Smokey by Sam Crescent

Chapter Six

“Lie on the bed. Spread your legs wide. I want to see your juicy cunt.”

Ava couldn’t ever recall a time in her life where she’d been this aroused. Smokey wasn’t even in the room yet, and she was ready to come. He hadn’t left for two days. Tomorrow, she promised herself she was going to open the bakery.

Since the night he arrived at her house and she’d sucked his cock, he hadn’t left. He took phone calls as she’d watched him. She expected him to leave, but he hadn’t.

Instead, he’d spent the entire time either fucking or feeding her. She’d been the one to do all the cooking while he’d been sure to put it to good use.

She never knew chocolate could taste so good as he’d drizzled it on his cock and she sucked him until he’d come in her mouth. She loved watching Smokey lose control, especially when she took him in her mouth.

The sheer power was exhilarating.

What she loved more was when he didn’t turn the light off, and so far, they hadn’t had sex in the missionary position either.

Nope, it had been so many different possibilities. She particularly loved it when he spread her out on the dining room table. Hers wasn’t very big, but the way he described wanting to take her on the one at the clubhouse, she doubted it would ever happen. Her curiosity was piqued though.

“You better be naked or I’m smacking that sexy ass.”

She never knew a spanking could be so erotic. He’d slapped her ass a few times during sex, or even as he passed. She loved the attention.

Ava looked down the room and smiled as Smokey stood in the doorway. He was completely naked. Every inch of his muscular, inked body on display. He could be a male model. He was sexy, dangerous, and had an air of mystery about him.

She didn’t even know his real name. Just Smokey. No other name.

She liked it.

“Reach down, spread those pussy lips. Let me see your juicy cunt.” Smokey made no move to enter the bedroom even as she did as he asked. He groaned.

His cock was already hard, and he wrapped his fingers around the length. “Now that is a sight every man fucking loves.” He stepped into the room. “Tonight, I want you to touch yourself.”


“I need to know you can take care of yourself. I’m not going to be available twenty-four seven when you need a good fucking. Do this for me.” There was a short pause. “Please.”

It was the please that did it.

She let go of her pussy and lifted up on her elbows. “You want me to play with myself.”

“I want to make sure you’re doing it right.”

She chuckled. “Why?”

“I’ve seen the way you are, Ava. You’ve never sucked a cock before, and your ex, he hasn’t helped you with anything. I’m going to make up for it.”

“I don’t need that.”

“But what about me?” he asked, climbing on the bed. His hands went to her knees, holding them open.

“What do you mean? I’ll always be available.” I hope that doesn’t make me sound like some kind of slut.

“And there are going to be times that I’m not available. I’m going to want to hear you play with yourself.”

The way Smokey talked, it sounded like he was looking at them being together long-term. Ava refused to get her hopes up. There was no reason to. This was for sex only. They hadn’t known each other long enough for her to want more.

“Now, touch yourself. Let me see how you do it.”

Her cheeks were on fire as she slid her hand down, feeling a little self-conscious as he watched her. She used a single finger to stroke her pussy. Her clit was there, and she stared up at the ceiling.

Smokey clucked his tongue. “That won’t do,” he said. “Are you afraid of getting dirty?”

She sucked in her bottom lip. “Tell me how you want it.”

“Start with two fingers. Dip them into your pussy. I want you to hold them up to me so I can see they’re nice and wet. Don’t fucking tell me you’re not soaked. I know your cunt better than you do, and I know you want me. You want my cock.”

She used two fingers and went to her pussy, sliding them inside. She was soaking. When it came to Smokey, he aroused her so easily. Closing her eyes, she gasped.

“No, you look at me. When you play with yourself, I want you to remember me.”

She opened her eyes and stared at him.

Smokey had his fingers wrapped around his cock, working from the base up to the tip, and back down again.

Up and down, he worked his length, and she couldn’t take her gaze off him.

“You like what you see?” he asked.


“Well, you’re going to come for me, and then I’m going to fuck you.” He held his cock in his hand. “This is your reward.”

She worked her pussy, sliding her fingers in and out of her pussy.

