Luna Rising by Sloane Murphy

Chapter Five

Gunshots follow the explosion, and I officially freak out a little. I rush to my window, but I can’t see jack shit from here.

“Luna, you stay here with your mom!” my dad hollers from down the hall, and seconds later, I see him sprinting from the front of the house. Thatch and a few of the other enforcers meet him there before they all take off toward the gate.

In less than a blink, I see a ton of Lycans rushing toward the house, but I recognize the faces, so I assume these are our pack trying to get to somewhere safe. My door opens, and I turn to see Mom standing there. “Luna, we need to head out into the forest. I need your help keeping the pack safe while your father deals with what he needs to at the gates.”

I slip my boots on and grab a jacket before following her downstairs.

Holy shit, there are a lot of people in the house already.

“Okay everyone, if you’ll please head out the back and into the tree line, that would be great,” my mom shouts over the murmur of voices, and slowly, everyone starts trailing out. I spot Nova in the crowd, standing with three of the younger orphans that live in the same group home as her. I weave my way through the crowd toward them, hugging Nova as I reach them.

“Do you have any idea what’s going on?” she asks, calm as a fucking cucumber, even though her eyes are wild. This can’t be great for her, considering how she lost her parents.

“Not a clue, but I saw Dad, Thatch, and the others taking off toward the gate. We should get everyone outside, and then I’ll try to find out more.” I start herding them outside, making sure everyone is out of the house before I head into the tree line myself. The gunshots haven’t stopped, and as much as my stomach twists, I take the gunfire as a good sign. It means our people aren’t dead yet.

We use guns only as a last resort. Dad always tries to use stealth and sheer force before he uses a weapon. He doesn’t enjoy killing like some Lycans do, and he thinks the purist way—not using weapons—can resolve a situation without death.

There are still droves of Lycans coming in from pack housing, so I do my best to focus on making sure everyone is safe.

“Have you seen Doc?” Mom asks, and I study the crowd.

“I haven’t seen her. There are probably a ton of people not here yet.” There are roughly around sixty people with us so far. Considering our pack has over two hundred members, that's really not that many. My mom looks conflicted, and I squeeze her hand. “I’m going to go do a search of the housing, get people to come here, and I’ll check the med building for Doc too.”

“Be careful, Luna,” she says, and I swear I see a flash of pride in her eyes. I nod at her before waving to Nova and a few other Lycans I half trust. Having grown up here in the pack, everyone is always looking for a foot up in the hierarchy. Being the Alpha’s daughter meant working my way through a lot of fake friends, and a lot of having my trust broken before I wised up to their true motives.

“We need to go and clear the housing and bring people back here,” I tell them, and each of them nods before we take off into the main part of the compound.

It takes longer than I’d like to bang on all of the doors of the houses in the compound and get people to head out to the forest. Just as I’m clearing the last house, another explosion rips through the air, making the ground shake.

“Come on, let’s go!” I shout, herding the group back toward the forest. “Nova, I’m going to go find Doc, make sure these guys get to the forest. Please.”

She looks conflicted as she gazes in the direction of the gunfire, but we don’t have time to fuck around, so I take off without her agreement. I glance back over my shoulder to find her moving in the opposite direction like I asked.


Now to just find Doc.

I head toward the med building and hear screams.


I pick up my pace, using my Lycan speed, and burst into the med building. It’s a fucking war zone.

“This is going to hurt,” Doc says before tightening a tourniquet on one of the enforcers’ legs, slowing the blood streaming from the bullet wound in his leg. “Luna, come put pressure on this.”

I blink before rushing over to help her, putting my hands on top of the pressure dressing she gives me and pushing down to help stop the bleeding as much as possible. “What the fuck happened?”

It’s more to myself, but Jacob, the Lycan whose leg I’m pushing on, looks up at me. “Fucking rogues with obsidian fucking bullets.”

Double fucking shit.

My mind goes to my dad and Thatcher before Doc's beside me again, moving me out of the way so she can access the wound. “Luna, I know we’ve done sutures before… I’m going to remove this bullet, and then I need you to sew him up so he doesn’t die of blood loss before he has a chance to heal from the damage.”

I just nod, trying to make sense of it all. How the fuck are there rogues still? I thought Roman had dealt with them all. I think back to what the guy who attacked me said… I’m just the beginning… Should I have seen this coming?

“Luna, get to work,” Doc commands as she heads to the next groaning enforcer on the bed down the line. I notice the suture tray on the bed next to Jacob and glance from it to him to see him grin at me grimly.

“Get on with it, pup. I have to get back out there.”

His words pull me from my momentary stupor, and I jump to attention. I stitch him up the best I can. It’s been a while since I learned how to do this with Doc, but it’s just like riding a bike—one of those things you just don’t forget. Though this sure as hell wasn’t what I had in mind when I asked her if I could intern with her for a summer two years ago.

