Smokey by Sam Crescent

Chapter Eight

“I’m not talking sex with you,” Ava said, giggling into the cell phone.

“Why the hell not?”

“I’m in the bank, and you’re going to have to wait until I’m not.”

“So that means you want to talk dirty to me.”

She rolled her eyes. Smokey had been gone one day, and she missed him. What she did love was how he continued to keep calling her. It was almost as if he couldn’t seem to help himself, which she loved.

People were going about their daily lives as if there was nothing happening around them. Something was, something huge. She was falling in love. There was no other word for it. She’d tried to stop it each time she realized the signs, but he made her feel so alive.

Smokey had gotten into her heart, and what was more, she didn’t care because she loved the feelings he evoked inside her. They were … magical.

Of course, she wouldn’t dream of telling him exactly how she felt. She had no doubt he would pull away as fast as lightning. He didn’t love her. The club tolerated her. She didn’t for a second believe it was a good position to put Smokey in. So, she ignored the need in her heart and just decided to live her life, enjoying the moments they were together.

“Ava?” Smokey asked.

She didn’t even realize she hadn’t responded to him.

“Yes, I want to, but the bank has to come first right now. Call me in about ten minutes?” she asked.

“Got it. Take care, babe.”

You too.” She hadn’t figured out a term of endearment for him just yet.

One day, she would, but for now, he was just Smokey. She still didn’t know his real name. Not that it mattered.

When it was her turn at the bank, she handed over the check and requested some of the funds from her business account. She tapped her fingers on the counter, waiting.

The lines today were so long.

She waited, and finally, with a brown envelope, the woman returned. Ava thanked the woman and turned back toward the line. She tried to work her bag open, but with how hot it was in the bank and all the gazes on her, she held the envelope within her grasp and quickly rushed outside.

Ava tried to open her bag and wasn’t looking where she was going, bumping into a hard wall of a chest.

She dropped her envelope and winced as it fell to the ground. Then she decided she’d bring in a batch of cupcakes to the woman who had the forethought to seal the damn thing. She should have stayed inside the bank.

“Oops, my bad,” the hard, masculine voice said.

Ava went to pick up her money, but the man got there first. She looked at him, seeing the business suit on the large, muscular man.

“I should have looked where I was going.” She rubbed at her temple. Between the sudden heat and Smokey’s phone call, she was all flustered.

“Don’t worry about it. I wasn’t watching where I was going either.” He moved to the side and she turned, frowning.

“I’m really sorry.”

“No, it’s fine. I don’t mind when a pretty lady bumps into me.”

This made her laugh. “Okay.” She held her hand out. “Can I have my envelope?”

“Do you want to go out with me?”

This caused her to look up at him. “Er, I’m sorry. I’m seeing someone. No, thank you.” She internally winced. No one had ever randomly asked her out on a date.

He waved his hand in the air. “It’s fine.”

She forced a smile, finding this entire scene uncomfortable. “Can I have my envelope, please?”

“Sure, sure.” He held it out to her, and as she reached out to take it, he gave her a tug so she was close and she fell against him. His lips next to her ear. “You’re so beautiful. Any guy who has you, make sure he tells you that.”

She pulled away from him quickly, finding him so strange. He let go of the envelope, and she put it in her bag.

“Well, thank you for your … compliments. I’m so sorry for running into you.”

“Don’t worry about it, Ava.” He winked at her.

She frowned as he turned on his heel and walked off.

How did he know her name? He must have been a regular man around town or something. She had to get used to people knowing her name without having the first clue who they were.

After crossing the street, she made her way into the diner where Raven sat waiting for her. The other woman was drinking a coffee as she arrived. She nodded to the waitress that she’d have the same.

“I’ve just had the most bizarre meeting outside the bank,” she said.

“Oh, please, the bank is boring. Has Smokey been in touch?”

At the mention of Smokey’s name, she forgot all about the strange encounter and smiled. “Yes. He just called.”

“Any word?”

Ava rolled her eyes. “He doesn’t talk to me about club stuff. You know that. He only talks about … other stuff.”

“The dirty kind of stuff.” Raven winked at her.

“You’re not making this any easier.”

“What? You’re the one fucking the boss. This should get me perks being your friend.”

Ava tensed up. “Oh, is that the only reason you wanted to have a coffee?”

Raven cursed. “I didn’t mean it like that. It was a joke. I happen to like you, which is pretty big news. I don’t like a whole lot of people. Ignore what I said. I’m used to the whores who stick around at the club begging for attention. You know how fucked up that can be.” Raven sighed. “They hate your guts.”

“What did I do?”

“You got Smokey’s attention. It makes you enemy number one in their book.”

Ava thanked the waitress for the coffee and looked at Raven. “Did he sleep with a lot of the women?”

“Don’t go there,” Raven said.


Raven reached out, touching her hand. “I’m the kind of woman who says what went on before you guys met, it doesn’t count. It’s what happens during and after. Smokey hasn’t looked at another woman since you came on the scene. You really need to stop worrying. Smokey’s not going anywhere.”