“Now, touch your clit.”

She used both fingers and stroked her pussy, watching him.

Fuck, that is a pretty sight. How does it feel?” he asked.

“So good.”

“Yeah, you’re right, it’s so good. But you need to do it more. Work that pussy.”

She watched him as he continued to play with his cock. The sight of him alone was enough to set her own orgasm blazing. She cried out his name as she came, stroking herself through the pleasure.

Smokey’s hands went to her knees to hold her open and he grinned. “That was good, but I know you can do better.” He pressed his cock to her entrance, and she gasped as he began to tease her.

“We’re not using a condom,” she said.

“I’m clean, and I know you are. Don’t worry. I’ll pull out.”

She giggled. “That’s not protection.”

“I’m not going to stop.” He groaned. “Fuck, your pussy is tight.” He kept hold of her knees as he worked inside her, taking his time.

She watched him, mesmerized as he teased her. He pulled out and slid his cock between her slit, bumping her clit.

Each touch had her moaning for more.

“Please,” she said.

“You want my big, fat cock?” he asked.


“Beg for it.”

“Please, Smokey, I need you.”

“Who does this pussy belong to?”


“That’s right. It’s fucking mine.” He pounded inside her. One of his hands slid up to rest around her neck. She gasped, loving when he did this, holding her in place as he took his pleasure. He didn’t squeeze or hurt her.

She moaned his name, not wanting him to stop, and he didn’t. He fucked her harder, and she met each of his thrusts until she couldn’t think straight.

“Fuck!” He growled the word and suddenly jerked out of her.

She stayed still as he pumped his release all over her pussy and stomach.

After the last of his cum had finished, he collapsed against her.

“That was close,” she said.

“Yeah, it was.” He cupped her face. “But your pussy feels so fucking good. You need to get on the pill.”

She wrinkled her nose. “They make me kind of sick. I don’t do well with them.”

Fuck. I guess it’s back to condoms.”

“They can’t be that bad,” she said.

“It feels even better being inside you without anything between us.”

“I’ll make a doctor’s appointment. See if there’s anything else I can do.”

“You do that, baby.” He kissed her lips, and she was on cloud nine.


Two weeks later

Hanson was able to leave the hospital. Smokey had decided to decorate the whole clubhouse.

He wanted the prospect to know that he was part of the club. The young kid had earned his patch. He’d been attacked from behind. Knocked unconscious and stabbed for the effort.

When he’d gone to question Hanson at the hospital, the kid had looked distraught, not knowing who’d attacked him as they had come out of nowhere. Hanson had thought he was going to get kicked out of the club.

Far from it.

Smokey looked out of his office window to see Ava at the buffet table. She’d offered to cook all the food needed for the party, and he didn’t see a reason to stop her. She was a damn good cook and it saved him money.

Abriana and Raven were there. The club whores were keeping their distance, but it was at his request.

“Hanson’s due to arrive any minute,” Hunter said, coming into the room. “Kinky’s bringing him in with Brick.”

“Good.” On a normal patch celebration, Verge and Lewis would be present, but seeing as they had to keep an eye on their clubs, this was going to be a more personal celebration.

“Do you think it’s wise to have her here?” Hunter asked.

“Ava doesn’t pose a threat to anyone.” None of the men were giving her the time of day even though they’d fallen in love with her food.

Raven was constantly making stops at Ava’s bakery for a resupply of food.

“We don’t know her.”

“She offered to make the food. Enjoy it.” He turned on his heel, brushing past Hunter on the way out of the office and the main club building.

Abriana let out a moan and Smokey caught sight of Ugly Beast watching them. Bella, their daughter, was in Abriana’s arms.

“Why is she here?” Ugly Beast asked. “She’s not club.”

“She’s mine.” Smokey grabbed a beer and ignored the looks his men gave him.

He’d never staked his claim on any woman, and he didn’t intend to start now, but with the way the brothers were acting around Ava, she wasn’t going to stick around.

Smokey wanted her around as long as it took to fuck her right out of his system, and that was it.

