Submitted by Leann Ryans

Chapter Three


He’d never expected to be stuck in the Collection Center for so long. Months had passed, and with little to do to keep themselves occupied, all the omegas were ready when word finally came that the next Matching was scheduled.

Pacing the length of his small room, Ka’vin adjusted the little scrap of cloth he’d been given to wear. They were told the loin cloth was to be sure their best features were visible when they met the alphas, but Ka’vin had other thoughts. With the way things were shaping up, it seemed like the Center was more concerned with putting on a good show.

Female omegas easily went for thousands of credits on the Omega Market. The price was one of the things that held back many alphas from ever being able to claim one. With male omegas even harder to find, he was willing to bet their prices went higher, which meant the clientele would have more refined tastes and expect a higher level of service.

A shiver rolled down his spine.

His time in the pleasure house meant he’d met all kinds of alphas. Every species imaginable, every variation of cocky alpha dominance. Some were simply pleased with his submission, but generally the ones who could afford him had expected so much more.

He cursed as his cock twitched beneath the thin material. It was natural to react to the thought of being presented to alphas looking for a mate, but it wasn’t helping him think. He’d been interviewed by a man shortly after arriving about his education and hobbies as well as his sexual preferences since he had experience, but Ka’vin doubted what he wanted would matter. And in the end, as long as he was chosen by an alpha who wanted him, wasn’t that all that mattered?

The knock on his door caused him to startle, heart hammering in his chest as he turned to face the noise. Swallowing, he adjusted the belt of the loin cloth again and moved to see who was looking for him.

Big green eyes stared up at him when he opened the door.

“Are you ready?”

Ka’vin was Tullarn, a species known for their height, and even as an omega and smaller than the other dynamics, Ka’vin towered over the rest of the men in the Center. The little male blinking up at him was human, a small, pale, soft-skinned species, and being omega left his friend over a foot shorter than Ka’vin.

Letting out a sigh, he ran a hand down his face before shrugging.

“It has to be better than here or where I was before, right?”

His answer didn’t seem to help, so he forced a smile onto his face.

“Come on Josh, I’ll stay with you.”

Josh gave him a wavering smile, reaching out to clasp Ka’vin’s fingers in a grip that belied his worry. Ten years his junior and inexperienced in the way of alphas, Josh hadn’t been at the Center for long and wasn’t looking forward to the Matching as much as the rest of them. Ka’vin could scent the fear rolling off him and worked to be sure he wasn’t adding to the younger man’s nervousness.

Together they strode to the center of the communal area where the other omegas were gathering. There were only a dozen of them, but he’d heard there were well over two hundred alphas expected to be in the crowd. That meant fierce competition for the few males waiting to be put up for bid, and Ka’vin couldn’t ignore the wiggle of worry making his gut churn. His experiences with groups of alphas competing for the same thing had never turned out well.

The other omegas had been chatting quietly, but it seemed like Ka’vin’s arrival was a signal. As soon as he paused at the edge of the group the Director of the center stood from behind a clump of males where Ka’vin hadn’t noticed him.

“I’ll go over what’s going to happen one more time before we take you to the waiting area.”

The Director stopped to check that all eyes were on him before continuing, and Ka’vin felt Josh shift at his side.

“You will be placed in cages behind the main stage. It’s for your own safety in case any of the alphas get too rowdy. Once everyone is in place, the alphas will be allowed in to look around. If you see one that interests you, you’re allowed to do whatever you wish to get their attention, but ultimately the decision of who you go home with will lie with the alphas. They aren’t allowed to reach into the cages, and there will be guards to ensure they follow the rules. Once everyone has a chance to look around and take their seats, the auction will begin.”

A shiver ran down Ka’vin’s spine, and from the way Josh’s hand trembled in his he had a feeling the other omega had the same reaction. Glancing around, it was hard not to notice that each loin cloth sported the same tent in the front, each male’s instincts getting the better of them.

“You will each take your turn on stage, kneeling in the center and following any directions you’re given. When your auction is concluded, you will return to your cage to await pickup.”

The director’s cold eyes slid across him again. Ka’vin had suspected from the beginning that the alpha had a low opinion of male omegas, and each word and look only seemed to confirm his suspicion. Ka’vin delt with alphas like that before, who saw him as less-than simply for being male, and yet they were just as eager to mount him despite their distaste.

Perhaps it was the natural reaction they felt due to his dynamic that upset them. They still felt the desire for an omega but saw him as useless since they couldn’t breed him.

Pulling his attention back to the present, Ka’vin realized the others were following the director to a side door that had never been opened before. Giving Josh a soft tug, he followed into a narrow corridor. It wasn’t long before they turned and went down a set of stairs and through a doorway that brought them to the waiting area.

Cages lined the walls, more than there were omegas. Each one was only large enough for one small person. If they were lucky, pressing against the back wall would keep them out of reach of anyone in front of the cage.

Swallowing his nerves, he pulled Josh closer, trying to comfort the omega as the others were directed into their cells. Ka’vin didn’t know how they were being organized, but it seemed like the younger, more innocent males were being put at the end, so he was surprised when the Director stood in front of him and pointed to the second-to-last cell. When he hesitated, the Director raised a brow.

“You’re just as unique as the virgin who clings to you, Ka’vin. The two of you will be the highlight that brings the end of the night.”

Ka’vin’s head cocked to the side, unsure if the Director had meant what he said as praise or some kind of reassurance. Either way, he was off the mark, his words only chilling Ka’vin further.

Giving Josh’s hand a firm squeeze before detangling their fingers, he moved into his little cell and turned to watch as the door shut. It was hard to keep his stomach from sinking at the sound of the metal clanging.