correctly. Her tawny-brown skin is clear and rich—much healthier compared with the first time they saw her in Lajos’s mansion two months ago. “And the smells were abundant—offensive. Here, it is better. Still strange but… not overpowering.”

Nino nods in understanding. Even without the experience of being isolated in a desert wilderness his entire life, he can easily agree that the smells in New York are probably overwhelming.

“Being around so many humans is strange,” Mai declares. “Their smell is also unpleasant.”

At this, Kahla bobs her head in agreement with her mate. Their daughter, Aleyna, sits quietly in her lap, her small hands smoothly caressing and twisting the kokeshi doll that Haruka and Nino gifted her upon their arrival to the Kurashiki estate. Her light brown eyes keep darting back and forth between the intricately designed wooden toy in her palms and Haruka and Nino across from her.

“As purebreds, humans are not an appropriate feeding source,” Haruka states, “hence their displeasing scent. But you will grow accustomed to their presence. Eventually, their essence will almost disappear within your awareness—like background noise.”

Mai tilts her head again, her very straight, long dark hair shifting to the side like a silk blanket. “Background noise… What is this expression—” She stops, turning her head and meeting her mate’s intense gaze in silence. Nino narrows his eyes, but then Mai nods in understanding. “Yes—yes, background noise. I look forward to this situation. My awareness of them is uncomfortable now. These humans…”

Given Kahla’s inability to produce verbal speech, she and Mai communicate telepathically. It’s the same ability that Nino and Haruka have, but Nino has never witnessed anyone else doing this besides himself and his mate. Seeing it from a new perspective, he agrees with Asao. It’s very weird.

“Does the presence of all these new vampires help to offset your discomfort with humans?” Nino asks.

“The lesser vampires—” Mai stops again, blinking. Beside her, Kahla shakes her curly head, and Mai nods. “No. My apologies. Ranked vampires?”

“Yes,” Nino confirms. “We call them ‘ranked’ vampires.”

“Of course. Their smell is confusing. They have the blood of our origins but… with water mixed in? Dirt?” Mai offers, raising her slim eyebrow. Kahla shakes her head in something like disapproval.

“You’ll grow accustomed to it over time,” Nino says. “We’ll be here to support you through it. Do you like the accommodations we’ve established for you?”

Kahla nods, her smile bright. She lifts her hands out and around her daughter on her lap to make several gestures. Nino glances at his mate beside him. Haruka reciprocates her signals with a series of swift movements in response, his hands shifting in a fluid motion. When he’s finished, Kahla’s smile is even livelier.

“They are very pleased,” Haruka translates for Nino. “Particularly with the bathtub and the water temperature.”

“We were not given these comforts in our realm—clean accommodations, hot water or warm clothing. Academics were always the priority. Lord Almeida would say, ‘An uneducated purebred is a disgrace to all purebreds.’ He valued books and scholars over shelter and provisions. Many nights were so cold, my skin would split and peel because our regeneration was very slow…

“And this new form of communication! We did not learn this on the island—the use of hands and physical gestures. Lord Almeida took her voice, so I often speak for my mate. However, it is nice… that she can speak for herself in this way.”

Haruka sits back, folding his arms. “There is a recognized system of Arabic Sign Language that might be beneficial to learn if you ever want to return to Kahla’s home country. I am not familiar with its intricacies. I am only acquainted with Japanese Sign Language because of my casual studies in various linguistics.”

“Your grace, the fact that you can understand even the smallest gesture is much more than we’ve ever experienced,” Mai says, shifting to the edge of her seat. “Kahla is very… thrilled to communicate with you directly. You cannot imagine how challenging—hopeless it has been. The disrespect we received from other vampires in our realm because of her disability. Because of what Lord Almeidadid to her. They ostracized her, and they were also jealous of her because she was allowed to visit the mansion. It was an abysmal life. But meeting you—both of you, as realm leaders—it is a breath of fresh air we did not know existed.”

Kahla reaches around her daughter once more to make a quick series of hand gestures. When she finishes, Haruka surprises Nino by taking hold of his hand. “She said that when she met you, your aura was powerful, but warm. And there was kindness in your eyes even though you were afraid.” Haruka smiles, his wine irises full of affection. Nino bites back a grin, feeling the rush of heat threatening to flood his cheeks.

“Do you think… that my mate’s voice can regenerate? Living this transformed life?”

“It is possible,” Haruka says, still staring at Nino. He shifts his gaze away to address Mai. “Even if it does not, we will do our best to ensure your comfort and prosperity within our realm. We welcome you and hope that you will enjoy your life here.”

“We’re still developing our rehabilitation plans for you,” Nino adds. “But we’ll have a few of our ranked vampires come to your place and assist with your everyday needs—for example, learning to grocery shop, cooking, cleaning and other tasks associated with running a modern household. This way you’ll learn basic routines and also become acclimated to the presence and existence of ranked vampires. Aozora Nanba is the principal of the local elementary school. We’ll schedule a time for you to meet with her as well. Little by little.”

The two females nod in agreement, and Kahla reaches over to grasp Mai’s hand. Mai takes a breath. “We are ready for this new existence. We look forward to it.”

When Mai, Kahla and Aleyna have left the estate, Nino and Haruka sit on the small couch in the quiet tearoom, reflecting.

“That went pretty well for a first meeting?” Nino says.