“I’m not worried. It’s not like that.” Was it, though? She wasn’t sure.

The other women were nice to her. She’d accepted long ago that she seemed to be the kind of person no one particularly liked. No one had a bad word to say about her, but she didn’t mesh with others. It wasn’t without a lack of trying either. People simply didn’t like her.

She sipped at her coffee.

“I didn’t mean to sound like a bitch before.”

Ava waved her hand in the air. “It’s fine.”

“You really need to stop doing that,” Raven said.


“Acting like you’re not hurt when you clearly are. Don’t hide your feelings, and don’t make others think they can get away with hurting you. I’m sorry for being a bitch.”

“I’m fine. Really.”

“I’m starting to think I need to approach you with my bitch radar.”

Ava burst out laughing.

“Are we going to get something to eat, or what?”

“Why are you here and not with the guys?” Ava asked.

“They need someone to handle the fort. That’s me. I’m the chick who makes sure all the prospects and bitches stay in line.” Raven shrugged.

“How did you become a member?”

Raven put down her menu. “Why do you want to know?”

Ava pulled back. “I was just curious.”

“Is this about Smokey again?”

She chuckled. “When is it not about Smokey?”

“Babe, listen, the club life, you don’t have what it takes.” Raven licked her lips. “I’ll level with you, okay. Shit gets mean at the club. It gets hard. I’ve got scars on my body from the hits I’ve taken. We’re not a fairytale. It’s hardcore. Don’t get me wrong, there are harder MCs out there. Smokey, though, he knows his shit and he keeps us all safe.” Raven sat back. “The way he looks at you. He doesn’t want you anywhere near the fucking club. He likes that you’re … you.”

“How did you manage to make that sound like an insult?” She tilted her head to the side and laughed.

“I’m downright fucking talented.” Raven winked. “Now, let’s eat. I’m starving and these curves will not feed themselves. Believe me.”


“Why the fuck would I want to align myself with you guys again?” Smokey asked, staring across the table at Sebastian Drago.

He didn’t want to have this meeting.

Ryan was currently under the mafia’s protection, and that pissed Smokey off. The lying piece of shit had been in the mafia and the Twisted Bastards MC’s pocket. Big Dick had discovered the fucker’s location. He hadn’t gone for extraction because Smokey had told him not to. He wasn’t going to risk anyone else’s life for Ryan.

Heads were going to roll when he was through.

Sebastian sighed, and his gaze wandered to Ugly Beast.

Smokey slammed his hand on the table. “This is my meeting. Not his. I don’t have time for this bullshit.”

“We have product. It needs moving, and so far, it has only ended in bloodshed.”

“So, I told you last time. My time with the mafia is done. You guys are fucking hypocrites. The way you kept a perv in power, and you guys think I’m an animal. I don’t get my nuts off screwing underage girls.”

Sebastian tensed up. “There are rules to follow.”

“Yeah, well, I follow the main rules which say those who want to fuck little girls need to die.”

Smokey glared at Sebastian.

“If you won’t consider a connection with the mafia again, why did you come?” Sebastian asked.

“Curiosity. I don’t see why The Boss sent you and didn’t come himself.” Smokey smirked at Sebastian, tilting his head to the side. “Unless you are the big man himself.”

“I don’t want that role. You know who I think is suited to it.” Again, Sebastian looked toward Ugly Beast.

Smokey glanced back at his sergeant at arms. Ugly’s past wasn’t pretty. Born Umberto Garofalo. The bastard child to an underage girl at the hands of the previous mafia boss, Nico Garofalo.

Ugly had been left for dead until Sebastian Drago made something of him. Not many people knew the full history. Smokey was one of the few who did.

With Nico’s death, the true heir to the mafia throne was Umberto. Ugly Beast didn’t want it. Smokey had talked to him, even tried to reason with the man, but he wouldn’t be talked into anything.

The only place in the world he wanted was by his side.

“Now, you being the underboss, which is kind of like the boss in waiting, why didn’t you take the job?” Smokey asked.

“Because he didn’t want it.” The hard voice came from the corner, and Sebastian shook his head.

Smokey smiled as the true boss made his appearance.

“And who are you?” Smokey asked.

“I’m sure you’re aware of who I am.”

“Carlos Santigo. The brand-new boss of the mafia. You’ve got one of the worst reputations in your entire outfit, if my memory serves me well. You’re not married. No bastards that people know of. Rumor has it that you kill them. I doubt it. Any kid is better than no kid when it comes to your kind.”

“My kind?” Carlos asked.

Sebastian tensed up. “Don’t, Smokey. Do not disrespect him.”

Smokey stood, sending the chair back with a clatter. “He should count himself lucky that the only thing I’m doing is disrespecting him after the insult I’ve had to deal with. You’re all supposed to be men of your word. Your word means absolute shit.” He pointed his finger in Sebastian’s face. “You’re housing a man responsible for hurting one of my men. I want him back.”

“I’m under the impression you wish to have power,” Carlos said, coming forward.

