Submitted by Leann Ryans

Chapter Six


Scarlett barely saw the last omega brought up for auction; she was too distracted trying to figure out why her friends were grinning like loons. They refused to answer why they kept looking at her and giggling, whispering between themselves as the last sale was made and the rest of the audience began to leave.

Scooting forward to stand, Scarlett realized neither of her friends appeared to be moving to go.

“Uh, are we leaving?”

“Not yet. I know the Director and want to talk to him before we go. We just have to wait here until the room clears,” Sindari said.

Settling back into the couch, Scarlett shrugged and sipped on the drink she had forgotten about on the table beside her. Grimacing at the slightly watered-down alcohol, she couldn’t help thinking about the Tullarn omega.

Omegas were already rare, and finding a male was even harder. She had only ever seen one other before the auction, and that was back before she had presented as an alpha. It was a bit of a shock to see so many together, and the scent of them lingered in the air, stirring instincts she fought to ignore. While not a virgin, Scarlett hadn’t had many partners because beta males didn’t like how dominant she was, and she wasn’t satisfied with a female companion. She enjoyed cock; she just wanted to be the one in control of it.

Smirking to herself, her gaze slid to the side door where alphas who had purchased one of the omegas went to retrieve them. Curious to see who had ended up with the delicious male, she waited, but he didn’t appear. She wondered if there was a different exit they could have taken, or if he was still in the back, but she looked around and realized she and her friends were the only people left.

Standing, Sindari made her way over to the side door. Scarlett sat forward as she watched her talk to the alpha who had taken others back to pick up their purchases. After a few words, Sindari signed a tablet he held out to her before turning and making her way back to the couch with a broad grin on her face.

Scarlett narrowed her eyes in suspicion as Marisha stood, turning to stand in front of her and blocked Scarlett in. Her hackles began to rise as they stared down at her, and she resisted the urge to growl, reminding herself these were her friends.

“We wanted to do something super-special for your birthday this year since it’s our first one off duty, and to pay you back for all of the times you have saved us.”

Holding up a hand to stop Scarlett when she opened her mouth to protest, Sindari continued.

“You have saved all of us, many times. We all agreed to this, and we’re glad you found one that you liked. We were worried for a moment when you didn’t seem to react to the first few. There are no refunds, no takebacks, no refusing! He’s yours.”

The last bit said on a squeal, the girls moved aside to reveal an alpha standing behind them, holding a shiny silver leash attached to the collar of the omega she’d been drawn to. Jaw dropping in shock, Scarlett pulled her wide eyes away from him for a moment to look at each of her friends.

“But I…”

“No buts, either! You’re taking him home, and that’s final!” Marisha said.

Narrowing her gaze, Scarlett lifted her lip and let out a soft growl, but Marisha brushed it off.

“You don’t scare me. Now come sign this so we can go!”

Standing, Scarlett took the tablet thrust at her, looking down at it before glancing back at the male waiting on the end of the leash. He stood quietly, head bowed, like any good omega should, waiting for her to decide his fate. She reached out and gripped his chin in her hand, tipping his head back until his eyes met hers.

With her heels on she was taller than him, but not by much. Omegas were usually the smallest dynamic, and he was short compared to others of his species, but he still towered over her friends and was probably just as tall as her when she was barefoot.

Trepidation and excitement warred within his lavender eyes, and her heart gave a painful thump. Taking in a deep breath, she closed her own eyes and reveled in the spicy cocoa-and-coffee scent of him, letting out a soft purr on the exhale.

“Do you agree to this omega? I won’t take you if you don’t want to come with me.”

She opened her eyes to gage his reaction and be sure he was truthful. He seemed at a loss for words, blinking rapidly as his focus shifted between her eyes and her mouth.


She kept hold of him a moment longer before releasing his chin. Swallowing her own nerves, Scarlett looked down and signed the tablet, taking the handle to the leash when the man held it out to her.

“I appreciate this, but…”

“No buts!” Sindari reminded as the other alpha moved away.

With her eyes still on her new omega, she saw how his features tightened for a moment before he forced them to relax. She wondered what had made him wince.

“He’s already yours,” Sindari said. “Just take him home and have some fun. If it becomes too much to deal with, or you don’t get along or something, we won’t hold it against you. They said there’s ways to take care of it as long as you haven’t bonded.”

Sighing, Scarlett glanced back to her friends, giving them a smile as she reached out and pulled each of them into a hug.

“Thank you. Now I definitely need another drink!”

With that, the girls cheered, turning to head back downstairs to the club. Their table had been taken over by another group since the rest of her friends had returned to the dance floor, but it was so late that there were a few open close to the wall. They all crowded around one as they spotted the girls returning, Scarlett’s omega keeping close to her back as he followed behind her.

She felt a bit awkward pulling him around on a leash, but she had seen others doing it in the club, so she shrugged it off. It wasn’t unheard of to see an alpha with an omega on a leash in public, and no one really paid any attention to it. She had just never been the one holding the leash, and she felt like there were a ton of eyes on her.

Looking around between shots with her friends, she noticed that her omega was getting a lot of attention from other alphas, and a possessive growl tightened her chest. Turning to where he still stood quietly behind her, Scarlett realized she didn’t know what to call him.

Leaning in close to his ear, she couldn’t help but draw in another deep breath of his delicious scent.

“What’s your name?”

“Ka’vin is the name my parents gave me, but I will answer to anything you wish.”

His voice was just as deep and smooth as his scent, and goosebumps crawled up Scarlett’s arms as she shivered. Nipples pebbling, she moved closer so she didn’t have to yell to be heard over the noise around them.

“I’m Scarlett. I want you to kneel beside me, close to the wall, so you are out of sight of other alphas.”

Pupils dilating at her order, he did as he was told, maintaining eye contact as he lowered himself to his knees. Scarlett couldn’t help the way her pussy clenched as she looked down at him, kneeling with his head so close to her core. His nostrils flared, and she knew he could scent her arousal. She had to drag her eyes away from him and back to the others around the table.

Smirking, Marisha waggled her eyebrows at her. Rolling her eyes in return, Scarlett grabbed another shot from the tray on the table and lifted it.

“To the best friends a girl could have!”

Clinking their glasses together, they downed the burning liquid between laughs and chatter, Scarlett forcing herself not to think of the male by her feet.