Smokey by Sam Crescent

Chapter Twenty-One

“She’s just going to sit there?” Harlow asked.

“Yep. Just like all the others.”

It had been over a month since Smokey had arrived home and told her his fear of this man Creed.

She glanced over at Raven and quickly averted her gaze. So far, every single day, she’d had a new MC member either sit in her bakery, escort her to the grocery store, and pretty much was a bodyguard to her every waking move.

The only time she was left alone was when Smokey arrived to take over. Having someone breathing down her neck twenty-four seven was proving to be exhausting.

Her pregnancy was also causing her some difficulty as she neared her due date. She was supposed to give birth in the New Year. Christmas was right around the corner, but she had a feeling this baby was going to come sooner. She hoped it did because it was driving her crazy. The constant need to pee. The uncomfortable movement.

Smokey loved spending the time feeling their baby move. He believed they were going to have a son because of how many times he kicked. Ava wasn’t sure. So long as their baby was happy and healthy, she didn’t care.

“Don’t you think it’s weird? She doesn’t do anything,” Harlow said.

“I can hear you.”

Raven didn’t move her head. She continued to look out the window. Ava sighed. She had offered Raven a hot beverage, and the woman had accepted.

It seemed odd to her now that she’d once been friends with this woman. She did miss the closeness. She doubted she’d ever be close to Raven again.

“So, you can hear. Can you do magic tricks?”

Raven turned toward her. “Who are you?”

“That’s rude,” Ava said.

“Oh, come on, is that all you’ve got?” Harlow asked.

“You think you can take me on in insults?”

“I lived with plenty of brothers. Big Dick being one of them. I’ve heard it all, babe.”

Raven snorted.

“Enough,” Ava said. “You two might want to verbally spar, but I still have a business to run.” She picked up a discarded napkin, and as she stood up, a shooting pain went right through her back. Wincing, she rubbed at the spot.

Harlow and Raven were at her side.

She looked at Raven’s hands on her, and she instantly withdrew.

“Are you okay?” Raven asked.

“I’m fine. Just another part of being pregnant I’m not going to miss.” She stepped away from their comforting hands and threw the napkin in the trash. She rubbed at her stomach and back.

“You really should go home and rest,” Harlow said. “I can handle this here.”

“I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not. You’re hurting, and you’re tired. I love your company. You know this, but I know enough that I can keep this place running smoothly.”

The doctor had advised her to take it easy.

She spent most of her day on her ass, which she hated. Ava had always liked moving around, doing something with her hands. She couldn’t stand sitting around and not accomplishing anything.

When the pain didn’t lessen, she went to her chair, aware of Raven’s gaze following her.

“I’m fine,” she said, sitting down.

“Do you want me to take you home?”

“No. I can get through a day.” She took several deep breaths until the pain abated somewhat.

Ava forced a smile to her face. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For caring.”

Raven nodded. “I … I never wanted to hurt you. The club comes first. I thought … you know what I thought.”

“I know.”

“I’m sorry.”

Ava nodded.

She looked at Raven, wanting to say so many different things to her. Screaming was high on her list, but she settled on silence.

Raven’s arms were folded and as Ava looked at her, really stared at her friend, she realized how vulnerable Raven actually looked.

She wanted to protect her. This was an odd feeling. She continued to rub the base of her back. Forgiveness. Did she truly forgive Raven for everything she’d done? That was a whole lot to give at that moment.

The baby, Smokey, the club, she didn’t want to live her life in fear, but she also didn’t want people to feel constantly guilty when they were around each other.

“Raven,” she said.

The woman turned her head toward her.

Ava was about to say something as the front door was slammed open, the glass breaking from the force of the impact.

Raven was up and Ava watched as she started to fight the first man that came at her.

Three men wearing black masks filled the store.

Ava stood as one came toward her. She held her hands into fists. There was no way she was terrifying. Swollen stomach, probably her entire body as well, threatening this man, but she’d do anything to protect her baby.

