Smokey by Sam Crescent

Chapter Twenty

Ava rubbed at her stomach.

The days and weeks were merging together, and she was well into her second trimester. Smokey was with her for all the appointments, and the doctor had even offered to tell them the sex.

They’d both agreed to wait to find out the truth.

“Are you okay?” Harlow asked, coming into the back of the bakery.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” She rubbed the back of her neck.

“You don’t seem fine.” Harlow folded her arms.

She glanced over at the other woman and sighed. “It just feels like it has been a really long couple of months is all.”

“I can imagine. You’re carrying around another person, and of course you’ve got Smokey on your case. I don’t imagine being around him is easy.”

Ava chuckled. “He’s okay.”

Harlow grabbed one of the chairs and slid it over to her. “What’s up?”

“I don’t know. I think I’m just worried about the baby and everything, you know?”

“No, I don’t really. This isn’t about the baby, though, is it? This is about something else.”

Ava sighed. “It’s not important.”

“What are friends for if they don’t share? Have you ever thought that maybe you’re overthinking everything?”

Ava put her hands on her shoulders and gave a little stretch. “I know I am.”

“Then try me. I may be young, but I know a hell of a lot of things. I love to research answers. Come on.”

Ava licked her lips. “Fine. If you must know the truth…” She stopped and tucked some hair behind her ear. “I think I’m still in love with Smokey.”

“That’s not a revelation. Anyone can see that.”

“No, you don’t understand. I promised myself I would never fall for him. Ever again.” She closed her eyes and rubbed at them. “I know this sounds crazy, but he hurt me, and I … I don’t have a good track record with men. I suck, to be honest with you.”

“And you don’t want to suck anymore?” Harlow asked.

“I had an awful marriage. By the end, when I caught him cheating, I was so happy to get out of it. I wanted nothing from him. I didn’t care about him.”

“And Smokey?”

“I … I didn’t want to love him. It didn’t even start out as love. It was sex. That’s what we offered each other. Sex. No complications. No strings. Just sex.”


“But I fell in love with him. I know he’s a little rough around the edges and he’s not for everyone, but I liked him, and it wasn’t so hard to fall in love with him either. He makes me happy. Then he … he destroyed that part of me, or at least I thought he did.” She shook her head. “I wasn’t going to love a man who couldn’t love me. Who thought so little of me.

“And now?” Harlow asked.

“Now, we’ve got a baby on the way, and I want to hate him, but it’s like he knows I’m weak. He’s breaking down the walls I put up, wanting to hate him.”

“Have you ever considered that you might still be in love with him?” Harlow asked. “No matter how hard you try to fight it. You still love him and maybe always will.”

“What if he breaks my heart again? What if he does something even worse this time?” She couldn’t tell Harlow about the attack or how he was prepared to kill her. Those secrets would stay with her.

Big Dick may be a club member and Harlow was his sister, but Ava didn’t know what she knew of the club and their dealings.

“Have you ever thought about forgiving him?” Harlow asked. “Forgiving someone doesn’t make you weak at all, Ava.”

“I … he hurt me.”

“And when I see him and the way he looks at you, that man is in love with you. He will do anything for you.”

“What if it’s all a trick?”

“It’s not.”

Ava laughed. “You’re so young.”

Harlow shrugged. “I may be young, but I also know people, and I do understand them. Don’t write me off.”

“I’m not. I’m sorry.”

“How do you feel when you’re around him?” Harlow asked.

Ava paused and thought about the question and her feelings for Smokey. “When I don’t think of what happened, he makes me feel so alive. So happy.”

Harlow took her hands. “I know I’m young, and I don’t know anything. Here is what I do know. Life is way too short for you to hold any hatred. Forgiving can be empowering. I’m not saying to forget. Of course, remember. I’m sure Smokey will never forget what he did. That doesn’t mean he’s not living with his own regrets. He loves you in his way. Talk to him.”

Ava nodded. They’d tried to talk. Each time they did, it always ended up with sex, which she didn’t mind. They were able to communicate through sex.

