Ruthless Stranger by Maggie Cole



I can't stop pacingMaksim's penthouse. The churning of my stomach won't stop. I should be at work, but I called in sick.

Maksim said Peter wouldn't have any permanent damage.

What does that mean?

Why did Peter break into my apartment?

What did he take?

I don't know who Peter is anymore. The man I married at eighteen doesn't seem to exist. Or maybe he was always like this, and I didn't see it. I've never known him to steal anything.

Maksim told me he would kill anyone who harmed me. I assumed it would be Wes, not Peter.

He said he wouldn't kill him.

Oh God!

I crouch down, trying to breathe. No matter what Peter did, he isn't a Wes Petrov. I don't love Peter anymore. I don't want anything to do with him. I want him to stay as far away from me as possible. But I don't want him dead.

Why do I not believe Maksim when he promised me he wouldn't kill him?

He won't. He loves me, and we agreed not to lie to each other.

Why didn't he tell me about this over the weekend?

"Krasotka!" Maksim's voice cuts into my panic, and I glance up at him.

He rushes over, pulls me up and over to the couch, then onto his lap.

"Maksim...did you...oh, please, tell me you didn't..." I whisper.

Maksim's eyes darken. "I promised you I wouldn't kill him. And all I saw was your face. So I stopped myself from hurting him."

"You did?"

"Yes. You did not believe me when I gave you my word?"

" I can't tell you I haven't doubted your word. I'm sorry. I've been so scared about what you would do to him."

Hurt passes in his expression.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to lie to you."

He takes a deep breath and nods. Then he pulls me into his chest. "Okay, my krasotka. You're right. We shouldn't lie to each other. But if I give you my word, it's an oath. I won't ever break it."

I sink into his chest, letting him wrap me in his arms. We stay quiet for several moments. I finally lift my head.

"So, nothing happened to Peter?"

His face hardens.

My pulse increases again. "What did you do?"

"I didn't do what I wanted to him. But he won't be coming near you again. He's leaving town."

"What do you mean?"

"He won't be taking another penny from you, and you won't ever hear from him again."

"I pay him alimony. Of course he'll hear from me. It's not that easy," I blurt out.

Maksim's eyes turn to slits. "What are you talking about?"

"My divorce. I have to pay him alimony."

Maksim shakes his head and growls, "Not anymore."

"It's part of my divorce decree."

He picks up his phone, swipes it a few times, and holds it to his ear.

"Who are you calling?"

Maksim holds his finger up. "Boris. You left yet?"

The air in my lungs gets thicker.

His brother is with Peter?

"Good. Don't until I give you further directions." He hangs up.

"Maksim, is Boris with Peter?"

"Yes. And Sergey."


"To enforce our agreement."

A new fear grows. "What would that be?"

"I told you. Peter is leaving town. He is not allowed to come anywhere near Chicago ever again. My brothers will see to it he's put on a bus en route to somewhere far away."

I gasp. Maksim said he was leaving town, yet it didn't really hit me. I hesitantly ask, "Isn't that a bit cruel?"

"I am a ruthless man. There are other options I could have chosen for his consequences. Would you rather I pick one of those? Hmm?" Maksim raises his eyebrows.


He holds my cheeks. "I stopped from physically harming him how I should have. For you. No one will steal from or threaten you. I will not bend on his punishment. He will never come near you again, and he is not getting another penny of your money. Who was your attorney for your divorce?"

I swallow hard. Why do I care about where Peter lives? He isn't exactly an angel. Did he ever love me, even when we first got married? I sit straighter. "Kora. Why?"

"And she allowed you to owe him alimony?" he barks.

"She did the best she could. It's only ten percent of what I should have had to pay. I hate paying Peter, but Kora did an amazing job for me. I'm not sure what I would have done without her."

He holds out his phone. "Get her on the phone. Tell her you need papers immediately for Peter to sign to stop the alimony payments."

"What? He's not going to sign."

"Want to make a bet?"

"You can't force him. That's illegal." I don't know the law, but I'm pretty sure forcing someone to sign is criminal.

"Call her," he sternly replies.

"Maksim, I can't just—"

"Krasotka, I left before I hurt him. I did it for you. It was not an easy thing for me to walk away from. If I had known you owe him alimony, I would have sunk him to the bottom of Lake Michigan right now. Please call Kora."

"I don't know her number. Let me get my cell." I get up and hit the button for Kora.