Harlow was suddenly there, throwing her foot in the air, taking him off guard as she swiped him in the face.

“Ava, run,” Harlow said.

She wanted to argue, but instead, she took off, trying to go for the office, but she didn’t get far as someone caught her hair, yanking her back.

The impact hitting a hard body winded her, and the pain worsened.

“You’re about to have a lot of fun,” he said, whispering the words against her ear. He wrapped his fingers around her neck and dragged her out of the shop and into the black van waiting for them.

She was thrown into the back and she pushed her hair out of the way, looking up to find Raven unconscious on the floor. There was no sign of Harlow, and fear gripped her at the thought of what could have happened to her friend.


She crawled to her friend, touching her face, then her neck, feeling for a pulse. When she found one, she nearly cried out with relief. There was no way her friend could be dead.

Fear lodged in her throat as she moved to cradle Raven’s head in her lap. She ran her fingers through the woman’s hair.

“I’ve got you.” She closed her eyes as another bolt of pain worked its way up her spine.

Breathing deeply, she continued to whimper as they went over some potholes. Each jar of the van causing more pain.

She didn’t know how long they’d been driving for before Raven began to wake up.

“Fuck, ouch, fuck,” Raven said, wincing.

Ava stroked her hair. “You’re awake. You’re fine, I hope.”

Raven opened her eyes and she watched as the other woman became aware of her surroundings. “Where are we?”

“I don’t know.”

She didn’t sit up.

Ava stayed, running her fingers through her hair.

“One of them got me good.”

“I was dragged in here,” she said, sniffling. “Harlow’s not here.”

“She’ll be okay,” Raven said.

She sat up with a groan, sitting on the opposite side of the van. “Smokey’s going to kill me for this.”

“Do you know who we’ve been taken by?” Ava asked.

“The Twisted Bastards. They weren’t wearing leather cuts, but they’re the only ones after you and they are pissed at us for shutting down several of their operations.”

“Smokey warned me.”

“You were his top priority.”

“The club comes first.”

Raven laughed. “They all say the club comes first, but we all know they think with their dick.” Raven closed her eyes, frowning. “I don’t mean anything bad by that.”

Ava smiled. “It’s fine.”

“What I meant to say was Smokey loves you. I’m not talking the sweet kind of romance either. I’m talking the full-on die-for-you kind of love. I never thought I’d see him fall hard for a woman. I’m glad he has.”

Ava smiled. “I love him so much. There are times I can’t even think of being without him, and I’m so jealous of the women at the club.”

“He’d get rid of them in a heartbeat if that’s what you wanted.”

“He told me, but he warned me the guys would hate me.”

Raven laughed. “Yeah, they would. They would totally be pissed about it.”

Ava’s hands continued to shake.

“We’ll make it out of here,” Raven said.

“How can you be so sure?”

“I know Smokey. I know the town. He’ll be alerted in no time what happened. Harlow’s involved, so we know Big Dick will be all over it. He has the ability to find anyone. We’ll be fine, Ava. We’ve just got to make it through.”

The truck came to a stop.

“Don’t do anything stupid,” Ava said.

“Like what, like charge at them?”

Raven got into a position as if to attack, but Ava reached out.

“Don’t. Don’t make them angry.” She didn’t want Raven to get hurt.

Raven settled down, taking a seat.

Ava breathed a sigh of relief.

They had to get through this.

The truck’s back doors opened, and men rushed in, grabbing them. Raven didn’t fight them, but she struggled in their arms.

Ava didn’t have the energy nor the strength to fight.

The hand holding her was tight, and she gritted her teeth, putting a hand to her stomach as they entered a large warehouse. There were a few boxes in the corner, and Ava tried to figure out where they could be.

The sound of applause made her stop. She turned toward it and saw the man who’d turned her entire world upside down by taking pictures outside of a bank.

Creed. He wasn’t in a business suit anymore. The leather cut with the logo was a clear indication of who he was and what he belonged to.

“It was about time you got here. I was starting to worry.”

