Possessive Alien’s Mate by Luna Hunter

Chapter Nineteen


I am alone.

The van landed a while ago, but the doors haven’t opened yet. I don’t know if they ever will. Will they keep me in this little box forever?

That witch seemed evil enough to do just that.

What if this Yssadril, this life-stream or whatever it is, could keep me alive… forever? Locked up all alone?

Fear trickles down my spine as tears stream down my cheeks.

I thought Thulara would be paradise, but it’s hell. How can Thiray’s homeworld not be paradise? Turns out that he’s not like the other Thaana at all. He is warm where they are cold. He cares about me and my friends, while the rest of them, they just care about themselves.

Frell anyone else.

The door opens and bright light spills into my little sea of darkness.

“Hey, farlin. Missed me?”

I blink.

It can’t be.

It is.


I jump out of the van and straight into his arms. His touch warms me, lighting up every fiber of my being. I’m never letting fucking go off him!

As my eyes adjust to the light, I see that we’re back at the Thiray’s cruiser, back to the place of my dreams.

“How?!” I ask.

“I still have some friends left, it seems.”

I only now notice a young warrior standing to Thaana’s left, who looks over his shoulder every two seconds.

“Thiray, we only have a few minutes before the Matriarch Guard will spot us. You should leave, now.”

“Good idea, Yaen’Gum.”

“What’s going on?” I ask.

“I will explain later. Let’s get out of here.”

“That sounds perfect to me.”

We hop into Thiray’s cruiser, me snuggling back into my familiar place in my mate’s lap, and he grabs the control stick and within seconds we’re off, Thulara’s landscape quickly fading into the distance.

I hold my breath in case this is a fluke or some cruel test. Only when his home planet is not even a blip on the horizon do I dare to let my shoulders relax.

Thiray kisses the back of my neck.

“We are safe, farlin. Now and forever. I have set a course for Doxhar — soon we will see your friends again.”

I turn around so that I’m facing him, straddling his lap. His hands feel amazing on my body, but I can’t give in and relieve all this stress just yet.

First, I have to make sense of all that just happened.

“How did you escape?”

“My good friend Zusin’Xeeram heard my speech. The Warrior Class is on my side.”

“So does that mean the Thaana are on our side?”

“Not quite, little one. The Matriarch and the Council still rule, but I gave them a little push. Their seat of power is now wobbling. Zusin will lead the revolution, and hopefully, he will be victorious. Then, the Thaana will join the Dohan in their fight.”

“But what about Yssadril, the severing of your connection?” I ask.

“Yes, that is happening.”

“What?” I ask, my mouth dry. “You will… die?”

“Someday, my little human, yes. Not this day. Not for a long, long time. I feel better than ever. For the first time, I’m truly free to go where I want, free to do what I want to do.”

“And what’s that?”

Thiray looks at me and heat flushes my cheeks.

“I want to stay by your side, farlin. If you will have me. You are my everything, Viliana.”

My heart hammers in my throat. “Oh, Thiray. Of course.”

The silver alien leans in and kisses me. My stress fades away as his hands slide up my dress.

“Wait,” he says. “First, I must apologize.”

“For what?” I ask, resting my forehead against his.

“For everything that happened, of course, my little human. For not warning you about the Council, for letting them capture you, for failing to protect you. I was… ashamed. You humans have so much compassion and empathy. It humbles me. I wish the Thaana were more like that. Hopefully, one day, they will be. And it will be because of you.”

“You can’t heap all praise on me, it’ll go to my head!”

He grins and I kiss him. “It’s okay, babe. I’ve got to say I expected the Thaana to be a bit more like, well, you, but you’re not responsible for your entire species. Plus, not all humans are exactly good people either.”

“You are, and that’s all that matters.”

I kiss him deeply, my tongue sliding into his mouth, his hands sinking into my soft skin, resting on my lower back dominantly.

“Wait, one more thing,” he says.

“Oh come on,” I say, nearly panting. I need him right now.

His fingers rub the marks on my shoulders.

“These marks, this bite… it holds meaning in my culture. It means that you are mine. I should have told you, and asked you, but I could not resist. I must apologize for that as well, farlin.”

“Really?” I look at my shoulder. “That’s so sweet!”

“It is?”

“Yeah, it beats having to wear a ring all the time,” I chuckle. “It’s a human thing,” I explain when I see his confusion.

“Don’t worry about it. Shut up and kiss me.”

Thiray finally does.

Our clothes fly off, scattered through the cozy little ship as we celebrate our love. He slides into me and I gasp, my entire body flooded with pure pleasure as he claims me.

I can’t wait to see Skylar, Naomi and Aliyah again. I hope they got along with Vullar okay. I also look forward to returning to Doxhar and reuniting with Riley, Kayi and Sarina. Will they have given birth to little Dohan babies by now? I have no clue, but I can’t wait to find out.

But all of that will have to wait.

Because right now, I’m going to spend the next forty-eight hours being claimed all over this ship by Thiray, until I’m covered in his claiming bites, until my body is sore, until my throat has gone dry from screaming his name, until I no longer know where his body ends and mine begins.

And then we’ll do it some more.

Thanks for reading!

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