She answers right away. "Hey. It's about time you called me. How many messages do I need to leave?"

"Sorry. I didn't have my phone on over the weekend, and this morning has been crazy."

"You can't just have your badass boyfriend, his stud brother cub—who kisses like a porn star...or what I think one would kiss like—and their muscle men bodyguards wave their guns and knives around in a club, then not talk to us all weekend."

She kissed Sergey?

"Kora, I can't talk about this right now. There's another reason I'm calling."

She drops her voice, and it fills with concern. "Are you okay?"

"Ummm...yes. I need something from you ASAP."

"Sure. What is it?"

I turn toward Maksim. He watches me intently and nods. I continue, "Can you write up papers for Peter to sign off on alimony?"

The line goes quiet.

"Hello?" I ask.

Kora clears her throat. "What's going on, Aspen?"

"I can't get into it right now. But how quickly could I get a document for him to sign?"

"I can create it in fifteen minutes. But you'll need two witnesses and a notary. When are you meeting him?"

"Today at some point. I need it as soon as possible."

"Aspen, where are you?"

I walk to the window and stare out over Chicago. Lake Michigan is a snowy mix of ice and cold waves. "I'm at Maksim's."

"Send me his address. I'll bring the forms."

"It's okay. Just email it."



"I'm your attorney. I'm not sure what's going on, but text me the address, or I'm not writing up the document."

I close my eyes. "Can you just do it?"

"Send me the address."


"Aspen, let me talk to Kora," Maksim says, wrapping his arms around me and holding his hand out.

I sigh, hand him the phone, then lean into his frame.

He puts it on speaker. "Kora, it's Maksim."

Kora turns her pit bull attorney voice on. "What's going on, Maksim? Why the secrecy?"

I wish I could be as confident as Kora. Most women would bend over to Maksim, but she doesn't even think twice to try and protect me.

"Peter has agreed not to take another penny from Aspen. Are you able to quickly draw up the paperwork?"

"I can. But as Aspen's attorney, I won't give her the form unless I witness him signing."

"Why? Is there a legal reason you need to be there?" Maksim holds me tighter to him and kisses the top of my head.

"It's not required, but I don't put anything past the weasel. I prefer to witness it all."

"He won't be giving Aspen any trouble again. We'll be fine with the paperwork on our own."

"Sorry, no can do."

"Kora, just send it," I say.

"Aspen, I'm your attorney and friend. I'm not budging on this."

Maksim surprises me and quietly laughs. "I can see we're going to waste a lot of time fighting, which I prefer to avoid. Draw the papers up. Are we able to meet at your office in an hour?"

Kora's voice changes back to her chipper tone. "And Peter will be able to make it, too?"


"Great. An hour works. I'll see you then." She hangs up.

Maksim says in my ear, "I'm going to need you to trust me a bit more."

I tilt my head toward him.

His blue eyes pierce mine. He gives me a quick kiss on the lips.

"I don't understand what is happening right now. My insides are shaking. I'm trying to be okay with everything going on, but..."

He spins me and slides his hands in my hair, holding my head firmly. "You will not pay another penny to him. He will not see you ever again once you leave Kora's office. I spared him his life so you wouldn't hate me. But he will not continue to bother you or steal from you."

"What did he even take? I don't have anything of value, and he knows this."

Maksim's face grows dark. "Your laptop, wedding rings, and a box of checks."

"What?" I put my hand over my mouth.

"Why is your face pale?"

"Do you have the rings here?" My eyes water, and I blink hard.

Something crosses Maksim's face. I don't understand what it is, but he walks to the table and opens a backpack. He removes the contents and hands me the rings.

I stare at the rings and can't stop the tears from falling. Emotions swirl so fast, I begin to sob.

Maksim pulls me into his chest. "I've never married. I won't pretend what it's like for you to look at your rings."

"They aren't mine. They..." I can't finish. I stain Maksim's shirt with my anguish.

"Shh." He tries to comfort me, but I'm a mess.

I clutch the rings. When I calm, I look at him.

Maksim wipes my face. "Krasotka, if they aren't your rings, who do they belong to?"

"My mother."

His expression fills with surprise. He leads me to the couch and pulls me onto his lap. "I have been selfish. I know nothing about your family. I have not asked. I am sorry. Please, tell me about them."

I look away as fresh tears fall.

He patiently waits for me to speak.