There were even a few times he’d joined her afterward, holding her. She loved falling asleep in his arms. There was no better feeling in the world.

Harlow stayed with her and helped her clean up the bakery before heading home. Smokey was already waiting for her as she put the lock into place.

“Hello, gorgeous,” he said.

Ava stepped into his arms and pressed a kiss to his lips. “I missed you.”

Smokey stared at her for several minutes before he shook out of whatever surprise she’d caused him.

He held out his hand and she took it. They walked together toward his car. He hadn’t been riding his bike since he’d been driving her to and from work.

“You don’t have to keep doing this. I can drive.”

“I like taking you to work.” He held the door of the car for her.

“Don’t you miss riding your bike?”

“I can ride my bike any time. Don’t worry about me.”

He helped her with her seat belt. It was these little intimacies that she was starting to really enjoy and get used to.

Smokey helped her inside and rounded the car to climb behind the wheel. She was silent as they drove toward her house. More snow had started to fall as they arrived at her house. Ava stared at her front door.

The silence in the car wasn’t awkward, but Ava felt something else. A new connection.

“Are you okay?” Smokey asked.

Ava glanced over at him. “I forgive you.”


“I … I don’t want to keep on hating you or pushing you away. We’re going to have a baby. I don’t know if we’ll ever be back to where we were, but I do know I don’t want to keep on feeling this way.” She forced herself to look into his eyes. “I hope … we can build a future together. Do you think that is possible?”


“You didn’t even hesitate. Are you not going to think it over?”

“I don’t have anything to think about. I know what I want.” He reached out, cupping her cheek. “I want you, Ava. I’m not good at this stuff. I’ve never been great at it. With you, I want to try.”

“Then we’ll try,” Ava said. “If you want to, that is.”


She smiled. “I don’t know what else to say.”

“You don’t need to say anything else.” He stroked her cheek. “Let’s get you inside. I don’t want you catching a cold.”


“Ava, I love you and I’m glad we’re trying. I want to marry you,” Smokey said.

“I don’t get it. Are you asking her or stating that you want to?” Ugly Beast asked.

“I hate you right now.”

“Hate me. You’re not the one who has to sit and listen to his prez stumble over some quick and easy words.”

“You’re supposed to be helping me.”

“I am. We’re on a stakeout of the Twisted Bastards MC due to an anonymous tip. I didn’t know that would mean I’d have to list to your endless list of shit proposals.”

Smokey wasn’t exactly happy about talking to his sergeant at arms about this either. He originally planned to do the stakeout with Raven, but with how new his relationship was with Ava, he didn’t want to mess that up. This required a woman’s touch. There was no way he was asking Abriana or Harlow since both women would go to Ava immediately.

He’d been tempted to ask her to marry him when she’d forgiven him in the car. That had been two weeks ago. He still hadn’t asked.

He didn’t know what was wrong with him because he wanted to marry this woman. She was his old lady in every single way that counted.

“You’re supposed to be able to help me. You’re married.”

Ugly Beast laughed. “Do you even remember how I got married?”

Smokey sighed. “I arranged it. It was purely a business deal, but you and Abriana are going strong. You could help.”

“I can’t tell you how to marry a woman, Smokey. I didn’t even know how to marry Abriana and be a good husband. It takes time and effort.”

“You’re not even tempted by any of the other women, are you?”

“Hell, no. If you’re worried other women are going to have your attention, you’re doing this all wrong and should just be a co-parent or whatever that is.”

Smokey tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. He wanted to try again with his proposal, but he’d put Ugly Beast through a lot already.

“What’s it like to watch the birthing process?”

“Holy shit, have I turned into your bitch now?”

“I’m still the boss and can whoop your ass. Don’t start.”

Ugly Beast ran a hand down his face. “We’re not girlfriends. We shouldn’t be sharing this shit.”

“I know. I get it, but … Ava’s getting bigger and well, she will drop soon, won’t she?” Smokey asked. “I want to be in the room with her, but I’ve heard of some guys fainting. Is it the blood?”

