Ruthless Stranger by Maggie Cole



"We've talkedto every one of our guys. They all seemed content. No one appeared to be desperate. Since work has been steady for so long, the foremen haven't heard of anyone struggling," Sergey informs us, conversing in Russian as we usually do when it's just the four of us.

It's been over a week since the situation with Peter occurred. Dmitri is back from his honeymoon, and the four of us are getting our morning workout in.

"Where are we at with the rezoning issue?" Dmitri asks.

"I've got a meeting today with Aspen and the mayor. She thinks she found a loophole, but he's going to need to sign off. He's told her boss he won't push this council meeting forward. He doesn't want to look biased."

Boris grunts. "It's time to show him who he's messing with."

"We don't cross the line in our business," I remind him.

"He screwed us over by selling the land to Lorenzo. He's already dirty. I'm with Boris," Sergey says.

Dmitri puts his weight on the rack. "I don't want to cross the line, but if we don't get this issue solved, our guys are going to suffer. I hate to say it, Maksim, but the ends justify the means in this situation. We can't lay our men off. They need to feed their families. That project represents two years of paychecks for them. And our other buildings are almost complete."

The dread I've felt has only been growing and becoming more intense every day. Dmitri is right. We only have a few months of work left and then we'll be forced to lay our crews off.

"If this lot stays industrial, no one is going to want to buy their home next to it. All the surrounding land we own becomes worthless. I say we agree right now to put our people first. Whatever we need to do to make this happen, we have to do," Boris insists.

I glance at Sergey.

"I'm with Dmitri and Boris on this one. We already have dirt on the mayor. If he can't help us willingly, then it's time to use it."

I sigh. Several months ago, I had Obrecht tail the mayor. It only took him two days to send me photos of the mayor and his favorite hooker. He also had an intense meeting with Lorenzo from the look on their faces. Unfortunately, without any further evidence of what they were discussing, it's not as powerful as the pictures of his prostitute and him naked in several different positions. "Once we cross this line, it's too easy not to do it in the future."

Dmitri nods. "If our community is in jeopardy, we have to do everything in our power to help them. You are the one who instilled in us to always put our people first."

"No, our father did."

My brothers and I stay silent for a few moments. The sadness about my father's early death never goes away. It washes over us and is visible on all of our faces.

Boris's voice is deadpan. "It is settled, then. We have no choice. Show the mayor no mercy. Make it clear to him that screwing with the Ivanovs is a bad idea. Otherwise, I'll show him my wrath."

"You will do no such thing," I bark.

Boris steps forward. His eyes darken into small slits. "I will not let our people fall prey to the Petrovs. Get it done, Maksim. Or I will."

"You are too eager these days."

Boris raises his eyebrows. "Oh? Do you prefer me to wallow in guilt and pretend I'm not the man I am?"

"No. I expect you to be the good man you are and remember we don't go looking for opportunities to release the monsters within us."

"Maksim," Dmitri warns.

I turn to him. "What? Should we all turn into raging lunatics?"

Boris grunts. "The lunatic I see when we need to get things done isn't me."

Dmitri spits out, "Enough, Boris."

Boris points at all of us. "None of us are good men. You all need to stop pretending you are. The mayor is standing in our way. He does what we need him to do, or you make him. Do it with the photos, or I will do it with my hands. Choose." He turns to the machine and starts racking the weights.

Sergey shakes his head and clenches his jaw. He glances at Boris then back at Dmitri and me. "Boris is right. We are out of options. Get it done, Maksim. I'm exhausted from this. We're already behind schedule for this project. Use the photos, or Boris won't be the only one of us you need to worry about."

Dmitri nods. He repeats, "The end justifies the means."

I heavily sigh. "Fine. You all win. But I want your word this doesn't become the new norm in our business."

"We only cross the line if our people are in trouble. This is an exception," Dmitri agrees.

I point to Sergey and Boris. "And you two? I have your word?"

"You have mine," Sergey agrees.