"My father is still alive. He has dementia and lives in a nursing home run by the state. I can't afford anything better for him. A year before my mom passed, his spot became available. It was hard for my mom and dad. She loved him, and they were super close. Then my mom..." I get too choked up to continue.

Maksim comforts me, and I mumble into his neck, "She had a heart attack and died. I didn't even get to say goodbye to her. She just...was gone one day."

It's been four years since my mom passed, but the grief never seems to go away. And when it hits me, I'm always amazed at how much it still hurts.

I open my hand and stare at her wedding band and engagement ring. "I can't believe he stole these. He knows they're the only thing I have of my mom's. I bet he wouldn't even get much for them."

"I'm sorry, my krasotka. I thought they were yours."

I shake my head. "No. I pawned those so I could pay the rent I was behind on after Peter cleaned out our account before he moved out."

Maksim's face turns red with anger. "This is the man you wanted me to show mercy to?"

I focus on my mom's rings.

How could Peter be so selfish and cruel?

He releases a long breath and strokes my hair. "Where is your father's facility?"

"Several hours away. It's the only opening they had. I don't get to see him as often as I should. I have to save to rent a car for the trip."

Maksim picks up his phone. "We will move your father."

"What? No. There aren't any state facilities with openings around here."

Maksim holds up his finger. "Manya, I need you to research the top five dementia facilities in Chicago and make an appointment for me to meet with the directors immediately."

I gape at him.

"Yes, clear whatever you need to. Let me know when it is set up." He hangs up.

"What are you doing?"

"Your father will not be hours away from you. We will move him to Chicago so you can visit as much as you wish. And he will have the best care possible."

I rearrange myself on his lap. "I don't think you understand how much these facilities cost. They're over six-figures a year."

"Yes. I am aware. Do not worry about the price. I will pay for it."

"You... It's too much."

Maksim cups my cheeks. "You will have the best. Your father will have the best. There is no more discussion on this. When Manya has the appointments scheduled, you and I will interview the directors and tour the facilities so you can choose which one you are comfortable with."

I stay quiet, stunned, and not sure what to say. "Maks—"

He puts his finger over my lips. "There is nothing to argue about over this. Now, I need to call my brothers regarding our other issue."

Peter. My chest tightens. He's stooped lower than I ever thought possible.

"Boris, we have some legal papers Peter needs to sign at Aspen's attorney's office. We need to meet at noon."

Muffled noises come through the phone.

"Tell Sergey to make sure he's presentable. Throw him in the shower. I'll text Sergey the address." Maksim hangs up.

"Why does Peter need a shower?" I ask.

Maksim hesitates then replies, "He's not had one since Saturday."

I suddenly don't seem to have any sympathy for him. I straddle Maksim. "You've had him since then?"

His icy eyes match the hardness in his expression. "My guys picked him up after he broke into your apartment. It was during the wedding. I didn't want to tell you there, and so much happened after...with Jade. You were happy on Sunday. We were happy. I didn't want to ruin our day."

I don't think long about what he disclosed. And I don't hold the fact he didn't tell me right away against him. "But you would have told me?"

"Yes. I wanted to retrieve what he took from you, and I would have told you tonight." He strokes my cheek. "Do you believe me?"

I don't hesitate. "Yes, I do."

"Good." He leans in and kisses me.

I pull back. "After the papers are signed, I never have to see Peter again?"


It suddenly seems like a great idea that Peter can't stay in Chicago. "Thank you." I put every ounce of affection I have for him into a kiss, trying to show him how much I love and appreciate him.

"You are not angry with me, then?" Maksim asks.

I shake my head. "No. I love you. And I don't have any respect left for Peter, but thank you for not physically hurting him. It might not make sense to you, but I don't want you to touch him and it to be my fault."

"Whatever he has done is his fault," Maksim states.

"You know what I mean."

"Then it is good I did not do anything. However, if he does not stay out of Chicago once my brothers put him on the bus, I will no longer hold back. And I cannot promise this with other men, my krasotka. If it had been Wes—"

"You can kill him. I will never hold it against you," I blurt out quickly.

Maksim looks at me in surprise.

Did I just tell him I was okay with him killing someone?

Wes is a Petrov. They are the scum of the earth.

I don't doubt Wes is just like his father. And everything Zamir put Maksim and his brothers through makes me have no sympathy for anyone in their family.

