Don’t Mind If “I Do” by Everly Ashton



Nick and I have plans to meet at city hall mid-afternoon today after he wakes up from his shift at the ER. I would’ve driven myself again, but I felt a little off balance. Fearing what that could mean, I opted to have Darius drive me.

He doesn’t know what for and he hasn’t asked because that’s not part of his job, but I’m sure he’s curious why I keep coming out here. No one knows I’m going to city hall. Not even my father. I’d rather deal with the fallout from everyone in my life after it’s done. Which is why when my cell phone buzzes in my purse and I see that it’s Ava, I send her to voicemail. She knows me too well and she’ll sniff out that something is going on.

“You want me to park right out front?” Darius asks.

“That’d be great, thanks.”

He pulls the SUV up in front of the large brick building with tall white columns. A walkway lined with low, neatly trimmed hedges lining each side leads up to the main entrance where Nick’s leaning against a column, looking like the easygoing, laid-back guy I remember. Not like the angry man spitting vitriol at me before we ended our relationship. I wish more than anything that I could go back to knowing that man, but after what I did, I doubt we’ll rekindle our friendship during this deal.

“Thanks, Darius. I shouldn’t be too long.”

“All right. I’ll go park in the parking lot. Text me when you’re on your way out and I’ll pull up here to get you.”

I nod and smile, opening the door and stepping out of the vehicle. I feel Darius’s eyes on me until I hear the vehicle pull away. Then I’m more focused on Nick’s gaze taking me in as I make my way up the path.

He straightens up off the column, not nearly as relaxed now that he’s spotted me. His large shoulders are rigid, and his hands are out of his pockets and fisted at his sides.

A wave of dizziness hits me and I stumble, but it passes and I manage to right myself before I nosedive onto the cement.

He arches an eyebrow. “Did you have a third martini at lunch?”

“I didn’t have any alcohol at lunch. I didn’t want to forget this memorable moment.” I give him a saccharine smile. Seems easiest to give him what he wants, which is for me to be a bitch, when all I want to do is beg for his forgiveness.

“Funny, I’m hoping to forget this whole thing ever happened.” He stalks over to the door, not waiting for me. I suppose even Nick’s ingrained chivalry from his youth is hard to slough off because I’m sure he’d like nothing more than to let the door hit me in the face.

As I walk through the door he’s holding open for me, I say, “Thank you.”

Once inside, we check the directory to figure out where we need to go, then make our way through the building until we find the right office. He barely looks at me as we hand over our IDs and recite our social security numbers to the clerk. She asks for my divorce decree and I slide it over the counter. It feels like a dark omen in this office where happy couples are in premarital bliss. I’m proof ever-afters don’t always stick. Once I’m done filling in and signing the form, I glance up and see Nick watching me with a rigid set to his mouth.

Before I know it, the clerk has us lifting our hands to swear there’s an absence of legal impediment, then she passes an envelope over the counter to me. “Here you go. Congratulations to you both. I hope you have a long and happy marriage.”

Nick scoffs.

I glare at him before looking back at the clerk with a smile. “He’s just nervous. Thanks so much for your help.”

I walk away with the envelope, not waiting for my fiancé. I can hear his footsteps behind me and feel his glare on my back.

When I thought of this idea, I knew it wouldn’t be easy, knew that Nick likely was still pissed at me for everything that went down. But he’s not exactly Mister Innocent here either. He played a role in our demise too.

I yank my phone from my purse and text Darius to tell him I’m ready to be picked up, then when I can’t take it anymore, I whip around to give Nick a piece of my mind. “If we’re going to survive this next six months together, you’re going to have to learn to be around me and not look like you hate my very existence.”

“I’m aware.” He stops and crosses his arms. If I weren’t so pissed, I’d probably note the way his biceps bulge.

“Then what was that up there?” I gesture toward the stairs we just came down. “When someone offers you their congratulations, you don’t scoff. You say thank you. Maybe even try smiling.”

He gives me the fakest smile I’ve ever seen in my life.

I roll my eyes and stomp away. “We’re getting married in a few days. You should probably practice in the mirror before then.”

The chuckle behind me only irritates me further. I push past the heavy doors of the front of the building without holding them for Nick, but I can still hear him hot on my heels. The SUV is waiting for me at the end of the path, but when I’ve made it about halfway down, the world tilts on its axis and gravity pulls me to the ground.