Ugly Beast turned toward him. “We’re really doing this?”

“I want to know.”

“Dude, your woman’s pussy is only so big and that thing has got to stretch to pop a kid out.”

Smokey winced.

“Yeah, it’s magical and all that. I held Abriana’s hand. The screams alone are enough. She’s going to be in pain. A lot of pain. You can’t stop it. You can’t make the doctors do anything if it’s too late. You’re helpless.” Ugly Beast spun back around to face outside. “It’s a lot to take in. It’s not easy. With Abriana, I struggled. I wanted to kill every single fucking asshole in the room because they couldn’t take the pain away.”

“So, I’m not going to enjoy the birthing process.”

“No. You’re going to hate yourself and everyone around you. Then you’re going to hear this scream and it’s going to be an amazing sound. Your son or daughter is going to unleash in the world and you want to protect and love it for the rest of your life.”

A smile played on Ugly Beast’s lips, and for the first time in his life, Smokey was envious.

Ugly Beast had experienced love and having a child. Smokey wanted to have that as well.

“You’ll find in time, you’ll become anything and everything for your child and your woman, Smokey. We’ve got movement,” Ugly Beast said.

Focusing back on the road, Smokey watched as three Twisted Bastards MC left the bar that they’d been at. Three girls were under their arms, all laughing.

Rather than follow them down the street in the car, he and Ugly Beast climbed out.

Keeping a distance, he put his hand on his gun, ready to strike at a moment’s notice.

No one paid them any attention as they walked down an abandoned alley. He heard the men demand the women get on their knees, ready to take cock. Smokey wasn’t ready to see any of the men’s cocks, but he waited until they were vulnerable enough.

It wasn’t long before their pants were around their ankles and the women were sucking at them.

“Showtime’s over,” Smokey said. He pointed the gun at the bastard’s head while Ugly Beast came up behind him.

The women screamed at the sight of the guns, and they ran in the opposite direction. Ugly Beast laughed. “Well, well, well, I was out for some takeout and look what I find.”

“Fuck you,” the one on the right said.

Smokey took aim and fired in the fucker’s thigh. He went down.

Ugly Beast tutted as the other two went to help their friend. “Don’t move. Your dicks are still swinging free and I’m very trigger happy right now.”

“What the fuck do you want?” the one he’d shot asked.

“What’s Creed up to?” This was a long shot. Most men wouldn’t give up shit on their president, but seeing as none of the men he’d caught with their pants down had any patch other than a member’s one, they might value their lives more than their club.

“I don’t know, man.”

Smokey stared at the man. “Seeing as you don’t know anything, you’re free to go.”

The man looked at him. There was something about him that rubbed Smokey the wrong way. He started down the alley, pants around his ankles, dripping blood, and he didn’t even bother to look out for the men he was with.

Taking aim, he fired, shooting him in the back of the head. The man went down without issue.

Smokey spun around. “You’re all going to end up like that.” He smiled at each of them. “Now tell me, what’s Creed up to?”

He waited as both men looked at each other. The one nearest Ugly Beast started to talk. He listened to the information provided.

The moment the man had nothing to say and begged for his life, he shot the one who hadn’t spoken in the head, and Ugly Beast pounded the shit out of the rat. Even though they weren’t part of the Twisted Bastards, a rat was a rat, and they had to be wiped off the face of the earth.

Once Ugly Beast was done, he picked the man up, and they walked back to the car, dumping him in the trunk.

“Do you believe what they said?” Ugly Beast asked.

Smokey spun the wheel, heading them right back to Twisted territory. He parked several miles from the clubhouse. Ugly Beast got out and pulled the beat-up member, dumping him on the ground.

“I don’t care if it’s right or not. The fact is they know about Ava. I’ve got to protect her.”

Creed planned to kill Ava. That was what he’d been told tonight. His woman was in danger from being with him. He wasn’t going to allow her to be hurt because of him.