I admit, "I'm not sure at what point I changed, but I will not tell you to protect anyone who is a threat to you or your family. That includes the Petrovs or anyone associated with them." I scoot close so my knees hit the back of the couch, and my breasts press into his chest. I caress the side of his head. "I surprised you?"


"Maybe I'm not as good of a person as you thought?"

He fists my hair and holds my face next to his. "You are light mixing in my darkness. Don't ever forget it."

His phone rings, and he answers, "Sergey?"

I sit back on his knees.

"Yes, I will send it now. See you soon." He hangs up and hands me the phone. "Can you pull Kora's office up and text it to Sergey? We should go."

I do it, and we leave. Neither of us says much on the way. When we get to Kora's office, her assistant whisks us into the conference room.

She's standing at the window, overlooking downtown Chicago. Her designer pink tweed pencil skirt suit is made up of soft colors with a bit of blue and purple. Expensive gold buttons adorn the back of her skirt, leading up to the bottom of her ass. Her arms are folded, and she looks deep in thought.

"Kora, Mr. Ivanov and Ms. Albright are here," her assistant announces when we step in the room then she leaves.

Kora spins and comes over and hugs me. Maksim leans down and kisses her cheek.

She motions for us to sit, and we do. "Where is Peter?"

"Sergey will be here with him soon."

"Sergey?" she asks and flushes. It's faint. I don't even know if Maksim sees it. But I don't miss it.

I need to ask her how she knows how he kisses.


She recovers quickly. "Why is he with Peter?"

Maksim puts his arm around my shoulder and smiles. In a friendly but no-nonsense tone, he replies, "Kora, we won't be discussing any of the details. He will come in, sign, and then he will leave with Sergey. You are a smart woman and saw what I am capable of in the club. There are things you should not ask and questions I will never answer. This is one of them."

Kora sits back, crosses her legs, and gives Maksim a challenging stare. "Aspen is not only my friend but my client. If you are having Peter sign something and he is coerced, it could come back and hurt Aspen."

Maksim nods. "Yes. I'm sure you understand I will go to extreme lengths to protect my krasotka. She will not be in any danger now or in the future due to that man. If she ever is, I will take care of it."

She doesn't break her gaze with Maksim for several minutes.

I clear my throat then wave between them. "I'm here. In the room."

Her voice doesn't falter. "I think we should talk alone."

"No. Whatever you want to discuss, you can say it in front of Maksim. I will not hide information from him."

"I'm your attorney. This—"

"Mr. Albright and Mr. Ivanov are here," her assistant interrupts.

My stomach twists, and I close my eyes for a moment. Maksim kisses me on the head and releases me. I spin in my chair to face Peter, and my heart races.

"Kora. Good to see you again." Sergey stands behind Peter. He towers over him and cockily licks his lips while checking her out.

"Sergey. Peter," she coolly replies. "Have a seat."

Peter's blue eyes are bloodshot. He avoids looking in my direction. His hair is wet, and his cheek has a dried spot of blood, which could be from shaving. Deep down, I know it's not.

Did Maksim or Sergey cause the drop of blood?

It doesn't matter. The piece of shit stole my mother's rings.

Maksim puts his warm hand over mine, which rests on my thigh. I swallow the emotions popping up.

Sergey and Peter sit across from us. Peter still doesn't look at me.

Anger surpasses my grief. I'm not sure if I've just hit my limit with him, or if I've gotten a bit of Ivanov courage, but the longer it goes without him facing me, the more pissed I get. I slam my hand on the table. "Look at me."

He takes a nervous breath and slowly meets my eyes.

"How could you steal from me? And you took the only thing I have left of my mother's."

He says nothing. His lips quiver.

"Answer me," I seethe.

"He took your mom's rings?" Kora asks in disgust.

I glance at her and nod. "And my laptop and a box of new checks. The ones with only my name on them."

Kora's eyes turn to slits. She rips up the paper.

"What are you doing?"

"I'll be back in a moment." She rises.


"I will be right back." She leaves the room.

Maksim squeezes my hand and kisses it.

Peter glares at us.

Maksim asks, "Did you enjoy your time with my brothers? Or did you piss yourself again?"

Peter squeezes his eyes shut.

Sergey leans into his ear. "We had fun, didn't we?"

Peter shudders.

"How could you do it, Peter? You know what those rings mean to me."

"You left me with nothing," he chokes out.

All I've ever been to him is someone to take from.

I ask him the questions I've wondered too many times to count. "Did you ever love me?"