“Well, if it’s not little pussy Creed,” Raven said. “You’re going to take more pictures, you fucking prick?”

Raven was shoved forward, and she went down on the floor, being kicked in the back for her troubles.

Ava gritted her teeth.

Creed reached down, grabbing Raven’s hair and pulling her to her feet. She didn’t scream.

“How did that go for you? From what I saw, Ava got a nice face pounding for the trouble.”

“Fuck you,” Raven said.

Creed glanced toward her. “I’ve always wondered what made Smokey tick. I never thought I’d live to see the day that person is a woman. Tell me, Raven, what will you do to make sure I don’t have my men touch her? Fuck her up? Rape her?” Creed asked.

Ava’s heart started to race.

The grip on her arm tightened and she whimpered.

Raven spun toward her. “Don’t you fucking touch her.”

“Answer now,” Creed said.

“I’ll do anything. You know that.”

Creed smiled, and fear rushed up Ava’s spine as she looked at him.

“I thought you might say that.”

Ava was pulled across the room and dumped into a chair. More pain rushed through her body, and she wrapped an arm around her stomach protectively.

Smokey had to come and get them.

Whatever was about to happen, it was going to be bad. She knew it in her gut.

Creed moved to her side and he snapped his fingers. One man stood forward.

“Then you’re going to fight for her. Every punch and blow you get will help save her.”

“No,” Ava said. “You can’t do this.”

“Shut up, Ava,” Raven said.

“Let’s see what you’re made of, Raven, and just how long you last. The moment you fall, Ava’s all mine.”

Raven turned toward Creed. “So, it’s true then, you always want what Smokey has. His town, his club, his turf, his woman. The list keeps adding up. Scared to be an original?”

Ava tried to take in air as Creed wrapped his fingers around her throat, cutting off circulation.

She couldn’t breathe.

“Stop it. Stop it.”

Seconds passed.

She was going to faint.

He let her go and she took in several deep breaths of air.

“Fucker, she’s pregnant.”

“Which will make losing them both all the more fun. Now, let’s see you earn back her life.”

Raven stared at her, and Ava shook her head even as tears came to her eyes.

She rubbed her stomach as Raven spun and faced off with the first man who came. Ava couldn’t stand it as Raven fought. Several blows were landed on Raven’s body, but the woman didn’t fall.

After a few minutes, she managed to connect with the man’s balls, sending him to the floor, where she punched him in the face.

It wasn’t over.

Ava watched helplessly as the woman fought for her. Some of the men were harder than others and Raven continued to fight even when bones had to have broken. One of the men grabbed her arm and twisted it, and Ava screamed right along with her as it popped right out.

She wanted to protect her, but Raven wouldn’t stop.

Even with only one arm, she kept on fighting.

Blood covered her face, and she saw some dripping onto the floor. Ava couldn’t stand it.

After all this time, Raven was fighting for them both, and all Ava wanted to do was tell her to stop.


Smokey stood with Carlos as he got the call.

Harlow’s voice sounded cracked as she sobbed at him.

“They took Ava and Raven.” Harlow cried out. “I think I’m dying.”

The line went dead.

Big Dick was close and he looked at his prez. Without another word, he was out of the warehouse. They weren’t too far from Fort Clover.

“What’s going on?” Carlos asked.

Smokey looked at the man.

So far, in the last few months, he’d proven to be nothing like his predecessor. “I think my woman and Raven have been taken. I’ll have to rearrange this meeting.”

He didn’t linger, going to his bike as Big Dick took off. He didn’t blame the man. Big Dick had told him that his parents wanted him to keep an eye on Harlow. They discovered she worked for his woman, and parents could be so judgmental. They didn’t like any of their kids working for the MC.

At his back, Kinky, Hunter, and Brick followed.

He used his speed, pulling himself in front of Big Dick. They arrived in town in record time. The door of the bakery was completely smashed, and his heart raced as he stepped inside. Harlow rested against the front of the counter, her hand near her stomach. She looked pale.

Big Dick was by her side, moving her hand.