“I want around-the-clock protection on her.”

“Smokey, I know what they said, but you don’t think they’re bullshitting you, do you?” Ugly Beast asked.


“Come on. We know those pussies don’t have a whole lot of power in the club. Creed would be fucking crazy to allow anyone in on his plan. Especially ones who blab so easily.”

“Would you willingly risk it with Abriana?” Smokey asked.


“Then don’t assume I will. Ava’s too important.”

“This woman has got you twisted up, and you can’t figure out how to ask her to marry you. Don’t you think that is a little fucked up?”

Smokey gripped the steering wheel tighter. “We’re not talking about this shit anymore. You had your chance to help me. That’s over.”

“I’m here if you change your mind. Remember, I’m in a successful marriage.”

“Like you said, one I organized. You didn’t do shit.”

Ugly Beast glared at him and Smokey smiled.

They arrived at the clubhouse with everyone present so he could give them a rundown of what went on tonight.

“I want volunteers,” Smokey said. “To help me protect Ava.”

“You really think Creed will come after her?” Raven asked. “She’s a woman and has nothing to do with the club.”

“He did the first time. Look what I did. I imagine the next time, he’ll take her out.”

Raven sighed. “I’m in. I’ll protect her.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I helped Creed last time, didn’t I? She won’t come around the club and even though she has opened up the bakery to us once again, I can’t bring myself to go inside. Not after what I did. I can protect her. There’s nothing else I can do to make this right, but I can kick anyone who thinks they can get close.”

Smokey thanked her. One by one, all of his men agreed to take turns protecting Ava. This was his club, his family.

After ending church, he climbed on his bike and rode to Ava’s house.

She hadn’t given him a key yet, but the moment he climbed off his bike, she’d opened the front door.

“Welcome home,” she said.

He smiled, pulling her into his arms. “This is the best wake-up call a man could ask for.” He pressed his lips to her, wanting to hold her and to never let her go.

“Whoa, what’s wrong, Smokey?”

He tightened his hold on her. “I’m just glad to see you.”

“And I’m glad to see you, but this is something more. Come on, stop holding back. Tell me what’s the matter.”

Smokey pulled away and stared into her eyes. She was so beautiful. So sweet.

“I … you trust me?”

“Yes, of course.”

“From this day forward, you’re going to have one or more of the guys tagging along.”

Ava groaned. “I know I’m getting close to dropping, but we’ve got time.”

Smokey put his hand on her stomach, crouching down to kiss her. “It’s not about our baby arriving too soon. This is about something more.”

“What is it?”

He ran fingers through his hair. “I don’t want to scare you.”

“You are scaring me. I can’t go around not knowing what’s bothering you. Tell me, Smokey. Now.” She spoke softly.

“I’ve got reason to believe Creed isn’t done. He’s going to try to take you from me.”

“Take me?”

“Yeah. He’s going to try to hurt you.”

“That’s not possible. I’m safe.”

“You’ll be even safer with one of my guys with you. I’ll feel happier you’re living normally with one of my guys.”

Ava rubbed the back of her head and stepped back.

He didn’t like having any space between them.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m positive.”

“I’m no one,” she said. “Why would this man want me?”

“Because you’re the love of my life, and he knows it.”

“Smokey, come on.”

“No. I can’t. It’s the truth. You don’t believe me, but I’ve loved you long before I found out you were pregnant. I fucked up once. I’m not going to do it again. I refuse to do it again.” He stepped toward her, cupping her face. “I’m in love with you. Creed knows it. He’s going to try to take you from me. I can’t let that happen.”

“I thought I was done with the crying part.”

“I know it’s going to take time for you to believe me, and I’ve got all the time in the world.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “But don’t put your own life on the line. Let me take care of you. Let me keep you safe.”

“Fine. You can … do that. If it will make you feel better.”

“It will. It really will.” He pulled her into his arms, dreading the thought of anything happening to her.

He loved this woman more than anything, and one day soon, he was determined for her to wear his ring.