I help where I can until the last enforcer leaves the room, heading back to help my dad despite the fact that the gunshots have stopped. I slump against a wall, and Doc offers me a tight smile.

“This won’t be all of it. Get cleaned up. I get the feeling I’ll need your help again.”

* * *

Doc and I end up by the gates, helping field dress the enforcers who are shot and, in some cases, burned. Thank fuck for Lycan healing because most people are already healing nicely on their own. It’s the wounds from obsidian that are the biggest issue. The bullet wounds are easy enough once we remove the bullet, but the shrapnel from the bombs, and some of the liquid obsidian burns, are really bad.

I’ve never seen anything like it, but I keep my head down and take directions from Doc, ignoring the amount of blood on my hands. Time slips away as we work to help heal our enforcers.

“Luna, we’ve done all we can do for now. Let's go and get washed up.” Doc’s voice is soft as she touches my shoulder and gives me a tight smile. I nod sharply and follow her back to the med building. Dad and Thatch were relatively unscathed, so with the help of others who weren’t badly injured, they carry those who need it back to the medical building.

Those who couldn’t be saved are already being loaded up onto the back of a truck. I shudder at the sight of it. I’ve never seen someone die before yesterday… and today I found myself trying fruitlessly to save someone as they died beneath my hands. My life is officially going down the wrong path.

Once we’re back, I head straight to the bathroom. The light flickers on above me, coating the room in a sickly yellow light, leaving me able to see my reflection in the mirror above the sink. Blood streaks and splatters cover my face and hair. I look down at my hands and, for the first time, really take in just how much blood is on them too. I don’t even bother taking stock of my clothes. I already know what I’ll find there.

I start scrubbing at my skin with a block of soap by the sink. I’ve never seen so much carnage in my life, let alone been a part of it or the cleanup. My hands shake so badly I drop the bar of soap. I leave it where it falls, barely managing to rinse the soap from my skin before totally losing my shit. I slide down the wall until I’m sitting on the floor. Clasping my hands together, I pull my knees up and rest my forehead on them.

Why the fuck are there rogues, and why the fuck are they attacking our compound?

None of this makes any sense.

There was so much senseless death, and I don’t even know if any of the rogues were left alive to give us any answers.

I don’t know that I know anything anymore.

A knock at the door startles me from the hole I’ve fallen down and brings me back to the present in this badly lit room. “Luna, are you okay?”

I lift my hand and unlock the door at the sound of Maddox’s voice. Once the lock clicks, the door swings open beside me. Maddox shuts it and locks it again before crouching in front of me.

“You came back,” I say, but I don’t sound like myself. My voice is so flat, a familiar robotic lilt to it. I think I’m in shock. Again.

He tucks my hair behind my ear and smiles at me. “Of course I came back.” He moves to the sink and grabs a washcloth, rinsing it before lifting it to my face.

I nod when he asks wordlessly if he can help me, and I sit as he washes away the last of the blood from my face and hair. Once he’s done, he holds out a hand to me to help me stand. “I’d carry you out of here, but we both know you don’t need me to do that. You’re one of the strongest people I know. You just witnessed something horrific, but we both know you’re strong enough to deal.”

I sink into the hug he offers me and borrow some of his quiet strength. He’s right, I know he is. The entire ordeal was just… a lot. His warmth radiates through me as I snuggle against his chest and he rests his chin on my head. “Where’s Dad?”

“Theron is with my dad talking about what the fuck happened here tonight,” he says as he pulls back, glancing over me once more to make sure I really am okay.

“Right, okay. Let’s go find them then, I guess?”

“Yeah, come on. I think they’re back at your place,” he says, opening the door once more. I step out in front of him only to find a concerned looking Doc staring me down.

“You okay, Luna?”

“I’m good,” I tell her, trying to look and sound like myself. I’m not sure I quite pull it off when her eyes narrow slightly.

She watches me closely for a moment before unfolding her arms. “Okay, well I’ll leave you to go find your dad, but I could use an extra set of hands here in the morning if you have time?”

“I’ll make time.” She smiles at my words before heading back into the room where I can hear the groans of the wounded leaking out into the sterile hall.

Maddox steers me out of the building and leads me home, practically plastered to my side as he does. It shouldn’t be an easy feat when he’s a whole head taller than me, but he manages it somehow. “You don’t have to treat me like I’m made of glass, you know. You were right, I’m strong enough to deal; I was just having a moment.”

“I know you are, but I’m always going to be here to catch you when you need it. That's what friends are for.” He squeezes my hand before opening the front door. Mom practically attacks me before I make it even a few steps inside, making sure I’m okay.

“None of it is my blood, Mom. I’m fine,” I try to reassure her, but she clucks over me while Maddox stands quietly to the side, smirking. She doesn’t stop fussing until Dad appears in the hall.