A piece of glass had been thrust into her stomach. “You know, this really hurts,” Harlow said.

“What the hell happened?” Smokey asked.

“It as an ambush. They came for Ava. Raven fought them, but there were three of them. I tried to help. They took them.” Harlow groaned. “I think Ava’s going to give birth. Her back was hurting her, and I think that’s the first sign.” Her voice started to fade, and Big Dick picked Harlow up.

She passed out.

“I’ve got to go,” Big Dick said.

“Get her to the hospital. The club will handle all medical costs.”

Big Dick was out of the door. Elijah had already made it to town with one of the cars, and Smokey watched as they drove off.

Glancing around the bakery, he knew Creed had taken his woman. There was no doubt in his mind.

“I’ll gather the boys,” Hunter said.

“It won’t be enough time. Creed will be anywhere, and Big Dick’s got to take care of his sister.”

“Club comes first,” Hunter said.

“Family comes first. Harlow’s a young kid, and she’s … my woman’s friend. I’m not going to find Ava and tell her that I let her friend die.” He ran a hand down his face, aware of people watching him.

Smokey watched as Carlos arrived on the scene. He climbed out of his car with several soldiers in tow.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Smokey asked.

“You need help, and seeing as I can offer you that help, I want to.”

“This club is nothing to you. My woman is my responsibility.”

“Call it an investment. If you try to retrieve both women and some of you die, it’s a poor investment for me. I don’t get the same standard I’ve become accustomed to.”

Smokey laughed. “You’re talking bullshit.”

“I’m helping, Smokey. We can work together or apart. That’s up to you.” Carlos adjusted his cuffs. “Seeing as I already have intel on where Creed may be holding those women, and Ava is close to giving birth, I’d say you don’t have much choice. My men are available right now. You’d have to organize your men. One of the women could die in the process.”

“I fucking hate you right now.”

“Hate me all you want. You know I speak the truth.”

He still hated him for it.


“Good.” Carlos clicked his fingers and a laptop was given to him. “Here is your last known location of Creed.”

“You had this on you the entire time?”

“Creed and the Twisted Bastards MC are enemies of ours as well. You never stay one step ahead unless you know your enemy’s next move. This is where we last located. Where would he take them.”

Smokey looked at the map and clicked on the keyboard, bringing it in closer.

The place Creed was last seen was a motel, but he would be too stupid to take Ava and Raven there.

Smokey looked around and knew exactly where he’d go.

“There,” he said.

“That’s where he is.”

Carlos closed the laptop and left.

“Call the boys,” he said, turning to Hunter.

“You need me with you.”

“I need you to grab our men in case this goes south fucking quickly. Do it. I can’t have anything happen to Ava.”

Hunter nodded.

“The rest of you, you’re with me.”

He went to his bike, straddling the machine, purring it to life, and took off, heading toward the warehouse where Ava was.

If anything had happened to his woman, he wouldn’t fucking hesitate. He’d kill the bastard. There was no way he was going to be able to live.

With his men at his back, and Carlos and his men trailing behind him, Smokey tried to focus on finding his woman. On loving her. Never letting a moment pass him by when she didn’t know the truth.

He gripped his handlebars, trying not to let his emotions get the better of him. He was always in control. Right now, he felt close to exploding. He itched to kill Creed. To watch the life extinguish from him.

As he rode hard, the time passed too fucking slow. He was already breaking speed limits, and as he got closer to his destination, his need to hurt Creed increased. He wanted to annihilate him. To watch him fucking burn.

Ava’s sweet smile. Her kisses. The way she held him. It all flashed through his mind.

He was coming for her.

As he got near the warehouse, the smart thing to do would be to stop and sneak upon them. Smokey didn’t have time for that. He continued to drive past the part he would normally park to attack. He rode straight into the gates, pulling out his gun and firing at the single guard he saw waiting.

One by one, his men joined him, as did the cars.

Smokey didn’t wait.

His woman was in that warehouse. She needed him.