Boris snorts. "Fine. Grab that plate." He adds several to one side of the squat machine.

"You trying to hurt yourself before the fight tonight? Thought you were supposed to go easy before you get in the ring?" I remind him.

He ignores me and keeps adding to the bar.

I glance at my other brothers, and we all study Boris. His jaw twitches. I ask, "What else is going on?"

Boris points to the plate. "You going to rack that, or should I?"

"You've got a fight tonight. This is a bad idea, and you know it. So what's going on?" Dmitri follows.

Boris sighs and wipes his sweaty face on his shirt. "Liam is getting out."

Sergey steps forward. "Liam O'Malley?"


"Fuck," Sergey mutters.

"Nora's worried Killian's going to get pulled into more of his shit. I told her she's overreacting. I don't like her stressed out. It's not healthy for the baby."

"Did you talk to Killian?" Dmitri asks.

"I told him he's not a kid anymore. He swears Liam is going to stay out of trouble. But we all know Liam."

My chest tightens. "Boris, whatever you do, remember what you just said. Killian isn't a kid anymore. You can't save him if he isn't smart enough not to let Liam take him down."

Boris focuses on the ceiling.

Sergey warns, "Boris, you can't—"

"It's Killian. We aren't talking about a random person. It's Nora's brother. Hell, he's always been like a brother to me. I won't let him get pulled into Liam's world."

"Any of us would do anything for Killian. But he needs to be smart. You know this," Dmitri states.

"You need to be smart," I reiterate, worried Boris will get sucked into the O'Malley mafia issues. They've kept me awake too many nights lately. We're already too close to them with the war we created. We don't need to go any further in.

He scowls. "You have so much faith in me, dear brother."

"And welcome back to Ivanov land, Dmitri," Sergey says sarcastically.

Dmitri snorts. "Guess I didn't miss much while I was away?"

"Actually, you did. Maksim let me carve the I in Aspen's ex-husband's chest instead of Boris. I think Boris is still pissed off, and that's what this conversation is really about," Sergey teases.

"You did give Sergey all the fun," Boris states. "That cowardly prick cried for his mommy within seconds of Sergey's knife slicing his skin."

"I'll make sure you get the next one. Now get away from the squat machine. You have a fight tonight."

"Yes, boss," he grumbles.

"You'll thank me when Gus doesn't kick your ass."

"He's not taking me down."

"Jump rope, now." I point over to the area designated for this activity.

We finish our workouts, shower, and I get in my car. I call Aspen.

"Maksim, everything okay?"

"Yes. Are you on your way to the office?"


"Okay. If I ask you to leave the room during our meeting, I need you to get up and not ask questions."

The line is quiet for a few seconds. She lowers her voice. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, my krasotka. Can you do this for me?"

"Follow your orders?" she teases.

I chuckle. "Yes."

Her voice turns serious again. "Of course."

"It's best if we keep things professional in front of the mayor. Let's not give him any indication we're together."

"Ummm... I disclosed to my boss we were together. I'm not sure if he knows or not."

Of course she did.

"No worries. If he knows, fine, but let's still keep it strictly professional."

"Okay. I'll see you at ten?"

"I'll be there. Bye." I hang up and tap on my thigh until I arrive at my penthouse. I go straight to my safe and remove the envelope of photos Obrecht gave me. There's no reason to look at them, but I double-check everything is still in it. Then I shove the pictures back in the yellow envelope and put it in my padfolio.

My brothers are right. We cannot let our people suffer or fall victim to the Petrovs. It doesn't make me feel any better about crossing this line. But everything in my gut tells me I'm going to have to.

I stew about it until it's time to go, tapping into my beast, who will allow me to be the person I don't want to be in business. By the time I get to the meeting, he's out in full force. I'm focused solely on doing whatever it takes.

When I get there, I refrain from kissing Aspen or showing any affection toward her. I intentionally sit across from her so she will be on one side of the mayor, and I will be on the other. Touching her alone will weaken my resolve. We both keep it professional while we wait for the mayor in a conference room.