Smokey eyed the man who was now the new boss. He knew a monster when he saw one. After all, he didn’t become the president of the Hell’s Bastards MC because he knew how to play with dolls. “You’ve got nothing I want.”

“But you see, I do, Smokey,” Carlos said. “I want to come to some arrangement.”

“Not going to happen,” Smokey said.

“You acquire more land. More turf. The last deal we had with you gained you a great deal.”

“And nearly killed my men. I haven’t forgotten what went down and what happened with the Twisted fuckers you decided to join forces with.” Smokey was so close to grabbing his gun and killing them all. If it wasn’t for the mega fallout, he’d have done it already. Ugly Beast stayed perfectly still in his place, watching, observing.

They all had a part to play.

Running a hand down his face, he stared at Carlos, waiting.

“The deal that went wrong had nothing to do with me, or the main outfit. We’re sorry if this has led you to believe otherwise.”

“I’m not interested in apologies.”

“Then maybe you’ll be interested in knowing the Twisted Bastards MC have approached me. Creed to be exact.”

This made Smokey pause.

Creed was the asshole leading the Twisted Bastards MC.

“He’s interested in brokering a deal. He’ll be quite happy to distribute our product. He wants guns and the men to take down the Hell’s Bastards MC.”

He shook his head. “If that’s true, you wouldn’t be telling me about it.”

“Ah, but you see, Sebastian here tells me that Creed is not to be trusted. He’ll back out of deals or find ways to renegotiate. I don’t like men who don’t keep their word.”

“And you think you’ve got a chance with me keeping mine?”

“There’s something I like about you, Smokey. You’re not here to manipulate. You want what you want and we’re all here to play your little puppets,” Carlos said. “What I’m offering you is an alliance, of course. One that will benefit us both.”

Smokey gritted his teeth. It was on the tip of his tongue to tell him to go get fucked. Instead, he waited. “I’m listening.”

“It’s simple. You will distribute our product. We will not sell guns to any rival MC. When you need help, our men will back you up if the occasion calls for it, and in return, we will offer you up some more land to help with your club’s expansion.”

Smokey nodded. “I’ll think about it. Come on, boys, we’re out of here.”

“This is a time-sensitive offer, Smokey,” Carlos said. “I suggest you think quickly.”

Smokey spun around and grabbed Carlos around the throat, pulling him across the table. “And I want you to understand while you’re throwing your little pussy around, you didn’t offer one more thing. I want Ryan, you piece of shit. If I don’t get him, then the deal is off.” Smokey glanced around the room. His men had pulled their weapons, and it hadn’t taken long for the other men to draw theirs. It was a standoff, and he laughed. “I trust my men, Carlos. Can you say the same?”

“They will kill you.”

“And you’ll be dead right along with me. I’m willing to take the risk. The difference between you and me is I’m not afraid to die for my club. Are you willing to die for yours?” He let Carlos go. “I’ll take all the time I need.” He glared at Sebastian. “Next time, don’t pull fucking tricks.”

He turned his back on the mafia and walked out of the warehouse. His hands shook with his thirst for blood, but he shoved it down. Now wasn’t the time to go after what he wanted.

He had to take his time. Ryan would be his, and once he was, he was going to find out every little detail that made the little shit turn.

No one stopped him as he climbed on his bike, fired it up, and took off, heading toward the club. Before he could go deal and be with his woman, he had to bring the offer to the brothers.

Getting in bed with the mafia wasn’t a safe deal. He knew the risks. He’d dealt with them before and nearly gotten himself killed.

The journey was long, and by the time he landed in the clubhouse, he was so fucking tired, but the church was set up. He handed in his weapons and cell phone, making his way to the head of the table as all the men filed in.

Once they were there, he got Verge and Lewis on the phone. They were the closest chapters and had taken their back a few times.

He gripped the back of his chair as Hunter gave the full details of what they’d discussed.

“Are they going to give us Ryan?” Brick asked.

“That’s the only part of the agreement I don’t like,” he said. “There’s not going to be any deal where Ryan lives. Hanson, you’re owed his life.”

Hanson nodded.

So we renegotiate,” Lewis said.

“Either offer is going to have the cartel breathing down our necks at some point. You mess with the drugs and they’re going to become a problem,” Verge said.

“One problem at a time. We’re going to take a vote. I want honesty. We’re all going to be making these runs and doing this deal. I know how fucking messed up it was last time. Do you want to deal with Carlos Santigo with the negotiation we get Ryan?” he asked.

Lewis and Verge voted yea. One by one, his men all voted the same.

When it came to Ugly Beast, the man stayed silent.

“Are you against this?” Smokey asked.

“I don’t like Carlos,” Ugly Beast said.

“We don’t have to like them to do business with them.”

Ugly Beast nodded. “If we get Ryan. Otherwise, for me, it’s a nay.”

Smokey nodded and kept his gaze on Ugly. “Make the call to Sebastian. Without Ryan, no deal.” He smacked the gavel on the table.

One by one, the men filed out, and he took off right behind them. He went to his bike, pushing a couple of women out of the way as they tried to get in his path. There was only one person he wanted to see right now.