Holding his gun firmly in his hand, he shot at two men coming toward him.

His brothers joined him as they advanced into the warehouse. More men wearing the Twisted Bastards insignia came forward.

He fired. Some going for the head, others for the leg.

Ava’s scream filled the air.

Panic rushed through him as he advanced into the warehouse, aware of Carlos joining him. There were club men everywhere.

Fire rushed through his shoulder as he took a bullet. He ignored the pain, firing.

Trusting his men and Carlos to keep the bullets off his back, he charged forward and came to a stop where he saw Creed holding a gun to Ava’s head.

She held her stomach and he spotted a bruise forming on her cheek.

“Hello, Smokey.”

“You should have left her alone.”

“What kind of fun would that have been? You wouldn’t have come to claim her?” Creed licked her cheek and Ava screamed.

The sound was full of pain.

“Raven did provide me with some entertainment, but she was no match for my men.” Creed glanced toward Smokey’s left.

He knew Raven was on the floor. He’d caught sight of the puddle of blood.

Smokey didn’t know if she was dead or not, but Creed’s life had only minutes left to it.

Creed leaned down. “He’s wondering if he can kill me. How you will see him if he kills me right here. Will you be able to love a killer, Ava? Or will you turn your back on him like everyone else in the world?”

Ava turned to look at Creed. “I don’t care if he kills you.” She looked toward him. “He made me watch as Raven took each punch, each beating. He deserves to die.”

That was all Smokey needed.

Aiming at Creed’s head, he shot a single bullet, and it went straight through his head.

Ava let out a cry, moving out of Creed’s hold.

Carlos came forward as Ava screamed.

Smokey watched as liquid fell between her thighs, coating the floor. He went to his woman.

“The baby’s coming, Smokey.” She sobbed.

“I’ve got you.”

He glanced over at Carlos, who had picked up Raven.

“She’s got a pulse, but it’s faint. I will take her to the hospital.”

“If anything happens to her—” Smokey said.

“Nothing will happen to her.”

Smokey knew that sound. He knew what Carlos was thinking and feeling.

“You don’t get to have her,” he said.

Carlos didn’t say a word. He turned on his heel, and Smokey went to put that shit to right, but Ava screamed and he watched as she began to turn red.

“Our baby’s coming. I’m not in the hospital and it’s coming.”

“We need to get her to the hospital,” Ugly Beast said.

Ava chose that moment to scream again. He grabbed her hands as she spread her legs.

“Check,” Smokey said.

“Dude, I’m not checking.”

“I need to know if I can get her to the hospital. You’re the only one who knows what you’re looking for.”

“Dude, that requires me looking at your woman’s … parts.”

“Do it,” Smokey yelled as his woman screamed some more.

Ugly Beast looked like he wanted to kill him.

He did as asked.

Ugly Beast lifted up Ava’s skirt and quickly pushed it down. “Oh, yeah, that baby is coming.”

Ava shook her head. “No. No. No. No. It can’t come here. There’s so much blood. I watched Raven fight for me.” She sobbed. “I never got to tell her that I forgive her. I saw what they did, Smokey.”

“Raven is going to be okay. What we’ve got to do now is focus on you.”

Kinky, Hunter, Brick, Elijah, and Demon were there.

“Let’s get this out of the way.” He pointed at the body behind him as he removed his leather cut. “You’re not going to make it to the hospital, but we’ll take you there as soon as we can.” He looked at Ugly Beast. “You’re going to help deliver.”

“What? Fuck no. I don’t know how to do that shit.”

Smokey was already taking out his cell phone, dialing Ava’s doctor.

“It hurts. I need to push.”

The doctor answered, and Smokey quickly brought him up to speed.

“You need to bring her into the hospital.”

“Not happening. She’s having this baby right here. Right now. We’ll bring her to you as soon as it’s safe for us to move her.”

Ava chose that moment to scream.

The next few minutes were the most surreal of Smokey’s life. With the doctor instructing, Ugly Beast helped them to give birth to his son.