He doesn't answer me. As I look across the table, I see a sad, pathetic man. But I don't know him. I'm not sure if I ever did.

I lean forward. "I used to cry myself to sleep over you. Every night, I blamed myself for our divorce. I thought I must not have been good enough for you. Now, I see how wrong I was. You weren't good enough for me. And every day, when you wake up or close your eyes at night, I want you to know I no longer care about you. I don't think about you. I don't love you. And I certainly don't want to ever see you again."

His eyes widen.

Kora comes back in with her phone and another piece of paper. Three of her coworkers are with her and take seats at the opposite end of the table. She sits, spins in her chair toward Sergey and Peter, and crosses her legs.

She puts a piece of paper and a pen in front of Peter. She sets the phone so it faces Peter and hits a button. "You are being recorded. Please state you agree to be on video."

Peter furrows his eyebrows.

Sergey gets another cocky expression on his face and states, "I agree. Don't you, Peter?"

Peter reluctantly states, "Yes."

"Please state your name," Kora says.

"Peter Albright."

"And do you admit you broke into your ex-wife's home on..." She looks at me.

I reply, "Saturday."

"This past Saturday and stole Aspen Albright's property? The contents were her deceased mother's wedding rings, laptop, and a box of checks for her personal bank account. An account you are not on? Is this correct?"

Peter's face reddens, and his jaw clenches.

"Please answer the question, Peter."

"Yes," he admits.

She nods. "And you agree to sign this form, giving up all rights to any alimony payments from your ex-wife in exchange for Aspen not pressing charges?"

His hand trembles. He stares at the form and clenches his fist.

"Answer the question. Yes, you agree? Or no, you do not agree?" Kora continues.

He clears his throat. "I agree."

"Please sign the form."

He closes his eyes, squeezing them, but then picks up the pen and quickly signs.

Kora points. "Please date it as well."

He obeys and puts the pen down.

Kora slides the paper over to me. "Please sign you agree to these conditions."

I don't even read it. I sign, date, and shove it back to Kora.

She rises, takes it to her coworkers, and says, "Please sign as witnesses." She addresses a woman on the opposite side, "Please notarize."

They sign and notarize then leave the room. When the door is shut, she turns off the video and glares at Peter. "You've always been a mooching piece of shit. I never thought you'd do something so hurtful to the only woman who's ever supported you no matter how awful you treated her. I hope you rot in hell."

Peter scowls at her, his eyes in flames. "Shut the f—"

Sergey's hand flies to his throat. He squeezes it until Peter is red and choking. Sergey leans into Peter's ear. In a low, controlled voice, he says, "You need to learn your manners in front of ladies. When I remove my hand, you're going to apologize. And if it isn't sincere, my hand isn't going to be any nicer the second time around." He releases him.

Peter holds his throat. His eyes are wet.

"Now," Maksim growls.

Peter looks at Kora. "I'm sorry."

She shakes her head.

"Are we done here?" I ask her.

She smiles at me. "Yes."

I return her gesture. "Thank you."

She winks.

I rise and put my hands on the table. I forget Kora's in the room and doesn't know anything about what happened and shouldn't. All I see is the pathetic human being I gave twenty years to. The man who watched me weep for my mother for months after she died. And the visual of me at the hospital, with my friends by my side when they declared her dead, while he was God knows where, only deepens my rage. "You were only shown mercy today because of me. I will never require it again. If you attempt to contact me or steal from me or break the terms you agreed to with the Ivanovs, I will lift any protection I have given you. Don't forget it."


"No. Don't you speak to me. We're done." I hug Kora. "Thank you." I spin to Maksim. "Ready?"

His lips twitch. He dips down and kisses me. It's deep and hungry and full of love. It's everything Peter never gave me.

Maksim pulls back but keeps his lips near mine. "You sure you don't want my brother to give him what he deserves? Hmmm?"

I can see the hope in Maksim's eyes.

I glance at Peter then back at Maksim. "No. Your brother has better things to do with his time today instead of stew with trash. Let's go."

Maksim grunts, spins me, and puts his hand on my ass while we walk out the door.

I don't give Peter any more attention. I've given him twenty years. And I've officially crossed the line from the woman who will bend over backward and not be treated right to one who no longer will accept anything but love.

When we get into the elevator, Maksim leans down into my ear. "You're pretty hot when you're all fired up, my krasotka."

I reach for the stop button and push him against the wall. "What do you want to do about it?"