Submitted by Leann Ryans

Chapter Twelve


He leaned in and cut her off with a kiss. It was already hard to resist the pull of her instincts with his pheromones rising, and his tongue snaking into her mouth only made her want to give in more.

She wanted him. She wanted to mark and claim him. To bind him to her forever.

But it felt selfish. She’d only just met him. She didn’t know if she’d be able to care for him and keep him happy the way an omega should be. She had responsibilities, and he could grow unhappy with her, but it would be too late if she’d already claimed him.

The way his tongue coaxed her was damn convincing though.

Throwing caution to the wind she dug her fingers into the hair on the top of his head, taking control of the kiss before pulling away. Ka’vin’s pupils were blown, his irises a thin ring of color around the blackness trying to pull her in.

“Wait here. I’ll be back in a moment.”

“Please don’t leave me. I’ve never been alone for a heat. I need you.”

“I won’t be long. I promise.”

He licked his lips before giving a short nod though she could tell he didn’t like the idea of her leaving. The way he clutched his stomach and grimaced as she rose reminded her he didn’t have long before he’d be too lost in his need to focus, so she hurried from the room, closing the door behind her.

She went straight to where she’d left her phone on the table, dialing Marisha without bothering to read the message she’d sent after Scarlett told her to stay gone for a while.

“Done so soon? I already made plans to stay with Sin another night,” her friend said as greeting.

“I need your help. I need all the unscented bedding you can gather as fast as possible.”


Marisha cut herself off mid-word, the pause heavy before she continued.

“Oh shit! He’s going into heat? Already?”

“Yes. Please, Marisha. I’ll pay you back. But hurry.”

Scarlett could hear the desperation in her own voice, but she knew she could count on her friend. It was confirmed with Marisha’s response.

“Give me twenty and I’ll be there. I’ll drop it by the door after I ring.”

The vice around Scarlett’s lungs relented, allowing her to draw a deep breath before letting out a sigh.

“Thanks Marisha.”

“You better claim his sexy ass. No doubting yourself. You’re a good woman and you deserve to be happy.”

She hung up before Scarlett could respond, a huff leaving Scarlett’s chest as she shook her head. Everything was pushing her to do what she wanted, so why should she fight it?

Padding to the kitchenette, she grabbed an armful of water bottles before stacking the few snacks they had on top of them and heading back to the room. Ka’vin was standing next to the bed running his hands through his hair, his expression and scent showing his distress, but he froze when Scarlett entered.

“What’s wrong Ka’vin? I wasn’t gone long.”

He made an inarticulate sound as he gestured to the bed. He’d already smoothed the sheets and fluffed the pillows, but there wasn’t much for him to work with, and the nest he was trying to build was clearly unfinished.

Setting the water and food on the table beside the bed, she turned and wound her arms around him, pressing her cheek to his as she let out a soothing purr. She knew he wouldn’t be able to settle until he’d been allowed to do as his instincts urged.

“I’ll get you more bedding, I just need a few more minutes. Why don’t you sit and have a snack?”

She pulled back, brow raising as she waited for him to respond. His reluctance was obvious, but he bowed his head after heaving a sigh.

“Yes, Alpha. Thank you.”

Weaving her fingers into his, Scarlett pulled him to the bed and made him sit before passing a bottle of water to him. Omegas were always sensitive to dehydration, but it was twice as bad during their heat, and she didn’t want to worry about him losing too much fluid. His cock was already leaking precum, the tantalizing scent filling her nostrils and stirring her own lust again.

The buzz of the door ripped a growl from her throat before she could stop it. She cut it off when she remembered she’d been expecting it, but her need to protect Ka’vin had her on high alert.

Closing the door to the bedroom behind her once again, she checked the viewer before opening the main door. It wasn’t until the bland air of the corridor hit her that Scarlett remembered she was naked, but luckily there was no one outside to see her.

A quick look to the right as she stooped to lift the mass of blankets and pillows outside the door revealed Marisha and Sin waiting down the hallway to be sure she received her supplies. Marisha grinned, giving her two thumbs up, causing Scarlett to chuckle as she stepped back inside and sealed the door.

The worry that her partners and friends would resent her taking a mate eased. They’d always been supportive of her and getting her the omega had been their idea. They couldn’t blame her for doing what came naturally.

Returning to the bedroom, she found Ka’vin finishing off one of the snacks she’d brought in, and she pushed out a purr of approval. His eyes lit up before shifting to the mass in her arms, his hands twitched like he wanted to take them though he waited.

Moving to the edge of the bed, Scarlett dropped the pile by the foot and looked back to where Ka’vin still sat. He seemed torn, remaining rooted in place despite her knowing the urge to nest was tugging at him.

“Are you not going to finish your nest, omega?”

His wide eyes focused on hers as his chest heaved. Tongue peeking out, he licked his lips as he stood and turned to her.

“M-May I?”

A flash of rage hit Scarlett at the thought that he felt the need to ask permission first—he’d obviously been denied that right in the past.

“Make us a nest. If you need more supplies, I’ll get you more.”

Ka’vin hesitated a moment longer before lurching to the pile. Sinking his hands into the middle of it, he began tugging and pulling at the blankets before crawling onto the mattress, taking pillows from Scarlett to work them in as she held them out to him. By the time he finished, he was completely buried from sight in the mass of bedding.

Scarlett chuckled when he stilled beneath the blankets and pulled the edge back down until he could peek over the top.

“Are you comfortable now?” she asked with a smile.

Her core clenched in anticipation, but she took the moment to enjoy the sheepish look on Ka’vin’s face as he nodded.

“Do you still want me?”

Nostrils flaring, his lips parted as he licked them again. Pulling the blanket down farther, he pushed himself up onto his knees.