“And you think I act irrationally.” Ugly Beast shook his head.

“Get used to her.”

He’d been fucking her for nearly three weeks now and rather than be bored by her, he was more fucking enraptured by her. The way she smiled, the softness of her laugh. It was all getting to him.

There was no doubt she drove him crazy with need. He thought about her every single day, and that was bad news. He should be cutting her out of his life, not finding reasons to keep her in it. He loved that she didn’t have any other experience. Her ex had done a number on her, and well, he loved showing her everything she could have. She was an amazing student.

With a beer in hand, he left the brothers who were staring at him as if he’d gone insane, and made his way over to her.

The moment she saw him, her smile grew even wider.

He banded an arm around her and took possession of her mouth. The entire club was there to see it.

“You did good, babe,” he said.

“It all looks good, but I guess it would have to depend on what people thought.” She rested her arm on his shoulder. “I hope I didn’t go overboard.”

“People will love it.”

“He’s here,” one of the club women said, bringing silence to them.

They all made their way around the clubhouse to the main parking lot.

Kinky had taken the van.

The passenger door opened up, and cheers erupted all around.

“Are you sure he should be leaving the hospital?” Ava asked. “He looks so bad.”

“He’ll be fine soon.” He nodded at Hanson.

Hunter came out and handed him the jacket.

Smokey let Ava go and made his way toward Hanson, who stood next to the truck. His face was bright red.

“I’m sorry all the brothers couldn’t be here to see this, but you earned this.” He opened up the jacket and he watched as Hanson struggled to contain his joy. He handed the leather cut to him, gripping the back of his neck. “Welcome, brother.”

Hanson shook his hand and slapped him on the back.

He watched for a few seconds as the club pulled Hanson in, hugging, shaking hands, slapping him on the shoulder.

Smokey watched as Ava smiled. She looked happy.

“You know the kid?” Smokey asked.

“No. I don’t know him, but it’s not exactly hard to see that he was so thrilled to earn his cut.”

“He did a good job.”

“He looks happy. I’m so thrilled for him.”

It wasn’t long before music fired up and the party started. Smokey took Ava in his arms, danced with her, drank, and it was only an hour into the party, but he saw the way his woman kept on glancing over at the buffet table.

No one had touched the food.

His club was known for eating shit loads at events like this.

“I’m just going to go to the bathroom,” she said.

Smokey nodded, and as soon as she left, he turned to the brothers. “Why aren’t you eating?”

“We don’t know her. Ugly Beast made a valid point. It’s one thing for you to fuck her. It’s quite another thing to allow her to cook for us,” Brick said.

“Oh, fuck this shit. You’re all happy to eat her baked goods.” Raven climbed off the wall where she’d been sitting and went to the table.

Smokey watched as Raven took a slice of bread and dipped it into another bowl. She scooped out a generous amount and took a bite.

“Oh, fuck,” she said. “This is good.”

Before anyone could take one to try, she picked up the dip and the bread, and moved away.

“Hey!” one of the brothers called out.

“You losers were too lame to try the food. This is mine.”

Smokey smiled as the club descended on the table.

This was what Ava saw when she came out of the clubhouse.

She stopped and watched them all at the table. “They finally got hungry?” she asked.

“They did. All it takes is one person.” He winked at her.

“Did you do this?” She put her hand to his chest.

“Nah, I don’t do any kind of shit like that.”

“I was worried that no one liked what I picked, and I did research what goes well at a picnic.”

He kissed her forehead. “Stop frowning. The club knows you’re an easy target. They’ll get used to you. You’ve just got to stop letting them get to you.”

“Thank you,” she said.

“What for?”

“For making them eat it.”

“Babe, I can’t make them do anything. Is there anything you can’t do?” he asked. She could cook, bake, keep house, fuck. So far, she was the perfect woman.

Was that why he couldn’t keep away from her?

He wanted her.

She wasn’t like the whores who stuck around hoping for any cock to notice them. Ava didn’t look toward any of his brothers. Her gaze was always on him.

“There’s a lot I can’t do.” She smiled. “I just hope you don’t find out what it is.”