Fail to Love by Maci Dillon


Nothing Like Him


“One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life. That word is love.” ~ Sophocles





“Whiskey neat, please.”

“Certainly, Dr. Mathers,” the flight attendant answered with a sympathetic smile, passing me a napkin and glass of amber liquid.

“And keep them coming,” I demanded.

The lady hesitated but nodded, pouring me another before moving down the aisle.

I tapped out a quick email before I was told to turn off my device for the third time.


Sean: Raven, baby. I need to know you’re okay.

Praying you were stuck in traffic and not in an accident.

Please, sweetheart, contact me. I’ll check in again as soon as I arrive in Dubai.

S x


Three times I had to amend the email. I couldn’t let myself think for a minute that she had cold feet and decided not to come. I’d never given my heart to anyone before, never imagined I ever would. I just hoped I didn’t ruin everything by suggesting this trip. Worse, I’d never have forgiven myself if I flew away, and she was in trouble.

I should’ve stayed and waited for her.

What the fuck was I thinking?

The aircraft started to move.

I unbuckled myself and moved toward the front. “I need to get off. Please, I need to make sure my girlfriend was running late and not in some kind of accident.” The words flew out of my mouth in a panic, and attendants surrounded me immediately. Their reassurances did little to calm me down.

“Sir, I understand your situation, but we’re on the move. Wheels up in two minutes. Please, you need to take your seat. You can try to contact her again when you arrive in Dubai. I’m sure she’s fine. This kind of thing happens all the time.”

“Not to me, it doesn’t,” I growled and returned to my seat, now the center of attention.

“Have faith, mister. Your girl will be fine. I’m sure she’ll surprise you on your trip when you least expect it.”


I nod at the big dark guy across the aisle from me as I stumble into my seat on shaky legs. I was a fucking mess.

I pushed up my window, hoping to see Raven running across the tarmac. Hope failed me when nobody was racing after us like a crazy person, but I see her almost instantly, standing by the window in the departure lounge.

Thank fuck, she’s okay.

I breathe a massive sigh of relief, feeling like an absolute ass for boarding without her, but thanking my lucky stars she’s not hurt. Sinking into my seat, I hold onto the fact that she showed up. I’ll contact her before I make my connecting flight.

Somehow, I’ll survive the next eight hours without her.

Not all is lost.

A new flight can easily be organized.





“What can I get for you today, ma’am?” a young waiter asks, handing me a menu.

“A margarita, please.”

“Coming right up.” The best thing about international airports, alcohol was available twenty-four seven. And it was possible to charge your phone in a bar. Unable to get another flight out in time to meet Sean in Paris, I was left feeling defeated and angry at myself. The thought of him stressing about me caused an uneasy feeling in my gut.

“There you go, ma’am. One margarita for you. Would you like any food today?”

“No, thank you. This is perfect.” I was wound so tight that food wasn’t an option. As soon as my phone was in use once again, I would return home.

Alone and distraught.

My phone began to vibrate constantly beside me. Thirty-three messages. Many of them voice messages. Guilt overwhelmed me. How would I ever make this up to him? By the time I listened to all the messages and read all the texts, each one more desperate than the one before, I was a blubbering mess.

How dare I hesitate. Why can’t I accept that I want him?

“Are you okay, ma’am?” The poor waiter probably didn’t count on serving an emotional wreck at only eleven o’clock in the morning.

“Ah yes, sorry,” I said, offering a smile and wiping the tears from my face. I could only imagine how sexy my panda eyes were looking right now. “Can I have another, please?”

“Absolutely.” He swiftly walked to the bar and left the order with the bartender.

Waiting for my next drink to arrive, I sent Sean a quick message to let him know I was okay, apologized for missing the flight, and explained I was flying out later that day. I sent an email explaining the same to cover all bases, just in case this day wanted to get any worse.

“Thank you,” I said as my new drink was set in front of me, and the empty glass cleared away.

I knew in my heart that my destiny was with Sean. I just had to trust myself enough to love him and not fuck this up.


My head whipped around in the direction of his voice, convinced my subconscious was playing tricks on me.

I jumped up from the table, my chair skirting backward and hitting the floor. I didn’t stop to fix it. With all my belongings left scattered across the table, I ran to the man calling my name. 


He was jogging toward me, his face filled from ear to ear with his signature smile.

How is this possible? I ran into his arms. He plucked me effortlessly from my feet and spun me around. With his arms wrapped tightly around my body, I knew I was exactly where I was supposed to be. Then he kissed me—a strong, all-consuming kiss which I returned with equal force and affection.

“I’m so sorry. I fucked up,” I explained when he put me back on my feet.

“It’s okay.” He ran his fingers through my hair.

“My phone was dead. I have only just recharged it and saw all your messages.”

“Shh… it all worked out.”

“What happened, why aren’t you on your flight?”

“The plane had started moving when I saw you standing in the window. Instantly I knew you meant more to me than any medical conference ever could. At first, they refused to let me off the plane, but money talks and soon they were allowing me to disembark.”

“What about your luggage?”

“I’ve never been more grateful for traveling light.” He lifted his overnight bag from the floor and chuckled.

“I was going to book another flight, but the next one doesn’t leave until tomorrow, and as it was a short trip, anyway. It wouldn’t have been worth it once I arrived.”

He shook his head and planted a kiss on the top of mine. “There’ll be plenty of time for us to go to Paris together for a real vacation. And plenty of other conferences available to speak at. I canceled due to a family emergency.”

“I’m so sorry, Sean. You shouldn’t have done that for me. It was a huge deal being invited to speak at the conference.” I was sick to my stomach as I contemplated what he’d forfeited to stay here with me.

“My whole adult life, I believed I was incapable of love. I fought against the idea of any meaningful relationship because I was so career-focused. Growing up, my father was the same, and my mother suffered horribly from his absences. I never wanted to be like him, unable to give a woman the time and love she deserved. Because of him, I deemed myself completely inadequate. But today, it dawned on me. I don’t have to be like him. He did a shit job of balancing his career and family life. But people do it. I can do it. Raven, I want you in my life. Not only for today, this month, or this year. I want a forever with you.”

Butterflies knocked wings in my stomach, a warmth spreading over my skin. The rapid anticipation of a lifetime with Sean made my mind race, and my heart crave him more. “OMG, you’re not going to propose, are you?” I laughed nervously, mentally slapping myself for the words which gushed out without forethought.

Sean laughed. “Not yet, no. But I am committing to being your forever if you’ll have me.”

“Yes, Sean. Forever with you is everything I’ve ever wanted, but I have been too scared to allow myself to experience.” I brought his face to mine and kissed him with a new kind of passion.  One I was no longer afraid to acknowledge.

“I love you, Raven.”

“I love you too.” I smiled, kissing him tenderly.

“What do you say we go home to my place, not tell anyone we missed our flight, and spend the next five days in bed?”

I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my time off.


I leaped into Sean’s arms, my head falling back as laughter bubbled up between us. All concerns I had since I woke this morning had completely vanished.

I was free to love and be loved.




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