He comes in. We go through the standard greetings, shaking hands. Mayor Dixon sits back in his chair and presses his fingertips together. He's in his late fifties, and his hair has turned almost all silver. He puts on his fake smile. "Have you found a way to rezone the land?"

Aspen opens her folder and puts a piece of paper in front of the mayor and me. "Yes. This statute from 1968 gives you the right to rezone property without the board's consent if it's in the best welfare of the community. Since the Ivanov's surrounding property has citizens living on it, the toxins in the land present a risk. Without the new development, the currently zoned industrial lot won't be cleaned. This will prevent the cleanup of the other land, which continues to put your voters at risk."

I can't resist chuckling inside. My krasotka knows exactly how to make it clear to the mayor what's important to him, which is getting reelected.

"The proper steps are to put this in front of the council. Making a move like this also sends voters a message I disregard the others they vote into office."

"Putting this up for a vote allows something to go wrong and my request to be denied," I state. "When we bought the land, you said it was a high priority to clean it. Is this no longer the case?"

The mayor keeps his face neutral. "It is. But it must be done with public approval. The board members know it is toxic. They have a duty to do what is best for their community as well."

"It's a risk we don't need to take," I firmly state.

"It's a risk I don't need to take," he replies.

I break my gaze from him and focus on Aspen. "Will you please give the mayor and me a moment alone?"

She nods and rises. "Sure."

When she leaves, I sit back and stare at him. He doesn't flinch and keeps his politician expression on his face. After several moments, I say, "I was hoping you would do what is right."

"I've done nothing wrong."

"You know what I'm still interested to know?"

"What's that?"

"Why did you sell the land out from under us to Lorenzo in the first place?"

There's a tic in his jaw. "My discussions with other citizens aren't your business."

I grunt. "Seems to me it is."

He says nothing.

"Tell you what, why don't you take a look at these and let me know if you're willing to stick your neck out." I drop the yellow folder in front of him.

"What's this?"

"Open it."

He hesitantly does. His face reddens, and his eyes widen. After he sorts through all the photos, he puts them back inside. "You're going to blackmail me?"

"No. I don't blackmail. I implement."

He clenches his jaw.

"Today. You sign the paperwork Aspen drew up by noon."

He leans forward. "You're messing with the wrong person."

I snort. "You underestimate me. It's about time you learn not to screw over an Ivanov. You've done it once, and it will be the only time. If you don't follow through by noon, these pictures will not be the only thing I release. This will be the beginning of your demise."

"What does that mean?"

"I don't show all my cards. You can be with the Ivanovs or against us. Take your pick."

He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. When he opens them, he reluctantly says, "Fine. I'll sign it. I want the digital copies of these."

"Sure. But I'll still have a copy."

He scowls. "Then I'm not signing."

I tilt my head and wait several moments until he flinches. "There is no choice for you. I hold the cards. I own you. You obey, no one sees anything. You go against me, and all of Chicago will want to watch you burn, tied to a stake."

"There's nothing else you have on me."

I raise my eyebrows. "Isn't there?"

More uncomfortable silence passes. I don't move, watching him squirm.

He rises. "I'll sign by noon. You better keep my reputation clean."

"Not so fast. There's something else you're going to do."

He furrows his brows. In an annoyed voice, he says, "Oh?"

I point toward the door. "That woman out there knows more than anyone in her office. She runs circles around all of them. You will promote Ms. Albright to Senior Planner and pay her accordingly."

"I don't get involved in those types of activities."

"Too bad. Figure it out. You have until the end of the business day on Friday to make it happen." I rise and pick up my padfolio but leave the yellow envelope on the table. "Notify me when you've completed these tasks. And one last thing."

He sighs and seethes, "What else?"

I step forward so I'm right in his face. "Don't ever fuck with an Ivanov again. My wrath will make the consequences of those photos seem like Disneyland."