“Luna, there you are.” His relief is obvious, and I’m caught somewhere between pride and annoyance. “You did so well tonight… Roman and I were just finishing up, but if you want to come and talk with us, I think it’s only fair you know what happened considering the part you played.”

I grin at his words, realizing that this might be the first time he’s treated me like I’m an actual whole-ass adult. Who knew it would take a baptism of blood for that to happen? “Sure thing, Dad.”

I move into the kitchen where Roman is leaning against the counter. Maddox follows closely behind me, shuffling to my side as his dad spots us. I grab a bottle of water from the fridge, and Roman steps up to give me a one-armed hug once I close the door. “You did your dad proud out there tonight from the sounds of it. Maybe you’ll be a healer as well as a shrink before you’re done. A good Alpha has a lot of tricks up their sleeve.”

I shake my head with a small smile as I collapse into a chair at the table. This lot and their Alpha talk. I’m not even going to waste my breath trying to explain my plans to Roman. He loves me, I know that, but he definitely won’t approve of my plan of not following in my dad’s footsteps. The others all take a seat around the table too, while Mom makes a pot of chamomile tea. She pours a cup for everyone except Roman who pulls a face when it’s offered. “I’ll have a coffee. Pretty sure none of us are getting any sleep before the sun rises anyway.”

“You’re probably right.” Mom sighs before flicking the coffee pot on. “I know I could use a hit of caffeine after tonight.”

“So what actually happened?” Maddox asks, stealing the words from my mouth before I can ask them.

“Jacob said there were rogues?” I insert, and Maddox’s eyes go wide as my dad nods the affirmative.

“Jacob was right,” he sighs. “I’m not sure where they’ve come from, though. We thought the rogue problem was something of the past, but it seems we were wrong.”

“This is what we get for growing complacent,” Roman grumbles, and my dad nods in acknowledgment. “We’re not sure why they attacked here now, but we will find out. Two of them are still alive, and I intend on extracting information from them by whatever means necessary. What we do know is that no other packs have been attacked.”

“Could this be linked to Luna’s attacker?” Maddox asks, and Roman frowns.

“I hadn’t considered it, but it's possible. He said some weird shit in that room with Luna before he offed himself.” He runs a hand through his hair and lets out a deep breath. “Good thinking.”

“He did say he was just the beginning,” I add, and he nods slowly as if he’s turning everything over in his head.

“I just assumed he meant that little group of idiots I’ve been trying to place in the packs.”

“Have you thought about separating them? Since they’re not settling together very well…” I suggest, and Roman smiles.

“No I hadn’t, but that’s a very good idea considering how fucking much of a pain in my ass they are together.” My dad nods at his words.

“It’d be a good way to stop their bullshit and mini-clique,” my mom adds.

“Is there anything else we need to know?” Maddox asks, looking between Roman and my dad.

“I’m going to start looking into the rogue problem,” Roman tells him. “So I’ll probably want some help with getting that going, but other than that, that's literally all we know for now. Their equipment was pretty high tech though, so I’m going to check in with the Hunter Council and see if they’ve heard of any rumblings because obsidian bullets used to be their bag.”

“Is there anything I can do?” I ask, unsure if I even want to, but the smile on my dad's face makes me feel a little better for asking.

“You just do your thing here, Luna. You and Maddox should probably at least try and get some shut eye. Tomorrow is going to be another big day.”

“Yeah, okay,” I say, smiling and saying goodnight before heading upstairs with Maddox on my heels.

He’s quiet as I brush my teeth and braid my hair, but he eventually asks,” You’re not going to be able to sleep are you?”

I drop onto my bed and shake my head. “Probably not.”

He lies down on the bed beside me, staring at the ceiling. “Then let's just lie here and not sleep together.”

I let out a deep breath and lie down, glad that he’s here with me. This has been a fucking day, and it’s nice knowing I don’t have to have my nightmares alone.

* * *

I’ve spent the entire day in the med building with Doc and Nova, helping as much as I can. Some of those who ended up staying overnight were able to leave midday and shift to finish their healing, but we lost two more Lycans during the day from the obsidian burns.

It was awful, and I’m not sure I’ll ever really get over seeing them die. Or watching the light leave their eyes as they held my hand.

I’m fucking exhausted, though that could be due to the fact I only got about an hour’s sleep last night. I drifted off listening to Maddox hum quietly as he lay beside me. It’s not hard to see why our parents seem to think we’ll be mates, but I’ve never seen Maddox that way. And I’m pretty sure he feels the same way.

I trudge back across the compound to the house and find my dad and Roman in the square with one of the Lycans from the packless group that ran with us before I was attacked. I guess this must be the guy who’s officially joining our pack. He looks really pleased about it too.

I pass by them with a wave and the dark-haired newcomer glares at me. His onyx eyes narrow as he focuses on me, and a shudder runs down my spine.

Yep, he’s really happy to be here.

Well… maybe this will make life a little more interesting around here.