“Mm.” Haruka nods, letting go of Nino’s hand and folding his arms. “The fact that they adhered to our request to relax and settle into their new space for the first week was already a positive sign. This meeting confirms my impression of their peaceful intent.”

“Kahla is a descendant of that famous family in Lebanon that vanished. The Arslan Clan?”

“Yes. Detective Cuevas offered to send them to her realm of origin if they wished, but she chose to come here instead—because she trusts you and wants to be under your realm and leadership.”

Our realm and leadership.” Nino smiles, chagrinned. “I read in the report from the detective that Mai wants to visit the American Southwest to find her native tribe—once they’re fully adapted to modern living. They found out she still has family in Arizona.”

“We should support her in that endeavor when the time is right.”

“Agreed. I meant to tell you that when Sydney arrives next week, he’ll be alone. The female he left Socotra with has decided to stay in New York. Apparently being off the island and living together has been challenging.”

“Whatever works best for them.” Haruka shrugs. “They are not bonded, so if they wish to explore this new life independent of each other, they should be free to do so.”

“I think so, too.” A gentle silence settles over the room, the scent of leftover tea and salty rice crackers wafting from the tray on the low table just in front of them. Nino checks his watch. 3:46 p.m. He looks at his mate. “Hey, panther.”


“We’re alone in the house… probably for the next fifteen minutes before Asao gets back from dropping everyone off.”


“So…” Nino turns and pushes his mate so that he falls to the couch. He climbs over him, grabbing the back of Haruka’s knee and pulling so that his legs are gaped and he rests on his back. He kneels in between his knees, grinning. “Someone tends to be a little more open with me when Asao isn’t in the house and potentially listening.”

Haruka shakes his head, frowning but unsuccessful in hiding his amusement. “Not here… It’s too close to the front door and—”

Nino is swift in sliding his palm against the inside of Haruka’s thigh and firmly gripping his shaft through his pants. Nino caresses him, and Haruka’s chest heaves in a shortened breath.

“Here. Just a quickie…” Nino leans down, whispering and brushing their lips together. He can feel Haruka’s soft, rosy breaths puffing out cool against his mouth. “We’re alone, tesoro… What do I have my hand on?” Nino gives him another firm squeeze for good measure, rubbing their noses. He lifts his face, waiting.

Slowly, Haruka opens his burgundy eyes, his expression flat and his rich, creamy voice resolute. “My cock.”

Everything inside Nino—his blood, his nature and energy—rushes down to his groin like fire, his heart rate skyrocketing. But he holds it together and takes a breath. “And what should I do with it?”

Haruka lifts his arms, sliding his long fingers against the back of Nino’s head to hold him close. “You can undo my pants and touch me.” He lifts his chin, licking Nino’s lips with a quick flicker of his tongue. “Or put it in your mouth.”

“Holy shit.” Nino sits upright, shaking his head. He runs his palms down his face. “He said it… Shit. I might come from this alone. God…”

Haruka huffs in a clipped laugh as he lies beneath him. “This is ridiculous.”

“It’s not.”

“You have been pushing me to say these things for months.”

“I—I know. But… I don’t think I was mentally prepared… I didn’t know it’d hit me this hard…”

Nino jumps slightly when Haruka shifts and sits up straight. His mate places his palm against Nino’s chest to urge him backward, turning the tables. When Haruka is settled between his thighs, he caresses his pointer finger across Nino’s lips. “How hard, exactly?” he asks, his brow lifted. Nino parts his lips, taking Haruka’s finger into his mouth, letting it slide against his tongue.

While Nino sucks, Haruka shifts against his groin, slow and intentionally rocking so that their bodies align in just the right spot through their clothes. Haruka grinds and Nino moans in utter, perfect satisfaction. He sighs, his body inches away from release as he snakes his hands underneath Haruka’s shirt to feel his cool skin beneath his palms, encouraging his movement.

But Haruka stops dead. Confused, Nino’s eyes fly open.

“God help me…” His mate slips his finger from within Nino’s mouth and places his palm flat against his face. A second later, the front door swings open. They’re frozen in their intimate position as Asao passes by the tearoom. He doesn’t stop, but glances inside as he strolls by. “Left the grocery list on the counter.”

Haruka shifts to move but Nino reaches up and holds his hips, shaking his head with a nervous smile. Within another moment, Asao walks back toward the front door. Just before exiting, he calls out to them, “Don’t make a mess in the tearoom.”

“Ugh.” Haruka drops his shoulders, crumbling as the humiliation rolls from him in waves. Nino sits up, snickering and wrapping his arms around his mate’s waist.

“We can keep going—we just have to clean up our mess!”

“Absolutely not.” Haruka exhales, his palm plastered to his face. Nino reaches up and grabs his wrist to pull it down. Haruka’s eyes shift, reluctant in meeting his gaze.

Nino lifts his chin beneath him, smiling sweetly. “Thank you for giving me that. It was hot.”

Haruka rolls his eyes, smirking. “You’re welcome.” He leans down to meet Nino’s mouth. The kiss is gentle, just a peck at first. But Nino keeps his chin lifted and Haruka dips down into him once more, lingering, teasing. He tilts his head for a new angle against Nino’s mouth, moving slowly and sliding his tongue inside as he breathes into Nino.

When he lifts his head, Haruka’s voice is quiet. “Bedroom?”

“Mm.” Nino grins. “We’re not stopping again. I don’t care who walks in.”

-The Middle-