Fail to Love by Maci Dillon





Bossman, my greatest love. Thank you for being you, for having my back, and for pushing me to follow my dreams. I love you. xx


To my second family at the ‘Table of Knowledge,’ you know who you are. Your continued encouragement, belief, and laugh out loud banter keeps my creative juices flowing :) Each of you means the world to me. xx


Mumsy, your belief in me has shone through more than ever, and I hope to make you proud. Xx


Kathleen, there are no words for the impact you have on my world. SL too. You both mean the world to me. Thank you for always being in my corner. xx


Minxes, the margaritas are on me! Thank you for all your support, love, friendship, encouragement, interaction, sharing of my books, comments, and messages. I love hanging out with you and getting to know you all personally. Without you all, I would have fewer readers to share my words with. I love you. xx


My amazing editors, Kaylene and Nicki, what can I say? I was all over the place with this book and didn’t think I’d have a chance of making my deadline. If it weren’t for you, I’d still be writing it now. Thank you for your words of wisdom which allowed me to fall back in love with Sean and Raven. The words flowed, and their story finally broke free. It wasn’t what I wanted from them, but you made me realize I needed to be still and listen, forget all the pressures and just be with my characters. And write their stories the way they wanted it to be told. xx


A special mention to Trish, thank you, honey. You have been a significant part of this story, this series. You know more than anyone how personal book one was to me, and without you, book two would never have happened. xx


To my ARC tribe, bloggers, book influences, readers and reviewers. Without you all, this book would never have seen the light of day. I appreciate your time taken to read this series, provide honest feedback and reviews, and share with your reader friends and followers. I can never thank you enough. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. xx


Best wishes,

Maci Dillon